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Old 06-18-2008, 11:40 PM
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Veiled Vesta's Avatar
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Just read Tanith's recap and it so mind-bendingly awesome and hilarious I feel like handing over the recap throne to her awesomeness!

Thanks so much for letting me read it first, Tanith and for making me laugh soooo much in the middle of the night! You did what few people could probably do; you made Bad Blood even more amazingly awesome and hilarious!

Sent you a response and I'd quote my favorite parts but I'd be quoting the whole thing!
My fandoms are frustrating, angsty, and full of reboots... and yet I keep going back to them.
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:50 AM
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tanith75's Avatar
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Bad Blood Recap

I think we’re all in agreement with Gillian on this one Bad Blood, Bad Blood, Bad Blood. This episode, to put it mildly, kicks ass. And so, considering this episode is told from two different perspectives, it’s only fitting we have another perspective. Right? So here I am And to get that second perspective, I’m including some of Hestia’s thoughts regarding this episode as well. So we’ll be just like Mulder and Scully. Except for ... we’re not. And a big thanks to Hestia for letting me recap this, my favorite episode. Reading your recaps always brings a smile to my face.

So we open with two folks running through the woods in Chaney, Texas. We don’t know who they are, but one is screaming, “Help! He’s gonna kill me!” And the other is silently pursuing the screaming guy (who really, should just stop screaming and start running a little faster.) Given Mulder’s affinity for chasing things and the long flapping coat the chaser is wearing, it’s a pretty safe bet that the chaser is Mulder. But who is he chasing?!? I hope to God it’s Scully and this is some sort of kinky foreplay. No? Well, maybe in XF2.

So the chasee apparently can’t run and scream at the same time, cause he trips allowing the chaser the perfect opportunity to get on top of the chasee and shove a big ole stake through his heart. Yikes That’s seriously harsh. Then, just to make sure the chasee is really and truly dead, the chaser grabs a rock and slams it into the stake like some creepy page out of the murder’s how-to book. Rocks: when a stake through the heart just isn’t enough.

Suddenly *gasp* we hear Scully’s voice yell out, “Mulder!?!” And we cut back to the chaser and the now very dead chasee to reveal ... Mulder the vampire slayer. Who looks really shocked and sweaty. Yum.

Scully doesn’t even seem all that troubled that Mulder has apparently gone berserk on some poor pudgy kid in the woods. Perhaps at this point in the series, the only thing that would shock our dear Scully is if Mulder didn’t go berserk. Anyways, Mulder very excitedly points out the pudgy kid’s fangs. And ewwww Scully reaches right in the kid’s mouth and examines the fangs. Seriously? She just sticks her hand in someone’s mouth? We know she’s got like a thousand pairs of latex gloves in her pocket, come on, Scully, slap on the latex.

But fearless Scully taps on chasee/pudgy kid’s apparent vampires fangs and whaddaya know, they’re fake She holds them up for Mulder to see and she gives him this look like, “oh holy hell, we are in so much trouble right now.” And in one of the most clever opening tags to the XF, EVER. Mulder’s next line is simply, “Oh shi ...” And we cut. Brilliant. I’m going to be saying that a lot during this recap. Just letting you know right now.

Opening credits time. Here’s where you should pick a song, Tanith. Ooh, okay, thanks, Hestia. Hmm ... let’s see, I’m picking the song Bad Blood by Neil Sedaka cause it’s an awesome little duet from the 70's and I can totally see Mulder and Scully jamming out to this as they make the drive through the lonely cow pastures of Texas.

“I don't understand what you're lookin' to find
The only thing Bad Blood do is mess up a good man's mind”

And Mulder’s mind does indeed get messed in this episode

And I’d like to point out, even the music is funny in this episode, it’s light, it’s breezy and at times, it’s melodramatic as if to point out - we’re being cheeky here.

Time to head to the basement office where Mulder is looking very distracted and clicking his pen incessantly, which is one of my personal favorite ways to drive people insane. Scully comes in, and serious kudos to the girl for not ripping into Mulder as soon as she walks into the room. She gets out one measly little, “Mulder...” before he points a sexy finger at her and says, “Don’t! Don’t even start with me!”

Sheesh. Talk about sensitive.

