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Old 11-24-2022, 08:32 PM
break the window
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Joined: May 2006
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Time For Him To Come Home For Christmas

“Are you excited for your Christmas eve party this year…Mrs. Abbott?” Amy asked her best friend, Hannah, as they were decorating gingerbread cookies.
“I am. Bright is acting like it’s just another party, but I can tell he’s really excited. Especially since we have a new addition.” Hannah rubbed her belly, she smiled when Amy jumped up in and down, clapping.
“That is wonderful Hannah, I’m so happy for you guys.”

Hannah watched Amy bring out another batch of fresh baked, undecorated, gingerbread cookies.

“Are you making cookies for other classes. Mrs. Reardon only needs a couple dozen.”
“Nope.” Amy was silent minus the one word that escaped her mouth.
“Who are the extra cookies for.”

Hannah laid her spoon down quietly, making sure to not make a noise before speaking.

“He said he’d call when he knew he was coming back.”
“I know.” Amy shrugged. “I just think that this year will be the year that Ephram gets to come home for Christmas. We talk every day, write letters like it’s two-thousand-five. It’s just not enough to have him here, especially at Christmas.”
Hannah rubbed her shoulder. “I know. We miss him too.”
“I mean, I’m over the moon happy for you and Bright…I’m going to be an aunt. But to not be able to announce that same news because the man I love is making music for everyone else around the world.”
“When’s the last time he called?”
“This morning, but it was quick. I think I spent more time looking for my phone on the bathroom sink when jumping out of the shower than I did actually talk to him.”
“Did he say anything…anything you want to tell me?”
“He loves me and he’ll.” Amy sighed heavily. “He’ll try to make it home by Christmas.”
“Okay, I’m going to ask…when was the last time Ephram was here at Christmas.”
“Not that it counts, but when I was in the hospital on Christmas Eve. Andy called him, knowing Ephram would want to be here, even if I didn’t want him here, not at that moment.”

The two were now sitting on the patio, drinking hot chocolate, wrapped in blankets surrounded by falling snow.

“He didn’t even know I was pregnant so when I miscarried…what would be the point to say anything. It’d be my little secret.”
“But why would you want to keep secrets from him?”
Amy couldn’t contain the cries in her voice. “Hannah, he’s never here anyway, so why would it matter.” She wiped the tears out of her eyes. “I was shocked that the pregnancy test was positive. I had to think when the last time Ephram and I had sex.”
“What if he doesn’t come home this year.”

Amy thumbed on her phone and pulled up the email and showed it to Hannah.

“So, you’re done.”
“I wanted Ephram to fulfill his dream…to be able to teach around the world with his gift of piano and his gift of music. At some point, when does the sharing stop. I feel like he has more passion for the songs he helps strangers write than he does for me and our relationship.”
“Is that why you said no to his proposal.”
Amy pressed her lips together, almost making a solid line. “I can’t marry a ghost.”
“What if really does make it home this year?”
“You know, Hannah…I don’t know. I’ve heard it so many times that he’s coming home, he’s booked a flight, he’s canceled appointments to be home, but yet…he chose to not be. Ephram said he would never be like Andy, but damnit, he is his father made over when it comes to putting his family first.”
“Have you told him any of this?”
“No.” Amy almost pouted. “Every time I see his name on the caller ID, I know exactly what to say to him, but when I hear his voice;” Amy looked at Hannah, tears welling up in her eyes again. “I fall in love with him all over again and forget every broken promise.”
“I’ll tell him for you.”
“That’s tempting, but no…Ephram has to know how I feel from me.”

Bright joined the ladies on the porch, taking a sip of Hannah’s hot chocolate.

“That’s really good.”
“Want some?” Hannah smiled at her newlywed husband.
“And that look tells me I should go get some…if I want some.”
“Very observant husband.”
“Thank you, wife.” He kissed her cheek.
He stopped at the doorframe. “Oh, Amy, the trees are selling quick at the downtown lot. We better get over there soon to get a decent one for your living room.”

Amy sat her in spot, playing with a small piece of string that has detached from the blanket.

