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Old 08-29-2006, 02:21 PM
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Joined: Mar 2006
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I agree with Cris, great idea!

Well, it's been two years since Friends ended but for me it'll end this Friday. This is the first time that, here in Portugal, i have the whole tv show! Since October/November, that i REALLY watch friends. On the last months i have discovered in me a feeling i never had for a TV-show, a sitcom. I have dinner with Friends, my family reunites to watch friends. I've "met" 6 wonderful people that fill my live, in a certain kind of way. I watch 10 seasons in 10 months, almost. I cried, I laughed a lot, my heart jumped and my heart melted.
I watched friends finale at the same time as i was watching season 5/6 on TV. Now i'll watch it after watch 10 amazing seasons. I'll cry i know. Everytime i watch the finale i always cry, even if i never watched the show, i know i'd cry.

I love all seasons, they are all perfect. Every single episode was kinda party for me cause i always enjoyed that so much. Lame, Bad, Good, Awesome. It's Friends.

My top 10 it's almost 100 episodes. My favs epsisode are the 6 centric... like Thanksgivings or Flashbacks episodes.... The 6 friends together was like heaven to me. I love all that episode.... They're the funniest
I have to say that the RnR centric episodes have all of my attention. TOW Ross finds out, TOW the prom video, TOW the morning after... and all of them. They are def on my 100's Top 10 episode!

The characters.... well, I like Ross even more each day. That guy just cracks me up. I like him since the mid's season one until... like Forever.. ahah. That is a character i'll never forget. And Phoebe i like her a lot. She's my second fav character. She hads her ups and downs, yeah, but c'mon, it's Phoebe!

Joey and Monica had disappointed me a little bit. I loved monica in early seasons... i still like her... but the way she grow up... the way she was on the later seasons... The constant control, stress, cleaning obsessive thing... I felt i start like her less. Joey never was one of my favs. I love him, he's sweet.. but there some stuff on him i can't stand. So....

I remembered years ago when Friends was showed in late hours... and i stayed awake with my sister because she loved to watch it.. I watched with her, and the characters I can remember the most were Ross, Phoebe and Monica.
Years later, the show was translated in portuguese, which sucks. But still can remember this three characters. Especially Ross and Monica. On that time i already enjoyed friends. But since the last October the show has a Huge meaning in my life.
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