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Old 02-25-2007, 02:50 AM
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B|L #14: Because you don't know what you got until you say goodbye.

Welcome to the 14th Brooke and Lucas appreciation thread.

By Melissa

by jeytontilltheend

By othdolphins

1. Because they can have fun together
2. Because he gives a rats about her
3. Because he had his first time with her
4. Because he chose her first
5. Because she read a book for him
6. Because he is Broody and she is Cheery
7. Because they have chemistry
8. Because fell hard for him
9. Because they had so much on-screen chemistry, they got together in real life
10. Because they had sex in a hot tub that wasn't hers
11. Because she feng shuied his room
12. Because she likes his mom
13. Because they bought whipped cream and condoms together
14. Because he makes her happy
15. Because they were ready to score
16. Because she makes him laugh
17. Because they have the perfect heigh ratio
18. Because Haley said they weren't the epic romance, so they'll prove her wrong
19. Because she cheered for him at his riverside basketball games
20. Because she wants him all to herself
21. Because she called him for help
22. Because even Chad wants them together
23. Because she tried to change for him and he told her not too
24. Because she sure as hell knows that she likes him and doesn't know who Peyton likes
25. Because she was willing to be his friend if thats what he needed
26. Because she brought him tea even after he dumped her
27. Because in the dictionary Brook comes right after Broody
28. Because she felt the need to connect more
29. Because she got him to loosen up
30. Because he let her wear his clothes
31. Because she cried when he got hurt
32. Because she ACTUALLY visited him in the hospital
33. Because she had dinner with his mom
34. Because she cried when they broke up
35. Because she almost carried his baby
36. Because they saw Gavin Degraw together
37. Because she's prettier than Peyton
38. Because he took her to his favorite bookstore
39. Because his mother likes her
40. Because Peyton and Lucas make Pucas
41. Because she stripped in his car
42. Because he smiles when he is with her
43. Because she has liked him from the beginning
44. Because oppisites attract
45. Because he's a jock and she is a Cheerleader
46. Because he knows she is different than everyone sees
47. Because she just wants him to want her back
48. Because she would rather stay up and talk to him
49. Because she offered him a threesome
50. Because she is not covered from head to toe in issues
51. Because she was still friends with his mom even after they broke up
52. Because she calls him boyfriend
53. Because she gave Keith and him coffee
54. Because she gave him back his sling
55. Because she beat him at pool
56. Because she got him his fake id.
57. Because she never felt that way with any other guy
58. Because when they kiss... They kiss
59. Because he wouldnt lieten to Haley about kissing her
60. Because he made Brooke the dating type
61. Because Keith knew "That was definitly something"
62. Because even Karen knew they were good together
63. Because he got a tattoo for her
64. Because he is like a stuffed monkey to her.
65. Because she gave him a necklace
66. Because he told her to call him
67. Because he makes reading fun for her
68. Because even after they had broken up he protected her from Nikki
69. Because if Leyton didnt work the 1st 3 times it isnt going to work ever
70. Because when she changed her karma... she found him
71. Because he doesnt know everything about her
72. Because she finally corrupted him
73. Because he didnt mind
74. Because he told Peyton to tell her hey
75. Because she definitly wanted to check "it" out
76. Because they had a deal
77. Because she calls him Handsome
78. Because 3 more chapters and he was all hers
79. Because that was just drinks before the thing
80. Because they both love Werid Science
81. Because when he's with her... His phone doesnt matter
82. Because he was glad they did that
83. Because he thinks her tattoo is very sexy
84. Because together they can be theirselves
85. Because she is "The girl"
86. Because they weny out as friends and things just kinda escalated
87. Because hes such a good kisser
88. Because he was FAIR GAME and she got him
89. Because they make each other laugh
90. Because she said good morning... again
91. Because they didn't get much talking done after Peyton left
92. Because Peyton didn't tell her he was such a good kisser
93. Because their names were Henry and Gretchen
94. Because she's not a mindless [...]
95. Because he defended her when Haley called her easy
96. Because he isn't ready for all the Peyton Sawyer drama
97. Because he's got something for her
98. Because she made him a poster while he was sick so when he'd wake up, he'll feel better
99. Because when they sit together, he has his arm around her always
100. Because they love each other
101. Because they are SOOOOOO cute!
102. Because he liked it when she stripped
103. Because they both know what it is like to have crappy parents
104. Because she still has their picture on her dresser
105. Because without her, he'd be a boring boy
106. Because she thinks he's just plain nice
107. Because their just meant to be
108. Because their hair colors match
109. Because she's his personal cheerleader
110. Because Brooke Scott sounds a lot better than Peyton Scott
111. They look and act natural like a couple.
112. Because Good girls dont, But she does
113. Because he may be on the worng side of the tracks but he is on the right side of her bed