Scully opens her pretty blue peepers about as wide as they will go and gives Mulder a double eyebrow, but she wisely holds her tongue. Then Mulder launches a crumpled-up piece of paper at the trash bin and oops ... misses. Going by the scattered mess around the bin, apparently, today just ain’t Mulder’s day basket wise.

Mulder strolls over to the little tin basket and proceeds to kick the ever-loving crap out of it. I mean, it’s sort of overkill, but considering he stabbed someone in the chest and then smashed him with a rock four times, I guess overkill is Mulder’s new thing.

Scully watches all this with a sort of bemused look on her face. Is she perhaps turned on by Mulder’s anger? And seriously, I’m wondering how many takes it took Gillian and David to get through this scene, cause we’re only about 30 seconds into it and all of us watching during the viewing party were about to have some sort of stroke we were laughing so hard.

Scully informs her beloved, if somewhat violent, Mulder that Skinner wants their report and she wants to know what he’s going to tell the Skinman. If you read between the lines, we could take this to mean, "don’t tell him how much fun we had with the Magic Fingers."

Mulder’s confused cause he doesn’t understand how what he will tell Skinner and what Scully will tell Skinner will be different. Umm, hello? Are you new here? Mulder and Scully having a differet opinion. Wow. What a concept.

Mulder’s worried about going to prison and if Scully will back him up. What he should really be worried about is I think he just pissed Scully off and she looks like she’s gonna do to him what he just did to that waste basket. Poor little bin never stood a chance It’s alright, Hestia.

Now Scully is very quick to point put that if Ronnie Strickland’s family does decide to sue the FBI for 446 million (really? 446 million?) The kid was a pizza delivery guy. That’s what his expected lifetime earning potential was? That is like, the richest pizza delivery man ever. But anyway, if the FBI does get sued Scully points out she and Mulder will be co-defendants.

Now I don’t want out beloved heros to go to jail for killing the pudgy kid, but how damn cute would it be to see them sitting at the defendant’s table all handcuffed together. And ooooooh they could be cell mates. Think of all the bad fanfic smut that could take place in their cramped little jail cell.

But back to the scene, Scully is formulating her argument like she’s the captain of the FBI debate team and she wants to point out her “second of all” to Mulder. But, hold the phone, she doesn’t even have a second of all. 446 million is really all she can grasp at the moment. All Mulder can do is shrug, cause maybe now he’s using his photographic memory to recall all those XXX jailhous flicks he’s seen and he’s wondering if Scully will play Juliet to his Romeo

But poor Scully is pissed she’s now going to be doing 10-15 because Mulder overreacted and did the ... (smashing hand gesture) with the thing. Mulder’s indignant. He didn’t overreact. Ronnie was a vampire. Scully wants to know where the proof is. Oh Scully, enough with the proof already. And Mulder points out that unless Scully wants to have a cell mate named Large Marge they better get their stories straight.

It’s at this point that Gillian loses it and has to cover her face with her hand less she break into one of her adorable and extremely loud giggles. But David muddles through like a champ and the scene proceeds.

Mulder wants Scully’s story and Scully’s ready to tell it. And here, boys and girls, is where the real fun begins.

Scully begins her story by pointing out that Mulder was “characteristically exuberant.” Which is a nice way of saying he’s a spaz.

He's apparently an A-hole with ADD

Yes, but “characteristically exuberant” is a much nicer way of putting that, isn’t it?

Mulder’s got a fun new case for he and his partner to pursue in Texas. To make his tale more exciting, Mulder adds slides. Cause really, what’s a vampire story without slides. Have you guys ever noticed how much Mulder loves slide shows? I wonder if as William gets older he’ll be forced to sit through slide shows of his parents various misadventures. “Look, son, here’s a couple from when I pulled your mom’s topless slimy body out of an alien pod in the Arctic. Ahhh good times, good times.”

But Mulder is super stoked cause not only do they have slides of dead cows but they have slides of exsanguinationed dead cows. Scully’s wondering if it’s that Mexican goat sucker and I’m really hoping it’s not cause that episode made me want to ralph it was so gross. But yay, it’s not. It’s ... wait for it ... vampires. And they’ve killed not only cows, cause let’s face it, in Texas killing a cow is not really a problem, but they’re also killed a human. Wooohoooo. Texas, here we come!

So our heroes head to Chaney, TX. More specifically they head to a funeral parlor so Scully can examine the dead tourist.

