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Old 03-27-2011, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Cinzia1 (View Post)
You're breaking my heart
You broke my heart too!

Unfortunately I am

it's not enough

It does. Because obviously you want that Ada works, and this means you're abusive. And we all know you're abusive with the people you love
I love you more

And go to open
I cant coz im downloading right now
"Her hands linger on his face for one finale beat. She can’t do this. But has to… she lets go”
The End script
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:49 AM
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Callie yes please we can't count on Oz

“A deep, long, romantic and tragic kiss because they both know it's good-bye.” – ABC recap
“Jack could never act as anyone’s Constant—with one exception, of course, Kate.” – Pearson Moore
“I was thrilled to see the tension between Jack and Kate come to a head and see them kiss” – Stunod Pictures
"Kate and Jack: She raised Aaron as her own, first alone and then with her fiance, Jack by her side." - Lost Encyclopedia
Famous OTP: Because when promoting a new song called "Lost", critics suggest to use it in a Jate montage or make a Jate vid for it.
Endgame: Kate and Jack, Jim and Pam, Ross and Rachel...Best 'will they, won't they couples' ever. We so agree.
“I suppose it's fair to say that Kate and Jack do end up together. Jaters, you win” – Film Fodder
Kindred Souls: Finally connected!
“Jack told her to leave with Sawyer but she fought him because she didnt want her bond with Jack to die” – Lost Encyclopedia
“And their destined connection at Aaron's birth opened Kate's heart to her life with Claire, Aaron and JACK” – Lost Encyclopedia
"Jack and Kate finally got a resolution and the love triangle was buried" - Mirellica
"Kate gave Jack a face-smashing goodbye kiss" - Jon Low
"She invites him inside the church knowing something great waits inside" - Jammer's blog
"Jack and Kate would end up together and they would do so in a very Titanic like fashion" - Oceaninc10
"More than anyone he had ever known, Jack needed Kate Austen" - Pearson Moore
“Stand-out moment that helped to make the series finale memorable: The kiss between Jack and Kate” – Justin Cline
“I always believed Jack and Kate would end up together” – DeathByJets
"If you come with might find out what is under this dress" – DeathByJets
“I felt the actors poured a lot into this scene, selling me on the idea these two people love each other very much.” - BOLP
“Kate is still very much married to Jack” – Evangeline Lilly
“If I were to go with the storyline, and if I were to go with what I think is gonna work for the story…it's gotta be Jack.” — Evangeline Lilly
"If it's meant to be... it's meant to be" - Jack
"I want Kate to continue a relationship with Jack" - Yunjin Kim
"I feel like, what will bring her to her knees will be her bond with Jack." - Evi
"For Jack to give over to the vulnerability of loving Kate, and for Kate to give that over to Jack, it would be so momentous" - Evi
Evi was right folks!For Jack and Kate to give over to the vulnerability of loving each other was so MOMENTOUS.
The Oracle isn't mistaken, "They know each other within the context of a universal recognition. They've met before this life. And they'll meet again in another"
"Come with me. Let the island sink Jack"
"I stole your pen" .. "and that's how I know you?" .. "No that's not how you know me"
Jate > Your own mother.
"BEST KISS; Jack and Kate took the title by 78 votes" - EW TV Season Finale Awards.
“Kate immediately lose herself once Jack said he wasn't going with her” – 411mania
“Their relationship was one of the first ones that drew viewers into the show.” – avclub
They did it for the world. Their love for was strong. They were willing to die for that love.-PM
"In the end, Jack doesn't die alone. We are lifted up by those we love most"
Kate and Jack smile at each other. As she leads him by the hand, she bites her lip. - TWOP .
“Jack is able to reveal a vulnerable willingness to Kate that he hid from everybody else” - M. Basilo
"They were finally able to come together." - Evi
"It was so fun to see E. Lilly and M. Fox do romantic comedy banter like on Moonlighting" -C. Cuse
"Jack is watching her like she is a beautiful animal on a documentary." - Javier Grillo-Marxuach

"Jack and Kate's final goodbye on the island was beautifully written and beautifully performed by the both of them" - tomandlorenzo

"Their love for each other felt real and all-encompassing." – tomandlorenzo
“Even during the aftermath of a deadly plane crash, Jack and Kate on Lost managed to meet cute” – Tv Tropes

“Jate were designed to be separate, then get together, then break up only to increase demand for them to get together again” – Buddy Tv

“In Jack's eyes, if it’s meant to be, they’ll find a way to meet each other and fall in love again.” – Inside Pulse
“I’m rooting for Jack and Kate. And I’m saying this as objectively as possible” – Inside Pulse
“That photo of Jack and Aaron in her home is very telling. To me, that’s her dream.” – Inside Pulse
“Always” Together. As she told Jack when they left the Island, she's always been with him. – Buddy Tv

“When Juliet told Kate, that Jack loved Kate, we knew it was something more serious than the kiss on the Island.” – Buddy Tv

“People would squirm upon learning that someone close to their hearts was a criminal. Not Jack: He gave Kate another chance.” – Buddy Tv

“Kate was hesitant with the idea of kissing Sawyer. Kissing Jack, on the other hand, happened in a snap!” – Buddy Tv

“You can sense the tension between the two as they dealt with the tight spaces and tried to get out of the net. “ – Buddy tv

“They lived together. They raised Aaron together. They got engaged, even. Kate and Jack made a good family.” – Buddy Tv

“They met first, they've done many things together, and have become each other's confidantes. Kate's always been with him. “ – Buddy tv

“Despite his wishes, Kate still told Sawyer to rescue Jack from the Others. It's just one of many instances when Kate went after Jack. “ – Buddy Tv

“Why did Jack ask Kate to leave Hydra Island without him? Because he wanted her to be free from the Others” – Buddy tv

“The first person Kate looked for is Jack. Only when she knew he was safe she mourned for Sun&Jin. Sounds rude but that happens when you love a person.” – Buddy tv

“Jack showed his immense trust of Kate when he asked her to hold a mirror during his appendectomy. The fact that he didn't trust Juliet, a doctor, speaks volumes.” – Buddy tv

“It takes a lot of trust for someone to stitch your wounds up with basic sewing tools, and that's what Jack had for Kate. “ – Buddy tv

“The sparks between Kate and Jack exist in all timelines. When the two bumped into each other at the lavatory, there was some clear flirting as they pulled away. “ – Buddy Tv

“When Kate popped sleeping pills in Jack's drink so he could relax after Boone's death, she proved that she can give the stressed doctor a break when he needs it. “ – Buddy tv

“It would behove her to stick with the Doc rather than hanging with me” – Josh Holloway
Jack Hardass&Kate Hotpants: "I’m making the names up, but they’re close enough" –FTG
“When Kate shares how grateful she is Jack’s with her and Aaron, it’s a necessary ray of sunshine” – Den of geek
“He decides to believe. For love. For Kate" - FoxTv Magazine
“Jack has always had a special connection with Kate. In a way, they humanize each other” - Inside Pulse
“The love triangle was buried, by a lovely “I love you” goodbye kiss that probably touched everyone, including Jack and Kate haters” - Mirellica
“Jack was connected to his Constant, Kate. With Kate he was on a trajectory toward emotional or spiritual wholeness” - Pearson Moore
"Jack & Kate, where it all begun"
"I Do" script
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:52 AM
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"I feel like, what will bring her to her knees will be her bond with Jack." - Evi

I'll use this title. We should have an Evi quote in honour of Franci meeting her!

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Last edited by callieUK; 03-27-2011 at 03:01 AM
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