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Old 03-07-2022, 01:37 PM
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I am going to just randomly give thoughts as they come to me.

- Five dates/pairings with one that ended up majestically (Ephram and Amy), another one on the way to romance status (Jake and Nina), one that was just Delia and Charlie (I hate Charlie, by the way), and the last one developing but shouldn't be (Andy and Amanda). The fifth is actually Harold and Rose as they shared many cute scenes together and I have a feeling, got intimate in this one off-screen which is very adorable, too.

- The whole camping analogy was clever. When Harold and Rose were eating breakfast, I was totally thinking "They so went camping last night." Ephram then came home and Delia said she won't ever go camping and neither will the boy she dates, while Andy looked relieved... pure brilliance.

- This didn't happen on DVD, but I distinctly remember the PSA was out of place and speculation was Emily did not at all want to go there. She was speaking for the audience. Ephram and Amy's "first time" was romantic and responsible. Where was the PSA about teen pregnancy after the finale of Season 2 especially with the pregnancy lingering like a dark cloud? Rose asked Harold why he was so scared about Amy sleeping with Ephram, and you could tell deep down she wondered if there was something he was not telling her. Of course it was a hint and reminder about the pregnancy that Harold isn't telling Rose. I feel like that PSA should have been right after the finale of Season 2 aired (not to mention one on illegal relationships). Season 2 finale was the appropriate time, not in Season 3 after Ephram and Amy's mature, romantic, responsible and loving first time.

- I found it interesting that cell phones were a prominent part of this episode. Even with Nina and Sam... we saw Andy's cell phone ringing at the restaurant as he ignored it, and then we saw Harold's cell phone vibrating, and finally we saw Jake answering his cell phone, which indicates Nina tried to call all three of them after Sam's accident. "Fate" apparently had Jake be the one helping her. I think the writers showed Andy as if to say the time is not right for Andy and Nina but stay tuned. Even Ephram and Amy were on cell phones.

- Greg and Emily really outdid themselves in this one. Just when you think their chemistry cannot increase even more, we have this episode. They literally did elevate even higher as Greg and Emily portrayed every part of the episode with perfection.

- The drive-in scene had me rolling on the floor because it was so accurately portrayed and what a riot it was to listen to what the both of them were thinking at the same time. "We're never going to have sex." I also loved the shot at Madison about sex in a car too. I know some people wondered why they were so tense in this scene. Well, it's simple for me... they weren't awkward because they were making out, they have made out plenty of times before. They were awkward because they both knew their relationship was ready to take it to the level of sex and it made them nervous (and excited) as a result. I thought it worked perfectly.

- I really appreciate the Amy and Hannah friendship in a way that I never did before this watch. I love how they talk about things. I love how Amy has basically blown off her stuck up, shallow, popular friends in favor of Hannah, who is filled with substance. I also thought it was awesome how Hannah wants to wait until marriage before having sex. Even with Hannah having this, she was very supportive and in fact, approving, of Ephram and Amy. Amy really needed this friendship. I love Laynie, I really do, but when you think about it, Laynie was around during the first two seasons and Amy and Laynie were never this close. In fact, in S1, it kind of seemed like Amy and Laynie were friends but mostly due to Colin being Amy's boyfriend. S2, they were friends and you could tell they had a connection but they weren't very close obviously due to the depression the both of them endured. At the same time, I just feel like Amy is much closer with Hannah. I will always wish Laynie stayed but I am glad Amy has a friendship with Hannah. If Laynie would have stayed those other moronic friends would have been around too. Amy really needed this friendship given everything she went through in S2. She absolutely needed a sweet, peaceful friendship and Hannah was the perfect choice. Harold loves her, that much is clear and I find it sweet Hannah had been spending many nights watching movies with Amy and her parents, eating dinner over there and spending the night. Hannah fully supports and believes in Ephram and Amy which is great. When you think about the moment Hannah enters the screen, she is supporting Ephram and Amy and that never changed throughout the rest of the series. She always loves them together and gives Amy great support as a wonderful best friend should.

- I love how Amy convinces herself that she can be casual in her approach to talking with Ephram about sex but no dice on that wish. We immediately see her blunt questioning of why Ephram hasn't tried to sleep with her! And the chicken/condoms response was outstanding. Emily was at her best in that scene. LOL.

- One of many scenes that touched me deeply was whenever Ephram was in the cabin alone, and he was gazing lovingly at the picture of Amy as a little girl. I melted while seeing Ephram's face. This guy clearly adores Amy and his love for her is eternal. Also notice how calm and happy Ephram is with Amy. His immature behavior with Madison around their first time together was ridiculously annoying and boyish. Ephram has grown up so much since that time period. He is with the only girl he's ever truly loved and it's wonderful to see how much he adores and respects Amy.

- The first bed scene was phenomenal. Emily's performance was so good, I was feeling her every emotion. I cried right along with Amy. Damn, is that girl talented. And Ephram? Has anyone ever seen a more sensitive, selfless, patient, understanding, gentle, loving guy? Never in history of TV have I ever seen a young male character this amazing. Greg was brilliant. Wow. "Let's just take it off the table." Awww. Ephram's love for Amy is so endless and without question. He is the perfect description of a "gentleman" which is amazing to say due to how young Ephram is. Rose had it right... they can trust Ephram with their daughter and Harold knows it too. At the same time, I love how Andy took out the time to tell Amanda how much he loves Amy as well. It was great getting in these added extras to show how solid the Ephram and Amy love story truly is.

