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Old 03-07-2022, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
I love how we all see and pick up on different aspects of these episodes. Yes, this episode definitely focused on couples.
That is so true. We are covering everything since everyone brings in different elements. It’s certainly a “group project” doing this present rewatch and I love it.

It really was brilliant and I didn't catch that camping analogy. Good catch!
Thanks! I also looked back on some of my past comments as well so I’m pulling out my “notes” from taking this course before and integrating past and present thoughts.

I vaguely remember that PSA but you're so right, it was out of place and the end of Season Two would have been the time for a PSA, not this episode.
I remember watching the episode live and it was Treat and Emily who did the PSA. Treat looked fine but Emily looked slightly annoyed and you could visibly see it. My guess is Emily and Treat both didn’t want to go there.

Another excellent catch. I didn't really notice how prominent cell phones were in this episode, and that Nina had tried to call all three doctors when Sam got hurt. Side note: Sam sure is an accident prone kid!
He certainly is.

I just loved their scene in bed together and how in sync and intimate they were with each other. It was so sweet and moving.
It was so beautiful.

That scene was so hilarious and so accurate!

I'm really enjoying Amy and Hannah's friendship much more in this rewatch than I did the first time around. I still miss Laynie, but Hannah has really grown on me this time around.
This is precisely how I feel. The two main reasons being watching Amy’s depression hit me a different way during this re-watch. She really and truly needed a good friend. The second reason being Hannah absolutely adored Ephram and Amy and I’ve always loved this about the character.

Emily really can do it all, heart-wrenching dramatic scenes and hilarious comedic scenes. We also really see that she's Harold's daughter in so many of these scenes.
So very true. I love how we are able to see Emily can do both drama and comedy flawlessly.

Yes, Harold doesn’t hold back when he’s bothered by something with Rose. Both Harold and Amy are the opposite of casual.

I loved that scene too. Like he said in the Series Finale. Amy was it. She was his one.

I loved that scene too and how understanding, patient, and gentle Ephram was with Amy. The way he was with Madison and the way he was with Amy was like night and day.
Completely opposite. Ephram is an entirely different person. It is incredible. I love it so much. I have a feeling that is why Ephram was extra annoying and immature with Madison in S2. The writers were thinking ahead. They wanted to demonstrate his complete makeover when he was with the love of his life, Amy.

It was all so perfect and beautiful.

It was so sweet and Harold and Rose picked up on it immediately.

I completely agree.

It was a perfect ending to the episode.
This episode had everything and more.

Yes, he did appreciate Ephram's honesty but you could feel his continuing anguish over Madison.
That darkness lingers.

The whole thing was just complicated. Andy was lonely and Amanda was lonely and frustrated living with someone who was completely incapacitated, and so they were drawn to each other, but it was still wrong for them to engage in an affair.
Exactly right. It makes complete sense why there would be a temptation but like you said it is still wrong for them to engage in an affair. Not only just an affair but Andy being his doctor makes it even extra inappropriate and crossing lines.

Exactly. Similarly, Madison also knew that getting involved with Ephram was a mistake but she did it anyway and the results were disastrous.
Definitely and Andy had to take the fall which makes it even worse.

Sam definitely is a handful, and having an absentee father made him even more difficult to control.
That’s very true. It does make sense Sam is like this. Andy had him evaluated too.

I thought that remark that God cursed them with Bright was pretty mean, even if Harold was kidding. I think that Harold always considered Bright to be a disappointment.
It was very mean. It’s pretty bad when I personally would embrace this horrible comment because it was still better than what he pulled in the previous episode with his son and at least he’s joking which means he’s not that cold and ruthless Harold from before. It’s pretty pathetic when you think about it. I guess the writers knew this is exactly what it was going to be like. Even Bright’s name was a punching bag sort of hint.

It’s hard to fit all the characters in. We didn't see Delia for a few episodes before this one.

I can't stand Brittany. I wish that Delia would have ended her friendship with her. She's a horrible friend and a horrible person.
When you have the parents that she has we obviously see where she gets it from. But yes, Delia should have never talked to her again after what she pulled with Linda’s HIV diagnosis.

She reminds me of Mrs. Kravitz from the show Bewitched!
I love this comparison.

Good catch!

Another excellent catch!

I feel the exact same way.

Last edited by jediwands; 03-07-2022 at 06:35 PM
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