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Old 07-06-2022, 10:56 AM
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April7739's Avatar
Joined: Dec 2007
Posts: 94,210
Bob Morley KEEPER’S LIST #18: Nobody with taste keeps Season 7 in the show's canon.


You can claim anything relating to Bob/Bellamy, except Bob himself, Bellamy Blake, or Bellarke;
but for example you can claim Bellamy and Octavia's relationship.

You can only claim one thing at a time and claims must be once once a day to give everyone a chance to claim.

Please wait until 24 hours after a new episode has aired to claim anything from it. Do not claim scenes in advance of the episode airing, and make your claims as specific as possible
(i.e. claim one Bellarke scene from an episode rather than all the Bellarke scenes in an episode).

You can claim and unlimited amount of things that no one else has claimed.

Happy claiming!



Murphamy relationship
Bellarke 2x16 hug
Day trip
Avi's clothes in LITWC

wickedrum {Rita}

Echo touching Bell in comfort
The chain restraining Bellamy in 6x06
The brotherly comforting touch between Murphamy in 6x03

a little chaos {Lachlan}

Bellamy's jaw line
Bellamy's clothes
Bellarke 2x05 hug
Bellarke hand hold from 3x16
Bob's hands
Bob's tongue
Bellamy's love for Clarke
Bellamy's protectiveness
Clarke's secret Bellamy feelings
Clarke's "special" quote
Beanie/Beard/Glasses Bob
"Lucky" sibling quote in 4x10
"I've got you for that" quote
"Guilt is all I have left" fan vid
The way Bellamy looks at Clarke
"What's wrong with a little chaos?" quote
Future threesome with April and Bob
Bellarke's "Head and the Heart" title
Bellamy's bad boy persona
Bellamy's personal growth
Bob kissing boys
Beliza at SDCC 2017
"101, including Bellamy" from the sizzle reel
Bob's laugh
Bellamy's dark side
April's attachment to "the icon."
That tongue thing Bob does
"Bellamy, I never meant to hurt you" quote
April's list
Bob creating Bellamy's voice hungover
Bellamy's black boxers
Bob's dimple
Modern AU Bellarke
Bob slide tackling HIC during the soccer match
Bob and KJ Apa breathing the same air
Bellamy stopping Echo from killing herself in 4x13
Bellarke being dramatic
"Platonic" Bellarke neck nuzzle thing
Bellamy's guns
Bellamy dragging Clarke away from RavALIE
Bob's choice to be an actor
Bob’s birthday
April changing her icon
The return of Bob's mustache
Becho in 5x01
The book Bellamy used to read to Octavia (5x02)
Bellamy/Madi relationship
Bellarke’s “Madi, no.”
Bellarke being parents
"Bellamy? Clarke knew you would come."
Bellarke 5x04 hugs
"the hostage taker and his girlfriend"
Bellarke's eye conversation when they enter the bunker
Clarke sharing her rations with Bellamy
Bellarke referring to themselves as “the heart and the head”
Bellarke dating people who betrayed them/got their previous partner killed parallel
Bellarke hiding people they love under the floor parallel
Blake sibling spar/Bellamy defending Echo scene
Becho sex scene
Bellamy refusing to go into the bunker without Echo
“You fight like Azgeda.”
Clarke's understanding of Bellamy
"Be diplomatic" / "Real diplomatic"
Bellamy being sassy to Octavia in 5x07
Bellarke tent scene in 5x08
Bellamy’s “My sister, my responsibility” in 5x08
Clarke’s “Maybe the old Bellamy, but not this one” line
Bellamy’s sass to Miller in 5x08
Bellamy calling Blake “Mama Bear”
Bellarke begging for each other’s lives
Clarke repeatedly shouting Bellamy
Madi having Bellamy's back in 5x10
Bellamy's survival instinct
Beliza at SDCC 2018
Bob being "too hot" at SDCC 2018
Clarke's "I always cared" line in 5x12
Bellamy speaking trigedasleng
"My brother, my responsibility."
Madi telling Bellamy about the radio calls
Bellamy's war paint
Season 5 as Bellamy's do-over
Becho hug in 5x13
Becho in 5x13
Bellarke's journey from enemies to best friends/soulmates
Beliza at NYCC
Bellamy’s face
Bellarke murdering together
Bellamy and the walkie talkie
Bellarke having the record for longest slow burn ever
Bob’s 34th birthday
Season 3 Bellamy
The way Bellamy says “Always”
Bellamy infiltrating Mount Weather
Bellamy touching Echo’s sword when he missed her
Bob using tongue in the Becho sex scene
Bellamy’s heart
Bellamy calling Madi “heda”
Clarke’s “I can’t lose you, too.”
Becho voiceover transition in 5x13
“I’m fighting to get back to my family.”
Bellamy’s “You left me” in 3x05
“Come on. Our family is waiting,” in 5x10
Bellamy being self-sacrificing and Clarke having none of it
"Echo, Raven, Murphy and Emori are my family,” in 5x09
Bellamy saying he loved Echo in the 5x06 script
Echo wearing Bellamy's jacket
Bob's ears
Bob's ink
Beliza wearing matching Blake hats at SW4
Eliza/Bob/Tasya SW4 panel
Bob/Tasya at SW4
Bob’s inability to end a video properly
Bob’s fan theory video
Echo and Clarke fighting over Bellamy
Bellarke and together
Chelsey's "Which girl will Bellamy choose?" video
"I got you for that" being Bob's favorite Bellarke quote
Bob and Eliza in their baseball jackets and caps
Beliza’s “what’s up with your hair?/what’s wrong with it?” interaction
April dancing at Conageddon 2
Bob losing Eliza in a grocery store
Bob saying, "You just don't know the real Echo."
Bob saying “I do think Bellamy is a good man in terms of relationships and I do believe he wants to make it work with Echo.”
The friendship Amelia/Sarah/April/Becks have thanks to Bob/Bellamy
Sachin acknowledging Bob and Eliza’s chemistry at Survival4
Bob's Twitter handle Wildpip
Bellarke's first scene
My Bellamy tattoo
Beliza “Ruin the Friendship” vid
Bellarke countdown picture
Bob saying “those two, still very much in love” about Becho
Bellarke radio call scene in 6x01
Bellamy shouting for Clarke as she runs toward the radiation
Bellamy in 6x01
Bellarke refusing to let another door close between them ever again
Becho in 6x01
Becho campfire scene in 6x01
Murphamy in 6x02
Bellamy using Jordan to prop himself up in 6x02
The Bellamy/Murphy/Clarke dynamic
This behind the scenes pic
Murphamy scene in 6x03
Bellamy and his stick
Becho hug in 6x03
Bellamy standing his ground with Octavia in 6x03
Bob/Tasya fan pic
Clarke writing "Leaving Bellamy" on her lantern
Bellamy kissing Echo on the head
Becho kiss in 6x04
Echo opening up to Bellamy in 604
Bob/Tasya BTS vid
Bellamy’s reaction to JC’s sex comment
Bellamy’s “happiness looks good on you” line in 6x05
Bellamy talking about being a pioneer
Bellamy always telling Murphy to be quiet
Eliza calling Bob her best friend and soulmate
Beliza announcing their marriage on International Best Friends Day
Bob telling a fan he ships Bellarke
Tasya staying at Beliza’s place and Eliza telling her about Bob and her
Lola's Beliza wedding tweet
The return of heart over head Bellamy
Bellamy's "Not Clarke" in 6x06
Bellamy singing Clarke’s praises to Murphy in 6x06
Bob wearing Eliza’s favorite colors on their wedding day
Bellarke being nerds with morse code scene in 6x07
Bellamy’s “Clarke’s alive” smile in 6x07
Clarke including Braven in her lock code
“I swear on my mother’s soul, if Bellamy is dead, I’ll slit your masters throat.”
Becho hug in 6x06
Beliza naming their dog “Panda”
Spacekru having faith in Bellamy in 6x08
Married Bob being more content and open
Bob and Sachin kissing
Bellarke’s love transcends spacetime trope
Bob at Montreal Comic Con
Beliza holding hands
Bob/Eliza/Tasya being cute at Montreal Comic Con
The way Bob looks at his wife
Josephine calling Bellamy out over his weird relationship with Clarke
Bellamy’s "Touch her and you get nothing."
Bob's tweet about Sachin
Bellamy being impressed/turned on by Clarke kicking ass in 6x09
Bellarke being each other's person
The Bellarke ending scene of 6x10 (shared claim)
Bellamy’s “You’re a fighter! Now get up and fight!”
Bellamy rescue scene in 6x10
Beliza both saying their marriage is the best decision they’ve ever made
Eliza’s “life lottery” IG post about/picture with her husband Bob (shared claim)
Eliza comforting Bob in ET interview
Tasya being Bob’s stage mom
April having the same name as Bellamy’s girlfriend
Tasya being a calming influence on Bob during his directorial debut
Tasya going to watch Bob direct on her days off
“I want to spend eons with you, Clarke Griffin.” -Book Bellarke
The Blakes in 6x12
Bellamy’s smug husband “Told you she’d do it” in 6x12
This mental health tweet from Bob
Bellamy/Echo/Octavia kicking ass in 613
Season 6 Bellamy
Becho hug in 6x12
My FF family
Bellamy being a Gryffindor
My username
bellarke always negotiating with people to save each other
“Give yourself a hug. I'm hugging myself right now.”
My Bellarke sex dream
Beliza filming Bellarke scenes as a married couple
Season 4 Bellarke
Bellamy’s popularity
Beliza/Nina BTS and helicopter ride
Beliza’s mysterious photo that may or may not be Bellarke art
Bob being the perfect husband
Bellamy's redemption
TV Guide dedicating a day to the Morleys
Parallel: “back isn’t big enough”/”lantern wouldn’t float”
Marie’s “They got married in real life. How much better does it get?” quote
Bob’s silly “stan account” tweet
Julianna’s Titanic photo op with Beliza
Eliza calling Bob gorgeous
Bob’s black and white selfie
Beliza’s one-year anniversary
Bob’s tweet about coming together during Coronavirus
Flying Bellamy in 7x01
Echo reacting to Bellamy’s “death”
The name Eliza Morley
Bellamy being too good for Clarke
Emori being the only one who deserved Bellamy
Sharon stealing the hearts of Bob and Chelsey
Bob using my pronouns
Bob’s baby insta post
Bob and Eliza’s 2 year anniversary