And, drumroll please, here comes Luke Wilson, who is so delicious I don’t care if he’s a vampire, he can suck on my neck if he wants to The XF and That 70's Show must use the same casting directors. Because once again, a cast member from T7S is appearing on the XF. For those of you who aren’t aware, Luke Wilson played the devilishy charming bad boy Casey Kelso on the FOX sitcom. Now, Hestia likes to give these guest stars clever little nicknames, so we’re going to call Luke Wilson, "Sexy Sherif". I really don’t think any explanation is necessary.

So in strolls the Sexy Sherif, Lucius Harwell, and Scully looks really pleased to meet him. Mulder, however does not. He briefly introduces himself and *snap* *snap**snap* what’s that cute little redhead’s name again, oh yeah, Agent Scully. Wow, it kind of bums me out that Scully thinks Mulder forgot her name. But it’s a funny moment so I’m going to let it slide. Mulder just wants to take a look at the victim. But what he should really be concerned about is the fact that Sexy Sherif is about to move in on Mulder’s woman. Scully looks all shy and flustered and Mulder bellows at his smitten partner, “Come on, Scully, get those little legs movin’.”

But not to worry, Scully, cause Sexy Sherif likes you too as he mumbles a “hoo boy” when Scully timidly passes by him.

I wonder if women in Chaney purposely get arrested so that Sexy Sherif will have to frisk them

So here’s the dead tourist. And Mulder likes his threads. Again, Mulder, you need to focus on what’s really important in this episode. Namely, Harwell has the hots for Scully. But instead, Mulder would rather patronize Scully some more by asking her to explain her “theory” (Finger quotes. Brilliant) to Sexy Sherif.

So, she proceeds to explain her “theory” while Mulder rolls his eyes and generally behaves like the previously mentioned A-hole with ADD. But Sexy Sherif hangs on Scully’s every word and thinks her “theory” is brilliant. Uh-oh, Mulder, women love a man who listens. You are in trouble, pal.

So while they discuss “melage casting” Sexy Sherif saunters over to Scully and squeezes Mulder out of the convo. You can practically see the lightbulb go off over Mulder’s head as he realizes the Sexy Sherif and Scully are engaging in a little eye sex. Mulder looks especially nervous when Sexy Sherif and Scully exchange the word "erotic” And I’m telling you, with that southern drawl, the way Sexy Sherif says “erotic ... yeah” Mulder’s now got some serious competition in the Sexiest Lawman Alive category.

Proving once again, smart is sexy; Sexy Sherif hangs on Scully’s every intelligent word and tells her, “You really know your stuff, Dana.”

Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Cut back to the basement. Mulder wants a recount. He tells Scully, Sexy Sherif never even knew her first name. Ooooh I see a little green eyed monster. And it’s not the same green eyed monster that we’ll see a few scenes from now. No no, this is Mulder jealousy and we shippers love it Scully just wants to finish her damn story. So Mulder tells her to proceed ... Dana.

“No go ahead... 'Dana'". The way he whispered it... God Mulder's trying to out-sexy the sheriff! It’s a sex-off!!!

OMG, Hestia, you’re right! We now have a sex-off. It’s like the Olympics but millions of times better.

Back to Chaney. While Sexy Sherif and Scully engage in gazing, Mulder has a breakthrough The dead guy’s shoes are untied! Mulder thinks it mean something. Sexy Sherif just wants to hear more of Scully’s smartness, but Mulder wants Harwell to take him to a cemetery. I think he just wants to put a little distance between Scully and Sexy Sherif. Also, Mulder wants Scully to do an autopsy. What is she supposed to look for, Scully wonders.

Mulder grabs Scully by the shoulders and leans in ... (a point for Mulder in the sex-off, btw) “I don’t know.” Perhaps he’s trying to gain more points by being a man of mystery. Sexy Sherif follows Mulder out the door but not before tipping his hat at Scully and drawling out a, “Ma’am.” The sex-off is heating up.

Autopsy time, and this one is filled with lots of slimy organs. And we get to find out the guy’s last meal was a loaded pizza which Scully now apparently wants to have for dinner. Ewwww.

