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Old 05-17-2004, 09:32 PM
Passionate Fan

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Joined: Mar 2001
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Oooh, in my SuperSecret SpyKit, I forgot to mention that I also have a fingerprint kit (complete with latex gloves), some fake foreign currency and some intel and a newspaper article in Russian (apparently when translated, the intel speaks of rendezvous points for meetings) and a security badge. I have Level 9 Security Clearance and an Agent number. Heeee!

<--- is having WAY too much fun with this - I thought the Jack Bristow magnets that E made me a two Christmases ago were supercool, but this...this totally is unbelievable. Ditto to everyting Eli said about E. She's quite possibly the kindest, smartest, funniest, wittiest, most generous and genuine person I know and I'm so lucky she's my friend. She really is my hero...well, one of them. I feel lame saying this to you all instead of to her, but I'm sure it will all come out this summer as it gets closer for her to leave. Sigh.

Anyway, I fully intend to enhance my kit with the SuperSecret Expansion pack - bugkillers, more disguises, a cool weapon or two, minicameras, bugs, other techy gadgets. Wheee!

And I have a little noteboook and on the cover it says: Beware of Female Spies. Women are being employed by the enemy to secure information from Navy men, on the theory that htey are less liable to be suspected than male spies. Beware of inquisitive women as well as prying men. See Everything. Hear Everything. Say Nothing. Silence is Safety.

Apparently, the cover is an actual advertisement that was used in WWII.


So I finally turned in my bar application today (along with an obscene amount of money to take a 2-day test for which I will have to bust my ass). It's such a relief to have it done, though I suppose I could have been relieved much earlier had I actually, you know, completed it before the day it was due. E's parents left this morning at 9, so I was up at 8 (we went to bed at 3, after watching Legally Blonde, somewhat appropriate in light of the day's earlier events). I napped for about 45 minutes, got up, finished the application and wrote a recommendation letter, and then headed downtown to turn it in. While we were there, we walked by City Hall and we hung out to watch history happen, since today was the first day that any state in the country was performing legally recognized gay marriages - it was also the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court decision which declared unconstitutional segregation in public schools (the Massachsuetts Supreme Court judges who upheld the constitutionality of gay marriages totally set May 17 as the starting date on purpose to fall on Brown's anniversary in order to make a statement about equality and rights). It was so cool to be there and I can't believe I didn't have my camera. If we'd have been there earlier, I'm sure there would have been more people and more fanfare (especially since marriages started being performed at midnight), but it was still pretty amazing nonetheless. It was just such a powerful moment to witness, and especially more so to coincide with graduating from law school, and it truly confirmed my belief that the law is about change and is constantly evolving and revising itself and that people can be conduits for that change.

All in all, it was just beautiful.

E said we should get married just to piss our dads off.

But we didn't.

Speaking of dad's, Pea, I don't wanna hear about any crushes on my daddy, okay? Keep it to yourself. :tongue:


The Sarkney Ficathon deadline was this past Saturday, and so today, during the times I have been conscious (I took a 3-hour nap when I got home this afternoon), I've been reading some absolutely lovely Sarkney fic. There's just so much to choose from, it's like a little present all for me.

Even though mostly only Eli reads S/S, I'm going to go ahead and rec some stuff here:

The list is here, but it's not complete, as some entries haven't been turned in yet. There's some amazing reading, especially The Domestication of a Wild Rose (quite possibly the best S/S I've ever read. It's just So. *****ing Beautiful. And the literary devices the author has used are genius and work so well within the framework of the story) and The Story of Us (one of the few fics in which an Original Character - a child - is more fascinating than annoying and contrived). I've read a few others that was excellent as well, but there's tons more left. Wheee!

Also, found these (referring to the S/S stories, not the slash, though I'm sure they're excellent), and I've only started one, but so far, it's v. intriguing and definitely original.

Lastly, has a new story in the NC-17 section entitled Sanctuary that's really well written and compelling, which is rare in the mess of crap that's usually there.

More to come later....


Happy Constitition Day to Norway. I'm superlate in saying it, but I was totally thinking about it earlier today when I was downtown. May 17 is superspecial.


My friend, M, is leaving tomorrow to move back home to take the New York state bar classes before she moves to NY. Sigh. I'm going to miss her so much. We're losing our third musketeer. M's never spent her summers here in Boston, but we always knew she would be coming back once the school year began. But now...there's no more school year and she's not coming back and I don't know what I'm going to do when the three of us - who have managed to form this weird, dysfunctional yet functional unit where we manage to finish each other's sentences and think the same thoughts without having to actually speak them and genuinely love and respect each other - are separated.

I hate goodbyes.

Last edited by Bijal; 05-17-2004 at 09:37 PM
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