destroyer of worlds {Sarah}

Bob's glasses
Abby's "Start with Bellamy Blake" 3x15
Bob's selfies
Bellamy and the Rover
Bob's Reindeer hat
Bellarke in the Season 4 trailer
Bellamy's Sass
Bellamy/Roan teamwork in 4X06
Bellamy/Clarke/Raven O!T3 relationship
Bellamy's Rover scenes in 4X07
Bob's goofiness
Bellamy's almost confession 4x07
Bellamy's goodbye hugs
Bellamy/Monty friendship
Bob's dorky dances
Bellamy's dorky pick-up lines
All Bellarke scenes in Praimfaya
Bellamy being a smooth operator
Bob's adorable Aussie accent
Bob's Blake hat
Bob's comittment to mental health causes
Bellamy's love of books
Bellamy being a Gryffindor
Bob/Eliza season 4 bloopers
Bob/Ian season 4 bloopers
Bob's look at SDCC 2017
Beliza during SDCC 2017 panel
Bob being a playful tease
Bellamy's "Protect Princess Mode" whenever Clarke is in danger
Bob's cool t-shirts
Clarke saying, "You came through. I knew you would," to Bellamy
Bellamy's scruff in season 5
Roan/Clarke/Bellamy OT3
Bellarke "Knocking on Heaven's Door" video
Bob/Eliza teasing each other
Bellarke face caress in 3x02
Bellamy/Wells in the show
Bob/Richard hug during the charity soccer match
Bellamy looking at the irradiated earth from space
Bellamy's "like a kid in a candy store" look (BUNS)
Bob's fan interactions at conventions
Bob's love for the Dominion game
Bob's adorably bad bowling skills
Blakes “You’ll always fit with me” scene
Bellamy and Octavia’s goodbye in 1x13
Cast being cute/supportive at Battle of the Bands
Bob’s adorkable use of emoticons in tweets
Bellamy’s season 1 & 2 jacket
“Bellamy and Clarke” from Season 4 soundtrack
“Bellarke Theme” from Season 3 soundtrack
Bob’s relationship with The 100 cast
Bob’s Freckless nickname
Bob doing the on-set oink routine
Bob staring at the Ellie-cow in France
Bob/Richard hug at Spacewalkers 3
Bob being adorable with Bowie
Beliza cuddles at Conaggedon
Bob watching Bellarke reaction videos
Bob's 2017 Alpha Male Madness victory video
Bellamy rescuing Fox in Mount Weather (like a boss)
Bob wearing shades at Dystopia 2
Bob's single pigtail in Dystopia 2 photos
Clarke reacting to hearing Bellamy on radio (season 2)
Bob’s pink sweater
Bob’s Twitter typos
Clarke’s drawing of Bellamy in the countdown picture
Bellamy’s maturity in season 5
“I won’t let anything happen to Clarke. I promise.”
Madi instantly pulling Bellamy away in 5x03
Bob's new tattoo
Bellarke being all choked up during their reunion scene
Bellamy in the scene with Diyoza/McCreary
Bellarke tent convo in 5x05
Clarke contemplating telling Bellamy about her radio messages
Bob’s look in 5x05
Reversal of Bellarke’s roles in season 5
Bob being adorable with his puppies
Bellamy handling a sword like a boss
Bellamy wanting to talk to Clarke about Octavia (over Echo)
Bellamy finally standing up to Octavia
Bellarke look when Indra mercy killed the defector
Bob's chin dimple
Bellamy promising Clarke he’ll take care of Madi in 5x08
Bellarke being each other’s unacceptable loss
Eliza’s bubblegum nickname for Bob
Bob's weird but adorable use of emojis in his tweets
Beliza giggling adorably at SDCC 2018
Clarke's relief upon hearing that Bellamy is alive
Bellamy’s look/smile at Clarke on the ship in 5x13
Clarke's panic when Bellamy wouldn't get into the ship in 5x13
Blakes convo before Octavia goes into cryosleep
Marie calling Bob "Bobber"
Beliza pre-photoshoot hug at Conageddon
Bob being adorably squinty eyed at NYCC 2018
"The chemistry that Eliza and I have working ... I’ve never really had with anyone else."
Bob/Chelsey friendship
Bob acting spazzy in Eliza’s birthday pic
Beliza celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving together
Bellarke Christmas fan arts
Kate’s Bellarke manip
Season 2 Bellamy
Bob being a dork in the snow
“Bellamy’s eyes meet Clarke’s, and for that one moment, everything else melts away.”
Arryn being a supportive girlfriend to Bob
This cuddly Beliza pic at SW4
#welovebobmorley tag on Twitter
Beliza being beer pong partners
Bob attending Day 1 of Conageddon2 in matching plaids
Bob saying Monty was a Bellarke shipper
Bob/Mike bro-dates
Beliza recreating their old school tongue picture
This old school Beliza pic
This tweet from Eliza
Beliza being excited about snow in season 1
Beliza constantly bringing that they're best friends, at cons
Bob being back in Australia
season 4 countdown picture of Bob on a tiny bike
Bellarke being flirty in 6x01
Bellamy focusing on Clarke during the book reading scene
Bellarke parallel of looking at each other while hugging Madi and Octavia
Bellarke hug from the 6X04 scene
Beliza being cuties at the Spacewalkers 4 convention
Bellamy being the first one to know that Clarke wasn't Clarke
Bob calling Eliza his wife
Beliza holding hands in their wedding picture
Beliza's relationship journey over 13 years
Bob/Eliza's wedding bands
Bellamy not caring about himself/others because he thinks that Clarke is dead
Heartbroken!Bellamy in 6X06
The jacket Bob made Eliza for her birthday
Bob/Eliza being cuddly in Charlie's Twitter picture
Bellarke being attuned AF to each other, in 6X07
Bellamy being an Earth Skills nerd
Bob being open and emotional about his mental health struggles with fans
Beliza's dogs being a perfect blend of them
Bob/Eliza tweeting their marriage announcement at the same time
Bellamy dragging Josephine!Clarke away as Murphy bleeds out
Panda Bear being Bowie's baby sister
Bob’s wedding ring in his new Twitter profile picture
Bob playing beer pong at Conageddon 2
"My wife"/"My husband" responses from Beliza at Montreal Comic Con
Bob saying, "Well, we're family now" regarding Eliza
Beliza doing peace signs in photos
Bob calling Eliza his soulmate
Beliza being supportive spouses and each other's biggest fans
Bob's heart eyes to Eliza during the Montreal Comic Con panel
Bellamy's emotional “I won’t let you die” to Clarke
Bellamy crying when he thought that he was going to lose Clarke again
Bob saying "No, but she's on my island."
Bellamy looking back at Josephine!Clarke to see her reaction to his “I won’t let you die” comment
The Bellarke ending scene of 6x10 (shared claim)
Bellamy telling Clarke that he won’t let her go
Bob proudly saying he picked out Eliza’s engagement ring
Eliza saying marrying Bob was the best decision she’s ever made
Eliza’s “life lottery” IG post about/picture with her husband Bob (shared claim)
Eliza saying she’s proud of Bob and loves him (ET interview)
Cast/crew being supportive of #DirectorMorley in interviews and on social media
Bellarke’s unplatonic face closeness in 6x11 when she removes his gag
Bellamy holding Clarke’s hand in 6x11
Bellamy staying by Clarke’s side while she slept in 6x11
Bob referring to Eliza’s brother as “our little brother”
Beliza watching Master Chef together
Bob training Panda
Bellarke looking at each other in 6x12
Beliza holding hands throughout the Fan Favorites panel in 2019
Eliza saying that her wedding day to Bob was the best day of her life
Clarke’s nuzzle in the Bellarke hug scene
Bob and Eliza’s moms being the biggest Beliza and Bellarke stans
Eliza saying that she loves Bob in her tweet
Bob and Eliza not being able to stop calling each other “husband” and “wife”
Bob and Eliza both saying that they’re so happy about their marriage
Bob and Eliza’s banter during Florida Supercon 2015
Bob wearing the hoodie that Eliza designed
Bob and Eliza matching clothing at the Logies
Bob/Eliza's flirty Tweets to each other circa 2014/2015
Eliza patting Bob’s knee at Spacewalkers 4
Bob and Eliza playing Mario Kart together
Eliza taking a picture of Bob at Logies 2015
Bob and Eliza reciting the Day Trip tree scene in their Aussie accents
The romantic Bellarke backdrop during their scene in 6x13
Bob hugging Eliza from behind during MTCC 2019
Bob saying that he would not quit the show if he could, because he gets to now work with his wife
Bob’s look at MCC 2019
Bob wearing his Blakes hat at SDCC 2019
TV Guide being the biggest Beliza stans
Bob and Eliza having matching glasses and wearing them at MCC
The Beliza pictures released by TV Guide
Bob kissing Eliza's face in the IG picture
Conageddon 1 Beliza hug before Bob played with Bowie
Bob/Eliza smiling at each other at the SDCC Fan Favourites 2019 panel
Bob clapping back at the haters in his tweets
This gif of Bob giving heart eyes to Eliza
Season 2 Bellarke
Eliza’s latest tweet in support of Bob and mental health awareness in general
Bob’s vulnerability
Eliza saying that Bob and her are good at cuddling
Bob training Panda
Beliza interview clips by TV Guide (SDCC 2019)
Eliza saying she’s a proud wife to Bob
Bob and Eliza laughing at their puppies in the Nina IG story
Beliza close-up selfie at Conageddon 1
Beliza wearing matching coats in Eliza’s favorite colors
Beliza’s romantic weekend birthday getaway
Eliza’s little smile at Bob before the kiss
