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Old 10-09-2013, 09:17 PM
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The Weasleys {R♥Hr} #59: Harry wondered whether they had fallen asleep holding hands.

Welcome to the 59th Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger Appreciation Thread
Home to Ron and Hermione and their two beautiful children; Rose and Hugo

"She deserves someone who will vomit slugs for her, fret and overcome his greatest fear when she is ill, stand up to the teachers when she has tears in her eyes, will notice her irregular class schedule, notice her new teeth, wonder about her love life, defend her from CAPSLOCK!Harry, and hold her, stroke her hair and cry with her." - Heather - In Defense of Hermione


Because Ron hoped Hermione wouldn't be sorted into his house- and she was.
Because he helped save her from the mountain troll.
Because from that day on they were friends.
Because he always come to her defense against Malfoy.
Because he was totally jealous of her crush on Lockhart.
Because he was relieved to hear that she was okay after being petrified.
Because we all know it's about more than the cat and the rat.
Because Ron was the only one concerned with how Hermione could possibly get to all her classes.
Because he wasn't going to let her work on Buckbeak's case alone.
Because he wanted to take her to the Yule Ball.
Because he liked Victor Krum until he saw him with Hermione.
Because Hermione had gotten the point much better than Ron had.
Because she kissed him on the cheek to wish him luck before his first Quidditch match.
Because he was actually dazed after she did this.
Because if Hermione knew Ron would get jealous, why would she write her "novel" to Victor in front of him?
Because she's honestly the most wonderful person he's ever met.
Because Ron is also tall, Hermione.
Because Ron tone completely changed after Hermione told him she was planning on inviting him to the Christmas party.
Because Harry had an inkling this might happen sooner or later.
Because the one thing Hermione did to upset Ron was snog Victor Krum.
Because she sent a flock of canaries on him after seeing him with Lavender Brown.
Because she purposely told Harry that she was "dating" Cormac in front of Ron.
Because Lavender laughed at the idea that there was nothing going on between Ron and Hermione.
Because she rushed to the hospital wing immediately upon hearing that Ron was in danger.
Because "Er-my-nee" croaked Ron while lying in his hospital bed.
Because their fight in sixth year made them both realize that neither could live without the other.
Because they both needed to grow up a bit.
Because they're both always extra polite to each other after they have a fight.
Because told Hermione "I love you."
Because he held her and stroked her hair as she sobbed into his shoulder at Dumbledore's funeral.
Because they're both with Harry, whatever happens.
Because their constant bickering is obviously their only way of keeping their hands off each other.
Because they reminded Harry of a certain married couple he knew.
Because Hermione wants Ron to succeed.
Because Ron can help Hermione relax.
Because Ron did want to be tortured instead of Hermione
Because Ron couldn't stop screaming for Hermione
Because Ron stopped Bellatrix from killing Hermione
Because they're opposites and they balance each other out so nicely.
Because Emma Watson is the biggest Sidekicker in all the land.
Because J.K. Rowling all but said "duh!"
Because "sparks of sexual chemistry are clear for all to see."
Because sidekicks could end up with other sidekicks.
Because they're each other's lobsters. (stole from RR, but it's true!)
Because it's always Ron who loses his temper when somebody calls Hermione a Mudblood.
Because Ron is the one who's most upset when Hermione is petrified in CoS.
Because the first girl that Ron meets in the series is Hermione.
Because Hermione is always so upset when she gets into a serious argument with Ron
Because they love each other.
Because they're Ron and Hermione.
Because they're parents to Rose and Hugo!
Because "all's fair in love and war and this is a bit of both"
Because "it's now or never"
Because Ron and Hermione make bickering squeeable!

made by Katie


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Banner by misscla@LJ

Philosopher's Stone

The very first meeting and the beginning of the friendship between our two lovely sidekicks. An obvious perfect match from the very first time she told him to wipe the smudge dirt off of his nose.

