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Old 12-05-2003, 10:35 PM
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Paris Gellar/Liza Weil Appreciation Thread # 5 - Because she's hot. Why else?

Welcome to the Paris Gellar/Liza Weil Appreciation thread [img]smilies/glow.gif[/img]! This is only the fifth one, but we're a dedicated and hearty bunch who love this sullen and intelligent girl for who she is, and the wonderfully talented actress who plays her [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]. Come out of lurking and post, we can never have too many French Soda Monitors !

An explanation of the French Soda Monitor nickname:

Orangina is a French soda.

The French Soda Monitor reference comes from The Breakup, Part 2. Paris was at the party against her will, her mother made her go, so she was withdrawn. She guided Rory and Lane to the refreshments table, where she commented on Madeline's mother's obsession with French stuff.

Lane - All this soda is French.

Paris - Madeline’s mother has a French fetish. She’s obsessed with all things French. French wine, French food, French water, French cellulite products.
Then, Lane and Rory chatted with Paris for awhile, before Henry came in and swept Lane off of her feet. Paris was a little insensed at Lane getting someone to dance with, thus she uttered the line that would be come the inspiration for our title (and nickname for the group):

Paris - Unbelievable! She's here five minutes, she has a date. I've been going to this school nine years, and I'm the French soda monitor.
[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] And that's how this thread was started.

by Nat King Cole

Every time I look down on this timeless town
whether blue or gray be her skies.
Whether loud be her cheers or soft be her tears,
more and more do I realize:
I love Paris in the springtime.
I love Paris in the fall.
I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles,
I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles.
I love Paris every moment,
every moment of the year.
I love Paris, why, oh why do I love Paris?
Because my love is near.

Paris thread regulars, I thought I'd have a little fun with this part [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]:

Nate the Lizaphile (French Soda Monitor Extrodinaire [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] )
Glenowyn (Del, Fillipino French Soda Distributor)
Hot Rod
Dana (enigmatic7777)
Oscar-Ixander (Staiz, Austraillian French Soda Distributor)
Crash Jess (French Soda Promotions and Artwork Director)
Steph (AwSchucks, Canadian French Soda Distributor)
Jamie Witter

Here's a plot description of Liza's 1998 film Whatever, it's recommended viewing for all Liza fans:

In the tradition of Nicholas Ray's Rebel Without a Cause, writer/director Susan Skoog's fiercely honest debut feature WHATEVER occupies the chaotic realm where adolescence is old ground, but maturity has no map. It's that territory where each moment seeks out a thrill, each risk is embraced with false bravado or casual abandon, and the prospect of becoming an adult is both thrilling and terrifying.

WHATEVER is a bold, retro exploration into rights of passage, set in the 1980's and sculpted by Skoog with the courage and unexpected resilience of its protagonist.

Aspiring painter Anna Stockard (Liza Weil) longs for escape. Escape from the anonymous New Jersey town she's grown in, but desperately wants to grow out of. Escape from the disheveled home she shares with her taunting little brother and a defeated and lonely mother. Escape from virginity and a woefully predictable life. She scavengers the mailbox daily for a scholarship offer from the prestigious Manhattan art school Cooper Union, convinced that rebellion and adventure is the apprentice to great art.

Who better to trot Anna on the wild side than her best friend, the troubled, reckless Brenda (Chad Morgan). She is the Pied Piper to parties awash in alcohol. To the frustrated painter Martin (Mark Riffon), a former infatuation of Anna's who has returned from a quietly futile foray into the world. And to Zak (Dan Montano) and Woods (John G. Connolly), sexy young men who share a fast car, a slow future and the wrong experience. Anna and Brenda find romance, risk and adventure - often coming out on the wrong end of trouble. Ultimately, Anna will learn some of the most difficult and important lessons of her life, and find the threshold of who she wants to be.