Eliza bathtub picture that Bob clearly took
Eliza’s scallops IG post
Bob being proud of the meal he made for Eliza
Beliza helicopter picture
Bellamy holding Clarke's hand in the cave scene in 6X09
Bob being proud of his Filipino heritage
Jason’s “brain and heart” comment about Bellarke
Bob supporting transgender rights
Beliza’s hug in the 11/22 wedding pic
Bob being upset when he didn’t get to sit next to his girlfriend at ConaGeddon 2
Bob’s wedding day outfit
Bob being Bowie and Panda’s dad
Eliza wishing Bob a happy birthday in 2018 on IG
Beliza retweeting each other’s posts
Bob wearing Harry Potter gear
Beliza saying "we" and "us" in relation to each other
Beliza cuddling Panda Bear in the new video
Bob’s penguin tattoo
Lola saying that Beliza are very important people to her
Eliza saying that Bob is her soulmate, teammate and lifelong partner at UD 4
Beliza holding hands in the closing UD 4 panel
This Beliza photo op from UD 4
Eliza’s comment about not really thinking that marriage was important until she married Bob and how great it is
Eliza holding Bob's face during the closing UD 4 panel
This pic of Bob from UD 4
Bob/Eliza saying “thank you” at the last bit of their video, while cuddling their pups
Bob’s look during UD 4
Panda Bear licking Bob's fingers in the campaign video
Beliza at the opening UD 4 panel
Eliza’s caption on her V-Day post
Bob’s love of pasta
Bob’s tweet of a throwback pic of him and Eliza
Bob starting to tweet his goodbyes to the show
Bob wearing Eliza’s sunglasses in Mike's picture
Bob’s picture of Panda lurking around his food
Chelsey saying that Bob cracks her up the most on-set
Beliza sharing sunglasses
Bob/Marie acting like actual siblings in RL
Mike's comment about how happy Bob is with Eliza
Bob’s passion/dedication for his character
Beliza being in each other’s clothes for the Bob and Eliza challenges
Beliza playing Pandemic game with Aaron and his wife
Bob giving a masterclass in shade
Flying Bellamy memes
Bellamy reacting to Octavia bringing up Clarke in 7x05
Bob saying that he loves the two little blondes, in his Eliza post caption
Beliza playing LEGOs together
Bob’s ring in the KTP pic (shared with Sharon)
Bob holding Bowie in Eliza's IG post
Bob praising Eliza for the wonderful job of cutting his hair
Bob wearing his wedding ring in the BTS pic from 7X07
Bellarke hug in 7x11
Bellamy being a nerdy teacher's pet in 7X11
Bellarke angst scene in 7x12
Bellarke crying in their fight scene in 7x12
Bellamy lying to Cadogan to protect Clarke from more torture
Bob showing Panda Bear off in Zoom calls like the proud puppy dad he is
Eliza calling Bob the love of her life
Bellarke being on the same planet again in season 7
Bob/Eliza aging backwards in their Zoom pics
Eliza calling Bob her person
Beliza pic from the LHL website
Bob liking Eliza’s body positivity post on IG
Bellamy's sass in 7x11
Bob's support of LHL
Panda photobombing Beliza's Zoom calls
Beliza laughing in the Claire birthday video
Eliza and Bob "woooing" in Claire's Birthday Video
Bob/Eliza making pasta together
Beliza making heart eyes at each other in the birthday clip
Shannon wearing a Blakes hat in honour of Bellamy
Bemori hug in 7X13
Beliza cooking selfie in EJ's "gratitude" IG post
Bob holding Bowie in April's second Zoom pics
Panda being perpetually glued to Bob
Beliza cooking together
Beliza whispering to each other during the Trivia Conclave
Beliza cuddling and kissing the pups in the Trivia Zoom
Beliza kiss photo (shared claim)
Eliza calling Bob her person
Bob saying that he’s grateful for Eliza in the show
Beliza watching TV shows together
Beliza watching The Americans together
New/old Beliza pic
Eliza saying that Bob is an excellent photographer
Bob's face when the doorbell rung and the puppies barked (NYCC panel)
Beliza falling even more in love with each other during pandemic
Bob calling Eliza a superhero
Bob calling Eliza the love of his life
Bob saying that the best thing about the show was falling in love with and marrying Eliza
Bob saying that he's a lucky man because he has Eliza by his side
Bob kissing the puppies during the Zoom trivia call
Eliza praising Bob's skills as the photographer
Bob's "One in Five" photo
Bob’s "my wife" references during NYCC calls
“I love you so much” from Bob’s Bday IG post to Eliza
Bob/Eliza's adorable hand pumping gesture in their LHL video
Bob's mother calling him 'guapo'
Bob playing the ukulele
Bob's comment about Bellamy in that NYCC video shoutout to fans
Bowie pic by the heater
Eliza referring to Bob as the one in the cast that she married
Bob scaring Eliza during the Cameo
Bob baking for Eliza's birthday
Beliza saying a fan’s name at the same time and giggling over it in a Cameo
Eliza saying that she and Bob were both imaginative as kids and would probably hang out together
Beliza saying that the one thing that they’d relive is their wedding day
Bob calling Eliza 'love' in one of the new Cameos
“Why don’t you dance up to me?” part in the Cameo
Bob dancing up to Eliza at the end of that Cameo
Bob’s adorable red Christmas sweater
Bob talking about adopting Bowie as his son
Eliza confirming that she’ll be wearing a lot of Bob’s sweaters during winter
Bob's answer for how he knew Eliza was the one
Beliza Cameo that April and Sharon got for me
Eliza calling Bob her “honey”
Bob surprising Eliza with Panda just after their wedding
Bob kissing Bowie in one of the Cameos
Eliza saying that Bob looked handsome in his Bardo outfit
Bob and Eliza in their Christmas hats
Pics in Eliza’s IG birthday post to Bob
Bob/Bowie in the new LHL birthday pic for Bob
Bob in a suit in Eliza’s IG birthday post to him
Bob embracing Eliza in the new Cameo
December being Bob’s birthday month
Beliza onesie + puppy pic from Eliza's latest post
Bob/Eliza both loving The Americans and wanting to make a similar show/movie together
Eliza/Panda picture that Bob posted on IG
Cameo pics of Bob kissing Panda
Beliza in their Christmas hats (in the Cameos)
Beliza colour coordinating their outfits in the Critics Choice awards clip
Bob wearing a suit in the Critics Choice awards clip
Eliza said that Bob's random purchases represent his quirkiness and are a bit of a question mark
Bob photobombing Eliza in her latest IG selfie
Bob fixing Eliza's hair in one of the Cameos
Bob’s silly face in the Critics Choice bloopers
Bob sweating in the bloopers
Bowie's cameo in the Beliza blooper reel
Beliza binging shows together
BTS picture that Marie shared on her IG stories
Beliza throwing subtle shade at haters in one of the new Cameos
Bob photobombing Eliza’s cooking pic
Beliza watching The Americans together
Beliza discussing a bake-off competition with each other
Beliza’s resilience
Pic of Beliza walking the pups while masked
Beliza doing a panel together at Fandom Vibes
the new Beliza LHL picture (with them with their phones)
Eliza’s new tweet about puppy and Bob snuggles making her feel at peace right now
Eliza’s “salt bae” pic of her and Bob
Beliza cooking together
Eliza wearing Bob's BWBK beanie
This Beliza cooking pic
LEGO drawings of Beliza
Eliza putting her head on Bob's shoulder during the Beliza panel
Bob saying that he would do anything for Eliza (in one of the meet and greets)
Bob cuddling Panda at the Beliza panel at Fandom Vibes con
Penguin references in Bob’s post
Adina supporting Bob's T-shirt campaign
Marlene’s Beliza Zoom pic
Bob’s IG post about what he made for his wife
Bob BTS Season 2 picture posted by Eliza
Beliza’s friendship with Zach
Bowie photobombing Bob's tomato picture
Beliza mimicking each other's by saying "mhmm"
Beliza in the LHL COVID awareness clip
Eliza saying that she wants to start a family with Bob next year
Bob as an interviewer
Eliza calling Bob “my love”
Eliza wearing Bob's sweater in one of the new LHL pics
Eliza wearing Bob's sweater in Australia
Bob sticking his tongue out in the training video
Eliza taking half of Bob’s wardrobe and wearing it in quarantine/Australia
Eliza being Bob’s main emotional support
Eliza’s second anniversary post
Bob's appearance in The Rookie clip
Bob's climbing video posted on 17 May 2021
second picture in Bob’s vaccination post
Bob walking Panda and Bowie in the Kokoda Tik Tok video
Bob’s “missing Eliza” IG post
Bob being an LHL Ambassador
Eliza’s IG post about cuddling with Bob for LHL Zooms
Eliza’s picture of Bob in the flamingo shorts
Eliza's picture of Bob + sourdough
Bob talking specifically about the cutest thing being him having a kid with Eliza
Eliza saying that she's proud of how Bob handles his mental health issues
Eliza’s “date night” IG post
Beliza pic in Eliza's IG post of her and Bob's vacay
Bob's flamingo shorts picture in Eliza's IG post
Bob saying he wishes Eliza and the puppies were with him in Australia
Bob narrating an Italian series in 2022
Beliza wearing matching windbreakers

