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Old 06-02-2004, 01:48 PM
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Heeeeeeeeeee *tackles*

I'm gonna be brief since I need to finish studying my philo chapter (bac is in a week *puke*)...

I miss you all!

And anyone has seen the new HP movie yet ? *squeeeeee* I need someone to squee with me about it... It was soooo good.

Hmmm I'm gonna pop up and catch up tomorrow when the sis is at school. And I'll do some more squeeage for the heck of it.

Oooo and another *squeeeeeee* coz I've just watched Alias finale (not that sure it deserved a squee but...)
Need to watch the last two eppies of 24 now, well not now but next time I have 2 hours free to procrastinate

I'll shut up now.

I am a fool for distraction.
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