- I was completely moved while watching Ephram awake, watching Amy sleep, stroking her hair, gazing at her with eyes of love, chuckling over her snoring. Yet another brilliant example of how much this guy loves his soulmate.

- I love their cuddling in the morning and the intimate closeness they had with each other once Amy moves in very closely, and a little bit too closely for Ephram to handle. I loved Amy's reaction and Ephram's cute apology. Perfect. And then Amy pursues the intimacy and the perfect gentleman, Ephram, continues to make sure that Amy is really wanting to move further. And her speech to him was amazing. Beautiful.

- And the afterglow? Perfect. I loved Andy freaking out about Delia and a future boyfriend going camping. The look of glee on Ephram was adorable and Amy was so fun to see in front of her parents, she was simply glowing. She bounces in and could hardly contain herself.

- I really love the parallel of Ephram and Amy and Harold and Rose. They have done this before and I knew back then it was another sign that Ephram and Amy were making it to the finish line.

- The Ephram and Amy phone call at the end? Perfect. My favorite scene by far. There was so much intimacy during that phone call. They were both, "together" savoring their relaxed excitement over their time together. Magnificent.

- I also love that Ephram told Andy the truth about sleeping with Amy from the start. The maturity Ephram displayed being honest with his father was so great to see. Andy appreciated it so much.

- The chemistry between Treat and Anne is very good. I just think Anne Heche is a good actress in general so I am noticing the chemistry the two actors have together much more in this rewatch for some reason. I guess I am older and more mature and don't have to simply get grossed out by Andy and Amanda without noticing the other elements now if that makes sense. You can definitely feel the tension between Andy and Amanda in this one and obviously now it's out in the open too.

That said, I honestly don't believe Berlanti wanted us to flat out hate Andy and Amanda. In fact, he even mentioned he was shocked over how many hated Amanda. I just think he wanted to show that it was wrong, but they were two characters struggling with their lives (Andy with guilt over the Madison nightmare, Amanda dealing with her husband's health condition and be lonely) and that's why they found each other temporarily.

Frustrating about Andy though... he knows better...

1. Resisted telling Ephram about the baby, was finally ready to but decided against it after Harold told him not to.
2. For that matter, he told Ephram no to dating Madison. He went against it and caved.
3. He even knew deep down dating Linda was going to end badly but still went there and it ended in a heartbreaking way.
4. Amanda, he knows it is wrong yet later goes with it and makes things for both himself and Amanda even worse.


Andy's issue is he ignores his gut feelings and ends up getting into tons of trouble as a result.

- Jake being there for Nina was nice to see. Sam always misbehaves, doesn't he? LOL. You can really see in this episode why Nina decided to give Jake a chance in the future. How could she not? He has been nothing but sweet and kind to her while Andy is clueless and now going for the wife of a patient of his who is neurologically impaired.

- No Bright in this one, but Harold joking about Bright (even if it was kind of mean) was good to see considering how borderline cold he was in the past episode.

- Edna and Irv didn’t make an appearance either.

- Brittany telling Delia to give up hockey is not okay. She even knew Andy was going out on a date with Amanda. Brittany is the lingering, dark cloud that follows you everywhere. I am surprised she didn't turn out being related to Madison.

- Brenda Baxworth is just so horrible but plays that typical stuffy, judgmental, conservative woman in a small town that is in everyone's business constantly.

- Ephram looking at Amy's baby picture and picking up her old teddy bear along with Harold telling stories about Amy slightly hinted towards Ephram "stealing Amy's innocence" but in a beautiful, normal, healthy, appropriate kind of way. I really love the little things Everwood inserts into the episodes. Only Everwood.

Amy: You bring the condoms, and I'll try to score some fried chicken for after.


I love the 3.3 and 3.9 parallel:


AMY: I love you, Ephram.

EPHRAM: I love you too.

AMY: Yeah?


AMY: Cool.


[Cut to Amy's bedroom - Amy is asleep and Amy's cell phone is vibrating on her nightstand. She picks it up.]

AMY: Hi.

[Cut to Ephram laying in his bed.]

EPHRAM: Hey, I just called to see if you were snoring yet.

[Cut to Amy laying in her bed.]

AMY: Shut up.

[Cut to Ephram laying in his bed.]

EPHRAM: You grind your teeth too. Did I tell you that?

[Cut to Amy laying in her bed.]

AMY: I do not.

[Cut to Ephram laying in his bed.]

EPHRAM: I know.

[Cut to Amy laying in her bed.]

AMY: Whatcha doing?

[Cut to Ephram laying in his bed.]

EPHRAM: Nothing much. What are you doing?

[Cut to Amy laying in her bed.]

AMY: Nothing.

[Cut to Ephram laying in his bed.]

They both say "Cool" during key moments of their relationship (ILY and sleeping together for the first time). Amy says it in 3.3 Staking Claim and Ephram says it in 3.9 The Reflex.

This series is a gem. I love it so much. My favorite show of all time and that will never change.

Last edited by jediwands; 03-07-2022 at 01:57 PM
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