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Old 07-18-2015, 07:27 PM
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I hate baby storylines-There's no going back. They have that on Once Upon A Time, but unlike OUAT, they can't just lock Eva up somewhere without seeming like monsters.
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Old 07-19-2015, 05:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Against_all_odds (View Post)
I hate baby storylines-There's no going back. They have that on Once Upon A Time, but unlike OUAT, they can't just lock Eva up somewhere without seeming like monsters.
So do I. It's too bad they didn't use the Eva character in a different way. I don't want to hate her, but can't help myself. Every time she's having an intimate moment with Barbie I want to......
♥ Sue ♥

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Old 07-19-2015, 02:00 PM
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The actress got a raw deal on her last show. She was the leading lady for the main couple, but then they screwed her over, despite being more popular than the 3rd character. I feel bad for her, because her next gig was so much bigger than a failed ABCFamily show. Her character isn't evil,but because she's breaking up the OTP, she's going to have to put up with haters.

I don't necessarily like Eva, I just don't dislike her.
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Old 07-22-2015, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Against_all_odds (View Post)

The actress got a raw deal on her last show. She was the leading lady for the main couple, but then they screwed her over, despite being more popular than the 3rd character. I feel bad for her, because her next gig was so much bigger than a failed ABCFamily show. Her character isn't evil,but because she's breaking up the OTP, she's going to have to put up with haters.

I don't necessarily like Eva, I just don't dislike her.
I stopped watching Twisted when they started making that switch. I haven't finished that show yet.
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Old 07-22-2015, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Against_all_odds (View Post)
I hate baby storylines-There's no going back. They have that on Once Upon A Time, but unlike OUAT, they can't just lock Eva up somewhere without seeming like monsters.
OMG, my 2 favorite shows with my 2 favorite couples both doing hated baby plots, I need to stop watching TV.

I can't stand Eva when she's with Barbie, but I do have some sympathy for the fact that Christine is using her. She shouldn't have been lying, but at this point she's no longer a willing participant, Christine forced the goo on her. I think she will feel horrible about the part she played in this when she snaps out of it. And then she can be on her way and be happy with someone who isn't Barbie. Although I suspect she may end up dead.

ETA: Just had to say Eva no longer has my sympathy. She is too far gone now.

Last edited by sherry02; 08-02-2015 at 04:38 PM
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Old 08-19-2015, 03:07 PM
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I really like the Character EVA. I know she gets a lot of hate just because of the fact that she is involved with Barbie. Even if she wasnt with Barbie I would still like Eva so I hope they do keep her around. Now though I want her to be free of this kinship thing, it just annoys me because the "Real Eva" would not do the things she did. I know some may stone me for this but I actually like Barbie with Eva, I am Team barbie anyway and while I dont like Kinship Barbie I do like how Barbie is around real Eva. Both could work.

Originally Posted by MadisonNorthFan (View Post)
^ I think the baby will be a human and abnormal if she becomes pregnant. Might become 100% human once they've all been cured from being infected.

You are right it will be human because both Eva and Barbie are human. This Kinship thing is an infection and for that is a cure. The baby can be saved too if given the cure as well I believe so her body can fight off the infection. This is my take anyway. I do hope Eva can be saved I like her and yes even with Barbie too lol or without no matter. Kylie does have chemistry with Mike too so it would be interesting to see what they would do with her character if she stays on the show.

Last edited by Lostcandy; 08-20-2015 at 03:52 PM
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