“That’s okay, Bright, don’t worry about it.”
“All the trees will be gone if you wait too long. The good ones anyway.”
Amy looked at Hannah for reassurance and then looked over at Bright. “No tree this year.” She looked back at Hannah. “First steps, right?”
“Yep, first steps.”

Hannah always supported Amy, but something about not putting up a Christmas tree just didn’t sit well with Hannah. For Amy not to put up a tree just felt like she was saying goodbye to Ephram and starting to move on…like her email stated.


Amy rushed to get her phone and immediately pressed the button to answer.
“Hey, it’s me.”

Amy was always so thankful to her his voice, making her day better. Suddenly, she realized that serenity feeling escaped her.

“I’m guessing you’re decorating the perfect Christmas tree that you had Bright carry in the house for you.”
“No tree.” Amy finally admitted.
“No good ones at the main lot in town?”
“’I’m sure there are good ones…I just didn’t go. Hannah and Bright’s looks amazing. Next year it’ll be complete with their baby’s first Christmas ornament.” Amy’s not sure if Ephram would notice, but she could definitely feel the yearning in her voice.
“Amy, what’s going on. You sound different.”
You’re not totally out of love with me Amy thought before saying; “Life goes on, Ephram. You’d know that if you came home for more than three minutes every two years.”
“Whoa, whoa…wait a minute. I come home.
Amy lashed out. “When!?” She could feel the scratchy feeling in her throat from raising her voice.
“I’ll be home in two weeks.”
“Famous last words.”
“What do you want from me?”

Amy could hear the hurt and anger in Ephram’s words even over the phone from three thousand miles away.

“Not broken promises. I want to know that I can count on you to be here. I want to put up Christmas decorations and know that the man I put them up for is actually going to show up. I want to announce to my best friend that I’m pregnant--"
“Pregnant?” Ephram interrupted.
“Hannah told me today, we were making Gingerbread cookies, that she and Bright are pregnant. So badly I wanted that to be me, to be us.”
“We had the chance one time…”
“You weren’t here for that either. Honestly, I was shocked I was pregnant considering I still cannot remember when we had sex.”
“Look, since you’re upset with me and that doesn’t seem to be getting any better….”
“No, I just finally realized that broken promises aren’t what I want for Christmas this year, Ephram. Goodbye.”
“Amy…” Ephram heard the line go dead. “Amy…” He clicked his phone off and placed it in his back pocket. “She hung up on me. She’s really mad.” Ephram packed up his papers, putting them into his messenger bag. “And…. she has every right to be.” Ephram zipped up his bag, grabbed his keys and went off to his next appointment.
“You almost here, I know it’s a gated community and not always easy to navigate around.”
“Nah, piece of cake. I’m stuck in traffic…major construction, I think. GPS is telling me another half hour, at least.”
“I don’t have any plans, so when you get here, we can start the lesson.
“Thank you so much for understanding. I’ll call when I’m closer to the house.”
“Sounds good.”

Ephram looked at the bottom of screen and saw he had twenty-seven unread emails. Scrolling through, he deleted all the spam emails easily. He responded to the ones from clients, sending their holiday greeting cards electronically. The inbox made a smiley face when every message was deleted. Ephram tossed the phone into the passenger seat and sat back, trying to relax in gridlock traffic. Moving inch, by inch, Ephram heard his phone vibrate. A new email popped up.

Of course, you know it’s me…email address and all. So, we can skip the “hey it’s me” introductions and get straight to the point.

When are you coming home? I’m not talking about for the Christmas season, but for good. I’m tired of trying to make sense of how you can put so much passion into your music but when we’re having a conversation, it feels like you’re a million miles away.

Would you rather be teaching strangers than connecting with me, your girlfriend, fiancée, whatever we are to each other. I’ve wished sometimes I’d meet a man who made me a priority and I wouldn’t look back. I don’t want to be the one to cheat on you with some cheap affair.

