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Old 03-07-2022, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Randomly ramble?

I totally agree. Rose looked just as happy at breakfast as Amy did. LOL

Good catch. You're right...cell phones were very prominent this episode, and Andy really blew it by not answering his. He helped drive Nina to Jake.
Seriously. He big time blew it!

That was the best part of the scene. Absolutely hilarious!

Yes, the awkwardness always bothered me, but this explanation makes sense.
I guess this is what I like to believe.

That's something that I don't understand. If Hannah doesn't believe in sex before marriage, why would she tell Amy that it's understandable that Amy would want to take it to the next level with Ephram.
It doesn’t make any sense. I guess she also said it wasn’t just for religious reasons, it was also because for her she likes the idea of just being with only one guy the rest of her life. Maybe she feels like Amy found her one guy in Ephram already.

She's adorable and of course she can't be casual.

I love their banter.

His gesture was so beautiful. Ephram didn't care that he didn't have to do anything special, but to him special was what Amy deserved.

Ephram was even okay when Amy asked, "What if we are never ready. " His response was, "Okay."
I love him. I know people might question if he would have truly been okay and I actually believe because it was Amy he would be. It would be tough but there’s no way on earth he would ever pressure her. That said I also think he understood even on a subconscious level they would end up going there eventually.

Everything about this was perfect.

They were both doing nothing and just wanted to do nothing together.

I just don't like that Amanda is pushing this even though it's evident that Andy is uncomfortable with the whole thing.
Yes. She even admits she used her own son. Not only that it was so annoying how pissed off she got when Andy mentioned John.

THe information Treat is holding in is definitely eating him up inside.

Sam was sweeter than the old Sam, but yes, he is a typical boy who wants to do flips on the ice! lol Jake is exceptionally sweet with Sam. Nina can't help but be attracted to him.

We'd like to give up Brittany!
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