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Old 08-30-2006, 12:09 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Jun 2005
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My thoughts exactly. I think in a way for some fans it's like a let down on Randy's side that he choose someone like Simon b/c of the reasons you just mentionned. Now obviously we have no true knowledge on their life together and on Simon as a private person but if his writing reflects his true personnality then yes I admit I wish Randy would be with someone better. My only true fear is that he's with Simon b/c in a way he is like that too. I know that Chris and some other people who met him said he was a sweetheart but I also read things about him being rude and a bit snobbish. Obviously I hope the latter isn't true at all and I tend to generally believe it isn't but if it is true then well I think we all know why he is with Simon...
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