Scully VO and she informs us that after the autopsy she headed over to the "Davy Crockett Motor Court" at which point Mulder interrupts to tell us it was actually the "Sam Houston Motor Lodge" Mulder, you need to mind your Ps and Qs cause you’re in a sex-off and the winner isn’t going to be some smart-mouth who constantly corrects Scully I’m just sayin’.

Scully flops down on the bed and pops some quarters into the Magic Fingers then in walks a very dirty, very befuddled looking Mulder. If this scene had been written by shippers, this is the point where small children would need to leave the room. But alas, Scully merely informs Mulder that chloral hydrate is the drug that was used on the tourist. Mulder wants to know why someone would slip the tourist a mickey. Scully’s “theory” (finger quotes again. Awesome.) The vampire did it.

Mulder doesn’t really have time for Scully’s “theories” cause she has to go do another autopsy. But Scully just put money in the Magic Fingers. Don’t worry, Mulder assures her, he won’t let those fingers go to waste. And then he hops into the bed with Scully. Sex-off over. Mulder just won And here we have the first time Mulder and Scully are in bed together. Oh sweet joy! This is shaping up to be the best episode of all time. But wait, Scully gets out of the bed. Someone stop her!!!! She’s ruining everything.

Our heroine sadly makes her way out of the room while Mulder laughs manaically on the vibrating bed. As Scully ventures out into the dark, Mulder-less night, the pizza she ordered shows up. And holy crap, it’s Ronnie the pudgy kid Mulder’s going to do the thing with the thing on. Scully tells Ronnie that Mulder will pay for the pizza. It’s the least he can do since he stole her Magic Fingers.

Autopsy time again and this one is even slimier. Oooh Scully gets a phone call and it’s a dirty one. But Scully hangs up on the heavy breather and goes back to the dead guy. If only caller ID exsisted back then, we would probably have one hell of an interesting phone call between Mulder and Scully. But, wait, what’s this? This dead guy ate pizza as well. It doesn’t take long for Scully to put two and two together. The choral hydrate’s in the pizza. Mulder!?! Aww look how worried Scully is.

And now we cut to Scully kicking down the motel room door, gun drawn and shouting for Mulder. Apparently, she wants to enter the sex-off as well because that little maneuver was pretty hot. We see a pair of feet and nothing else, until Ronnie steps out of the darkness fangs drawn and hissing. Scully gets off a couple shots before the pudgy kid bolts and then Scully stops, drops, rolls and shoots. Wow. I think Scully’s now actually winning the sex-off. Mulder’s gonna be really bummed he missed that.

Back to the office. Mulder’s not pleased. Hold on, Mulder, it’s about to get worse. Cause Scully informs us that the drugs made Fox a very exciting boy indeed.

Here’s where David and Gillian earn their paychecks cause I honestly have no idea how they were able to complete this scene without breaking down into big puddles of laughter.

Mulder treats us to his own rendition of “Shaft” Is he looking for points in the sex-off or is he seriously drugged-up. Either way it’s funny as hell. At least, everyone but Mulder thinks so.

Scully explains that she pursued Ronnie in the woods but apparently her little legs didn’t move fast enough because Mulder/Shaft got there first and “overreacted” Oh is that what you call stabbing someone through the heart with a wooden stake? I’ll keep that in mind.

Mulder doesn’t like Scully’s version of events. Fine, Scully huffs. Tell the story yourself then. Oh he will.

And Mulder’s version goes a little somethin’ like this ...

First of all, Mulder is not an a-hole with ADD, on the contrary he is very humble, understanding and extremely tolerant of his whiny and horribly bitchy partner. More slides. But this Mulder really just wants to use the slides to explain to his Doubting Thomas of a partner that there is a case out there with their names on it. Now Mulder doesn’t want to jump to any hasty conclusions, (that’s how we know Mulder’s version isn’t true because if there’s anything Mulder likes jumping more than Scully’s bones, it’s hasty conclusions) but he thinks they’ve got a vampire on their hands.

So we head back to TX. And back to Sexy Sherif, or “hoo boy” as Scully likes to refer to him. But hold on just one damn minute! What the hell happened to his teeth? Scully has a problem with this aspect of the story as well. Mulder says he’s just trying to be thorough. Mulder, you’re not going to win the sex-off by lying. But Mulder wears jealousy so well, doesn’t he?