Ron initially considers Hermione arrogant, teasing her, mocking her, and continuously making fun of her at school. (In love much?) His behavior towards her changes however, when she lies to protect them from punishment after they save her life from a troll, and thus the trio is born. The arguing and bickering ensues, however things seem much more friendlier between the two.

Chamber of Secrets

During a confrontation between the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams, a brawl nearly ensues after Draco Malfoy has the audacity to call Hermione a "mudblood", and an angry Ron attempts to hex Draco into oblivion. Unfortunately, the condition of his wand after crashing in to the Whomping Willow, leaves him throwing up slugs for the next few months. But the point was taken, insult his girl, and Ron will kick your ass.

Prisoner of Azkaban

Throughout the school year, Ron immediately notices that something is up with Hermione. He constantly wonders why Hermione seems to disappear from classes with the drop of a hat, and is concerned about her insane class schedule, and the affect it is seeming to have on her. Not only that, but now, Crookshanks is thrown in to the mix, Hermione's new cat who Ron vehemently disapproves of because of his behavior towards Scabbers, his old pet rat. More bickering follows.

Goblet of Fire

A huge turning point between the two lovebirds! Ron finally seems to realize that our Hermine is in fact a girl. A revelation made too late it seems, as a certain international quidditch star has already invited Hermione to the Yule Ball. This turns out to be a good thing however, as it served as a wake-up call for our dear friend, Ron, who seethes with anger. The sexual tension and flirty bickering is as obvious as ever now.

Order of the Phoenix

This is only the beginning of the blossoming relationship between the two. Ron actually manages to control his temper, whilst Hermione grows more frustrated with the fact that Ron is still clueless about his feelings. Of course, there's no denying the sweetheart he is, his Christmas present to Hermione? Perfume! ♥ And there are even more kicky moments, now that Ron and Hermione are both school prefects, and Harry seems to spending a lot more of his time in detention.

Half-Blood Prince

Ron and Hermione's relationship progresses even further as both of them are seemingly more open to the idea of a relationship with each other. But just when they reach their breaking point, the secret that Hermione kissed Viktor Krum in their fourth year, reaches Ron's ears, so he decides to get revenge, and kisses Lavender Brown. Again, and again, and again, until Hermione sends a flock of yellow canaries after him in outrage. Though, by the end of the book -with a terrified Hermione finding out Ron has been poisoned on his birthday and Ron uttering her name in his sleep, it seems everything is alright again, hence Ron's breaking up with Lavender, and Hermione crying into Ron's shoulder at Dumbledore’s funeral, flinging the door wide open for the anticipated relationship to begin in the seventh and final book.

Deathly Hallows

The final book! And luckily for us, by this point, both Ron and Hermione have finally accepted the fact that they have feelings for one another. Which is why this book is such a sidekicker‘s dream!.

Both are now fully aware of how the other feels., and at this point, it is just a matter of who decides to make the first move and when. Right from the beginning of the book you can notice the changes in Ron, at the end of his rope, Ron does something truly worthy of the name Mr. Hermione Jean Granger, he reads!! Thanks to the godsend "Twelve Fail-safe Ways To Charm Witches", Ron begins to put the moves on Hermione! Dancing with her at Bill and Fleur’s wedding, holding her hand while she was sleeping , giving her comfort when she was upset, and complementing her incessantly throughout the book, -Ron is for lack of a better term, effin’ hot! Not only Ron but Hermione’s feelings are clearer then ever as well. Her broken heart after he abandons the horcrux quest, and her being alternately overjoyed and furious when he finally returns to her-Ron’s anguished sobs as Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, and his fear of her not loving him but Harry instead. Heart-wrenching angst that is truly Kleenex worthy all of which eventually leads up to that long-awaited and epic snog: Hermione flinging herself into Ron’s arms and kissing the daylights out of him right in the middle of the final battle! Reaction? About friggin’ time!

Sp. after years of bickering, teasing, jealousy, and disappointment, we are overjoyed to say the two sidekicks are finally together, happily married with two beautiful young children Rose and Hugo.