I’m ready for something real to happen. Whether it’s you are coming home and making me your priority or jetting off to some ultra-exclusive student and making them your priority. Either way, decide. I’m tired of pretending we’re still together when it’s obvious that we’re not.


When Ephram looked up, the car in front of him had moved at least five cars ahead and people behind him were honking their horns as fast as they could. He sped up to the next car and dialed the somewhat familiar number.

“Ephram Brown how are ya.”
“I’m good, Frank. You got any plans today?”
“Depends…you got something good?”
“Yeah, Donte Brooks.”
“The piano prodigy that everyone secretly hates you because you snagged him up first?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.” Ephram checked Donte's appointments. “Tuesday at two o’clock, you want to take over.”
“Just for today?”
“Every week. I’m giving him to you…if you want.”
“Umm, yeah, I’d be stupid to say no. But, Ephram…why?”
“I’m finally realizing how my dad felt when my mom told him she was having an affair.”
“Don’t worry about it. Can I pass Donte Brooks onto you?”
“Yeah. Just shoot me his address in a text and what I need to know.”
“I’ll email everything over; all my notes and he’ll be in good hands. I’m gonna call Donte right now.”
“Sure, thanks. And, uh, Ephram…are you sure about this?”
“Yeah. It’s about time I went home.”
“I hear you. Talk soon?”
“Yeah, definitely.”


“Amy?” Rose called out, exasperated.
“Yeah, mom…what’s wrong?”
“I thought I was in the wrong house.” Rose stepped further into the living room. “There are no decorations…not even a wreath. Are you sick?”
“No, just not decorating this year.”
“What made you come to this decision.”
“I want to announce to my best friend that I’m pregnant while making Gingrbread cookies.”
“You’re pregnant?”
“No, but I guess I spilled the beans.” Amy grimaced. “Hannah’s pregnant.”
“Oh…a grandbaby! How wonderful right at the holidays.”
“I thought so too, but I’ll never get that if I relying on broken promises.”
“He hasn’t called.”
“He did and I just let him have it. He’s gone more than he’s here and when he is here it seems like he spends more time with everyone else than he does with me and then he’s gone again.”
“Sometimes you just have to…make yourself a priority.”
“I just keep holding on to the face that there was a time where Ephram made me feel like I was the only woman in the world for him, the only person that he wanted to be with. Now it seems like I’m the last person he wants to be with.”
“Maybe you are.”
Amy made a face. “Thanks mom.”
“Amy, I have seen you year after year put up decorations and Ephram sometimes shows up, sometimes he doesn’t. You think this is the year he’s going to come home and each January you put everything back neatly and nicely and wonder why you go through the trouble. I’m glad you’ve realized this.”
“Is there a man you let go…before dad of course.”
“Walter O’Brien. Oh, man, he lit my fire—”
“Mom!” Amy interjected.
“Sorry, I forget my adult children only see me as mom sometimes.”
“So who was Walter O’Brien.”
“He was the real thing. Wanted a family, wanted to settle down and made me feel like I was the most special girl in the world when we were together. Hint…when we were together. We went to college together and I thought we’d graduate and get married and move back home…to Pittsburg…where most of his family is from.”
“What happened after college.”
“We didn’t have anything in common. I think it was the excitement of having a fellow political science student to talk to and share ideas with. No one wanted to talk politics or anything historically relevant, but Walter did.”
“How did it end?”
“We had more of a connection as friends than…well…more than friends.”
“Then dad came along?”
“No, I didn’t meet your father until a few years after I ended things with Walter. I had always felt that a relationship should have more. More connection, more passion…more romanticism.”
“You ended things with Walter?”
“Yes, I ended things with Walter. It was hard to do, I felt like I was losing a part of myself because I had wrapped myself up in Walter so tight, I didn’t know were to tug at first to start letting go. But I did, piece by piece, layer by layer, I peeled away from Walter. Then, when the time came to meet your father…how we came together…it was so natural and organic like we both planned it that way.”
“How do I know it’s really over?”
“If you’re asking me when it’s really over and then it’s already really over.”
Amy hid the tears that were trying to fall into her eyelids. “Thanks, mom.”


