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Old 04-13-2021, 03:59 PM
Crystal Clear
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I honestly hate what social media Star Wars fandom has become since the sequel trilogy began. I had a lot of hope that the new trilogy would bring people together in their love for Star Wars, not alienate people like the ridiculousness that occurred during the prequel era but every time I see someone say that Ben Solo was "not the son Leia deserved, Poe was" it makes me sick and reminds me that Carrie Fisher would be disgusted in some people's views towards her on-screen son.

There are too many people there calling themselves Star Wars fans who clearly aren't, let's be honest. They spread hate about something because they think it's the cool thing to do, not because they understand anything about it.

The fact that people have to point out who Poe's birth parents are and that Leia is not that person, just makes me rage.

"Ele, I waited for you for a year.
Trust me, I'd never ruin something so beautiful."
Edoardo Eleonora
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