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Old 07-07-2023, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by postie (View Post)
I feel like this was Pacey's insecurity talking, rather than any actual truth in the statement. Still, i wish Joey had refuted it stronger.

I feel like Dawson didn't really understand masculinity. When he tries to imitate it, it always comes out toxic. (The boat race, punching Jack, trying to take over dancing with Jen from Cliff, the double date thing, etc).
I would agree that he says it out of insecurity, but the writers don't have Joey refute so it feels like they were trying to play it that way too, because some could interpret her silence as kinda agreeing with Pacey idk.

I agree about Dawson, because he takes so much of what it means to be a man from movies. He even kind of looks down at his own dad some times because he's not acting how a "man" should act or doing things that a "man" should do. He lives so much in the movies that he takes so much what it means to be a man from them. And movies, in general, have horrible ways of showing men and masculinity and what it really means to be a good man.

Also to everyone in the thread, we're neck and neck right now with people voting Pacey/Joey. Shawn/Angela is the way the tide is going, so if you haven't gotten over to that survivor, pls do when you can <3
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