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retro physical 09-23-2009 07:50 PM


Being amazed by the writing of a couple on GG makes me wary. But I can't help it. They've just been so good.
Same. It makes me so happy, but at the same time I'm like, this is too shady... :look:


How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 07:52 PM

We're like scorned lovers, we can't trust. :rotfl:

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 07:53 PM

:lmao: With GG's history, we have reason to be.

How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by natural_disaster (Post 39689592)
Maybe we should just be happy while it lasts. :lol:

I love how she added more CaS moments to their childhood. Of course Carter was the one who always noticed her, and unlike Nate, sometimes actually did something about it. :sigh:

Love the early childhood moments.:sigh:

That should be our motto for S ships. Just enjoy it while it lasts.

Boo. Jacob was lame for the CaS scene. :rolleyes:

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 08:14 PM

It's easier than thinking you're going to be the ship that lasts when, oh no, you aren't. :lol:

How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 08:19 PM

Am I going to have to be the optimist now? :rotfl:
Cause you know I suck at that. :P
CaS are being received very well, DS are acting very non-coupley, we have some hope.
Dan just needs a freaking love interest. Or he can become Dawson. :lol:

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 08:20 PM

:lmao: DS were acting so siblinglike in 302 it wasn't even funny. I just don't believe the writers can keep this up.

Not Dawson. :eek: Well, as long as we don't have to see a horrific cry. :lol:

How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 08:26 PM

I know! :rotfl: Its like they've never dated. Its weird. :lmao:
Personally as much as I despise RL, if that keeps DS away, bring it!!!!!

No creepy crying. Penn doesn't deserve that. Plus Dan has no best friend to feel betrayed by. :rotfl:

Oh my god, I can't wait for Dan/Serena/Carter scenes. :lol:
It would be my epic dream for Serena to flat out say I have no interest in Dan.

I also really want flashbacks to the summer and Santorini. I think that would be such a brilliant way to show their build up and it would set them apart from every other couple. :love:

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 08:32 PM

:rotfl: That would be a dream come true.

:nod: And it would really separate them from the CB mold I hope they're not putting them into. They have what could turn out to be such an intense history. :love:

How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 08:39 PM

I don't want them in a CB mode. :nono:
Thats why this upcoming episode kind of worries me......:look:
CaS are not CB!
Granted, if the writers did that, it would probably be their nicest screw up, but they could be so original. I don't trust Josh not to copy a popular couple though.......
Still if it lead to no DS.....:lmao:

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 08:42 PM

I don't think they'll be a CB copycat next episode. In the beginning they do have similar issues to get through, though I don't think Serena would be willing to play games like Blair was. :lol:

How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 08:46 PM

Definitely not.

I really want flashbacks. I also think it will explain why Carter wants Serena. I was reading TWOP and while people like them, they raised the point of not understanding why.
Personally I think its been there for Carter since 1.10. And really why would he be looking for her dad if they didn't have a bond? Its always been there, its just been a mystery, and now thats its happening, I guess I see why people would be confused. Add in some flashbacks and we have mystery, build up, and awesomeness.
But for me the big thing is, its established that he really sees Serena. So why wouldn't he like her?

But I do think, that for Carter to become a regular, they need to flesh him out. He's not Chuck obviously, but right now he's such a mystery that all we have to go on is him being the ex king of the UES, being a wanderer, and being a "bad boy".
We know why Serena wanders, why does he?

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 08:55 PM

:nod: For Carter, being interested in Serena has always been a part of him the writers have shown us. I understand why he does; it's clear he sees something in her that not everyone else sees, and that he knows her.

He'd definitely have to be more fleshed out. We'd need to know why he wanders, what made him leave the UES to begin with, of course the whole Santorini thing, why he was in Santorini with Serena to begin with, etc.

How-very-girl629 09-23-2009 08:59 PM

ITA. It seems obvious to me that he's always wanted Serena. And why.
(Personally I think they're kindred spirits:lol:)

Okay, so now he is a bit more open about then he was in 1.10, but then Serena not only had a bf, but she was majorly repressing her real self. And Carter doesn't want the fake Serena. :shrug:

Sebastian would totally be amazing at fleshing Carter out. He is such a good actor. :D
(if he and Leighton had babies they would be like acting stars. :rotfl:)

natural_disaster 09-23-2009 09:02 PM

Not to mention the best looking little kids ever. :lmao:

Though even if they plan on making him a consistent recurring character, they need to add more to him than 'he's a bad boy and kind of in love with Serena'. :lol:

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