April7739 {April}

Bellarke rescue scene in 3x02
Bob's freckles
Lost in the White City
Road Train sex scene
Bellamy's axe
Murphamy elevator fight scene
Breezy Bob gif
Purrfect Bellamy gif
Survivor's Guilt fanfic
"Who we are..." Bellamy quote
Bellamy's loyalty
Bellamy's pilot hair
Picking Up What You're Laying Down (Fanfic)
Bellamy's threesome
1x06 flashbacks
Bob's brain
Bob's magnificent hugging ability
Do You Even Care? (Music Video)
Bob's understanding of Bellamy
Bellamy's Mount Weather torture scenes
Bellamy's famous single tear
RavALIE/Bellamy scene in Nevermore
Bob's "Big Boy Lemonade" nickname
Wondercon 2015 Bob
Wondercon 2016 Bob
Bellamy's Motivational Speeches
Bellamy's "May We Meet Again" in 2x16
Bob's friendship with the BROPACK
Sea Patrol Bob
Bob's legs
Bellamy's bravery
DragonCon 2016 Bob
Bellamy's kill count
Sweaty Bob in Scorched
Bellarke scenes in Nevermore
Bellamy/Jasper's relationship
Bob's sense of humor
Bob's talent
The BUNS gif
"Whatever the hell we want!"
Bellamy's interest in/knowledge of history
Bellamy's relationship with Kane
Bellarke fanfic "Slow It Down"
Bellamy saying "Together."
Bellarke in 4x01
Bellamy shooting Jaha twice
Bellarke in 4x06
Rover BUNS
Shirtless Bellamy
Bob's smile
Bellamy/Jasper/Harper scene in 4x09
Bellamy's intelligence
Bob's tiara
Bellamy and Gina
Bob's facial hair
Bob's victory in Alpha Male Madness 2017
Bob's generosity towards his fans
Bellamy/Roan conversation in 4x10
Bob's interest in writing
Bellarke scene in 4x11
Bellamy and Abby's teamwork in 4x11
Praimfaya episode as a whole
"Never mind . . . I see you" quote
"I left her behind" quote
"Can You Feel My Heart?" (Music Vid)
Bellamy/Jaha conversation in 4x03
Bellamy's dramatic tendencies
Bellamy's tan shirt
The name Bellamy
Bellamy's half-hearted apology to Roan in 3x15
The day I finally meet Bob
Bellamy's season four arc
Bob's ability to change his voice
The song "I See You"
Bob's victory as Best Drama Actor in the 2017 TV Scoop Awards
Bellamy's sex skills
The Bob pumpkin
Bob's love of Pikachu
Bob's "What's wrong with a little chaos?" shirt
Bob's athleticism
Modern AU Bellamy
Bellarke smut
The Bellamy/Bob thread on The 100 board
"I do it every day."
Season 4 of The 100
Slow-motion Bellarke scene in 1x13
Bellamy/Roan bromance that never was
Bellamy's charisma
Bob/Richard at SDCC 2017
Bob/Richard dancing sensually at SDCC afterhours!
Bob's backpack
Bellamy's love for his mother
Bob's rock climbing skills
Bob's clothes/style
Bellarke scenes from 1x08
Clarke telling Bellamy, "I can't lose you, too."
Bellamy calling Clarke "Princess."
Bellamy saving Clarke from falling into the pit in 1x02
"Our princess has that effect" line
Bob's funny facial expressions
Bellarke mercy kill scene in 1x03
Clarke telling Bellamy, "I trust you."
Bob's "Whatever the hell we want" shirt
Bob's weird bear shirt
Bellarke "Everything Is Blue" (AU) video
Bob and Eliza's chemistry
Bellarke "Oppenheimer" scene
Bellamy seeing Clarke through the scope of his gun in 3x02
Bellamy's concern for Clarke's safety
"I'll get you out of here."
Bob's look at Fan Expo
Murphy's "You're not the only one here trying to save someone you care about.”
Bellamy hanging upside down in Mount Weather
Bellamy/Lincoln dynamic
Bellamy in the books
Bob's love of playing Bellamy
Bellamy's "We are grounders!" speech in 1x12
Bob in the charity soccer match
Bellamy's promise to not let Clarke die in vain
Bellamy's decision to leave without Clarke in 4x13
Bellamy nearly strangling Echo
Bellamy saying, "Shut up, Murphy!"
Bellamy's "Yes, ma'am," to Abby in 4x12
Sleeping Bellamy
Bob's quirkiness
Bellamy/Miller + that shock baton porn in 3x16
Bob's casual clothes
Bellarke "cold sweat" head brush in 4x13
Bob in Patrick's bowling video
Bellamy’s (undeserved) devotion to Octavia
The Bellamy/Octavia conversation in 4x13
Kane’s advice to Bellamy in 4x01
Murphamy interaction in 2x04
Clarke radioing Bellamy during their 6 year separation
Bob hugging Santa
Bob’s birthday
The Bellarke fades
Bob’s messy bedhead hair
Beliza meeting at the Australian Kid’s Choice Awards
Bob’s complex relationship with the rover
Bob liking my tweets
Bob and Zach’s friendship
Bob/Richard at Spacewalkers 3 Con
Murphamy in 2x04
Bob’s “Boston I am now inside you” tweet
Bob at Conaggedon
Bob’s exaggerated Boston accent
The amazing Beliza panel at Conaggedon
Conaggedon 1
Bob and his “purple people”
Bob’s nickname for me
Bob and Eliza making each other laugh
Bob's penchant for playing the "ass-hole with a heart" character
Bob's 2018 Alpha Male Madness win
Bob and Clover
Richard's videos of Bob bowling
Bob and Sachin kissing at the Dystopia 2 karaoke party
Uncle Bob nickname/persona
Bob and Mike Beach's friendship
Jaclyn and Marcella’s reaction vids
Bellarke angst
Murphamy fight scene in 5x01
5x01 transition (Clarke looking at sky to Bell looking at ground)
Selina’s Hypable episode reviews
Bellamy’s fighting ability
Bellamy’s rover driving skills
Bellarke REUNION SCENE in 5x03
Bellamy fighting in 5x03
“Clarke’s not here!” during Bellamy’s spat with Murphy
Bellarke reunion/hug scene from 5x04
Bellamy saving Clarke in 5x03
Bellamy/Miller reunion in 5x04
Bellarke's ability to communicate wordlessly
Clarke’s reaction to seeing Bellamy and Echo
Bellarke being impressed with each other
The Keeper’s Thread
Clarke noticing Bellamy and Echo AGAIN in 5x06
Bellamy beating Octavia in a physical fight
Bellarke with their guns in 5x06
Bellamy's complexity
Clarke staring intensely at Bellamy at the end of 5x07
Octavia’s “who you love” line to Bellamy
Ending Blakes scene of 5x08
Bellamy in 5x08
Bellarke winning Sexiest Moment 2 years in a row (TV Scoop Awards)
Bellamy’s muscles
Bellarke angst in 5x09
Bob's acting in the 5x09 Bellamy/Madi scenes
Bellamy's tendency to have very bad days
The 5x10 Bellamy/Indra fight scene
Bellamy/Octavia conversation in 5x10
Bellamy's relationship with Indra in season 5
Beliza IGN interview at SDCC 2018
Bellamy standing up to Octavia in season 5
"Lexa" shipping Bellarke in 5x12
The Bellarke undercurrent of the Clarke/Madi/Echo scene in 5x12
Bellarke's ON-SCREEN relationship development
Bellarke's reunification in 5x13
Beliza's perfect height difference
Bellarke's ability to forgive each other
Season 5 Bellamy
Bob's ability to make his fans laugh
Beliza hugging and posing before their Conageddon panel
Logan's eye cancer commercial
TV Guide shipping the hell out of Bellarke
Bob's ability to inspire his fans
Bob calling Eliza "EJ"
Avi/Eva LITWC sexy scene
Conageddon 1 VIP Party
“Hey babe, get in the car” vid of Bob
Bellamy descending into the bunker in 5x04
The season 5 Serpent promo
Bellamy's arms
Bob’s eyes
Season 1 Bellamy
Bob’s massive hat collection
01/11/19 spontaneous posting party
Bob’s “Boom, Out!” gif
Bellarke eyesex
Bellarke handporn
Bellamy jumping in front of Clarke in 2x09
Bellamy saying he loves Echo being CUT from the 5x06 script
Bob/Richard air guitar video
Bob/Richard at Spacewalkers 4
Bob and Jarod's friendship
Bob’s teeth
Bob standing up to jerks/bullies
Bob’s cute pre-Conageddon video
Bob in the “How men really feel about their bodies” video
Conageddon treating ALL fans with respect
Bob’s Denver Starfest look
Bob/Eliza/Zach dynamic
Bob at Conageddon2
Bob surprising his VIP group with lunch
Bob's panel at Conageddon2
Bob/Richard/Zach panel at Conageddon2
Bob/Richard at Conageddon2
Bob/Zach at Conageddon2
Bob saying, "That's my ***hole!" about LITWC
Beliza beer pong hugs
Bob knowing that Becho “wasn’t playing” to the audience while filming season 5
Bob's sweet and encouraging video to my best friend
Beliza's Conageddon 2 photo op lasting an hour
Bob and Eliza watching the Bellarke video at Conageddon 2
Bob's "licking rocks in a field" story
Beliza and Co. having a dance party on top of a hotel in S1
Bob’s passion for directing
Bob watching everything Eliza and Richard have been in
Bob not having Instagram (until 2020)
Bob joking to me, “This is what happens when you come around. My clothes just come off.”
Bob and Eliza’s playful teasing and banter
Bob and Eliza laughing about breastfeeding
Bellamy making Clarke laugh in 6x01
Bellamy's thug life look in 6x01
The way Bellamy smiles at Clarke
Bellamy telling Clarke the others will come around in 6x01
Bellamy’s ability to understand Clarke
Bob’s idea for a montage power
Bellamy trusting Clarke with his key
Bellarke having faith in each other in 6x03
Clarke's relieved look at Bellamy when he brings Madi to her
Bellarke looking at each other as he walked away from Sanctum
Clarke trusting Bellamy with Madi even after 5x09
Bellamy not immediately forgiving Octavia
Bellarke 6x04 scene
The look on Bellamy’s face as he hugs Clarke in 6x04
Bob shortening my name
The popularity of Bellarke
Bellamy noticing throughout 6x05 that something was off with Clarke
Jordan’s “heart over head Bellamy” line in 6x05
Bob’s sweating condition
Bob and Eliza being in love
Beliza's marriage tweets
The things the reverend said about Bob and Eliza
Beliza’s interaction in Em’s autograph video
Richard's Beliza wedding tweet
Bellamy in 6x06
Bellamy attacking Russell in 6x06
Devon's "Called it" tweet
All of Charlie Crutchers’ kind words about Beliza
Bellamy figuring out Clarke is alive in 6x07
Clarke’s guilt over leaving Bellamy behind in the fighting pit
“Octavia” talking to Clarke about Bellamy in 6x07
Bob’s ability to inspire his fans
Bob saying “Look at you. So hot, so hot,” to Eliza
Jordan saying, “You only care about Clarke.”
Heather’s episode reviews
Bob and Bowie
My Bellarke Sims
Marie’s marriage tweet to Beliza
Video of Bob telling a fan marrying Eliza was the "best decision" he's made
Beliza's openness about their marriage/happiness at Montreal Comic Con
Bob watching Eliza take photo ops
The way Bob and Eliza make each other laugh
Josephine’s “I guess you just care about her more.”
Bellarke being best friends
THE heart eyes gif/look from the Montreal Con
Bob and Eliza being "fan favorites."
The Bellarke ending scene of 6x10 (shared claim)
Bellamy keeping his promise to not let Clarke die
Bob saying, “Well, I’m in love with her” about Eliza
Beliza walking out holding hands at the Fan Favorites panel
Eliza’s “life lottery” IG post about/picture with her husband Bob (shared claim)
The #DirectorMorley trend
Bellarke touches in 6x11
Bellarke conversation at the start of 6x11
Bellamy being more worried about Clarke than Echo in 6x11
The Bellamy/Octavia cave scene in 6x11
Bellamy’s speech in 6x12
Bob’s love for/pride in Conageddon
