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Old 11-22-2007, 12:40 AM
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Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #172- Because Will's from the Port Royal`hood!

What's your favorite moment/scene of Will/Elizabeth?

”My favorite WE moment has to be in AWE when Elizabeth’s father dies and Will comforts her. Even though they were angry with each other and not speaking, you could from that scene that Will truly cared for Elizabeth, and Elizabeth trusted Will. No matter what, Will and Elizabeth would always have a special bond, and in the end it would all work out. ”

” I have to say when they get married in At World's End and they kiss after about 3 times of trying Or at the very end or the credits when Liz is with Will's son and the family is reunited.”

“Beach scene of course!”

“The beach scene where Elizabeth calls Will's name and runs to him for their last kiss! And when Elizabeth cries "I won't leave you!" after Will dies!”

“The scene after AWE credits.”

“Their wedding scene in At World's End was just too beautiful. I grin like an idiot every time I watch that paticular part.”

“My favorite scene has to be either Will’s return in the scene after the credits during AWE or their first kiss scene in COTBP. The reason I love the scene with their first kiss is because they finally admitted to each other their true feelings, and both of them didn’t care about who heard or saw. They just wanted to be with each other, plus we all wanted them to finally kiss and when they did it was so memorable. I love the scene after the credits in AWE because it showed that their love could really last anything, even being apart for 10 years. Not forgetting to mention other awesome WE scenes, like their Wedding, Bars or Gov. Swann’s death.”

“So hard, the wedding though I'd have to say, because it described every aspect of them perfectly, the love, the fight, the willingness to do anything for each other and their trust. Romance, action, it had everything. Honorable Mention to Boots and "Don't Stop" of course.”

If you could change anything about them, what would it be and why?

“The 10 yrs hurt at first, but now I like it, makes them so much more grand and epic. Proves their love and fidelity in every respect.”

“I would have given them an extended beach scene, lol. Seriously, I would have made Elizabteh tell Will about the kiss between her and Jack, and why she did it. It would have saved them both a lot of heartache and Will wouldn't have had to spend all that time thinking about whether Elizabeth loved Jack or not.”

“Well, Lizzie should say I LOVE YOU more often to Will.”

“I wish that we could've seen Elizabeth tell Will that she loved him- we know that she did and she told him in different ways, but seeing it on screen would've been something I would've liked to see. Also, I really wished that there were more references about them growing up. Little!W/E are adorable!”

“The fact that they often hide so much from each other even if the intent is to help the other out.”

“That the Jack kiss never happened.”
-Bella Grint

” All the things that came between them. I wish they would've trusted each other more so they could've had a better relationship.” -Anna

“I wish they had confronted each other more rather than hide their true feelings inside. The only reason I would change that about them is because whenever I see each of them hurting because of something the other did I want to scream at the TV and be like Just tell Him/Her the truth!” –Sheila

What is it about Will/Elizabeth that made you ship them?

“They are each other's true loves.”
-Bella Grint
“Combination of actors and story, they really impacted me to the point where I looked online for stuff, then I found all these cool people that loved them just as much so you know I had to stay and party it up.”

“They have a timeless love story and amazing chemistry!”

“I think I began to ship them in CotBP when Will said he would die for Elizabeth. He became a pirate just to rescue her.”

“I shipped WE because their chemistry just jumped off the movie screen. The first time I saw them I wanted them to be together. I think that Orlando and Keira definitely had something to do with it. Both of them displayed their character’s emotions perfectly, and in a sense, both actually became their character. Also, Will and Elizabeth’s love story was the first one in many years that was true and wasn’t provocative like other couples you see today!”

“I think that you could tell that they truly cared for each other, and no matter what anyone thought, they wanted to be together. Plus life nowadays is so complicated; it was nice to see a classic type of love story.”

“They are just love!!”

“Loved them since CotBP. Loved the chemistry.”

“The chem between Keira and Orli for sure and just the way they were writing in the first movie made me ship them right away, with little Will and Eli.”
- jbshmdfb

“For the obvious reason, that Orlando and Keira had chemistry. I think it wouldn't have worked out beautifully if it wasn't. Will and Lizzie both evolved from being innocent young lovers to mature strong married couple. They’ve remained strong despite all the odds they faced.”

“Orlando and Keira played a big part in it, but I'm a sucker for love stories, and their's is just such a great one.”

How have they inspired you?

