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Old 10-29-2021, 07:37 AM
Jerry D
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Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
That is great you have changed your mind on Amy.

You weren't the only one who had mixed feelings on Amy. Although you had logical reasoning. Some were even unforgiving that she had Clinical Depression and thought she could control it and snap out of it at any time.
Yes, I had a much harsher view of Amy the first time around, but I'm much more sympathetic to her character now.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Yes, amazingly Amy's relationship with Tommy was relatively painless when you think about how much worse it could have been. They did not have sex and when he left, he left. Done. No lingering, we didn't need to see his mug again. Then Ephram and Amy finally got their chance to be together.
Yes, Tommy just represented Amy acting out in the aftermath of Colin's death and when she was in the depths of her situational depression, but at least she broke up with him and we never had to see him again after she broke up with him.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Completely agree. She did so much damage to Ephram personally and all those close to him. What I have seen in a different light during this rewatch is just how obsessed Ephram is with Madison. In all the other rewatches, maybe it is because I hardly focused on scenes when Madison was in them, so I didn't watch closely enough... but I never truly viewed and understood just how obsessed to a toxic level Ephram was with Madison. It was so toxic and painful. I cannot believe people actually questioned if they were in love. Seriously? It wasn't just about the illegal aspect. Madison NEVER loved Ephram, she treated him like a child, was embarrassed to be seen with him. She barely even respected him, let alone loved him. Ephram was never in love with her either, he was obsessed, nothing more. He needed help. He was a terrible friend to Bright, couldn't have cared less what his father was up to, and flat out ignored his little impressionable sister, often using her as a way to get closer to Madison in really cruel ways. This relationship never should have transpired and ended way before it did without lasting consequences. Instead, we see Ephram abandon piano not once but twice, and all the hell in general that happens as a result of Madison's pregnancy. It's a true nightmare.
You used the perfect word to describe Ephram and Madison's relationship: Toxic. Everything about their relationship was toxic and it got more toxic with every new episode. Ephram really went into a tailspin due to his relationship with Madison, and this rewatch really opened my eyes to how far off the deep end he went with her.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
That is the biggest key and nice word description: Haunted. That is precisely what Ephram and Madison's relationship did... haunted the series for the rest of its run. Yes, she was returning and the Ferris Wheel scene never would have transpired because the witch was returning to try and get the baby back who was legally adopted.
I hate that we were never allowed to be completely rid of this horrible character and she did so much damage on the show, both in this season and in Season Three, with lingering effects in Season Four, and we would have seen her yet again at the end of Season Four and the beginning of Season Five if the show wasn't cancelled. What was Berlanti thinking of with her?

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
I remember watching Andy sending her away, basically telling her not to tell Ephram, and thinking it would be a disastrous move in the end. I remember thinking Ephram finding out would interfere with Ephram and Amy initially from finally getting together and while it wouldn't be fun to see, at least babygate would have been dealt with head on right away and Andy wouldn't have to take the fall for Madison and Ephram being ridiculous and getting pregnant due to a relationship that never should have gotten started in the first place.
I knew that Andy telling Madison to not tell Ephram that she was pregnant was setting a course for disaster, and it all blew up in New York.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
I will forever be bitter over this reality. I cannot stand how Ephram treated Amy throughout all of the baby reveal, dumping her while she was dealing with her mother recently diagnosed with cancer, bailing, laughing in her face at the thought of her seeing a forever for them. He was so horrible to her. We also know he lied to her in S3 to try and see Madison and her band which was a form of cheating if you ask me. Not physical cheating or even emotional cheating... OK maybe not cheating but deception. Pure deception. He's lucky Amy didn't break up with him after that stunt. But he repays her back not too far into the future by breaking up with her because he couldn't handle the pregnancy reveal and blamed her for knowing for about two seconds before he did. Just awful. I loathe how all of this went down.
I hated everything that happened during and after the baby reveal and it's going to be hard to watch those episodes again.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
Frustration is a word that cannot even justify how so many of us would have felt had all of this transpired.
Oh I know. It would have done more harm to the show by making it even more like a soap opera.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
If they would have broken up after Ephram's ridiculous behavior at the bar (should have broken up way before this time, and never gotten together in the first place) it wouldn't have been so bad. But no, they had to linger, torturing Delia even more, and like we discussed, all the other damage that takes place.
The whole thing went on for too long and it dominated the season and the show itself too much.

Originally Posted by jediseermic (View Post)
100%. I completely agree. I cannot think of any other character that did more damage to the main characters of Everwood. You can say Colin caused chaos but the guy entering a coma and temporarily surviving only to die a short time later affected not only both families but the entire town; however, Colin had some not so great traits but this scenario cannot be blamed on him.

No, Madison deserved this award. She was the dark cloud in this otherwise beautiful series.
She really was a dark cloud that lingered on way too long.
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There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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