114. Because she did a cute little knock on his door
115.Because she thinks he looks good from behind
116.Because its L-O-V-E mad crushed out
117. Because she's the best looking girl and he's the best looking guy on the show.
118. Because Peyton and Jake are meant to be together, and Haley and Nathan are married, which leaves Lucas and Brooke!
119. Because she WASN'T just the rebound girl
120. Because the word love is in their names Lucas scOtt daVis, brookE
121. Because they got power
122. Because she was just getting started
123. Because they both said I love you
124. Because as soon as he found out everything was ok he called Brooke
125. Because she knows making out only goes so far
126. Because he is the first really great guy she has ever dated
127. Because she trusted him
128. Because she knows he is gonna look good doing it (with grease smudges)
129. Because she thinks he is amazing
130. Because he knows excatly what she got him that necklace for
131. Because if Pucas get together, Lucas will go blind from her hair
132. Because if Pucas get together, Lucas will kill himself
133. because shes not cheering for fergie
134. Because Brucas was ACTUALLY a couple.
135. Because if Pucas get together, who's Jake going to be with?
136. Because she helped his best friend get with Nathan.
137. Because even though she was cold, she put on some mittens and waited for him in his car
138. Because the Corrupters say so!
139. Because she thought the picture did him no justice... he was wearing to much...
140. Because only brooke and lucas' banners are being shown.
141. Because Peyton turned him down
142. Because Tim said Pucas!
143. Because Brooke knows she wants him
144. Because when she calls him Broody he calls her Cheery... but Peyton is just "Peyton"
145. Because "It is so on tonight"
146. Because she wanted to start the party early with him
147. Because his first kiss with Peyton was kinda a game
148. Because she knew what she wanted and went for it.
149. Because he had her naked in a hottube.
150. Because he may smile at Peyton but he gives Brooke "That look"
151. Because she has self confidence when she is with him
152. Because Brooke isn't wishy washy...
153. Because Sophia knows Lucas was good for Brooke
154. Because Lucas has a good heart
155. Because Mouth knows they can work things out
156. Because Brooke has a good heart
157. Because he was there for her even when she didnt want him to be.
158. Because she gives a rats about him too.
159. Because she needed to distraction to get over him (because she loved him)
160. Because everytime she see's him she gets excited and bounces like tigger
161. Because he gave her back her bra...and even said your welcome!
162. Because she makes sure to tell him how much she likes him so he feels loved
163. Because People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end
164. Because he would rather hang out with Peyton's dadthan Peyton
165. Because she's her and he's him
166. Because he was busy after practice... he had a date with her
167. Because she knew his last shot was awesome
168. Because she knew that everything was going to change for him
169. Because the fortune teller said he liked her
170. Because she thinks its cute how he tries to resist
171. Because he was the first guy to evre say that
172. Because Keith thinks she's good
173. Because he didnt mean to hurt her
174. Because she fought to keep him
175. Because she wanted him for him... not because someone else had him
176. Because Peyton tried to kill him by running all of those red lights while he was in the car!
177. Because Peyton is a fake blonde
178. Because blondes tease but burnettes please
179. Because he is the most serious guy she has ever met
180. Because he actually smiled with her
181. Because he didnt want her to feel cheated
182. Because it wasnt a booty call
183. Because he chose her!
184. Because he didnt even know Peyton
185. Because Peyton thinks he's a jerk
186. Because the only work Peyton could think to describe him was Choke...Brooke could think of many more
187. Because Peyton doesnt want him in her stuff
188. Because Peyton and Lucas have Crapy in their names luCas sAwyeR PeYton scott
189. Because if he ends up with Peyton he will end up killing her...or himself
190. Because they are like Joey and Pacey
191. Because Mouth knows Lucas is a good guy.
192. Because Lucas was going to be there for the baby and HER
193. Because no matter how he thought he felt about Peyton... he stayed with Brooke
194. Because Lucas+Brooke=True Love!
195. Because their on screen chemistry is REAL
196. Because she wanted them to do more together
197. Because she asked Peyton 100000000000 times if it was ok and Peyton said YES!
198. Because he wanted to protect her
199. Because he sat beside her on the way home from Pickerington
200. Because she helped him live a little
201. Because he probably already knew who she was
202. Because she knew he was in it now
203. Because she thinks the way he acts is cute
204. Because she asked him out before Peyton ever even thought about it
205. Because she calls him Cutie
206. Because he knew she was a good friend
207. Because they would have some hott children
208. Because he KNOWS she has a good heart
209. Because she likes his friends
210. Because Haley knew it was wrong of Lucas to be with Peyton... and Haley knows EVERYTHING!
211. Because she didnt need a web cam to get him
212. Because Chad doesn't stand a chance against Sophia's sex appeal.
213. Because he wrote Brooke's name first
214. Because she didnt like the book... but she still read it
215. Because he opens doors for her
216. Because she thought it made more since to by in bulk
