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Old 06-17-2020, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Ironhorse25 (View Post)
Believe or not, I do too.

By the same token, many things give me Fringe moments.
One of my craziest Fringe moments was after I watched Forced Perspective - the episode that opens with a man who is impaled by a construction girder. The next morning I was walking to work and I passed by a construction site where they were just lifting a girder up with a crane.

I crossed over to the other side of the street.
Sheldon/Amy ღ Mulder/Scully ღ Peter/Olivia ღ Mac/Harm ღ Toby/Happy ღ Walter/Paige ღ Wylie/Vega
</scorpion>Fringe The Mentalist
"You said you were sad that you'd never see the stars again" - Sylvester Dodd

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