“Love is beautiful.”
They showed me that things are worth fighting for. If you really believe in something and want it to work out, you have to fight for it, and work hard, and if you do, you can achieve it, whether it be love, school, work or anything else.” -Laxmi

“They made me believe love like theirs is out there!”

“WE have inspired me by showing me that love that is as true as theirs is really out there. They have showed me that love isn’t all physical, and that mostly love is emotional. WE didn’t love each other for the physical things; they loved each other for the emotional things. They also showed me that love could handle anything, even death. Will and Elizabeth’s love went through everything. Their love story was a remarkable journey through happiness, anger, death, sadness, and much more. They have inspired me to find love like theirs; love that is true and never ending!”

“To be faithful in love.”

“They've taught me that love can overcome anything - even death.”

“It made me rethink my stance on soul mates... I'm a hopeless romantic like that.”

“Well they've made me jealous to no end cause I'd love to have love like that! They've inspired art and not to mention countless gutter moments as well. But they made me see that even movies in this age where action and sex are the focus, we can still find an amazing love story that isn't just sex (while that isn't lacking, boots anyone?) but instead fulfills all levels of what a great love story should be.”

“That they can still love each other through everything.”
-Bella Grint

“To follow your heart no matter where it takes you! Even to the end of the world!”

“They show how even when things look bad they have a way of working themselves out and that real love can endure long distance.”
- jbshmdfb

"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.

Last edited by ladyle; 11-22-2007 at 10:38 AM
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:41 AM
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Curse of The Black Pearl

I'm watching over you, Will.

Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?
At least once more, Miss Swann, as always.

This girl - how far are you willing to go to save her?
I'd die for her.

You said you gave Barbossa my name as yours. Why?
I don't know. [she winces and pulls away]
I'm sorry. Blacksmith's hands - I know they're rough.
No...I mean yes, they are but... but don't stop.

Elizabeth. I should have told you every day from the moment I met you. I love you.

You forget your place, Turner.
It's right here...between you and Jack.
[stands next to Will] As is mine.

So, this is the path you've chosen, is it? After all...he is a blacksmith.
No. [takes off Will's hat] He's a pirate.
[the Governor walks away; Elizabeth and Will kiss]

Dead Man’s Chest

You look beautiful.
I think it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

And then I intend to return here, to marry you.
Eagerly, if you'll still have me.
If it weren't for these bars I'd have you already.

[the governor accidentally knocks a candleholder off the wall]
[the governor tosses the candleholder aside, onto the floor]

I'll wait for you.
[whispered] Keep a weather eye on the horizon.
[Will walks back up the prison steps]

At World’s End
Will, I had no choice.
You chose not to tell me.
I couldn’t. It wasn’t your burden to bear.
But I did bear it, didn’t I? I just didn’t know what it was. I thought—
You thought I loved him?
[shocked at the realization, she turns to go away]
[Will grabs her to prevent her from leaving and forcefully leads her to a post]

If you make your choices alone, how can I trust you?
You can’t.
[she breaks away and leaves]

[during battle]
Elizabeth, will you marry me? [fights more people]
I don’t think now’s the best time. [fights more people]
Now may be the only time [more fighting and then they lock arms] I love you. [more fighting and then they reach for each other’s arms once more] I’ve made my choice, what’s yours?
Barbossa! Marry us!!
I’m a little busy at the moment.
Barbossa now!!
Fine then. Dearly beloved we be gathered here today….
Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?
[very excited] I do!!
Great! [more fighting]
Will Turner, do you take me [more fighting] to be your wife [more fighting] in sickness and in health, with health being the less likely.
I do.
As Captain I now pronounce you….You may kiss [more fighting]….You may kiss….
[Will and Elizabeth’s swords clank]

It’s always belonged to you, will you keep it safe?
Keep a weather eye on the horizon.

[he walks away and is on the ship now, green flash, Will is gone and Elizabeth is alone on the beach]

Without these two, Will & Elizabeth seriously wouldn’t exist. And it’s their admiration for each other that makes us love both the characters and the actors even more.

“I was looking at Keira the other day on set, doing this whole sword routine. She's the most beautiful woman on set and still able to rough it with lads and look ethereal. There's Britishness to that.”-Orlando on Keira

"Of course she says yes! What's the matter with you? Orlando Bloom proposes to you, you say yes!” -Keira on Will’s proposal to Elizabeth in AWE

“I saw them in a restaurant when I first, you know and I just knew ‘Ok that’s taken care of.’ ” -Gore Verbinski on Orlando & Keira

“I love them, Jesus they’re so beautiful the two of them, it’s like…painful.”-Johnny Depp on Orlando & Keira

"Keira Knightley is beautiful; I had a real crush on her when we were filming Pirates! She's definitely blossoming."

