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Old 08-30-2006, 02:27 AM
Louise 333
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Originally Posted by Mots15 (View Post)
I don't get how they'll use Richard and illness to get LL back together. So when things aren't going right with her relationship with Luke, Lorelai forces and ultimatum and when that doesn't work out, she runs to Christopher. But when her father is ill, she turns to Luke as a shoulder to lean on?

How does that work?

I don't get it. It's not like Luke and Richard are close. Unless it's.. sigh.. Richard's dying wish that Lorelai ends up with the one she loves and she's happy and married before he dies or something.

CW.. the new network for soap.
Or maybe she could see what love means, and understands that pretending to love someone doesn't work, the shock could wake her up.

Maybe seeing her dad there, with Emily taking care of him,will let her think to her love life,seing Emily's pain could lead her realize that when you have time, you should use it in a more intelligent way than spending time hanging around with Dopey whille you still love another man.
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