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Old 09-20-2006, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Lancer
So is Rory coming around to C&L or just their to support her mother, things are just looking a little too comfortable IMO, when is the crash coming!
I actually get the impression Chris is trying far too hard to impress and make amends. As though he thinks making a big splash - the drive-in date, Paris, taking all Rory's YDN co-workers out to an expensive restaurant - will do it. Throw a ton of money out, and all will be fine. I don't think Rory and Lorelai will be impressed by it in the long run though, neither one of them is particularly materialistic, and no amount of money can make up for all the missed milestones in Rory's life. Guess he still has to learn that.

Just to clarify - I'm thinking of the scene with the incoming Yale dads waxing poetic about how hard it is to let go after so many years of helping with practices, lessons, rehearsals, studying, etc, etc., and how Christopher was uncomfortable because he didn't have the same experiences.
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