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Old 03-25-2020, 02:31 PM
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Oh I have a lot of mixed feelings about the scene in gifset I mean obviously I love that they finally "officially" were together and also that smile on Mary's face (in the first gif) is adorable and says it all But man, there were TOO many people watching the moment that was supposed to be completely private , and it was super uncomfortable and somewhat funny, lol (yeah I know it was normal about royals back then but still I can't process or even imagine such a thing ). And, obviously when Bash came, it became even worse, and even though I somewhat felt sorry for Bash, but I loved when Francis got distracted and looked at Bash and sorta started to get pissed, Mary kissed his face and stroked his head, she was basically like: oh baby, it's ok, don't be bothered by that, keep going
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