"I think it comes naturally to kiss Orlando anywhere. I had no trouble with kissing him on-camera. He's a good-looking boy, why not?"

"Kissing Keira was worth more than what I got paid for making the movie.”
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:42 AM
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The first Pirate family of the seas.

How This Happened: The only real character would be Liam, AKA: William III. Everyone else, is well, us. Basically, this is our “role play”, five of us one night decided to pretend to be part of Will & Elizabeth’s family. And this is who we are:

“I'm the oldest in a family of 6. I have 5 younger sisters all who I'm protective of. I'm known for having girls in my bed. Out of all my siblings I'm closest to Sheila and Gracie because we are the angels of the family.” - Liam

”I'm the oldest sister. Sometimes my younger sisters can drive me up the wall but I still love them. I'm known for being an angel; well really I just don't get caught. I'm protective of my younger sisters and I'm closest to Sheila and Liam. I'm mommy's favorite and help her out any way I can.” -Gracie

“I am the 3rd among the Turner bunch. I love crashing the rum bin with Chris every now and then. our parents might hate it but still they love me for that. My siblings say that I cause some trouble for them but in reality i take the blame for them just because I just love them. And I am willing to take on anyone who insults my Turner Family. So, beware!”. -Gill

”I am one of the middle children and have been dubbed the drunk of the family, yes over mum and that's quite an accomplishment. I blame Uncle Jack for the example. I have been working on giving up the rum, but I do slip occasionally still. I have been caught with a boy in my bed, I have blown up a cannon and sunken a ship, and I have been arrested. I still blame my sleep walking disorder. But with all these faults I am still a loved Turner child, and I love being a part of the best family of pirates in all the world! (that include's world's end ).” -Chris

”I am Sheila! I am Leah’s twin and am the 2nd youngest in this family! I am 5 minutes older than Leah, and believe me those 5 minutes make a big difference! Leah and I are totally opposite, saying that she is a devil and I am not! I am one of the two angels in this Turner Family, along with Gracie, everyone else are devils! I am known for tattle telling on my brother & sisters a lot. I am Daddy’s little angel, and Mommy’s second favorite! At least that’s what I think! I am one of eight in our wonderful Turner Family!” -Sheila

“And last but definitely not least, is me…Leah! I’m Sheila’s twin and the youngest by 5 minutes [which apparently makes a difference, haha.]. I seem to be a bit of the trouble maker, which I don’t know where that comes from. I’m mostly known for having boys in my bed and can’t remember their names. I think I’ll also be the one who makes mommy & daddy grandparents at an early age, but I don’t think they’d mind. I’m also known for blowing up cannons and hanging around Uncle Jack & Chris a little too much. In short, I love being the youngest!” -Leah

Most Dedicated – Leah, Gracie and Chris
Most Creative – Gracie, Leah, Chris, Ryan
Dirtiest/Gutterist – Leah
Most Likely to Be Killed by Lizzie - Chris
Most Likely to Relate Other Fandoms to WE – Gracie
Favorite New Comer- Sheila
Longest Fan – Leah
Most Likely to Bring Up Friends –Gracie
Most Likely to ask for Rum – Chris
Biggest WE Fan – Everyone
Biggest Keira fan- Leah
Biggest Orli fan –Gill
Biggest OK fan – Everyone
Most Likely to attack Orli with a Bucket of Water – Leah and Chris
Most Likely to get Chris Killed by Lizzie –Gracie
Most Likely to Post Guttery Pics – Gracie and Leah
Gutterist/Potty/Dirtiest Mouth – Gracie and Leah
Most likely to go on a huge rant – Gracie
Changes Avys the most? –Gracie
Best Pic Poster – Gracie
Biggest Sword – Will (like there was ever any competition for this one )
Most Likely to Gut Someone Like a Fish – Lizzie
Most likely to post a pic that makes everyone die – Chris, Leah and Gracie
Cutest Family- The Turners (obviously, WE rule)

