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Old 04-25-2004, 10:28 AM
Dedicated Fan
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Joined: Aug 2000
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Originally posted by Sunny Deeelight:
<STRONG>Kate, how's chapter 16 coming along?</STRONG>
Hmmmm, strangely - that's a good way to put it. Last Tuesday's epi completely zapped me of my writing buzz for a few days, followed by a five hour dentist's visit on Friday (to get three crowns - did that ever suck). I seem to be back on track as of last night, so keep your fingers crossed, lol.

Mere! Hope you're feeling better sweetie. And yeah, a lot of people answered the last either/or poll - one of the best turnouts I've seen in a while.
Chad's Pocket Princess
Brooke/Lucas lover #6
A CSquared Insomniac

"Heh. Brooke's a tropical storm that has just been upgraded to a hurricane -- she's a whole lot of power wrapped up in a relatively small package." -Ragdoll, TWOP
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