217. Because even when they got caught buying condoms... they still laughed
218. Because he corrects her English
219. Because she asks nicely
220. Because she loved him enough to be totally crushed
221. Because Brooke knows him dating Peyton is messed up
222. Because Peyton has it comming
223. Because she wasnt dating "herself"
224. Because she said she would give him a sponge bath
225. Because just because he watches Peyton on her webcam doesn't mean he's in love with her.
226. Because she approached him before Peyton did. First come first serve
227. Because Peyton uses him as her emotional trashbag
228. Because she wasn't "scared" to be in a relationship with him
229. Because she's so much less rude than Peyton
230. Because she didn't toy with his emotions from the start
231. Because Peyton's too emotionally and mentally unstable for him
232. Because Brooke tried to meet all of his friends.
233. Because he didnt care that Brooke wasnt the dating type... he changed that
234. Because she obviously still cares about him since she was mad about him not saying bye
235. Because Brooke had every right in the world to get him
236. Because he comforted her and told her it wasnt her fault
237. Because there are so many Brucas Fanfics
238. Because if Karen and Larry dated or got married, that'd be like incest.
239. Because Peyton's courtesy hold on Lucas was over.
240 Because she has a hot tub and a naked her in a hot tub
241. Because she thought a little Cardio was excatly what he needed!
244. Because Brooke was Luke's first time.
245. Because Luke was her first love
246. Because she thought he looked good from behind.
247. Because even Karen knew it was his loss
248. Because she gave him a necklace and he still wears it
249. Because he likes the wild ones
250. Because he meant everything to her
251. Because when Brooke loves, she really loves
252. Because Lucas will get Nathans' sloppy seconds (Peyton...)
253. Because Peyton moved on but Brooke never did
254. Because Peyton left him high and dry but Brooke never did
255. Because they bought in bulk
256. Because love is never having to say your sorry
257. Because you cant build a relationship off of oh, i dont have a mom and your dad hates you.
258. Because Brooke gets mad at Lucas for not saying goodbye
259. Because Sophia and Chad have Brucas in their names
260. Because they'll get their chance
261. Because Brooke isn't afraid to act stupid in front of him.
262. Because in all of hte season 1 promo pics of Brucas they are kissing/almost kissing... The Leyton ones Lucas just looks disgusted
264. Because she made him a get well poster
265. Because he is too quiet and she talks too much... together they are perfect
266. Because Lucas and Brooke had such a great connection that it had the actors fallin in love with each other...and now they're gettin married!
267. Because she reformed her ways for him
268. Because she doesnt judge him
269. Because he doesnt judge her
270. Because he tried to explain
271. Because she couldnt help that she loved him
272. Because she did everything in her power to keep them together
273. Because she admits when she has made a mistake
274. Because they didnt really miss Peyton after the game
275. Because it is ok for a relationship to not have a million issues
276. Because a relationship is made up of more than emotions alone
277. Because they knew it was ok to be physical...It showed how much they cared
278. Because he lived life to the fullest when he was with her
279. Because they bought the pregnancy test together
280. Because she waited for him before she took the test
281. Because she still cries when she see's pictures of them
282. Because they make a really good fanfic
283. Because you can see how much she truly cares by the way she looks at him
284. Because if he was really in love with Peyton he wouldnt have chosen Brooke over her
285. Because he keeps her informed on the important things
286. Because she gives him the good gossip since he and Peyton have none
287. Because Brucas was planned way before there was a Chad and Sophia
288. Because Brooke really isn't that bad of a person
289. Because when him and Peyton are together they just brood
290. Because Brooke took the time to get him a fake id
291. Because she was hurt when he asked if the baby was his
292. Because she never asked if he wanted to come in and then not let him because she "didn't invite him, but only asked if he wanted to"
293. Because he was the first person she thought of to call
294. Because she brings out his better side
295. Because he stood up for her in front of his best friend
296. Because she tried to be a better person
297. Because she used his yearbook picture
298. Because they looked so awesome together in the promo pics
299. Because he saw through her
300. Because he wanted to give her a ride home
301. Because it takes two to tango
302. Because he doesn't use her for anything
303. Because they kiss with tongue
304. Because Chad wants Brucas to be together
305. Because they look more intimate in the promo pics
306. Because she was worried his mom wouldn't like her
307. Because she just tried so hard
308. Because she still cheered for him after they broke up
309. Because he tried to get her to forgive him
310. Because they are in love
311. Because she missed him "a little"
312. Because she obviously wasnt over him
313. Because she looked so sad
314. Because she was rooting for Peyton and Jake
315. Because Peyton made a memorial of Jake... Not Lucas
316. Because Peyton didn't even want to read the letter
317. Because she wished that he would have said goodbye
318. Because she wasn't into Jake

