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Old 05-25-2004, 02:07 PM
Loyal Fan
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ok, I'm gonna go the Gen route and do some shout outs, since there really isn't anything else to say.

Em, I didn't save the chat either, but it would have been confusing anyway, because the responses were to what a person was saying, so to read it would be confusing. Heh. Too bad we couldn't save the audio of Gen singing! Hee!! That's a classic moment right there...followed by the high pitched shriek at the end.

Di Di, I hear ya on the getting lost on the last thread thing..I don't think I posted at all on the last few pages of that thread..there were so many discussions going on that I felt comfortable just staying on MSN.

Miranda, Screw constructivism! (is that a word? Well, it is now.) That sounds like a good song, I might have to go download it, cuz here in Canada, it's legal! Muahaha! I like the caps too, you put them in the right places. Do more!

Gen, Em and I have been posting snippets, so you and Val should go there and do some posting! revive the thread!!

Maddy, yay for Luke lovin! He's still mine though. Hee. I'm gonna check out that fic when I'm done here. Thanks for the rec.

Val, I got my cd! I listened to it in the car, and now I've got it on my computer....sooooooo nice! LOVE YOU!!!

Em, if you stopped being such a trouble maker, you wouldn't get in trouble all the time! THINK!

ok, Seacrest Out!

Cameron: "Men should grow up."
House: "Yeah, and dogs should stop licking themselves. It's not gonna happen."

Keeper of Luke Danes, and entitled to all things Dirty!
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