“What do you mean, no flights until after Christmas?
“Just what I said, Mr. Brown. All the first-class flights are booked through the holidays. These spots are booked…months in advance.”

Ephram looked at his watch, time was flying by…already half the day was gone and it’s only two days before Christmas.

“Do you have anything?”
“Yes, let me check.”

Ephram felt the hours just ticking by with every key tap by the woman on the other line. His heart began to race picturing Amy on Christmas morning watching old movies just to pass the time by.

“Mr. Brown?”
“Yes, I’m here.”
“I do have a seat, it’s on United Airlines Flight 3548 and…well, it just left twenty minutes ago. I’m sorry, Mr. Brown. I don’t have anything available that doesn’t leave before December twenty-fifth. What I can offer you is a discount on a rental car for your troubles.”
“Money is not an issue, I just need to get home.”
“Where is home?”
“Everwood, Colorado.”
“Never heard of it.”
“Neither did I until my mom--” Ephram stopped himself from telling his life story. “Never mind, I just really need to get home. Anything flying anywhere near New York that goes to Denver airport?”
“Let me see…” More clicking can be heard on Ephram’s cell phone. If he never hears the clicking of typing keys for the rest of his life, he’ll be grateful. “That is a Christmas miracle.”
“What is?” Ephram stated, feeling annoyed.
“A seat just opened up for economy class that leaves in two hours. You can be home tonight. Your flight will arrive in Denver where there will be a rental car waiting for you.”
“I’ll take it.”
“I just need a credit card…”

Ephram relayed all of his information to the attendant while getting an overnight bag and throwing random everything in. He didn’t care what he didn’t have, he’d figure it out later.

“You are all set. All of the details are in your email, and do you have anything else you’d like for me to help you with today?”
“No, you have been great.”
“Thank you and Merry Christmas.”
“Yes, Merry Christmas, sir.”

Ephram stood up tall, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He was going home.


The commercial break just started, and Amy opened up her email. This is the first time she’s checked in since sending her email to Ephram.

Read at 1:39pm on December 21st .

Seeing that notification at the top of the email made Amy’s eyes start to sting with tears. He read the email, so he knows she’s ready…well maybe ready isn’t the word for it. But she’s accepted it’s time to move on.
“I guess I have my answer.” Amy tossed her phone to the side of the couch. What she really wanted to do was throw it out the window and pack all of Ephram’s things up and throw them out too.

Walking around the house, all the pictures they had together from when they were teens at County High and then on their trips with Ephram’s family and her family. It was like a scrapbook in the living room. Scrapbook of broken promises is how Amy is feeling. How long was she going to live like this, waiting for Ephram to realize how great they are together and that there is no one else in the world she’d rather be with.
Amy felt a chill in the house and smiled at the snow starting to fall.

She loved the snow…today, not so much. She reached up and grabbed a bag of popcorn and tossed it into the microwave.

“At least Hallmark will keep me company.”
When the popping stopped, Amy took the steaming bag out of the microwave, plopped on the couch and turned on her favorite channel during the holidays.
“Yep, it will be okay.”


Ephram walked briskly around everyone in front of him when arriving at Denver International Airport. He checked around for the rental car service he was given in his email. Only car rental place not seen was the one he was looking for. He reached out to a ticket attendant.

“Hey, I’m not sure where this place is. Pinkerton Car Rental.”
“Oh, Pinkerton closed about two years ago. Some reason it’s still getting auto booked with travel agents who don’t go through all the details.”
“How can I get a rental car?” A little more hope just slipped out of Ephram’s grasp as he processed the woman’s words.
“Well, Pinkerton, I remember merged with Avis. Yeah, it’s Avis now. That will be.” She pointed behind Ephram. “Right straight down, you can’t miss it once you turn the corner and make a right.”
“Thank you.”
“Good luck and Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.”

Ephram found himself sprinting towards the directions the ticket attendant gave him. It was nearly eight o’clock and not everything stays open all night. Turner the corner, he really couldn’t miss it. Avis was the biggest car rental desk he saw.