1. blueschild007
2. angelface211
3. red_cherry
4. xO_tasha
5. whatevsky
6. moonlight~pixie
7. *Beautful_Stranger*
8. Poupa
9. Callalily
10. ladyle
11. MineyMouse14
12. Rainstorm18
13. Emelie
14. cat_cat
15. our_memories
16. provocative
17. _virgo_
18. Reni^
19. Bill_the_bloodless
20. cRueL_InTeNtIoN
21. Jaime_Bee
22. Bella_Grint
23. liltashaq
24. Crystal_Scott
25. Caliina
26. oneflyCHICK
27. qtdramachickee72
28. valiy5
29. Scoobs2006
30. jhlover
31. Roally
32. seduction
33. sochad
34. sabriras
35. CheEsecAKe&BRUCAS
36. Enyem
37. sunshinebananas
38. BrookeandLucas

#1. Whatever happens, they will always have each other.
#2. Because last time they were friends, he wanted to kiss her.
#3. Because we have faith and faith will bring them back together.
#4. Because Their Beginning Says It All!
#5. Because he fought for her.
#6. Because people who are meant to be always find their way in the end.
#7. Because they complete each other.
#8. Because he is the guy for her.
#9. Becasue she is his pretty girl.
#10. Because we miss their kisses.
#11. Because we love them no matter what happens.
#12. Because their love made a difference.
#13. Because their love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

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Pucas: A Peyton and Lucas HATE site
{ Kara&MonEl }
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Last edited by Exotic Goddess; 02-26-2007 at 05:30 PM
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:51 AM
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So Gorgeous!

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 02-25-2007, 02:53 AM
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Thanks Jaime!

I love your title.
{ Kara&MonEl }
true love + endgame
| ChrisWood ~
•icon by: deep within me
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:58 AM
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I'm happy about new thread, though, I saw that title on some Kelly/Dylan banner. I'm not sure that I like that criss-crossing, but ok. New thread!
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:59 AM
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Originally Posted by sabriras (View Post)
I'm happy about new thread, though, I saw that title on some Kelly/Dylan banner. I'm not sure that I like that criss-crossing, but ok. New thread!
It was Jaime's idea
{ Kara&MonEl }
true love + endgame
| ChrisWood ~
•icon by: deep within me
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Old 02-25-2007, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by sabriras (View Post)
I'm happy about new thread, though, I saw that title on some Kelly/Dylan banner. I'm not sure that I like that criss-crossing, but ok. New thread!

I saw on a DK banner too.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 02-25-2007, 03:01 AM
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It fit BL so well though.
{ Kara&MonEl }
true love + endgame
| ChrisWood ~
•icon by: deep within me
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Old 02-25-2007, 03:03 AM
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But it fit BL so well
{ Kara&MonEl }
true love + endgame
| ChrisWood ~
•icon by: deep within me
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Old 02-25-2007, 03:11 AM
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Originally Posted by oneflyCHICK (View Post)
Thanks Jaime!

I love your title.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 02-25-2007, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by oneflyCHICK (View Post)
It was Jaime's idea
I didn't doubt,

It's ok anyway. New thread!
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Old 02-25-2007, 12:27 PM
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Awww, new thread! YAY. Can't believe we hit 14 already.

Love it Kellybear. It's adorable.
you're my king and
i'm your lionheart.
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Old 02-25-2007, 12:30 PM
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Goddammit, Brooke is my girl, but this guy LucAss really has pussy face, I don't like him. But if SHE wants him, I'll support her, of course
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Old 02-25-2007, 12:55 PM
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Did you guys see this?

Top Ten TV Ships

Brucas made number two, right after Naley.. and BEAT Leyton. AWESOME.
you're my king and
i'm your lionheart.
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Old 02-25-2007, 03:13 PM
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awesome title, guys.
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 02-25-2007, 03:29 PM
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Hey ladies

Cass, I saw that....GO BRUCAS
{ Kara&MonEl }
true love + endgame
| ChrisWood ~
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