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Old 01-29-2021, 07:12 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: May 2019
Posts: 214
I can't help but compare the treatment of The 100 fans to the way the Supernatural fans were treated. Now I'm talking about the overall fandom, not a specific group. The show went all out to thank the fans repeatedly, from Eric Kripke to Jensen and Jared, and all kinds of supporting players. Their conventions are legendary. The very last shot of the finale was a 4th wall "thank you" to the fans. That show, its writers and cast have always shown their appreciation and awareness of what a privilege it is to have a long running series. How special that really is... I mean, the finale wasn't perfect, but, the story always came back to the core relationship - Sam & Dean. The writers knew what was important in the end.

It's a shame that the same can't be said for the The 100 and it's fans. The squandering of the Bellarke relationship was an absolute crime. It was the core relationship of the show. Looking back, the way we were treated was beyond awful. It's like they were just toying with us. I really think Rothenberg enjoyed torturing the fans, particularly the Bellarke fans. I can't imagine what Shumway could have done that was worse than Jason. Having Clarke kill Bellamy was the absolute lowest thing they could have done. Unless of course, that was all KS's idea. Even after several months, I still can't believe we got that ending.

I haven't looked at much regarding the show in a couple of months. The only thing I have seen with any cast is the premiere episode of Walker. Lindsay Morgan has a main role in it. Not watching it for her, more for Jared P. I have to say, she is playing a very Raven type character. She is going to end up typecast if she isn't careful. To be honest, I've never been overly impressed with her acting.
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