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Old 03-18-2021, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Heda_Khaleesi (View Post)
at this case i just hope they give her good material to work with before she exits in some way.
Going by the teasers it seems she'll get at least a few pretty good and badass scenes. Then we'll see what happens to her.

Some people actually believe we'll still get madison back, bc gimple said we never saw her body and people in this universe aren't dead unless we see their body. He said that a while ago. But now there was news somewhere (I don't know the source, just saw a youtube video on it), that they will be filming at the stadium location again for season 7. So perhaps alycia will come back for that and meet her mum again? I guess too good to be true, but that would be a reason for exitement if true.

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