Bob’s old “Confuscious” tweet about farting in an elevator
The Bellarke scene in 6x13
Eliza’s “technologically challenged #soulmates” tweet about Bob
Bob retweeting and liking Aaron’s “Character first” tweet
Bob’s tweet in Eliza’s campaign sweatshirt
Beliza at the Logies
Bob rocking a clutch at the Logies
Bob’s famous “Count me in” tweet
Bob's tweets about the prodigal plant
Bellamy's shoulders
Bob’s important September tweets about depression
Bellarke parallels to Gabriel/Josephine
Bob attending a suicide awareness/prevention workshop at USC
Beliza old denim picture
That pic of Bob and a guitar
Bob’s retweeting spree on 09-19-19
Bob saying “How good is she?” about Eliza at MCC
Me coming up with the idea for the Group VIP photo at Conageddon
Beliza’s cuddliness in the SW4 group photo op
Season 6 Bellarke
Bob’s bravery
Bob calling out E!News about their article headline
The way Bob encourages, motivates, and inspires fans
Bob saying, “Screw everyone else. Let’s just go,” in his Bellamy voice
Bob knowing how to give a classy middle finger to haters
Beliza at the bar at the Conageddon 2 VIP party
Bellamy being polarizing
Image of Bob’s ring in the helicopter video
Beliza’s affection
Eliza’s “magical man” tweet
Bob saying Eliza is “the most adorable being on the planet”
Bob’s culinary talents
My Bellarke Sims’ fashion sense
Beliza + Zach photo from Conageddon 1
Bob’s quirk of putting his hats and shirts in his mouth
Bob making it rain with confetti
Bob’s proud tweet about being a half-Filipino male lead
My Bellarke Sims grinding on the dance floor
Bob hugging my mom and saying she’s very sweet
Bob’s tweet about redefining masculinity
Conageddon’s VIP system
Bob’s hair on his wedding day
Bob looking in on the Conageddon 2 girls panel with his sister
Bob’s troll-hunting tweet
Bob’s “common humanity” tweet for Thanksgiving
Eliza retweeting Matt Haig
Bob’s informative tweet about the Australia wildfires
Fangirlish article about Clarke's bisexuality
Beliza & Co. packing the Conageddon 2 envelopes themselves
Beliza’s wildfire relief campaign
My Bellarke Sims’ incessant desire to have sex
Bob calling Lola a “little gem”
Beliza at Unity Days 4
Eliza making the Bellarke Funkos kiss
Lola and Eliza’s Bellarke Tik Tok
Bob saying, “I’m sorry, Eliza, I have brain damage,” whenever he does something dumb.
Beliza’s gratitude in their thank you video
Eliza saying “thank you” at the end of the Beliza thank you video
Beliza’s Conageddon M&G selling out in record time
The article that refers to Echo as Bellamy’s “supposed” girlfriend
Bob saying he’s going to print out the Baby Tricycle pic for their fridge
Bob’s tweet about acceptance of self
The pic Mike posted of him, Bob, and Chris
Bob’s tweet/vid thanking people who supported the wildfire campaign
Chelsey always saying Bob is the funniest
My own cheeky Bellarke interaction with Chelsey at Conageddon 2
Bellarke being the face of the show
Eliza MORLEY in the Zoom call(s)
Beliza’s love of Shark Tank
The volume of Bob’s voice
“You two are going to get married!”
Bob and Patrick
Mike Beach’s “Me, too!” Bellarke tweet
The fans’ love of Bellamy/Bob
Eliza doing the Bob challenge
Bob calling out the baiting
Bob using #thankyouthe100fans after seeing the #ThankYouBobMorley trend
Bob liking the tweet of Bellamy flying across scenes
Beliza + puppies family pics for charity livestream
The one Bellamy scene in 7x05
Bob’s Instagram
The photo of Beliza at the KTP board meeting
Bob’s IG bio
Bob participating in the KTP Zooms with Eliza
Clarke shouting Bellamy's name in 7x06
Beliza both having more Twitter followers than people who watched 7x06
Bob’s IG post about his mask, hair, etc. (shared with Amelia)
Bob not following Jason or Kim on Twitter
Clarke finding out Bellamy is “dead” in 7x07
Beliza pic/selfie from Bob’s private FB
The pic of Bob picking out the ring from Eliza’s IG post
The pic of Beliza with her family from Eliza's IG post
The Beliza selfie from Eliza’s IG post
Beliza’s short video for the SDCC from home panel
Eliza and Bob having nearly the same glasses prescription
Zoom pic of Beliza with both dogs
August 2020 pic of Bob rock-climbing
The whole Caveman Bellamy Christ look
Beliza being the Little Hearts Learning ambassadors
The fandom's hype for 7x11 compared to the rest of the season
Beliza quarantine bubble pic caption/description
Bellamy in 7x11
The Blakes comment in 7x11
Bellamy's dramatic jump into the anomaly
Bellamy seeing Aurora in 7x11
Bellamy being more emotional with Clarke than Echo in 7x12
Beliza rising above the hate
Bob's lime tree IG post
Beliza bringing Zach into one of the Cornerstone Zooms
Beliza barely tweeting about Season 7
Eliza saying that she is her whole self now that she's married to Bob
Eliza saying that every day is National Dog Day in her and Bob's house
Beliza and LHL meeting with an architect for the new school
Beliza going on walks with the dogs
Bob's Little Hearts Learning countdown pic and write-up
Bob and Eliza building LEGO cities together
Bob being a supportive husband to Eliza
Beliza's 09/07/20 Zoom pic
The fandom's outrage over Bellamy's death
Bob sharing his sister's note to him
Beliza’s compassion for the fans
Chris's emotional IG post to Bob
Beliza’s 09-14-20 Zoom with me
Beliza owning their own TRPF Funko Pops
Shannon acknowledging Bellamy/Bellarke fans' sadness
Bob's RBG tweet
Eliza’s whole 09-21-20 "gratitude" IG post
Beliza’s 09-21-20 Zoom with me
Beliza playing board games every night
Bob making the Bellarke Funkos make-out in the Trivia Conclave
Eliza resting against Bob's back/shoulder during the Trivia Conclave
Beliza's 09/28/20 Zoom with me
Beliza kiss photo (shared claim)
Bob’s post-show tweet about Eliza
Bob preparing a surprise for Eliza’s birthday (shared w/ Sharon)
Ashley F.’s Beliza ukulele pic
Bob discussing crackships
Beliza’s last 2020 Zoom call with me
Bob photographing Eliza
Beliza’s posts for World Mental Health Day
Beliza watching my video and Bob recognizing people from it
ALL the tea Bob spilled at virtual NYCC. All of it.
Bob keeping the Eliza update accounts super busy at virtual NYCC
Bob saying "Contrary to Jason's beliefs . . ."
Beliza being told to act out Bellarke romantically
Bob's friendship with Aaron Ginsburg
Bob saying Eliza is his favorite acting partner
The photo Bob took of Eliza under the blankets
Bob liking one of my dance team's videos
Bob and Eliza wearing the Hope shirts
Bob’s Bday IG post to Eliza
Bob saying that Clarke never would’ve killed Bellamy
Bob's heartfelt video message to my mom
Bob telling me that my mom and I are both adorable
Beliza hating Trump
Bob praising me to my mom
Whole IG post with black and white photo of Bob
Beliza Cameo bloopers
Beliza and dogs onesie photos
Silly Cameo where Beliza imitate Bellarke’s voices
The “sexy surprise” Beliza Cameo
Eliza saying “He supports me. It’s nice.”
“If you could relive one moment forever” Beliza Cameo
The return of the bear shirt in 2020
The Cameo where Bob calls Eliza his best friend
“Why don’t you dance up to me?” Beliza Cameo
The Cameo where Eliza talks about how Bob asked her out
The intelligence of the Bellarke fandom
Beliza pic on the Bob’s LHL PNG announcement post
Beliza’s “best thing to come out of The 100” Cameo
Cameo of Bob reciting the poem
Eliza’s “I love that weirdo” tweet
Bob caring about my mom
Cameo where Bob sings “Endgame” in his own Bob way
Bob spilling tea about hearing romantic Bellarke scenes were to be written
Beliza’s over-dramatic reading of “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”
Cameo where Beliza talk about nicknames for each other
Cameo of Beliza talking about their love languages
Eliza saying Bellarke were romantic
Eliza (and me) getting into exercising because of Bob
Cameo of Eliza signing “Let It Snow” with Bob talking in background
Eliza’s Facebook birthday post to Bob
Beliza shading season 7’s shiitty writing in a Cameo
Beliza saying doing a Mr. & Mrs. Smith-type movie together would be cool
My 01/05/21 Zoom with Beliza
My “I want to be next” Zoom pics with Beliza
Me meeting Bob’s sister
Cameo where Bob says Eliza is nice and comfy like the couch
Beliza Cameo where Bob’s hair defies gravity
Eliza trying to fix Bob’s hair
Beliza awards show bloopers vid
My LHL thank you note that Bob wrote
Bob being my workout inspiration (and cheerleader!)
Bob's sister helping out with the LHL/KTF partnership
Eliza’s tweet about a cuddle from her hubby
Beliza Cameo talking about magic
Eliza calling Bob Papa Bear
Eliza saying that she and Bob miss meat pies
Beliza taking a uni course for for their work with LHL
Cameo where Bob talks about Eliza’s authenticity and compassion
Beliza rising above the hate
My 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Cornerstone Zooms
Pic of Beliza walking the pups while masked
EJ’s “my little family” post
Pics of Bob in his 2021 Represent campaign merch
Bob’s workout photos
Eliza’s IG post with Bob about cards
Bob selling out of EVERYTHING for FandomVibes 1
Public reveal that 6x11 was when Bellarke was meant to become canon
Bob knowing me so well that he knew I was mad at my mom
Eliza in Bob’s 2021 Represent merch
What Sharon and I saw in our first Sprouts Zoom
Bob talking about the “I misinterpreted” tweet at FV1
Eliza referring to Bob as her “special guest bitch”
Bellarke being the intended endgame
The first LHL Chat
FV1 Video of Bob talking about “life-changing decisions”
Eliza talking about how she supports Bob with his mental health
Eliza’s “tech-related” IG post about Bob
Beliza getting vaccinated
ALL of my own Beliza Zoom pics
Cooking with the Morleys 1
Bob’s rock climbing vid
Eliza’s whole “homey hotel” TikTok
The pics in Eliza's 2nd anniversary IG post please
Eliza’s random “Bob appreciation post”
Bob’s participation and leadership in #Kokoda100
Bob calling Eliza a “bloody cutie”
Bob's fanny pack
Black and white photos of Bob in a suit
Eliza’s tweet responding to Bob’s board secretary one
LHL’s Quiz for the Cause event
My first Stepping Stones Zoom
Beliza talking about babies at FV5
Eliza’s “date night” IG post
Eliza's IG post of her and Bob's vacay
Bob and Eliza watching Dance Moms
Beliza vid where they talk about each other’s various roles
Video where Bob talks about being proud of dealing with his mental health
Bob and Eliza being big fans of Shazza
Bob being cast in the "Love Me" series
Bob recommending Freshly to me
Eliza's tweet of 3 emojis to describe Bob
Second Stepping Stones Zoom with Eliza
Bob calling me a legend

