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Old 09-15-2006, 07:33 AM
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"Why cant it go smooth? I want it to go smooth!"-Mal Reynolds.

Finally, almost a week before season seven begins...LOGAN HUNTZBERGER WILL RETURN becomes a thread title. Thanks everyone who voted. Thanks kate for the thread.

Marty returns. Whoopidy Doo. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I get so frustrated at people happy with Marty's return. The Logan and Rory hate has definitey put a bit of DEFIANCE into me about certain situations like people that are happy ****ING MARTY returns. Oy.

That aside, I do love Sandlynn's fic. However, the SHO-RUNNA could be pulling an okee doke on us, but intentional and unintentional is nothing but frustratingly bad news. If this is why Logan returns. Once again, Logan, has to save their relationship. Which would suck. Damn these OBSTACLES! I am still hopeful that 2007 will be a banner year for Voltron.
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