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Old 05-27-2004, 05:36 PM
Fred Pryce
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I totally agree . Wesley must be in the movies !!!

I found Alexis S3 Interviews on the dvds :

That Old Gang of Mine

Alexis: You know that Gunn and Wesley are very close and they’ve saved each other’s lives many times and they’re brothers-in-arms but he had become the defacto leader at the end of season 2. In this instance it’s kind of called the decision of a leader in that ‘hey, you can’t jeopardise the group.’


Alexis: Wesley had growing feelings for Fred really from the moment she arrived and we kind of kept it bubbling under the surface and it wasn’t dealt with. So that sets up a very powerful subtext for the infection that Billy spreads to the various male characters in the episode and how each character handles it differently. It’s very interesting but in particular for Wesley, it had very powerful repercussions because despite the fact that it was a demon infection, there is still … a horrendous line has been crossed… and he finds it very hard to deal with the pain that he’s caused Fred.


Alexis: I hope that by the time it came to him taking the child that you can interlectually understand why he made that decision – that he isn’t simply saying, ‘OK, screw Angel and screw the office. I’m going to betray you guys.’ There are weeks and weeks of pressure building up about these prophecies which he is investigating as fully as he knows how and Cordelia isn’t around and he’s – that’s maybe the one person he would discuss it with. He is alienated at this point from Gunn and Fred because of the emotional issues that have been going on, so it makes it difficult for him to even be in the same room with them and he’s…. a man. He’s a person so he doesn’t rise up above that and talk about all his concerns with them – he’s trapped by it. I mean, at this point, he doesn’t know if at any second Angel isn’t going to grow a pair of fangs and start dining on his son.

With the information he had, he makes the decision that he thinks is right which is, ‘well, I’ll sacrifice myself and the child from the agency and take the baby, Connor, off to who-knows-where and make him safe from Angel and make Angel safe from himself.

Sleep Tight

Alexis: He’s been looking into Holtz and Justine and the whole army that are being raised over there and investigating them a little because clearly they’re making inroads into Angel and he thinks, ‘well, this is crazy – just sitting here and having these people constantly probing your outfit.’ So he becomes pro-active and goes out and confronts them and – you know – finds out what they’re really up to, though in that sense, he plays a vital role in the baby being lost to another dimension and that’s where, to all intents and purposes, to everyone else it looks like a betrayal whereas, in fact, he’s had his throat slit and he’s bleeding to death in a park. And really he spends the rest of the season isolated from the gang – a gang that he’s been an intrical part of, and was the leader of, and helped to build.

So, we kind of see the season out, as far as Wesley is concerned, as an isolated, disenchanted, angry, dark character who’s being probed now by Wolfram & Hart. So, Lilah appears – to try and seduce him despite himself and really because of the dark bitterness – they have this exorcism on each other of their past.


Tim Minnear about Wesley :

Wesley is completely cut off from the group and possibly – you know – in league now with Wolfram & Hart, although he’s not specifically working for them. By the end of Season 3 he’s certainly sleeping with one of the lawyers.
"It was so typical. Whenever Blair did anything nice for someone else, she usually regretted it. Which kind of explained why she was such a bitch most of the time."

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