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Old 09-14-2006, 08:25 PM
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GG RL S&S Thread #240 - Logan Huntzberger WILL Return

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Rory and Logan

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Welcome to the thread where we discuss spoilers, speculations, and analyses about Rory Gilmore and Logan Huntzberger of the Gilmore Girls. Have fun posting!

Thread rules
  • Be respectful.
  • Don't tease us with spoilers that you aren't able or willing to share just yet.
  • Please note that asking and/or begging for more spoilers isn't necessary. Our sources give what they can, whenever it is possible, and when the time is right.



In Episode 5.03, Written in the Stars, Logan tells Rory that she should call him "Master and Commander."

Master and Commander is the first of Patrick O'Brian's novels about Jack Aubrey. Sophie is the square-rigged ship that Aubrey is Master and Commander of, and those who crew in her refer to themselves as Sophies. It is the ship where Jack Aubrey first makes his name.

So, it is in this spirit that those who ship the Master and Commander and His Lady are known as: Sophies.

Season 7

October 3
8:00 – 9:00 pm ET – 7.02: That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopie

October 10
8:00 – 9:00 pm ET – 7.03: Lorelai's First Cotillion

October 17
8:00 – 9:00 pm ET – 7.04: 'S Wonderful, 'S Marveous

October 24
8:00 – 9:00 pm ET – 7.05: The Great Stink


New Season

Episode 7.02 -That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopie
Airdate: October 3
Writer: Rebecca Rand Krishner
Director: Bethany Rooney

The CW: NOBODY'S PERFECT - Rory (Alexis Bledel) is upset over Logan's (Matt Czuchry) absence and the fact that they had to cancel their long-planned trip to Asia. Wanting to cheer Rory up and take her mind off her own sad love life, Lorelai (Lauren Graham) turns her house into an Asian-themed wonderland. Lane (Keiko Agena) returns from her disastrous honeymoon. While repairing the damage to the diner, Luke (Scott Patterson) tells T.J. (guest star Michael DeLuise) about his break-up with Lorelai, prompting T.J. and Liz (guest star Kathleen Whilhoite) to insist that Luke cover over for dinner and sympathy. When Luke and Lorelai run into each other in town, Luke can't hide his anger over their breakup. Finally, Rory is furious when she learns that Lorelai slept with Christopher (David Sutcliffe). Melissa McCarthy and Sean Gunn also star. Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Rebecca Rand Kirshner
  • Episode Summary courtesy of OTHwriters911.

Episode 7.03 - Lorelai's First Cotillion
Airdate: October 10
Writer: Rina Mimoun
Director: Lee Shallat Chemel

Episode description courtesy of Fraz at FanBolt:

SHALL WE DANCE? — When Richard (Edward Herrmann) and Emily (Kelly Bishop) have no real reaction to the news of her break up with Luke (Scott Patterson), Lorelai (Lauren Graham) suddenly realizes that most of her emotional life has been based on doing and feeling the opposite of whatever her parents want. Later, when Michel (Yanic Truesdale) forces Lorelai to attend Emily’s beautiful cotillion dance, Lorelai discovers that some things her parents wanted for her weren’t really that terrible. Rory (Alexis Bledel) has a tough time making her long-distance relationship with Logan (Matt Czuchry) work. After taking Rory out for a father/daughter dinner, Christopher (David Sutcliffe) makes a startling confession to Lorelai. Melissa McCarthy and Keiko Agena also star. Lee Shallat Chemel directed the episode written by Rina Mimoun.

From TVGuide: Lorelai expects the worst from her parents when she finally tells them that she and Luke ended their engagement, but she's more upset when they hardly react; Lane gets very little response from Zack when she shares her big news; Michel collects on an old IOU for a favor from Lorelai and forces her to take him to a cotillion that Emily organized; and Rory, missing Logan, finds an uncharacteristic way of expressing her feelings to him. Charlotte: Hannah Leigh Dworkin. Arthur: James Hornbeck.

Episode 7.04 -'S Wonderful, S' Marvelous
Airdate: October 17
Director: Victor Nelli

  • IMDB says Krysten Ritter was cast as Lucy, one of Rory’s new Yale friends. Rona Benson who plays Joni @ YDN is also listed to appear on this episode.

Episode 7.05 - The Great Stink
Airdate: October 24
Director: Michael Schultz

  • Rory and Logan have dinner with his colleagues, possibly in NY
  • From Jet1945 at Fanbolt - Casting Notices for Bobby, Nick, and Phillip, members of Logan's London "team" in a new company venture
  • domesday at TWoP confirmed that Logan and his team are back in town for 7.05.

Episode 7.06 – (Title Unknown)
Director: Lee Shallat Chemel

Episode 7.07 – Go Bulldogs!
Director: Will Shriner

  • Casting Notice for waiter. Chris and Lorelai are having dinner with Rory and some of her Yale friends. It comes across as if Chris is trying to make up for the lack of fatherly experiences like the other dad’s in an earlier scene.


What Awaits Us in Season 7: Spoilers and Other Buzz

CW Launch Party clip brought over by little_earthquake. Transcript courtesy caf123.

Matt was on KMOX. Thanks to Sandlynn for bringing it over. Said Logan does find passion in his work in London.

Ausiello interviews Matt Czuchry at the CW Launch Party. As for Rory and Logan: "Logan is going to come back and going to make sure nobody takes his girl... He doesn't want to loose this girl... He loves this girl." Transcript courtesy of lorelaisgirl.

