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Old 06-05-2020, 01:23 PM
Ashes Fall
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Originally Posted by straws (View Post)

Good question. I've seen Angel's thing for his car (and not letting anyone drive it) in many a CA fic.

There was this moment in First Impressions:


I can't think of any others, but Cordy does seem really excited like driving his car isn't something that happens often.
Ha. Yup, that quite heavily suggests that she considered it a miracle that he was letting someone else drive his car.

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
I vote for TSILA because it's the one I've seen the least of the three, but I'll happily watch any of them.
Works for me!

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
That's so cute. I need to re-read LTC.
I just re-read Friends and Neighbors.
I just re-read Cursed and am now re-reading 'Sleeping with Tigers'.

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
Thanks for the rec. Will check it out.
It's a good fic.
Basically Angel is in a deep brood mode over Darla (because he couldn't save her) and Willow invites he and Cordy to Sunnydale for Christmas to help cheer him up.
It's not actually a Christmas fic that just provided the excuse to get them to Sunnydale but it's about how this trip tests both old and developing feelings.

Fair warning:

Angel has pretty much a 'Chosen' kiss scene with Buffy except it's a bit more mature as it's more about testing his feelings than out of numbness and while it, of course, still doesn't sit well with Cordy, it serves to provide him with more direct closure than Buffy's death did in 'Heartthrob'.

There is also a bit of heavy Buffy bashing but as in all CA fics she's made to sort of need/deserve it because she's immature about CA.

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
Wow, if that's true I never caught that. Not saying her name even once...hmm that is a bit weird. Then again, Groo wasn't his birth name, but a name he'd earned and felt honor in being called by. So maybe the princess title was his idea of being respectful? IDK.
Again, it's possible I'm just not remembering as I haven't re-watched the season 3 Groo arc but I'm 99% sure he never uses her name.

Valid point about his own name.
In retrospect, the one person I can recall Groo referring to by name is Angel which also happens to NOT be a birth name but one bestowed onto a strong and respected warrior even if the bestower was Angel himself or so Groo probably assumed.

Angel has said at least once, specifically in "Untouched": "It's just a name" but I headcanon that he chose it in honor of his sister Kathy who had welcomed Angelus and her death into their home believing him an angel (Arguably that's where the Latin name Angelus and the moniker 'The demon with the face of an angel' came from as well).

Groo's birth name is no doubt a reference of revulsion since he's considered an abomination in Pylea (like Quasimodo which literally translates to 'Half-Formed') so I can see him being wary of birth names.

Though one would think Cordy would have a talk with him about it. I understand that she enjoys being a princess until it comes down to unwanted, vision stealing cumshucking but to never have her partner use her given name? I suppose that is part of how she was OOC during that time.

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
Fred did tease Cordy a bit about Angel's feelings for her in WITW:

Fred: "And then we have to find a dress for you. Something that will make Angel crazy."
Cordy: "Fred, sweetie. Angel *is* crazy."
Fred: "Well, I know he's gonna wanna look his best for you."

But Cordy brushed it aside as if Fred was joking or reading Angel wrong. Maybe others did mention it off screen and Cordy similarly laughed it off because she wasn't ready to believe/didn't think he ever wound want her that way?
Oh right, that.
Damn that girl was buried so deep in denial it's kinda ridiculous.

Although the dress she ended up with was a bit redundant of her prom dress, it did succeed in driving Angel crazy. His eyes had never fallen so far out of their sockets.

Though the dress probably didn't matter, it was how she embodied it---and no doubt a bit of how much skin it showed, we do see later on that there is still a bit of Liam in him.

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
Plus, Groo's return and Cordy leaving was just so convenient for Jasmine.
No, it was too convenient to be a coincidence.

I've suggested this before but while Groo clearly was not a willing participant or even aware that he was one at all, I feel Jasmine deliberately threw him in between CA.

1. The timing could not have been more sublime as Angel was right in the middle of going for that next step.

2. Groo was a guaranteed safe distraction from Angel that provided the time needed to insta-grow Connor.

3. Someone with an agenda had to have steered Groo to the Hyperion. There is no way he would have found Cordy by himself with how huge L.A alone is nevermind Earth. He wouldn't have even known how to use the internet or a phone book or even what those things are.

Originally Posted by straws (View Post)
Cordy not being there was a game changer. Had she been there for Wesley to turn to, Connor's kidnapping may have gone very differently.
I argue Connor's kidnapping wouldn't have happened at all.
She would not have allowed it.

If she did fear the prophecy she would have been a lot smarter and talked to Angel or at least not have practically baited Connor for Holtz by wandering around with him out in the open. Do we even know where Wesley was going? Did he know?

I can see her taking Connor to her apartment and revoking Angel's invite or perhaps even going so far as to getting Buffy involved. For Connor, she would have tossed their unresolved issues and the awkwardness of explaining his existence through that portal to Quor-Toth that Holtz jumped into.

I can't recall whether the contamination to Angel's blood supply was identified before or after the kidnapping but if it was before as I lean more towards feeling, that definitely would have made Cordy skeptical. It screams W&H set up like her planted visions.
"Monsters are real and ghosts are real too. They live inside us and sometimes

they win"
- Stephen King
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