Leelith {Lee}
Bellarke argument in 3x05
Bob's face
Bellarke beach scene in 3x13
Bob's hair
Bellamy's voice
Bob monkey gif
Bob Morley Board
Conceal don't feel Bellarke feels
Bob as Craig
Bellarke in 4.05

Milk-tea {Hannah}

Bob's lips
The anger we have for Bellamy not being on screen
Bellamy’s Jesus Hair
The ice on Caveman Bellamy’s beard
The rock that Bob climbed on
The forest creature living in Bellamy’s beard
The Love inside the Beliza Quarantine Bubble Pic
Bellamy Saying "I'm not afraid" in 7x11
"It's hard to keep the Blakes down" from 7x11
Shaven Bellamy smiles in 7x12
Bob's underlying message in his lime tree pic
Bob's smile in the latest (?) Zoom picture
Bob growing limes
Bob learning how to Instagram by liking Eliza's posts
Beliza and the importance of self-care
Beliza matching in this Zoom pic
Bob's cattle face mask
Beliza being themselves unapologetically in Zoom Calls
Bob puppeteering Panda's paws
Beliza taking part in the Trivia Conclave
Lola joining in w/ Beliza for the Trivia Conclave
Bob calling Eliza the backbone of The 100
Bob hopefully learning to play Uke after the gift
Bob’s wig in the SDCC 2018 Beliza pics
The board living vicariously through April, Sharon, and Amelia for Beliza moments
Beliza being a prize for the LHL lottery.
Bob being Eliza's personal paparazzi
Bob’s cute joke about having a ball from his Panda IG post
Bob's ever growing collection of mental health shirts
Eliza being Bob's muse
Beliza being goofy in their Halloween onesies
Beliza encouraging people to vote
Bob calling April the Pumpkin Queen
Bob's amazing video about not feeling okay
Bob saying Eliza made him more romantic
Bob saying "Going down to Timmy Hortons, eh?" in Sarah/Lisa's cameo video

Damocles {Lisa}

Bob's cool cap
Bob's Finger Nails
Bob's ability to cry a single tear

Stars Fade {Adie}

Bob as James Potter
Bellamy's blue shirt in the flashbacks
Bellarke development in Season Four
TV Scoop Awards Sexiest Moment: Bellamy caressing Clarke's face in 4x13
The brain and the heart music video
4x11 script for the Bellarke gun scene
Bob's hugs
Bellamy/Wells in the books
Video of Bob watching Stranger Things
Bob's look in the bowling vid
Lola’s on set vid of Bob
V-neck Bob look
Bob and Eliza having “Walt Disney singing voices”
Bob’s “I’m Bellamy f-ing Blake” tweet
Bob not understanding how Tumblr works
Bellamy meeting Madi
Bellamy’s “Clarke”s alive?” in 5x03
Close up of Bellamy's hand on Clarke's back (5x04)
Zoomed out/wide frame shot of Bellarke embrace (5x04)
Bellamy’s silence after Octavia’s “who you love” line
Bellarke Beer Pong AU
Beliza panel at Conageddon2
Bob saying "Screw everyone else. Let's just go," in the Bellamy voice
Video of Bob saying "Everybody stop! I have a mug" in the Bellamy voice
Bellarke smiling at each other in 6x01
Bellamy's scene with Murphy kinda having fun with Jordan
Bob calling Eliza "my wife"
Eliza calling Bob her soulmate
The Bellarke ending scene of 6x10 (shared claim)
Bellamy telling Clarke he needs her
Bellamy saying Octavia isn’t his responsibility anymore