Click Here to Download the GUTTER SOUNDTRACK!
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:43 AM
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1. Because they've know each other since they were children.
2. Because she thought it would be exciting to meet a pirate and minutes later, she met him for the first time.
3. Because she saw him first.
4. Because she was in charge of him.
5. Because her father told her to take care of him.
6. Because she told him it's okay.
7. Because she promised to watch over him.
8. Because she had a dream about him.
9. Because he could never forget their first meeting.
10. Because she wanted him to call her Elizabeth.
11. Because he was mad at Jack for threatening her.
12. Because she said her last name was Turner.
13. Because he was very eager to save her.
14. Because he would die for her.
15. Because he's obsessed with her.
16. Because he bandaged her hand.
17. Because she thanked him for that.
18. Because although his hands were rough, she didn't want him to stop bandaging her hand.
19. Because they almost kissed on that boat!
20. Because she was sorry that she had taken the medallion.
21. Because she was sorry about being scared that he could be/is a pirate.
22. Because she asked for his forgiveness.
23. Because they're always scared when the other one is in danger.
24. Because he rescued her from the pirates.
25. Because she only accepted Commodore Norrington's proposal to save Will's life.
26. Because they are a great team.
27. Because he finally called her Elizabeth in front of her father.
28. Because he loved her from the first moment he met her.
29. Because she was never interested in Commodore Norrington.
30. Because her heart truly lies with Will.
31. Because they finally accepted the fact that he's a pirate.
32. Because they kissed at the end! Finally!
33. Because they often call each others first names even when the other one can't hear it.
34. Because Elizabeth Turner has a nice ring to it.
35. Because they saved each other...a lot.
36. Because it was their wedding day.
37. Because she let him know she'd wait for him.
38. Because if it wasn't for those bars, she would have had him right there.
39. Because she was back on board The Black Pearl looking for the man she loved...Will Turner.
40. Because she may be in lust with Jack, but she's in LOVE with Will.
41. Because when her father died, he was there to comfort her.
42. Because they got married fighting evil!pirates.
43. Because the leg kissing scene was hot.
44. Because he forgave her for kissing Jack.
45. Because they had a son together.
46. Because they make a perfect "pirate" family.
47. Because 10 years later, it's still about them.
48. Because the marriage scene was lovely and hot.
49. Because she didn't want him to die.
50. Because they can fight and get married at the same time.
51. Because their kiss was in slow-mo.
52. Because they are married in life AND death!

Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner #1
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #2-Because 'Elizabeth Turner' has a nice ring to it.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #3-Because WE rock boats!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #4-If it wasn't for the bars, she would've had him right there
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #5-Whip-cha! More whip, less cha!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #6Because WE need bondage!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #7- Penguins wear Tux.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#8- OK+WE=Lovvve
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #9-WE Everlasting love...Because life can imitate art.
Will/Ellizabeth [POTC] #10-Because they can't keep their hands off each other!
Elizabeth/Will (POTC) #11- "Because: At least once more, Miss Swann. As always.."
Elizabeth/Will [POTC] #12: Because after making up, they'll have make up sex!
Elizabeth/Will [POTC] #13- Because they're both nifty with a sword!
Elizabeth/Will [POTC]#14- B/C He proposed..during battle!
Elizabeth/Will [POTC] #15-Because we got the passionate rain kiss in AWE.
Elizabeth/Will [POTC] #16- Because they put each other above all others.
Elizabeth/Will [POTC] #17: Because we'd chase them At World's End.
Elizabeth/Will [POTC] #18: Rum and Bananas, need we say more?
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #19- Because Jerry said so
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #20-Pirates? Check. Fighters? Check. LOVERS? HELL YES!!!!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #21- Beach...Sun...WE. Who said nothing's perfect?
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #22- Because AWE rocked OUR world!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #23 Because their love can stand the test of time!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #24- B/c not only did he give her his heart, he gave her their son.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #25- Because they're boot-lickin' & knee-nuzzlin' hot!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #26- Because she guards his heart.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #27- Because true love can break any curse.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #28- Because Barbossa told them to "Just kiss!"
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #29- B/c even the maid knew will was a fine man for Elizabeth
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #30- B/c his heart belongs to her & her heart belongs to him
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #31- They're orgasmic.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #32- Because Will helped her reach the climax. Of the movie.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #33-B/C when "Orlando Bloom proposes to you, you say yes!"
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #34- B/c just thinking of them sends us straight to the gutter
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #35- Because this is the home of the gutter muses & the BOOTS!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #36- B/c Oh if rocks & sand could talk
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #37- Because Super Orli is for Pirate King Lizzie
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #38- Their swords went *bangbang* so did they
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #39-Because their hips don't lie!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #40 B/C in one day they created beautiful Will III
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #41- B/c we like`em wet & wild!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #43- Because all we wanted was for him to go higher!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #45- Because Orli was Keira's best kiss!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #46- Don't mess with the Turners!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #47- Because WE were savoring that kiss
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #48-Our gutter's broke at the moment,but WE can still get it on
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #49-Because pillows and buckets always supply
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #49.5- Because we always have each other's backs
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #50- After 50 threads, we're still in AWE.
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #53- Because they did the dance of luv!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #54- Because we love our WE rum & desserts!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #56- Because they could have rocked that boat themselves!
Will/Elizabeth #57- B/c we can see the future in their eyes
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #59- 'Cause Pirate Liz or Princess Leia, WE all know will wants her
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #60- Because they can leave their hats on
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #62- Because Orli has a Smurf Fetish!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #63- Because he's her lobster!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #65-'Cause they'll stop the world and melt together!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #66- Because WE & kiwi, `nuff said!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #68-Because WE and our Queen kick ass!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #70- Because she would wait forever for him!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #71- 'Cause Lizzie likes Will's big sword!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC]#74- Because he'll take her on the ride of her life!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #76- Because they did it anywhere, anyway and anyhow!
Will/ Elizabeth [POTC] #77- Because We's love is immortalized!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #78- Because in his arms she felt safe!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #80- Because lucky rocks got to witness luvin on the beach!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #81- Because Lizzie is Will's dream
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #82- Because WE set off fireworks
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #84- Because real love stories never end
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#85- Because you accept Orlando's proposal & don't cheat on Keira!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #86- Because WE are romantic saps and gutter royalty!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #87- Because Lizzie always arches her back for Will
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #89- Because WE have ice, icre cream, chocolate, and whipped cream!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#90- Welcome to the Delusional Awards
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#91- Because with their kisses, of course WE won BEST LIPLOCK!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#92- Because OK are both the Top 3 Hottest People Alive!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #93- Because OK are WET!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#94- Because we're all for touchy-feelyness & stares!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #95-Because WE would go to Hell and back for each other!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #96- Because she's Barbie to his Ken!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #97- Because her body is his wonderland!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #98- Because he's going to blow her mind!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #102- Because WE love to party and get it on!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #103-Because if WE aren't dirty, WE aren't here to party!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #104 "The First Time Ever I saw your Face"
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #105- Because WE have romps on the beach!
Will/Elizabeth(POTC) #106-Because Lizzie loves Will's Sexy Back
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #107-Don't cha wish you were hot like WE!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #108- Because you were meant for me and I was meant for you!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #109-Because they KO'd death and got it on!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #110- Because song and pic spams keep us going!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #111- Because he's her sweet chocolate sugar coated candyman!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #113- Because we are siblings by chance and friends by choice!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #114- Because he loves her twin peaks!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #115-Because WE love the beach,it's their home away from home!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #117- Because Orli knows how to work Keira!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #118-Because WE can connect everything with OK!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #119 Because WE'll give them something to talk about!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #120- Because she kept the dress and he lept the boots!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #121- Because you can never get too much of a good thing!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #122-Because they both knew each other's techniques!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #125- Because Will insisted
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #127- Because WE got their Chapstick on
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #128- Bitter much?
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#129-His hands go around her waist,her legs around his!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #131- GET BOOTS, THEN GET HAPPY
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #132- Because WE came
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #133- Because WE are like a fluffy gutter couch!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #134-Because Gracie made WE grandparents first!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #135- Because Lizzie bites her lip when WE are flesh to flesh!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #136-Lovebites & Closets=FUN!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #137-Because Chucks are the modern Boots!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #138-Because Lizzie loves her hunk of burning love!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #138- Break me off a piece of that!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #140-Because WE can't wait for the lights to go out!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #141- Because WE're addicted to each other!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #142-Because he would never deny a request from her!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #144-Because Bella and Pirate are the new WE!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #144- The Chauv and The Nympho!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #145- Because we want to spend a life time loving WE.
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #147- Because WE gutter everything up!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #148- Because she "invited" him all night!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #149-Because they need a good slappin'!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #150 CAUTION: WE experience levels of extreme heat
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #151: 'Cause handyman & housewife or nurse & doctor WE is ♥
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#152- Because they've got more chemistry going than a chem lab!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #153-WE do the dance of love!
Will/Elizabeth[POTC] #154- WE crash on the beach anytime!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #155-Because she wants him to want her body!
WE flaunt it, cause they got it!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #157-Because when they looked into their eyes you saw the sparks
Will/Elizabeth [POTC]#158-Because he wants her to give him more!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #159-Because you can't handle WE!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #160-Because we love our gutter royalty and WE psychic!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #161-Because when WE are together, it's heaven on earth!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #162- Because he can relax her
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #163-Because he will honor and protect her!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #164 Because WE do each other!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #165- Because Lizzie watches Will's Anatomy!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #166-Because there was some serious knob touching!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #168- Because WE stick together like cotton candy!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #169- Because WE have the sexy midas touch!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #170-Because practice made perfect!
Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #171- Because WE are a triple threat: hot, sexy and dangerous!