Ausiello’s interview with David Rosenthal. “Logan will be a major part of her life this year, and they will find ways to be together.” Marty will also cause Rory a lot of personal problems.

Ausiello Report:The flying object is a rocket. It is a gift from London-bound Logan and is supposed to be, initially, a source of great angst for Rory.

Abby & Katie tour: Logan's bedroom is blue, and that's all there is, the bedroom. There's a bed, a nightstand on each side with a lamp, and the one on Logan's side of the bed has a picture of Rory in a pink shirt. interviews Matt: " the first few episodes Logan is mainly attending to various business type-things while in England. He also added that "the first chunk of episodes" deal with the Lorelai, Luke, and Christopher cliffhanger from last season."

Bootie & copperboom tour: They're building a London office set for Logan; sex with Zach is terrible

genki: Logan to have his own London storyline

McDreamy from TWOP: Lane is pregnant

New CW promo with Alexis, Matt and others.

Watch with Kristin: Alexis about Matt: "It's really fun working with him, I mean it definitely is, because he's always very engaged, he's always in character, and it kinda motivates me. Because, like, I'm on the show every day, and when he comes in, he brings this fresh new energy and its kinda nice to work with him. So, I hope we get to have a lot more scenes together this season."

Ausiello Report: Matt will cross over to Veronica Mars on Oct. 24 (3.04?) to play Logan Echoll's half-brother Charlie Stone. The crossover was the CW's idea . "I'm excited that it is a real actor..." Mars creator Rob Thomas says.

Terry Morrow of KnoxNews reports that Matt Czuchry will appear for 15 episodes this season, the first two "just seen talking over the phone".

Kristin in E!Online interviews Matt Czuchry: He thinks that Rory and Logan's storyline would resonate with young adults because it highlights the tension of Logan taking on his family responsibilities, and Rory finding out what she wants for herself professionally. He thinks Rory should remain single if this were the last season [in reaction to Kristin's comment about a "big Rory and Logan wedding"].

From GGMinn: Rory will have no new love interest.

Alan Sepinwall of The Star Ledger chats with DR at the CW party: "The first part of the season is (Logan and Rory) trying to deal with a long-distance relationship. Something will come and change that."

Maureen Ryan of The Chicago Tribune quotes Dave Rosenthal: "We have the benefit of seeing the future and knowing where we want to take them. So while something may be disturbing in the short run, or upsetting or confusing to a fan, we as the writers recognize that, yes, that’s upsetting but ultimately that's the journey that this character has to go on, they're required to do this or that...ultimately we're interested in personal growth. Obviously if characters never went through difficult times or never suffered, or had to face obstacles it would be hard for them to grow."

Ausiello interviews Dave Rosenthal: "Rory's going to try to engage in a long-distance relationship. He's going to be in London; she's going to be in college. Obviously, it's a very challenging and difficult thing, and it's going to present obstacles for the two of them. But they're very much in love, so they're really going to work hard to make it work. He's very much on the show and very much a part of her life, but it's from thousands of miles away."

Ausiello interviews Milo Ventimiglia: on Jess returning to GG~ "Never gonna happen."

On the Regis and Kelly show, Alexis Bledel calls "recycling" of Rory's boyfriends...unrealistic. interview of Matt Czuchry: "My hope is that the audience will get to see Logan take on his adult responsibilities and thrive in the business world. Personally, I would love to see Logan apply his spontaneous nature and love of life to the challenges he finds with the paper and his fast approaching adult life he has resisted to this point..."

Spoilerfreak posts: a clause in Matt Czuchry's contract? MC to appear in last 3 episodes of the season

Kristin interviews EH, KB, MC and SP at the CW upfronts. - Clip from Canopus - Transcript - Matt: "Hopefully, with that London storyline," he said, "we'll get a chance to see what he would be like taking over the business and becoming kind of a mogul. Either that or it will be just a lot of phone calls to Rory, which is going to get tiring! But either way, I will be there."

CIP speculations for season 7
(posted on the first RL spoiler thread after the season 6 finale)

Partings: What they left us with in Season 6...

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AB, MC and Kristin's thoughts on the RL finale: "In the season finale, we're going to find out that Logan is indeed going to London [to take] a place in the paper there," Czuchry revealed. "[Their relationship] is sort of left up in the air because he's leaving for a whole year," Alexis added. "I mean, Rory's really young, so that's a long separation." Still, let's just say I'd be shocked if Logan is gone for good.

Ask Ausiello: We have every reason to be hopeful

MC's thoughts about the future of Logan, Rory, and GG: "So in the last episode, we'll see him in a way we've never seen him before: very vulnerable, needing help from Rory and needing a change in his life...You'll see that they're committed to each other, but there are plenty of obstacles in the way."

Gilmorefan recap of RL finale


Episode Clips and Promos

  • 7.01 - The Long Morrow RL Clip courtesy of Undeniable



Rory and Logan episode clips and screencaps

Rory and Logan transcripts

Rory/Logan-centered recaps of seasons 5 and 6


Promo Pictures
Courtesy of Fraz and Jet1945 at FanBolt, and The CW




Episode Stills
Courtesy of CW Insider

7.02 -That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopie

7.04 - 'S Wonderful, S' Marvelous

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Last edited by katiediaz; 09-28-2006 at 11:06 AM
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