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Old 05-11-2020, 07:02 PM
fall into your smile
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Ugh. Claire. Randall is a manipulative ass and you're falling for it. Please don't be so naïve.

He's awful, but I'll admit... good at drawing.

I am not ready for this lashing... and I watch pimple popping and toe bro videos.

Even looking like that, though, Jamie is so hot.

He just told the lashing story, and Claire still thinks she can change him. He did that and TRIED TO RAPE YOU?! Seriously, Claire?! For real?! UGH!

"Another hopeful sign." FFS CLAIRE?!

Oh, look... a-hole punched her in the gut. Do you still think he can be saved now, Claire? Do you? I can't be the only one who finds her frustrating this episode, right?

Aw. Dougal saves her... he makes me hate him, but then he makes me like him.

Yay, no more spy talk hopefully after the creek. Yay!

Marry or prison? Depending on the situation and the person, both are not good options... but to Jamie... can't be bad, right?

Jamie stepping up to help Claire because she helped him many times. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Ooo… the guy the virgin instead of the woman. This show really seems more for the woman than to men. I'm good with it.

"I reckon one of us should know what we're doin." Love it.

Haha. And Claire with the walk by, grab the bottle of alcohol, and keep walking... same, girl, same.
"why would a smart girl like you choose him?"
"because when i see him... i feel like i'm alive.
for the first time in my life, i followed my heart and chose him."
{taek su mi sun}
icon credit: my kind of crazy

Last edited by fall into your smile; 05-11-2020 at 07:50 PM
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