Meant to be is right ♥

Credit to Leo_For_Life

By bornbutterfly

Why Ron & Hermione are THE Harry Potter Ship

JK Rowling Quotes

Q: Is it just me, or was something going on between Ron and Hermione during the last half of Goblet of Fire?
A: Yes, something's 'going on,' but Ron doesn't realize it yet. Typical boy.
- Fan Chat, October 2000

I will say, that yes, I personally feel - well it's going to be clear once people have read book six. I mean, that’s it. It’s done, isn’t it? We know. Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I do feel that I have dropped heavy ints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this point.

Q: What did you feel when you finally wrote the kiss, awaited so much by the fans, of ron and hermione
A: I loved writing it, and I loved the fact that Hermione took the initiative! Ron had finally got SPEW and earned himself a snog!

Q: What was the third smell that hermione smelt in the amortentia potion in hbp (ie the particular essence of ron)
A: I think it was his hair. Every individual has very distinctive-smelling hair, don't you find?
- Bloomsbury Deathly Hallows Fan Chat

"Ron and Hermione have this combative but mutual attraction. They will always bicker, there will always be rough edges there, but they are pulled together, each has something the other needs."

Cast/Filmmaker Quotes

The following are quotes from the actors, producers and directors about the Ron and Hermione relationship.

Al Roker: Now, were you surprised that it would be Ron instead of Harry that Hermione'd be interested in?
Emma Watson: Well, Harry's the hero, I suppose, but obviously not for Hermione.
- Today Show Interview, 2004

Emma Watson: I'm going to make Rupert really uncomfortable now. For goodness sake! Hermione and Ron just need to get it together! This has been SO long now! They're so wrong, but they're so right. It just needs to happen and they just need to get on with it. Yeah, if that doesn't happen I am going to be really frustrated. Oh God! It's still ongoing. So, hopefully they will end up together.
- Conference call for Goblet of Fire

Q: When's Ron going to have some luck with the ladies?
Rupert Grint: I don't know! I think Ron's always been after Hermione. Throughout all four films, it's always been pretty plain that he's got a thing for her, and there's always been a feeling that things could happen between them. I mean, it almost happened in the last film, and there's a bit more of that in this one because of the school ball, but I guess Ron will just take it as it happens.
- Movie Magic Interview

Clearly today, though, Watson hankers to be a little provocative so I ask her about the prospect of kissing Grint, her suitor in the sixth film, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, which starts filming in September. Director David Yates describes it as being about sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.

"Kissing Rupert's going to be sooo awkward," Watson says, screwing up her cute rosy-cheeked face. "I'm trying not to think about it ... it's all part of the job I guess. Don't tell him I said that. Rupert's lovely. Girls would probably give their left arm to be in my position, so I'm certainly not complaining."
- Sydney Morning Herald Interview, 2007

Emma Watson: This interviewer sat down and she was like, "Well, this hacker is claiming what's going to happen and she's not going to make it and she's the one." I was just like, "No, no, no. You don't understand. She's meant to be with Ron and she's meant to just..."
MovieWeb Interview

Rupert Grint: It's sort of been suggested through all of them that Ron and Hermione will get together. Everyone keeps saying something will happen in the seventh between them. I wouldn't be surprised. It's bound to happen, really.
MTV 2007, Deathly Hallows speculation

Banner by -Tina-

Accio Love ~ The Ministry of Magic
Breathe ~ Michelle Branch
Because ~ Kelly Clarkson
Fix You ~ Coldplay
If You're Not The One ~ Daniel Bedingfield
I don't Wanna Miss a Thing ~ Aerosmith
Til Kingdom Come ~ Coldplay
Beautiful ~ HIM
Iris ~ Goo Goo Dolls
Come What May ~ Moulin Rouge
Crash and Burn ~ Savage Garden
Truly Madly Deeply ~ Savage Garden
Couldn't Have Said It Better ~ Meat Loaf
Because You Loved Me ~ Celine Dion
Why Don't You and I ~ Carlos Santana
The Rose ~ Bianca Ryan
You'll Never Find ~ Michael Buble
Lucky ~ Jason Mraz
Things I'll Never Say ~ Avril Lavigne
Shania Twain ~ From this Moment On
Tom Jones ~ What's new Pussycat
She's the One ~ Robbie Williams
Listen to your Heart ~ DHT
Signal fire ~ Snow Patrol
Amazed ~ Lonestar
Hero ~ Chad Kroeger
The More I See You ~ Michael Bube

