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Old 07-03-2021, 07:43 AM
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Inspired by episode 510 - “The Crunge”


Comments: Jackie is a complex character, which is a huge reason I enjoy writing her so much. She can be generous as well as selfish. Self-aware and self-deluded. Self-sacrificing and betraying, and these these seeming contradictions can exist in a person -- because her generosity is in certain areas, as is her selfishness. Her self-awareness doesn’t preclude her from having blind spots. As she grew (i.e. her romantic relationship with Hyde inspired her to grow and change), she lost that reflex to betray others to save herself -- because she finally had someone who treated her sacredly (when written consistently) instead of like an object to be used at one’s leisure (i.e. Kelso).

My preferred characterization of Jackie is the one full of insight (same with Fez and Hyde, as readers of Those ‘70s Comics and my fanfic likely recognize).

Note that Jackie’s heart beats faster in its last three panels than it does in its first two panels.


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