WHATEVER stars Liza Weil, in a terrific debut lead performance as the tough but vulnerable Anna; with an equally affecting performance by Chad Morgan as Brenda. Frederic Forrest inhabits Anna's patient mentor and art teacher, Mr. Chaminsky. Kathryn Rossetter lends a poignant performance as Anna's divorced mother, a woman who knows all too well the conflict between love and dreams. Dan Montano and John G. Connolly play Zak and Woods, the two leather-jacketed hoods who prove to be an irresistible attraction for the girls. And Gary Wolf plays Eddie, Anna's cynical boy-pal afflicted with a youthful delight in getting high, but gifted with an old soul's sense of loyalty.

WHATEVER is written, directed and co-produced by Susan Skoog, whose previous short film, A DRY HEAT, screened at the Cannes, Hamptons, Vancouver and Seattle Film Festivals, among others. Produced by Ellin Baumel, Michelle Yahn, Kevin Segalla and Skoog, WHATEVER is executive-produced by Jim and Ted Pedas, Bill Durkin and George P. Pelecanos of the renowned independent film company, Circle Films. Previous Circle productions include the oen Brothers' RAISING ARIZONA, MILLER'S CROSSING and BARTON FINK, as well as Robert M. Young's CAUGHT. Irwin Young of Duart Films is also an Executive Producer. Other creative principals collaborating on WHATEVER include Michael Barrow (HEAVY, CAUGHT, SUNDAY) and Michael Mayers (DENISE CALLS UP, SPANKING THE MONKEY, CAFE SOCIETY) as Directors of Photography and Editor Sandy Guthrie. The film's evocative soundtrack includes songs by the Pretenders, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, The Ramones, Blondie, Roxy Music, the Jam, Rush and Patti Smith.
Things we like about Paris:

Who else can make a hardhat and pigtails look so sexy and dignified [img]smilies/sigh.gif[/img]?

Because pimple cream and dowdy nightgowns just look so darned becoming on her [img]smilies/rotfl.gif[/img]!

She has a nice set of knees [img]smilies/drool.gif[/img].

She's makes being feisty look so cute [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]!

Mature men are just drawn to her natural sexiness [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]!

Oh, I forgot to mention, she's very hot in a tight pink dress [img]smilies/drool.gif[/img]!

Fanarts from the first and second threads:

The first two are by JessyS:

This one is from Jessica from the Narcolepic thread:

Here's one by Jade Hunter:

By Babie Rachie:

A fanart from celebrating Liza's birthday (June 5th) by AngelGrace:

A Paris/Jess art by Rea:

And these are wallpapers from CrashJess:

Great Liza/Paris sites:

My Liza fansite has screencaps from Gilmore Girls, her guest appearances on ER and Law & Order: SVU, Paris soundclips, links to other Liza-related sites, Paris fanfiction, and discussion about Paris and Liza. Check it out [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img].

The Iconophile's Liza Weil Reliquary
The original Liza site out there, has screencaps from Whatever, Quicktime movies from Whatever and Gilmore Girls, a filmograhy and more. I definitely recommend this site, especially if you have a cable and DSL and want to watch Liza clips.

parallel lives
A Paris/Tristan shipping site, from the author of the great Paris/Tristan friendship fic Rebirth.

Official Biography

Lovely casting pictures of our girl, courtesy of Nate.

Uh, the thread title is a little strange but...true. So, yeah. Let me know if you want me to chage it.

Have fun talking about Paris and Liza [img]smilies/glow.gif[/img]!

[ 12-08-2003: Message edited Jamie Witter ]
With your gorgeous grin, you got the world sucked in.

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Old 12-05-2003, 10:41 PM
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Jamie - Great start, and well, she is hot [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]. So it's a perfect thread title. Better than Because she got her mack on with a professor [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img].

Can you change the date of Liza's birthday above Grace's art to June 5th, I forgot to change that in the template.
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Old 12-05-2003, 10:42 PM
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Consider it done.

I'm blocking out the whole professor thing. It just didn't happen.
With your gorgeous grin, you got the world sucked in.