By BornButterfly


Possible future thread titles

The Weasleys {R♥Hr} ~ Two of them.Pyjama's.His bedroom & Harry the spy.<insert pornmusic>
The Weasleys {R♥Hr} ~ Cuz Laura turned out to be our very own Trelawny!! *spazz*
The Weasleys {R♥Hr} ~ Because she smelled his hair in the love potion.
The Weasleys {R♥Hr} ~ Because they know how to have the time of their lives
The Weasleys {R♥Hr} ~ Hermione is fighting for her man!
The Weasleys {R♥Hr} ~"Ron! Ron!" Hermione called, half sobbing. "She cried for a week with you gone."


Last edited by AutumnColorsღ; 10-12-2015 at 10:07 PM
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Old 10-09-2013, 10:15 PM
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This title!

Seriously reading that part for the first time almost gave me a heart attack.
If it was the other way around, and it was down to me
to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?
I would now. And I'm always honest.

» Steve Rogers ♥ Natasha Romanoff
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Old 10-10-2013, 08:45 AM
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This title. I mean that part is just so ..
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Old 10-10-2013, 06:43 PM
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And I love that they actually included that in the movie.
If it was the other way around, and it was down to me
to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?
I would now. And I'm always honest.

» Steve Rogers ♥ Natasha Romanoff
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Old 10-10-2013, 08:21 PM
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You're welcome!

I love that they included it in the movie too. I was hoping that they will because the first time I read it I was flailing so much.

These 2 literally have no idea they will marry each other in SS.

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Old 10-16-2013, 11:54 PM
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And that's what makes it so fun, watching them and seeing how they interact with each other.
If it was the other way around, and it was down to me
to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?
I would now. And I'm always honest.

» Steve Rogers ♥ Natasha Romanoff
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Old 10-17-2013, 03:14 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, love the title!
“Don't worry about a thing. Cause every little thing gonna be all right."-Bob Marley
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Old 10-17-2013, 08:49 PM
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The deluminator. It doesn’t just turn off lights. I don’t know how it work but Christmas morning, I was sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers, and I heard it. A voice. Your voice, Hermione. You said my name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. It flew towards me, the ball of light, right through my chest and straight through me. Right here [he touches his heart] And I knew it was going to take me where I needed to go.
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Old 10-30-2013, 11:06 PM
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That was so incredibly sweet when he said that! You could just see her whole demeanor changing, her heart was melting.
If it was the other way around, and it was down to me
to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?
I would now. And I'm always honest.

» Steve Rogers ♥ Natasha Romanoff
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Old 10-31-2013, 08:39 AM
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Yes, Rupert killed that scene. It was perfect. And you could see Hermione's demeanor change slightly. Her eyes softened. If there was ever a time to bust out a speech that romantic, it was that moment. Good job, Ron.

Love, love, love that scene.
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Old 11-21-2013, 11:19 PM
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It was one of things where I didn't mind at all that they added it to the screen even if it wasn't in the book.
If it was the other way around, and it was down to me
to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?
I would now. And I'm always honest.

» Steve Rogers ♥ Natasha Romanoff
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Old 11-22-2013, 11:19 AM
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That was my favorite scene of all the movies
icon: Agraiel
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Old 11-22-2013, 12:30 PM
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great title
Trude P.P.S.A.
Avi by ms_lesly

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Old 11-22-2013, 01:40 PM
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I love that scene. So young and adorable

I love the title. I remember reading it the first time and being excited for what was to come.
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Old 11-30-2013, 11:47 PM
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You're welcome girls (re title). It was my first squee moment from RHr reading DH.
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