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Old 06-18-2021, 02:20 AM
Crystal Clear
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This tweet summarizes why I believe Rian Johnson did an incredible job of showing the many (and often overlooked) layers of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo that made him the most interesting character of the sequel trilogy.

Furthermore, it's why I always believe Adam Driver was the best actor of the new generation of Star Wars films, and third best overall in the series behind Harrison Ford and Ian McDiarmid.

We see in this scene of THE LAST JEDI that Adam could convey so much without a word about the depth of his character's conflict and suffering. This is at a time in the trilogy when he has to give the appearance of being Second in Command, Kylo Ren, lead of the Knights of Ren. He has to appear stern on the outside in order to fool his superiors... Yet when he's with Rey, she has a way of bringing out his softer side. Due to their spiritual connection, she's able to tap into realms of his mind in a way that ever so slightly reveals his vulnerability and desperation to be seen for his true self. Case in point -- how he tries to look disinterested, but then Adam majestically plays that pointed head turn and eye shift when Rey says his real name. It's subtle but it's one of the most real moments in the entire Sci-Fi series. --

"Ele, I waited for you for a year.
Trust me, I'd never ruin something so beautiful."
Edoardo Eleonora
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