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Old 12-06-2003, 12:58 AM
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Is this better, Nate?
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Old 12-06-2003, 02:21 AM
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Nate- that's the first time I've seen that autographed pic of Liza to you- WOW! That was really nice of her. I'm sure it meant a lot to you too for everything you do, despite the fact you'd do it all regardless.
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Old 12-06-2003, 02:33 AM
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Jenna - It looks much better, much less dark [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]! Play around with both programs and go with what you like. Thanks for making them up, I just couldn't stand all the speckles off my Bravo copy and the only other version of the episode I had was a VCD I downloaded from Kazaa with Dutch subtitles [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img].

Kelly - It really did mean so much when the autographed pic came in the mail, and she even took the time out to write a little note thanking me for starting the LWL group and using it to boost her fanbase. The day I got it I couldn't wait for work to end so I could scan it, it came just as I left [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]. I was blushing red all day [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img].

Because I can't edit the opening post, here are the two pics of her I won off eBay to decorate the thread;

She is soooo hot [img]smilies/sigh.gif[/img].

[ 12-06-2003: Message edited Nate the Lizaphile ]
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Old 12-07-2003, 12:17 AM
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Nate - Do you want me to add the two pics in?
With your gorgeous grin, you got the world sucked in.

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Old 12-08-2003, 01:25 PM
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Jamie - That's cool, go ahead and add them to the opening post [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img].

And everyone, go read the new chapter to jcd1013's Like Never Before. Like now. Her Paris is so dead-on and fleshed out it's almost like Liza opened up Word and told her character's story in her own words, her Paris is that good. Plus it has Paris/Brad cuteness and her hating the idea somewhat of dating Jamie, along with some good Literainess and Rory/Paris arguments.
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Old 12-10-2003, 09:38 PM
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Trying again with the WW caps. I had the worst time uploading these so if you find any of the links don't work, please let me know.

Thanks for the fic rec Nate.
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Old 12-11-2003, 01:18 AM
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The caps look great Jenna! No broken links at all.

I just love that headshot of Liza's, the second to the last image in the opening post. She looks especially pretty there.
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Old 12-11-2003, 11:23 AM
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Thanks Steph. I kept putting them in the wrong directory and having to start over again. One time I moved them instead of reuploading and I must have typed in the wrong path because I couldn't find them.
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Old 12-12-2003, 08:56 PM
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Jenna - They came out awesome this time, great job [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]! I'm about to send them off to Erin so she can post them on the site when she gets the chance, she's been busy with school stuff lately.

ETA - Another month, another Liza eBay agency photo auction, looks like I'll be spending another $13 this month with Rising Star [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]. This one's more of a glamour shot...


Link to new auction

[ 12-12-2003: Message edited Nate the Lizaphile ]
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Old 12-14-2003, 07:04 AM
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hehehe you gotta love paris shes hilarious without meaning to be. its soo ebyond funny, always love the eps with her in them
' No One Dies A Virgin, Life Screws Us All '

- Harlee -

>>icon credit pink paisley
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Old 12-15-2003, 02:18 AM
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It's great to see all the Paris/LW support. Wow, Nate, that was really kind of her to send you the signed picture!! Did you mail her a letter telling her of the fan listing?

Thought I'd just say, imo, Paris has the best bang-for-your-buck, revved-up-WPMs, funniest-lines-per-second-onscreen out of all the characters. The writers have done justice to Paris, and LW's portayal is so fitting, whenever she is in an episode. In other words, they don't "waste" her, the way they have (unfortunately, sadly, miserably) wasted Lane/KA.
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Old 12-15-2003, 06:50 AM
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Well, I [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] Liza Weil as Paris on Gilmore Girls... She reminds me of exactly the kind of girl I used to have a crush on when I was in high school, lol. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

... Plus, she's sexy as hell. Am I going to be arrested?! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] ... [img]smilies/look.gif[/img] ... [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] ... hope not! [img]smilies/rotfl.gif[/img]

Saf [img]smilies/silver_hand.gif[/img]
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