Now in Mulder’s version Scully does a lot more gazing at Sexy Sherif than in her own version. She also makes faces and yawns in boredom behind Mulder’s back while he babbles on about vampires. Perhaps Mulder is trying to out-smart Scully as well as trying to out-sex the sherif. Doesn't really matter cause Sexy Sherif still thinks Scully is right.

It’s time for Mulder and Sexy Sherif to head to the cemetery. If this was the old west Mulder and Harwell would drawl their pistols and fight for Scully’s hand. But it’s not and so instead, we get to meet Ronnie driving by on his way to deliver pizzas. Or, kill someone. Either or.

Mulder and Sexy Sherif stake out the cemetery and we finally learn that Mulder’s un-tied shoe revelation is part of vampire lore. Apparently, vampires are obsessive compulsive. Huh. Who knew The two lawmen have a nice little conversation about Rain Man which gets interrupted by the dispatcher informing them they better skedaddle over to the RV park where it’s been deemed the services of two sexy, gun totin’ men are needed.

Our boys are called upon to stop a moving trailer. But Mulder wants to skip that part. No way, we’re not skipping that part Scully wants to hear it, and so do we. Time for a little PSA from Mulder. Apparently, it’s harder to shoot out the tires of a moving RV then it looks. Thanks for that tip, Mulder. It was much more informative than the one with the fry pan warning us to stay off drugs. But being the manly men they are, Mulder and Sexy Sherif are going to try their damndest to stop the runaway motorhome. Mulder even valiantly grabs onto the back of the RV to try and stop it, all the while Harwell encourages him by telling him to “bird dog it!” What the hell does that mean? Oh well, we don’t really care cause it’s making us laugh our asses off. We should give Mulder some extra points in the sex-off for attempting to bird dog it. Oh yeah, and one minor problem ... there’s another dead body with fang marks.

Now we get to see Mulder back in the hotel room and this time he’s sporting his best puppy dog face and he’s startled out of his sadness by Scully harping at him about cream cheese. I’m afraid I’m going to have to side with Scully on this point, Mulder. I mean, look how tiny she is. She really shouldn’t be eating light cream cheese. Run right out and buy her some Ben and Jerry’s like you do in every pregnant Scully fanfic I’ve ever read. Scully informs Mulder that she does it all for him. Which along with being true, is also a lyric from a Meatloaf song I’d lie For You (And That’s The Truth) a very Scully and Mulder appropriate song I have to say. Maybe they could sing that one in the car together after they get done singing, “Bad Blood”.

But back to the motel room. Scully stomps off to go do another autopsy and Mulder proceeds to strip down to his boxers. Dammit, Mulder, you’re supposed to take your pants off while Scully’s IN the room, not out of it. Booo!! You lose a point in the sex-off, Mulder. Uh-oh, Ronnie just showed up with the pizza. And Mulder’s so stoked that Scully ordered a pizza that he tips Ronnie two cents. Not a good idea to tip a homicidal vampire two cents, G-man. But things are looking up cause Mulder stands there looking even more delicious than that pizza in his undershirt and boxers and he sighs contentedly, “Ah Scully.” Now we’re getting somewhere

Next we get treated to watching Mulder eat poor skinny Scully’s dinner in her bed. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad Mulder’s put his pants back on, cause eating pizza in your underwear just isn’t that hot. And that’s when he sees it! His shoes have been untied. Oh snap, now he’s in for it. Mulder’s all woozy and out of it. So what does he do? Why he makes a crank call to Scully of course. But his crabby partner hangs up on the heavy breathing Mulder and calls him a creep. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Ronnie sneaks back in. Do you suppose he’s pissed about the two cent tip? Yeah. I didn’t think so either. He’s more interested in sucking Mulder’s blood out of his body. Luckily, Mulder has his bag of trusty sunflower seeds which he whips at the vampire. Boy, Scully is gonna be super pissed at her messy room.

So Mulder passes out and when he comes to, the cavalry has arrived in the form of one hot little redhead who is also one hell of a shot, cause in Mulder’s version of events, she nails Ronnie square in the chest. But Ronnie, being of the un-dead persuasion, takes the bullet wounds in stride and goes after Scully like a flying squirrel.

Flying Squirrel? That makes me think of their nicknames, 'Moose and Squirrel' It does indeed, Hestia.