“Hi, do you have a reservation?” The lady asked.
“Yeah, Ephram Brown.”
“Brown….do you have a different first name?”
“Nope, I’ve been Ephram Brown since birth.”
“I don’t have an Ephram Brown…did you book under a family member’s name?”
“Nope…just me.” Ephram’s hands were almost shaking he was so nervous. “Shot in the dark…Andrew Brown?”
“Yeah, Andrew Brown.”

“But you’re not Andrew Brown, so I can only rent to Andrew Brown, the name on the reservation.”
“I’m his son, I’m Ephram Andrew Brown. Please, you have to help me. I’m trying to get home and not screw up the best and only relationship I’ve ever had with the most amazing woman on the planet.”
The lady smiled. “Let me see what I can do.”

The lady disappeared behind a red curtain and after what seemed like hours, she returned. She was only gone three and a half minutes.

“So, you are squared away on your reservation. I made contact with Andrew, your father, and we were able to update the reservation. One snafu, though. The car reserved for you was mistakenly rented out already.” She could see Ephram’s blood starting to boil. “So, we do have a replacement, it just costs more.”
Ephram handed over his credit card. “Money is not an option.”

The attendants face started to turn red as she processed the credit card.

“And we are all set. All of your information is on that ticket. The part you tear off is here and hand it to the attendant at the gate and he will point you to your rental car.”
“I’m all set?”
“Yes, you are all set Mr. Brown.”
“Thank you.” Ephram rushed off, quickly returning to the desk. “Merry Christmas.”
“You’re welcome and Merry Christmas.” She smiled brightly.


Hannah came and sat down by Amy.

“You’re usually living it up at the Christmas party. Let’s go…let’s mingle.”
“I think I finally realized today that my relationship with Ephram is over. I just need some time to think…I’m not in a mingling room right now.”
“We’re going to start playing some games in a minute.”
“Yes, games. It gets really competitive in this house.”
“What does one win at these games.”
“Well, bragging rights mostly.”
“I can compete for bragging rights.”
“Then, let’s go and get this funk out of you!”
Ephram used his key and turned the key pushing the front door open to his house. The lights were still on and everything looked the same.
“Amy?!” He called out. “Amy, I’m home!” He called out again, only hearing silence.
He ran upstairs, calling her name. “Amy, baby, I’m home.”
Walking through every room he realized she wasn’t home and was going crazy not knowing where she could be. Had he finally lost her?”


“Wait, what happened to competition and getting the funk out of you?”
“I just need some time. Ephram’s been calling me like every five seconds, and I just don’t have the energy to do anything but lay in bed and not think about anything.”
“Did he ever respond to the email?”
“No. I saw that he read it a few days ago…no response. I guess he finally got around to making time for me…and…it’s just too little too late. I’m just done.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be…you’ve been great…it’s just time for reality to smack me in the face.”
“Want me to come over later?”
“No…no, of course not. You have your party and all your guests. I’ll be fine with my evening men of Hallmark.”
“Always a treat.”
“You have a good night and thank you for the leftovers.”
“Sure, I have tons of food. Let me know if you want more and it’s yours.”


Ephram kept dialing Amy’s phone number, voicemail every time. He knows she’s ignoring his call because it’s a different number of before he gets sent to voicemail. He pressed redial again.

“Come on, baby, please pick up…please answer.” He was now leaning up against the wall adjacent to the kitchen.”

He wanted to throw the phone out the window when Amy didn’t answer. Instead, he tossed it on the couch. He smiled at seeing where it was obvious Amy was sitting with her knitted blanket and half empty bag of popcorn.

He looked around to see the house and was taken aback by how plain looking it was. Then he remembered that he would always see Christmas lights and decorations everywhere because Amy loved the holidays so much. Ephram realized how much has changed since he’s been gone…too much.

Ephram thought about calling Bright to see where Amy was, but he knew he’d get an earful of how big of an ass he’s been to Amy and everyone else when never being around. He was kicking himself enough without bringing his best friend into the mix who never holds back his emotions when it came to Amy.


