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Old 08-30-2006, 02:52 AM
Louise 333
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Originally Posted by lancer1993 (View Post)
Louise 333 Yep the moment she finally ask Luke WTF happened and stopps assuming will be great, she'll stop making an ass out of her self!

Maybe that will come in Lucky ep 7.07, I know it was a while ago but MA did say the first 6 eps were drama filled for L&L so many something big dose happen in ep 7.07?

Maybe it's the last news we had but I really can't see how could Luke forgive her, even consider her.

She will need to be really convinced about her love for him becauyse to win him back she will have to fight a lot, more than she thought she would have.

Do you think Rory , don0t know why, but will keep in contact with Luke,just to let him know sher knows and understands how he feels?

I thinks that it's not only about being dissapointe by her mother but I really think that Rory cares about Luke:

LORELAI: Aw, honey. You're the daughter of a woman who has had no end of
less than proud moments. Don't worry.

RORY: Luke was so mad.

LORELAI: That's because to Luke you're still ten years old wearing feathered
angel's wings going door-to-door inviting people to a caterpillar's funeral.

RORY: Oh, now, I did that once.

LORELAI: Luke is fine.

RORY: I hope so.

I like their interaction.
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