Ronnie makes a break for it and Scully and Mulder pursue him. Of course Mulder makes sure to bust up a chair and grab one of the legs so he can stab Ronnie with it. There’s no way they’re getting their deposit back on this room, by the way.

Meanwhile, in the morgue ... a certain vampire is about to be autopsied. I’m guessing he doesn’t like this idea cause he comes back to life and goes after the coroner. But don’t worry, he’s not dead. He’s just gnawed on.

Finally it’s time for the requisite meeting of doom and damnation with AD Skinner. Our dynamic duo looks like a pair of naughty teens waiting to get their asses chewed by the principal. An observation made by one of my fellow shippers, btw Oh my ****, she’s fixing his tie. I wanna eat them they are so cute right now. Only Scully could make tie-fixing look like the naughtiest foreplay ever broadcast on TV. And then he swats her away and hisses, “would you stop” and I wanna eat them again. They’re the best un-married married couple in the history of couples. At this moment they couldn’t be any more married if you slapped a couple bands on their fingers and started calling Scully “Special Agent Doctor Dana Scully-Mulder”. Oh Lord, if and/or when they get married she’s going to get carpal tunnel syndrome having to write out that name.

Scully wants Mulder to remind Skinner he was drugged and Mulder just wants Scully to stop yanking on his necktie. But when the Skinman makes his appearance, sure enough Mulder pops right up and yells, “I was drugged!” Good boy, Mulder. Life would be so much easier if you would always take Scully’s advice.

Skinner tells them to get their butts back to TX cause someone tried to eat the coroner and Ronnie’s body is missing. Mulder refrains from telling Scully “I told you so” and he will be rewarded by receiving an extra point in the sex-off.

Back to the cemetery and who should re-appear but Sexy Sherif (minus his buck teeth) Mulder is going to head out in pursuit of Ronnie and he wants Sexy Sherif to stay with Scully. Come again? You’re leaving your Scully with Sexy Sherif? Now that is a man supremely confident of his hottness. Bonus points for Mulder.

Turns out alone time with Sexy Sherif isn’t what Scully hoped it would be because she’s starting to feel all woozy and Sexy Sherif’s eyes have just turned green. And not a pretty blue/hazel green like Mulder’s but an ominous freaky glowy green. Not good. So, Sexy Sherif (who, in a stunning turn of events, is also a vampire) drugged Scully. Contest over. Harwell loses. And he’s hereby stripped of his nickname, “Sexy Sherif” But right now Scully’s got other things to worry about and so does Mulder.

He’s stumbled upon Ronnie’s coffin where Ronnie is taking a little nap and listening to a walkman. I bet Ronnie will be super pumped when ipods are invented. No more turning over that pesky tape in the middle of your undead slumbering. Ronnie wakes up and he’s not pleased to have company. See, that’s the exact opposite of me. If I woke up in the middle of the night and Mulder was there I would be the happiest girl on the planet.

Always thinking, Mulder hops on top of the casket and reads Ronnie his Miranda rights. Good thinking. You don’t want a judge tossing out the case cause you screwed up, Mulder But right now, Mulder’s got bigger problems than the judicial system cause there are a whole ****load of people with glowing green eyes heading towards our hero.

Now would be a good time to take a second to look at what we’ve learned about vampires. To fight them off you should wear flip flops, a crucifix and carry around sunflower seeds. Got it? But if you don’t have any of those things, grab some garlic bread and make your own cross. Okay, scratch that one cause it apparently doesn’t work cause the vampires quickly take Mulder down. How in the hell is he gonna get out of this one?

Well, he does. Don’t ask too many questions. Just be thankful Mulder’s alive to sex-up another day. So he's passed out in a car, big deal. He's been in worse places. Lookey there, Scully’s managed to show up as well. But how did she end up in Harwell’s jacket?? I can tell Mulder’s wondering the same thing cause he pulls at the jacket as if to say, “oh no you di’int!” But don’t worry, Mulder. She didn’t sleep with a vampire. Unlike someone else we know, *cough* Mulder *cough* 3 *cough*. Not that us shippers are still pissed about that. No way. We got over that just like we got over you making out with Fowley. I hope my sarcasm is coming across here cause I’m laying it on pretty thick.