Amy stopped at the local Chinese place to grab takeout. She had a few leftovers from Hannah’s party, but something about having Chinese food after a really hard breakup makes everything not so bad. She was waiting in the restaurant when her phone starting ringing. Knowing it was Ephram, she finally decided to answer.

“Ephram, look, it’s too little too late.”
“Ephram? No, it’s Donte Brooks. I’m a client of Ephram…I was a client.”
“Donte, how did you get this number.”
“Ephram’s not reachable and he gave me your number as an emergency contact.”
“Okay, I don’t know what I’m able to do for you.”
“I wanted to let Ephram know that he was the best teacher I’ve ever had. Ephram handed me off to someone else, who’s great, but I just don’t have the same vibe.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The instructor Ephram paired me with Frank Kaza, he said Ephram handed me over to him because he was going home.”
“Going home? To what?” Amy picked up her food and was walking out to her car.
“I don’t know, I didn’t know much about Ephram. Only thing he said is he finally figured out how his dad felt when he his mom told him about the affair.”
“He told you that?”
“Yeah, well, he told Frank that. Anyway, I just wanted to tell him that I come to wherever Ephram is…he’s the best.”
“I haven’t seen Ephram in months, so I have no idea when the next time I’ll see him.”
“When you do, let him know.”
Amy sighed. “I will.”


“Do you deliver?”
“Yes, we do, fifteen dollar minimum.”
“Great, I’ll take two pan fried noodles with shrimp.”
“What sauce would you like…”

Ephram got distracted by keys at the door and then the door opening. He just stared at her, not knowing what he’d say once he saw her.

“Sir, what sauce would you like.”
“Never mind the order.”
“But your card, it’s been charged.”
“That’s fine, give my order to someone else.” He hung up the phone.

“Amy.” Ephram spoke softly, walking towards her.
“Ephram.” Amy spoke, grimacing.
He looked around, “no decorations.”
She put her Chinese food down, looking up at him. “I decorated for you, for when you came home and we’d be a family. This year, I got to a point where I just didn’t want to get disappointed again when you’d call and tell me you got involved in something and couldn’t catch a flight or whatever you wanted to get out coming home.”
“I never tried to get out of anything. I really lost track of time?”
Amy turned “EVERYTIME!?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Two of your favorite words.”
“What can I do to make this up to you.”
“Look, Ephram, I don’t have any fight left in me. So if you want to prove that you’ve changed…be here when I get up in the morning.”
He nodded. “I can do that. Just one thing.”
“Here we go.”
“I just have to go to the store and get…some clothes. I packed a bag and going from there to here, lost in translation.”
Amy smiled. “You could always go naked.”
“What would the neighbors think?” He smiled back, reaching for her hand…but she tucked it behind her back.
“You still have the same clothes in the closet. Just as you left them, every time.”
“I deserved that.”
“Yeah, you did.” Amy picked up her Chinese food. “Goodnight.”
Ephram was visibly confused. “Wait, where are you going?”
I am going to bed.”
Ephram felt the tension in what Amy really meant. “Where am I going to sleep?”
“The couch is comfortable.”
“But it’s our bed.”
“Be here tomorrow morning and it could be.”

Ephram watched Amy walk up the steps and heard the door softly shut.

“Damn she’s good.”


Amy jerked herself awake. She looked at the empty containers of Chinese food and knew why her stomach was feeling upset.

“Why did I eat so much food?”

Then it came to realization, it’s what she does comes home for a little while and then leaves again. Another pattern Amy is determined to break once Ephram leaves again, because she knows he will or possibly has already.

She walked into the bathroom, turned the light on and was immediately greeted with garland decorated around the mirror.

“Did I do this?” Amy was sure she had to of at some point, because no one else would’ve done it.

Walking down the steps, the smell of bacon cooking, with a hint of sausage gravy and all of Amy’s favorite breakfast foods filled the kitchen.

