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Old 01-28-2004, 09:43 AM
Loyal Fan
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Joined: May 2003
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1. Season 4 ~ I loved this episode! Like others have said I loved P/J jumping off the boat in the beginning and I loved their make-up scene at the end. It was so cute when Joey apologized to Pacey and then when they were reading to one another

2. Season 1~ This is the episode that sucked me into the show. In my dorm there was so much anticipation for it, we had all been seeing the previews for months while watching Buffy. I loved it because it made me nostalgic for when I was that age and I had always been a sucker for shows where the best friends fall for each other

3. Season 6~ Okay I admit it I was curious to see how D/J would end up sleeping together. I had convinced myself that I would be okay with it because I figured that the show would end up with them together anyway. But then I saw it (I was unspoiled), and I was so happy with the way it ended, it made a lot of sense, IMO

4. Season 3~ The only reason this one is so high is for the P/J dock scene at the end, I remember watching it and thinking in the back of my mind that maybe those two would end up together. The rest of the episode was eh, I was kind of glad that D/J didn't get back together though.

5. Season 2 ~ I remember having such high anticipation for this premiere, everyone I knew in the dorm was looking forward to watching it. I was so disappointed though, I didn't think it lived up to the hype.

6. Season 5 ~ Ugh, seriously this episode sucked. I just don't even have anything to say about it.


1. Season 3 ~ I don't think words can express how much I love this episode. I love everything about it, it is my fave DC episode ever! I love how everything seems to get wrapped up from the whole year and it doesn't just come out of the blue. And the ending was beyond perfect!

2. Season 6 ~ I honestly loved the finale there were so many good moments, I really wish Jen didn't have to die though.

3. Season 2 ~ Hee, I loved this, I remember how shocked I was at the end but I thought it was great drama. I liked that DC didn't give you the happy ending for once.

4. Season 1 ~ The ending was great, I loved the conversation Joey had with her dad at the prison.

5. Season 5 ~ This was an eh episode. My favorite part of it was the P/J conversation on the dock. I think what I didn't like about the whole episode was how wishy washy it was.

6. Season 4 ~ Ugh! I don't think I can express properly how much I dislike this episode so I won't even try.

[img]smilies/love.gif[/img] Janelle
The Silliness that is me
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