Future Title Ideas
  1. Because WE sail from thread to thread
  2. Because WE love to talk
  3. Because they've been a long time coming
  4. Because they can survive the distance
  5. Because their love can survive anything even death
  6. Because he would brave anything to be by her side
  7. Because the gutter is our home!
  8. Because even in their fanatasies they wind up together!
  9. WE- I love what you do to me!
  10. Because the music knows!
  11. Because WE is just hot!
  12. Because Lizzie knows what Will likes
  13. Because even our music knows what WE like
  14. Because WE like to move it move it!!
  15. Because all you haters can back off, WE have a posse
  16. Because in WE land we have bunnies, puppies, kitties, horses and monkeys oh my
  17. 'Cause in WE land we have mascots
  18. 'Cause bunnies, puppies, kitties, monkeys and horses oh my
  19. 'Cause we never diss Jack to get through our threads!
  20. Because here in WE Land the gutter is our home
  21. Because here in WE Land WE is the main attraction!
  22. Because Lizzie will always be Will's Pretty Girl
  23. Because Super Will will always rescue his Lizzie
  24. Because WE have arrows, bikes, swords and hats
  25. Because true love never dies
  26. Because when they looked into their eyes you saw the sparks
  27. Because WE wouldn't settle for anything less than perfect
  28. Because the party's in here!
  29. Because it's getting HOT in here!
  30. Because the party's just getting started!
  31. Because they are both top 3 for hottest movie star
  32. Because Will's a fighter and a romancer of course Lizzie married him
  33. Because he's her Prince Charming
  34. Because she's his, all his
  35. Because he rocks her world!
  36. Because it's written in the stars that OK get together
  37. Because even psychics agree that OK are meant to be
  38. Time flies when WE get it on
  39. Because he'll take her into the light
  40. Because WE got to cranking!
  41. Because WE want more!
  42. Because WE are so hot, they make fire detectors go off!

"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:45 AM
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thanks Leah!

im going to have to go soon guys, after i finish reading this chaper of Music
EdwardBella ; Robert Pattinson
William Moseley
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:45 AM
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oh Leah you're darling!!! Oh this is funny! And he's Elizabeth's soldier!
So give me hope in the darkness
that I will see the l i g h t
Cause oh they gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like
Just promise me we'll be all right
Jacob & Liz
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:48 AM
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and Lizzie in a denim skirt ...
EdwardBella ; Robert Pattinson
William Moseley
icon by risque_graphics
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:49 AM
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you're welcome emma!

chris, i had to. `exactly! he stands up for her.
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:56 AM
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he does!!

Oh in a denim skirt, is this after he gave her the chucks???
So give me hope in the darkness
that I will see the l i g h t
Cause oh they gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like
Just promise me we'll be all right
Jacob & Liz
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Old 11-22-2007, 01:20 AM
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wow this is the first time I made it after the crash in a long while
So give me hope in the darkness
that I will see the l i g h t
Cause oh they gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like
Just promise me we'll be all right
Jacob & Liz
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Old 11-22-2007, 05:38 AM
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Those caps from the last page were wonderful. I was supposed to be asleep 30 mins ago. XP
Will and Elizabeth Turner: Married in life, death and beyond.

keira K N I G H T L E Y A Goddess Devine
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Old 11-22-2007, 08:19 AM
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Happy Thanksgiving Girls!

Why do I always find the bodies?
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Old 11-22-2007, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by DeadMenTales (View Post)
Those caps from the last page were wonderful. I was supposed to be asleep 30 mins ago. XP
get some rest, ryan!


tiff, love the ani.
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 11-22-2007, 09:37 AM
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Why thank you Leah! The fam. is here!

Why do I always find the bodies?
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Old 11-22-2007, 11:21 AM
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Tiff! Happy Thanksgiving! Have fun with the family! By the way, love the animation! HW time for me! Joy!
Somewhere over the
r a i n b o w . . .

Last edited by living destiny; 11-22-2007 at 11:27 AM
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