“Hannah, I didn’t know you were coming this morning.”
“Well, she didn’t.” Ephram smiled at her.
“Oh, wow. Good morning.”
“Good morning. Coffee?”
“Yeah, I take it…”
“Creamer only because sugar makes it tastes funny.”
“Yeah, good memory.”
“And you like like bacon slightly crispy, but not too crispy because you like to tear it apart when eating it. And, my favorite, but still cannot understand, is the way you put eggs on buttered toast.”
“It’s the only delicious way to eat it.” Amy was half serious and eating her torn apart bacon.
“How’d you sleep.”
“Like a log. Apparently, I was too full from Chinese food to do anything but lay there.”
“Well, it was good Chinese food.”
“Yeah, it was.” Amy paused, looking at Ephram. “Wait, how do you know?”
“You ordered, as you do always, enough food to feed an entire army. I figured you wouldn’t notice a couple went missing. I was starving and you were passed out and I didn't want to disturb you.”
Amy laughed, giggled almost. “I thought I was some ogre eating all that food.”
“Oh, you still had plenty of food.”
“Yeah, I tend eat more than usually when you…leave.”

The only sound to be heard was the grease crackling in the pan from taking out the rest of the bacon.

Ephram leaned with his back at the counter, looking directly at Amy. “I really am sorry.”
“For how I feel now, now that I’ve gotten to the point that we can’t do this anymore. I could retire and live off the number of times you said you were sorry and probably have pocket money for the times I thought you actually meant it.”
“I do love you.”
“What do you love more?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you love me, or do you love music more?”
“I love you more than anything, no question.”
“Then why are we…why are you doing this? You're never being home, always missing your flight or not even caring that you come home at all.”
“It killed me to make that phone call that I wasn’t coming back when I promised I would.”
“And you only bothered to be here this morning after I wrote you an email saying that I was done and I can’t keep holding on to when you actually get it that I need you here.”
“I’m here.”
“Now, this morning? What about this afternoon? I know you gave your lessons with Donte to someone else, but there are more, you have too many clients to just give up and come back to Everwood.”
“That’s why I didn’t reply to your email, like I had wanted to a thousand times. I gave all my clients away…all the teacher’s I’d met since starting this business, they’re all gone.”
“What, you can retire on the incredible income you have?”
“I called Principle Aberman. I start with the new semester in January.”
“We have a music teacher.”
Ephram laughed. “You want to call Dave Dormant a music teacher? The guy couldn’t find a C key on a piano with two hands a flashlight. How did he get that job anyway.”
“He was the only one who knew what a piano was. Ephram, Everwood is a small town. Not a lot of people, especially teachers, come here to work at County High.”
“Well, this one is.”
“So, after County High gets to normal and boring for you, what next?”
“County High was never boring.”
“Ha! Okay, you were bored every sixth period, no matter what class.”
“I was a teenager, a child.”
“And some things never change.”
Ephram smiled at her; eyes glazed over. “No, they don’t.”



Amy was putting together dinner when Ephram walked into the kitchen, talking on his phone, looking annoyed.

“Yeah, Dex, I get it. But I can’t go back, I’m sorry. Yeah, the money is great, yeah, it is, but things are different now. No, you can’t change my mind. What changed?” Ephram looked at Amy who looked worried at how the phone call would end. “What’s changed is I’m home now and I’m not going anywhere. Dex, there’s a lot of music teachers out there…I’m hanging up now. Dex..goodbye.”
“Dex doesn’t give up, does he?”
“He’s good at building up a guilt trip.”
“What was he offering.”
“Doubling my salary, basically having my own rules and giving me whatever I want.”
“Sounds like a nice gig.”
“But I got a better gig.”
“Yeah, you do.”

They started to kiss, and Ephram parted quickly, looking at the picture of them holding a sonogram picture in front of their decorated Christmas tree.

“We haven’t called your parents yet.”
“I thought about that.” Amy tossed a cucumber piece in her mouth. “Both families, this Saturday for dinner. I’m throwing some Brunswick stew in the oven and we’ll tell them then.”
“I love it…and I love you.”
“Good to be home?” She asked between kisses.
Great to be home.”
I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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