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Old 06-10-2006, 04:27 PM
Obsessed Fan

Kiss_Me_Kate323's Avatar
Joined: Dec 2004
Posts: 5,911
I know I did this last, but come on, honestly people!

1. You've seen all his movies, and can quote certain scenes word-for-word...
2. You would give up a night with your friends to watch a new Hayden movie on tv.
3. You start to think you see him everywhere, even when you know he's filming in another COUNTRY!
4. You marry a guy with the last name 'Christensen' so you can name your kid Hayden.
5. You practically live on a message board dedicated all to him and also help run it!!
6. You go out with guys that look like Hayden.
7. When some girl says he's not that hot, you're mad because he's the hottest guy in the world, how can someone deny that??
8. At school in your notebook, you doodle his name, and surround it with hearts.
9. When you've kissed a magazine because his face is in it.
10. You squeal when you hear his name, or see his name anywhere.
11. When you forward all the scenes not containing Hayden in SW.
12. When someone mentions another male celebrity, or any other male, you find yourself thinking of the many ways Hayden is better.
13. You stare at his butt in all his movies, especially the Anakin and Obi-Wan fighting scene...
14. You add 'and then some' to the end of every sentence.
15. You would name one of your children Hayden...
16. You would travel anywhere in the world to see him present or receive an award at an award show.
17. You want to be every inanimate object he touches, preferably with his mouth.
18. You make up little smiley stories about Hayden to make people laugh.
19. You think about him first thing in the morning and just before you fall asleep at night.
20. You start to plan the meals Hayden would cook for you.
21. You kiss your tv screen when you see his face on it...
22. You wonder what he's doing the exact minute you start to think about him...
23. You mimic his actions when watching his films; for example, when Stephen Glass is eating an apple, so do you.
24. In a movie, when he cries, you wanna jump through the TV and make him feel better.
25. You refuse to date guys because your saving yourself for Hayden.
26. You would name a pet after one of his characters. (Anakin, Sam, Lorenzo, etc.)
27. When you hear a love song, you immediately think "This could be OUR SONG!"
28. You join in a thread that is titled "You know you're obsessed with Hayden when..."
29. You start a thread called "You know you're obsessed with Hayden when..."
30. You stay up all night waiting for the updates at
31. You brag about how you have a few things in common...
32. You carry little pictures of him in your purse...
33. You're jealous of every female co-star of his, especially if they got to kiss him.
34. You act the conversation you would have with him at your first meeting (and of course he's totally entranced by your beauty).
35. You have imitated the "itch" so much, that now you have that habit, and your neck has been really itchy lately...
36. You become obsessed with his curls and wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers through them.
37. Eyerytime you see him scratch you wanna be his hand and take the itch away by scratching him all over!
38. You go out with your friends, and point out every guy that has features like Hayden.
39. When shopping, you can't help sneaking into the men's section and pick outfits that Hayden would look good in.
40. Everytime you see him with Natalie, or even another girl, you think "THAT BITCH!!".
41. You spend four hours from 11.30 pm to 3.30 am cleaning up his board.
42. You try to dream about him every night... But sometimes it's unsuccesful...
43. You have your very own Sith Happens t-shirt.
44. You scream if you see him on TV or magazines... Even if it's a small part.
45. You are willing to suffer being grounded for a month just so you can see his latest R-rated movie that your parents don't want you to see.
46. When you and your mom search him on MySpace and a long list comes up.
47. You make a huge Hayden collage at the beginning of your sketch book.
48. You spend hours and hours staring at the posters on your wall.
49. When Hayden was at his Birthday Bash, you were at yours.
50. You buy an Anakin action figure so you can have your own "little Hayden".
51. You use only pics of Hayden as your MSN display pics.
52. You pick up some of his habits...
53. You start going through possible weapon options when people say he's a bad actor.
53. When you actually get someone else (like your brother) to sit down and watch one of his movies(aside from SW), and they actually like it.
54. You seriously consider disowning you own sister because she believes Robert Pattinson to be better looking.
55. You sacrifice your sleep to obsess about him with your Internet friends even though you have to go to work the next day...
56. You hear the song "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago and think Wow! Is there a better song to describe his personality?
57. You've become obsessed with a beard he doesn't even have after you've seen a pic manipulation and realized the beard actually suits him.
58. You get angry when you see a movie Hayden wasn't in.
59. You can think of several songs that totally remind you of him.
60. When you sit at your computer trying to think of more reasons why you're obsessed with him.
61. Your heart actually fills with love everytime you look at his pics or watch his movies or video clips of him.
62. You give your own "names" to "certain" scenes in his movies.
63. You have several nicknames for him.
64. You notice when he wears someting more than once.
65. You adore his fashion sense.
66. If he touched your hand,you'd never wash it EVER again.
67. You always make comments on how nice of a butt he has.
68. You have not one but two photobucket accounts solely for pics of him.
69. You can't pick a certain favorite feature about him because they're all so nice.
70. You use the drool smilie only for him.
71. You drool so much over him,you can't possibly drool anymore.
72. You love his brother Tove, too.
73. You have dreams of what he'd be like as a father.
74. You've become a total fangirl and you are proud to admit it.
75. And you swear you're not crazy.
76. On a scale of one to ten, you think Hayden's 11 or even more.
77. Every choice on the This-or-That thread is analyzed as a Life or Death decision.
78. You consider him as the ultimate definition of perfection.
79. When you see a movie Hayden's not in, you say "Hayden would have been much better" about the leading man.
80. You think he can't be described with a lesser word than "divine".
81. Your obsession list is so long you have to ask yourself "Am I really that crazy?"
82. And the answer is "Yes, yes I am".
83. But you refuse help for your insane issues.
84. The hottness of Hayden has caused you to develop an expression of "hummana hummana".
85. You find yourself thinking of new obsessions to add like every 2 minutes.
86. And you've added almost 30 of them within the last few hours.
87.Hayden covers your walls and is always the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning
88. You are in love with the MTV clip of him walking around New York with Vader's helmet on.
89. You get pissed when someone claims him for a roleplay before you can.
'cause love doesn't hurt
so i know i'm not falling in love
i'm just falling to pieces

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