Ellfoy {Margaux}

Bellamy's Scars
Daddy Bellamy with the delinquents
Bellamy and Clarke first meeting
Bellamy's future redemption arc
April unhealthy obsession bond with Bob

loppabelle {Sharon}

Bellarke 2x05 campfire scene
Unintended Bellarke eyesex
April fangirling for BUNS
Bellamy getting sleep
Bob doing hair flips
The curls in Bob's hair
"They Are Platonic" music videos
Bellamy/Monty/Murphy rescue scene
Kane caring about Bellamy
Bob's emotional acting (Bellamy's sad face)
All the places I wish Bellarke would sex it up
The Blake family
Bob's adorable dorky videos
Season 4 DVD being released on my birthday
Bob being willing to change his look
Bobintales (Bob and the dolphin)
Beliza waving to the Bellarke baby
Bellamy looking at Clarke until passing out in 3x13
Kabby adopting Bellamy (my great hope)
First Bellarke look in the Pilot
Bellamy touching Clarke's shoulder during the Lincoln torture scene
Bob being charitable
Bob's "Stayin' Alive" point on set
Bob's "See no evil" pic with Chris and Richard
Manipulated Bellarke fan arts (season five posters)
Bellarke "Loving Her Was Red" (AU) video
"You" Bellarke trailer
Bob's "huge and blue" semi-dirty insinuation at Fan Expo
"Come back" AU Bellarke video
Wells/Bellamy "Now she sees you" scene
Becks' Bellamy/Theo crackship
Season 5 set pic of Beliza
Bellarke rover convo in 4x12
Bob's dance/jig in the bowling video
Bellamy’s 2x05 smirk to Octavia
Abby telling Bellarke to take care of each other
Bob playing with Bowie
Freshly-shaven Bob
Bob/Richard hugs
Bob drunk dancing at a family wedding
Bellamy’s look in the promo
Bob/Zach dancing at Conaggedon
Bob's 2018 Alpha Male Madness victory video
Bob talking about Dylan O'Brien
Bob/Richard "Will you be my cup of cappuccino?" pic
Clarke’s message to Bellamy about seeing him again
Bellamy looking at Clarke in 6x02 after waking up
Bellamy being comforted by Clarke’s arm brush in 6x02
Clarke asking Bellamy, "Isn't that what you said?" in 6x02
Bob and Eliza eloping in Hawaii
Beliza’s Conageddon 3 VIPs selling out in a minute
Taylor-Morley family, Bowie and Panda included, ghosting fans
Bob’s positive tweets on mental health and suicide prevention
Beliza’s first kiss (whenever/wherever it happened!)
Beliza hug pic from DailyEJT’s exposed DMs
Bob’s cute side smile in the helicopter
Bob’s one-armed hugging/cuddling with Eliza
Bob calling Eliza a goddess
Eliza being Bob’s #1 fan
Beliza getting back online
Bob’s shade @ The CW
Bob’s smile in the 11/22 wedding pic
Bob’s hand placement in the 11/22 wedding pic
Bob liking a baby pic
Bob shadily liking a tweet about Pineapple CLs
Bob and Eliza being in the same show before
Eliza’s IG post about Panda not wanting them to take the tree down
Bob holding Eliza’s hand and supporting her at UD 4
Beliza’s Tangled pic from UD 4
Pic of Bob with his eyes closed laying on Eliza at UD 4
Beliza doing cute puppy voices in thank you video
Lee saying that Bellamy wouldn’t be Bellamy if not for Bob
Chelsey being a Bellarke shipper
Eliza possibly/probably talking to Bob in the KTP dance party Zoom call
Silly Beliza doing fun things as a couple
Beliza working with Aaron
Last show day for Bob
The way Beliza are looking at each other in the IG livestream pic
Claiming Bob shading the Cheeto in charge
“There was a Bellamy look. Bob‘s acting! *insert thud* It’s right before the explosive goes off and his eyes turn downward.”
Baby!Bob IG post
Beliza’s happy ass smiles in Zoom pics
Bob’s new phone
Bob’s ring in the KTP pic (shared with Sarah)
Clarke referencing Bellamy with the hand signal and weapons hot
Eliza cutting Bob’s hair
Beliza birthday video to Claire
Bob kissing Eliza's shoulder in the trivia conclave
Beliza kiss photo (shared claim)
Bob preparing a surprise for Eliza’s birthday (shared w/ April)
Bob screwing up his and Eliza’s song
Bob’s doggie weed plans for Bowie in April’s video
Bob saying Bowie is embarrassing
Bob posting Panda being all cute
Bob taking Eliza away for a birthday weekend
Bob being a proud lucky man
Beliza being shady in their Halloween onesies
Beliza adorably posing in onesies
Eliza whipping Bob’s butt in UNO
Beliza+Bowie pic with guitars
Eliza welcoming Bob as her first special guest on Bitch Can Bake
Beliza karate picture

kiss the wind {Amelia}

Bellamy's Mount Weather guard outfit
Braven "Always" from 4x13
The smutty Bellarke drawings April shared
Blinder shower scene gifs
Bellarke beach scene from 4x06
April's fluffy fic Open Your Eyes
Bellamy and Clarke's relieved smiles after 4x06 rover chase
Braven sex scene
Bellarke flirty scene at the beginning of "Unity Day"
Clarke's "You did good here, Bellamy" from 1x13
"Bellamy is the key to everything, Octavia" quote
Scruffy Bob/Sachin/David Anders photo
"Some medicine would be nice" + Bellamy smirk/"I'll see what I can do" from 1x10
His Bob's Burgers shirt with his face on it
Bob/Richard pic and shirts that say "Bell"
The tone of Clarke's voice when she says "Bellamy"
Bellamy's season 5 beard
Bellarke height difference
Bob’s pre-Unity Days video
Bob’s Unity Days 2018 look
Bob with flowers in his hair (Richard’s IG post)
April finally meeting Bob!
Bob/Eliza/Richard bowling photo
Bob/Richard photo
Bob’s pigtails from Dystopia 2
Bellamy teaching Clarke to shoot/getting flustered around her
“Thank you for keeping me alive.” / “You don’t make it easy.”
Bob’s season 5 countdown photos
Clarke’s “I’m proud of you” in 5x01
“She must be pretty important to you.” / “She is.”
Braven in 5x03
“I left Clarke behind, and I’m not doing that again.”
Clarke saying "You're really here? / And now you're home?"
Bellamy's dramatic entrance into the bunker
Bellarke's looks at each other at the end of 5x04
5x05 campfire Bellarke scene
Bellarke’s joint power strut in 5x05
Eventually fanfic
Hot, rained on Bellamy in 5x06
Lipstick Bob/Tasya/Jarod photo
Bellamy's smile to Monty in 5x07
Bellamy choosing Clarke over Octavia
Bob’s Blackberry
This Beliza SDCC 2018 photo
Bob's SDCC 2018 look
Bellamy's battle look in 5x12
Clarke's "Go save him" line in 5x12
5x13 Bellarke ending scene
Bellarke's sweet little waking up from cryo reunion
Bellamy and Clarke being left in charge of Jordan
Bob's chest
Bob's abs
Bob as Nick Reagan in Blinder
Bob's pink hoodie picture with Shannon
Beliza season 6 bts pic
Bob's NYCC 2018 look
This Beliza NYCC picture
"I love working with the idiot." - Eliza in regards to Bob
Beliza pic featuring a cropped out Jason
Bob rock-climbing pics
Beliza pic without Jason!
Beliza at Conageddon 2017
Avi beach scene in LITWC
Bob/Richard friendship
Bob’s penchant for running his hand through his hair
Bob celebrating at EJ’s birthday dinner
UD video
Bob and Pups video
Bellarke/Jordan interaction in 5x13
Bob’s scruff
Eliza’s throwback pic of her and Bob for Bob’s b-day
Season 4 Bellamy
Bob’s Unity Days 3 look
Bob directing an episode
Eliza’s complimentary tweet about Director!Bob
Bob at the season 6 wrap party
Bob and Alycia being flower buddies
"You pretty much know everything about me." - EJ to Bob
Beliza at Spacewalkers 4
Bob at Spacewalkers 4
This Beliza photo from SW4
Bob’s “be well, be kind” motto
Bob’s “What’s wrong with little chaos?” campaign video
Bob’s iconic looks at Dragon Con
Bob saying, “Sorry, love.”
Bob’s lip scar
Beliza at Conageddon2
Bob and Eliza being best friends
Bob in his green tiara and clover headband
These vintage Beliza photos
Bob’s Conageddon 2 accessories
Eliza saying "There's my Bellamy" to a Sacramento cosplayer
Beliza being Logie's dates
Bob's plaid look at Conageddon 2 on Saturday
Bob accidentally saying “p*ssy” instead of “puissions” at SW3
Eliza saying she'd choose to be stuck on an island with Bob if she had to pick a cast member to be stuck with
Bob's shorter haircut and the pic of it
Bob's friendship with Purple the sheep
This Bob fan pic
Bellamy/Emori dynamic
Court jester Bellamy moment/gif
Beliza proposal fan pic
Clarke’s “You’re too important to me” line
Bob on the set recliner video/photos from Shannon’s BTS
Bellamy’s “Who are you?” and heartbreaking face when he realizes Clarke is gone
Bob’s random inspirational tweets
Bob and Eliza being married
Bellamy’s breakdown over Clarke in 6x06
Bob’s jacket from a Conageddon 2
This Beliza pic/tweet from Charlie Crutcher
The Bob ADR video
Bob’s return to Twitter/tweets after deactivating
Beliza/Bowie/Panda family
Bellamy getting rough with Clarkephine in 6x08
Bob liking his wife’s tweets
Bob and Panda
Bob’s new Twitter profile pic (summer 2019)
Eliza’s blushing/shyness when Bob praised her at Conageddon 2
Beliza at Montreal Comic Con
Bob's "woke up to my soulmate and my puppies" tweet
The way Eliza looks at Bob
Bellamy’s heart eyes when he realizes it’s Clarke in 6x09
Mama Morley's supportive comments and likes on FB
The Bellarke ending scene of 6x10 (shared claim)
Bellarke's lips touching during CPR
Beliza at SDCC 2019
Eliza’s “life lottery” IG post about/picture with her husband Bob (shared claim)
Beliza sharing their Starbucks at SDCC
Eliza’s tweet about Bob directing
Bellarke’s u wavering faith in each other
Eliza calling Bob “husband” a lot during the TV Guide shoot at SDCC
Bob's old tweet calling EJ "happy hurricane"
This tweet from Bob prior to the S6 finale
Bob supportive tweet about Eliza’s campaign
Eliza being Bob’s wife
Bob wearing hoodies
Beliza allegedly handholding at Conageddon 2
Bob playing Bellamy as being in love with Clarke the entire time
Eliza wearing Bob’s beanie
Bob + babies/kids
Bob in the Kick Ebola out of Africa/soccer kicks video
Beliza’s unintentionally matching infinity tattoos
Beliza comforting each other constantly
Beliza tongue/sunglasses photo
Beliza’s first ILY’s (whenever/wherever they happened!)
Season 1 Bellarke
Bob's Bowie + Panda picture tweet
Beliza and Nina having a puppy play date with Bowie, Panda, and Hugo
Eliza’s songs (that are likely about Bob)
Bob’s tummy
Bob’s happy trail
Bob in the helicopter
Beliza and Nina helicopter pic
Bob’s romantic birthday tweet to Eliza
MCC video of Bob wishing Eliza a happy early birthday
Bob cooking Eliza a whole birthday feast
Bob being Eliza’s #1 fan
Bob’s quirk of stepping on his own foot
Eliza’s “best job I ever did get” wedding pic
Beliza’s rings
Bob’s tweet about being compassionate towards yourself
Bob’s philosophy tweet
Beliza wildfire relief campaign vid
Bob’s wild bedhead hair in the campaign vid
This Beliza photo op at UD 4
Bob calling a Bellarke art “erotic” and making innuendos about him and Eliza
Bob recognizing and acknowledging the Beliza/BowiePanda parallels
Beliza’s thank you video for the wildfire relief campaign
Eliza’s Valentine’s Day post
Bob’s tweet about his medication for his mental health
Bob’s stripper dance
Eliza saying “I love working with my husband”
Bob’s anniversary tweet
Bob doing the Eliza challenge
Beliza playing Mariokart back in 2015
Beliza doing a charity livestream
Bob’s ring showing up in 7x05
Bob making Insta and his first Eliza post
Beliza being cute on Zoom
Bob’s penguin tattoo post on IG
Pic of Bob with short hair
Bob’s IG post about his mask, hair, etc. (shared with April)
Beliza quarantine bubble pic
Bob's goodbye post to Bellamy
Aaron’s post to Bob/Bellamy
Beliza TRPF pics
Eliza saying, “Bob just wakes up that way!! It’s so annoying.”
Eliza’s "my little family" caption in her gratitude IG post
Bob’s 9/24 IG post of him and the dogs
Bob and dogs cuddling pic
Beliza in the Trivia Conclave
Beliza kiss photo (shared claim)
portion of Elizas goodbye post that talks about Bob
Beliza’s song by David Ramirez
Bob at NYCC 2020
My group’s Zoom calls
Bob’s Bday IG post to Eliza
Beliza’s Halloween looks
Beliza Cameo announcement
Beliza IG story promoting Cameo
Eliza saying “He’s kind of cute, too” about Bob
Bob’s favorite memory of Eliza being their wedding vows and that he recalls it almost daily
Beliza joking about how they would make a terrible couple
Beliza Cameo where they talk about Bob being wasteful with toilet paper usage
Quotes that remind Beliza of each other Cameo
“Wanting to be remembered as good parents” Cameo
Eliza’s entire birthday post for Bob
video of Beliza presenting at Critics Choice
Pic of Panda and Bob on the fridge
Bob/dogs pic
new Bob headshot (minus stickers version)
Eliza mentioning a potential vow renewal
2021 Bob Represent video and campaign
Bob bring comfortable to share his vulnerability with us!
Bob and Eliza at FandomVibes 1
Bob in Bitch Can Bake
Pic of Bob with his tomato
Iconic maroon tank top
Bob’s Kokoda training video
Bob’s 2nd anniversary post to Eliza
Wedding pic of Beliza on the mountain, looking out
Half-Life in The Rookie
Shirtless Bob rock-climbing pics
Bob crushing his LHL hosting job in his tux
Beliza at Fandom Vibes 5
Eliza’s “date night” IG post
Eliza's IG post of her and Bob's vacay
Bob's first quarantine selfie
Eliza's "missing Bob mucho" IG pic and caption

