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Old 07-06-2006, 03:00 PM
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Lovely title for the new thread.

I think it worked better in ...and Found for there not to have been anything in the bottle for Kate to find--it just drove home for Kate that he was gone, and she'd missed her chance to say whatever it was she needed to say. And there wouldn't have been much reason for Sawyer to put his letter in the bottle, since he had no reason to think it would wash up on shore and end up in Kate's hands. Now, if they had had a chance for that last talk, and he'd given her the letter then....But I still like the way Exodus worked out better.

I keep wondering about that letter. I'm sure Kate doesn't have it, because I think she would have used it in TLC. "Here, I guess you need this after all." That would have been a great moment. I do hope the letter shows up again somehow. I'd hate for that to just be another dropped plotpoint. It's too important to Sawyer's character.
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