No, no. No need to worry. Scully ended up in the jacket cause not only is Lucius a sexy sherif, but he’s also considerate cause he didn’t want to leave poor tiny Scully out in the cold without a coat on. I bet Lucius shares my opinion that Scully is too thin to be eating light cream cheese. Maybe if Mulder had let her eat the full fat cream cheese she would’ve put on a pound or two and she wouldn’t have needed Harwell’s coat. So see, Mulder, it’s your fault Scully’s wearing another man’s outerwear.

But I digress, Mulder and Scully are safe and it’s back to the meeting of doom in Skinner’s office. The Skinman looks like he’s not buying the agents’ story and frankly, can you blame him? But Mulder and Scully assure him that their story is essentially exactly what happened.


Oh, except for the part about the buck teeth.

... Hoo boy, that was a long recap.

You’re kind of long-winded, Tanith.

It’s called verbose, Hestia And that, fellow shippers, is exactly what happened in Bad Blood.


Except for the part about Tanith being long-winded.
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Last edited by tanith75; 06-19-2008 at 06:59 AM
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Old 06-19-2008, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by CloakedHestia (View Post)
Just read Tanith's recap and it so mind-bendingly awesome and hilarious I feel like handing over the recap throne to her awesomeness!

Thanks so much for letting me read it first, Tanith and for making me laugh soooo much in the middle of the night! You did what few people could probably do; you made Bad Blood even more amazingly awesome and hilarious!

Sent you a response and I'd quote my favorite parts but I'd be quoting the whole thing!

Thanks, Hestia

And that throne will always belong to you, my dear

You are the recap queen.
KITTY: Bad things happen when you go out. Maybe one day you'll learn to stay home and drink. Like me.
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Old 06-19-2008, 03:35 PM
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I love the recaps
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:43 PM
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Thanks, Emily

You guys, did we decide are we watching FTF this weekend?
KITTY: Bad things happen when you go out. Maybe one day you'll learn to stay home and drink. Like me.
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:10 PM
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Fantastic job on the recap Tanith!

all the while Harwell encourages him by telling him to “bird dog it!” What the hell does that mean?
That is my favourite part of the episode. I have know idea what it means but it has always cracked me up.

You guys, did we decide are we watching FTF this weekend?
Sounds good to me...are we doing season six next Saturday?
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:30 PM
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I think we almost have to We're quickly running out of time
KITTY: Bad things happen when you go out. Maybe one day you'll learn to stay home and drink. Like me.
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:34 PM
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That just dawned on me today. It's a little more than a month before it hits theaters
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:39 PM
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I know, isn't that nuts!!!!!!! I seriously can't believe it.

Oooh Emily your icon is so stinkin' cute
KITTY: Bad things happen when you go out. Maybe one day you'll learn to stay home and drink. Like me.
avi by wavex
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:42 PM
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I know! It just makes me more excited

Thanks! Every pictures I find of Harrison and Karen, Karen usually has her head on his shoulder
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:45 PM
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Awwww Can't say I blame her, those are nice looking shoulders

I'm just waiting for the day we start seeing the IWTB trailer on TV. I will explode with squeeing when that happens
KITTY: Bad things happen when you go out. Maybe one day you'll learn to stay home and drink. Like me.
avi by wavex
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Old 06-19-2008, 08:37 PM
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I will explode with squeeing when that happens
Me too. In fact I'm sure you'll hear me in Minnesota.
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Old 06-19-2008, 09:16 PM
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Noticed on someones LJ that today is the 10th anniversary of the release of the first movie. I can't believe it's been 10 years .
There are going to be some things, things that you'll come to learn about me in the next few days. I just want you to know, that no matter how it may look, I only had you in my heart~Walter White
I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really -- I was alive.~Walter White
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Old 06-19-2008, 09:22 PM
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Holy crap, I remember seeing it opening day

We're seeing IWTB with the same couple we saw FTF with
KITTY: Bad things happen when you go out. Maybe one day you'll learn to stay home and drink. Like me.
avi by wavex
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Old 06-19-2008, 11:58 PM
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Rocks: when a stake through the heart just isn’t enough.
Oh my, that's classic.

Btw, Hello everyone! I'm Kelly and I've just discovered the Fan Forum and I'm loving this thread!!! It's awesome to see so many X-Philes still around
How do I know you're really Daniel? Because. Yeah, Okay.
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