bellarkes {Zohar}

Bellamy's freckles
Bellamy's smile
Beliza in the "I like the new group" SDCC interview
Bob's tattoo
Bob's guitar

polaris {Mel}

Bob and Richard being neighbors
Bob snuggling Simba at Conaggedon
Beliza imitating each other
Bellamy dressed as a grounder
Bellamy speaking trigedasleng
Bob hugging Colin O'Donoghue
Bob/Richard hug pic from Dystopia 2
Bob and Richard dancing to "Bye, Bye, Bye" at Dystopia 2
Bellamy's backpack
"We can't lose Clarke! We can't lose her."
Bellarke's radio moments in Mount Weather
Bellamy's militia
Bellarke drinking and planning in 2x06
SpaceKru dynamics
Jason calling Bellamy the Sky King
Bellamy’s face after drinking the Triple G
Bellamy showing Clarke his gun in 1x02
Bellamy’s big smile after arriving back on earth
Best Dad in the Universe mug
Bellamy wanting Murphy's opinion
Bellamy running to Clarke/taking her into his arms (5x04)
Bellarke's smiles during radio conversation with Murven
Bob, Matthew Daddario, and Henrik Holm being at Showtime 3 together
Bellamy cradling/holding Murphy after he's been stabbed (6x01)
Bellamy/Madi hug in 6x06
Bellamy's need for revenge over Clarke's death
Bob's acting in 6x06
Beliza's first released wedding picture
Bellarke being each other's reason not to give up
Bellamy risking everyone's lives in order to save Clarke in 6x08
Eliza liking Bob’s tweets
Bob liking this tweet
Beliza (+Tasya's) panel at Montreal Comic Con
Beliza photo ops at Montreal Comic Con
Bob calling Bowie and Panda "my puppies"
Clarke's "I'm not leaving you" to Bellamy
Bellamy being concerned and wiping his blood on Clarke's forehead
Josephine & Bellamy's (doubtful friendship)
Bellamy being able to tell the difference between Clarke and Josephine in a second
The Bellarke ending scene of 6x10 (shared claim)
Bellarke head tuck during hugs
Beliza calling each other pet names (i.e. “love”)
Eliza’s “life lottery” IG post about/picture with her husband Bob (shared claim)
Linctavia/Bellarke CPR parallel
Bob’s aesthetic/artistic vision as a director
Bob using “emojis” in tweets
Bellamy smiling in 6x12
Octavia shipping Bellarke
Bellamy caressing Clarke’s face and checking her over in 6x10
Bellamy's "I'm not losing you again” to Clarke
Bellamy whispering "Just breathe"
Bellarke's need for each other
Bellarke leaping into each other’s arms
Romantic lighting during 6x13 Bellarke hugs
Beliza referring to each other as "husband" & "wife" on social media
Bob being Eliza Taylor's husband
Josephine’s “She was right to depend on you.”
Bob kissing Eliza's temple in THE Beliza IG picture
Bob calling Eliza “Mrs. Morley”
Bob waving with Panda's paw in the thank you video
Eliza’s wedding anniversary post
Twin pics of Eliza/Panda and Bob/Panda

beyond insane {Sarah}

Bob/Richard at Dystopia 2 karaoke party
Twitter vid of Tasya and Chelsey doing Bob's pigtails
The way Bob and Richard dance together
Bellarke + Charlotte

dbn {Dorthe}

Bob’s LEGOs
Panda in the new Zoom picture
Birthday hats in the new Zoom picture
Bellarke Funko Pops in Bob's IG post
Bob’s apron in the Beliza quarantine bubble pic
The hummingbirds in Bob's lime tree
Panda in the latest (?) Zoom picture
Eliza's hand on Bob's shoulder in the August 30th zoom picture
The car Bob is driving in his cattle mask IG pic
Bob holding Bowie picture
Bob in the KTP baseball cap
How much Bowie loves Bob
Bob singing happy birthday to Claire
The carbonara Bob made
Bob's unruly hair in April's 1st Zoom picture
Bob's heart eyes at Eliza in her IG post of him cuddling both puppies
Emojis in Bob’s 9/24 IG post of him and the dogs
Bob getting the dogs during the trivia conclave
Bob’s pasta maker
Beliza kiss photo (shared claim)
Bob’s ukulele
Bob’s devotion to the Marper ship
Bob always making Eliza laugh
box of Quality Street chocolate they always have in their kitchen
Eliza wearing Bob's sweater?
Bob saying "G'day"
Bob's smirk in the "One in Five" photo
The UNO Cards in Bob’s Bday IG post to Eliza
Panda showing up in the Cameo video
Bob's absolutely dorky look in the Cameo intro video
Bob’s lemons
Bob’s very first Big Mac
Bob mouthing “Me” in the “best thing to come out of The 100” Cameo
Bob calling Bowie Bo-Bo
Bob's favorite football player being Figo
Beliza dancing around in their living room
Beliza’s love of UNO
Bob saying “noice” in the Critics Choice bloopers
Bob making sure his tie is right in the bloopers
Bob checking to see if Eliza is laughing at his silly face in the bloopers
Bob needing a haircut
picture of Bob holding that meditation bowl
Beliza’s cute chess set
Bob journaling
Bob revealing he wants to be a farmer at some point
The eclairs Bob made
Bob’s tomato
Taj Mahal Lego set in Bob's anniversary post
Rock-climbing pic of Bob hanging by one arm
Bob’s vaccination sticker
Bob’s new Panda post
Shirtless Bob pic in Eliza's IG post of her and Bob's vacay
This pic of Bob

Gif Credit

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