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Old 06-27-2007, 11:08 AM
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The Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who) #10 - Because they were together

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Welcome to the The Doctor/Rose appreciation thread! Step into the TARDIS and enjoy your stay!

"Rose met the most fantastic man in the universe, who actually thought she was the most fantastic woman in the universe,
and that doesn't really happen often."
- Russell T. Davies

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SpySyd's list: one.

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Ninth Doctor & Rose quotes

The Doctor: I'm The Doctor, by the way. What's your name?
Rose: Rose.
The Doctor: Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!

The Doctor: There was a war. And we lost.
Rose: A war with who? [The Doctor doesn't answer, seemingly lost in thought.] What about your people?
The Doctor: I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own cause there's no one else.
Rose: There's me.

Rose: But, it's like... think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once. Just once, and it's gone. It's finished. It'll never happen again. Except for you. [Beat] You can go back and see days that are dead and gone and a hundred thousand sunsets ago... no wonder you never stay still...
The Doctor: Not a bad life.
Rose: Better with two.

[Rose has picked out an outfit for Naples, 1890]
Rose: [giggling] Don't laugh.
The Doctor: Blimey! You look beautiful!
[Rose is very flattered]
The Doctor: Considering.

Rose: We'll go down fighting, yeah?
The Doctor: Yeah.
Rose: Together?
The Doctor: Yeah!
[They link hands.]
The Doctor: I'm so glad I met you.
Rose: Me too.

Rose Tyler: Then what are you waiting for?
The Doctor: I could save the world but lose you.

The Doctor: And I'm looking for a blonde in a Union Jack. A specific one, mind you, I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving.

The Doctor: You just assume I don't... 'dance'.
Rose: [Amused] Are you telling me you do... 'dance'?
The Doctor: Been around 900 years, me. I think you can assume at some point I've ... danced.
Rose: Doesn't the universe implode or something if you... 'dance'?
The Doctor: Well, I've got the moves, but I wouldn't like to boast.
[Rose turns up the radio.]
Rose: You got the moves? Show me your moves.
The Doctor: [Unnerved.] Rose, I'm... trying to resonate concrete.
Rose: Jack'll get us out. Come on. The world doesn't end if the Doctor dances.

The Doctor: We were... talking about dancing.
Capt. Jack Harkness: Didn't look like talking.
Rose: Didn't feel like dancing.

Rose: My head...!
The Doctor: Come here...
Rose: It's killing me...!
The Doctor: I think you need a doctor. [he kisses her]

The Doctor: Rose, before I go, I just wanna tell you: you were fantastic, absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I!

banner by paintedxlie

Tenth Doctor & Rose quotes

[She throws the Doctor a new sword]
The Doctor: Oh, so I'm still The Doctor then?
Rose: No arguments from me!

Rose: [nervous] And what about you? What are you going to do next?
The Doctor: [surprised] Well... back to the TARDIS. Same old life.
Rose: [worried] What, on your own?
The Doctor: Why? Don't you want to come?
Rose: Well, yeah...
The Doctor: Do you, though?
Rose: [emphatic] Yeah!
The Doctor: I just thought... 'cos I'd changed...
Rose: [relieved] Yeah, I thought 'cos you'd changed... you might not want me any more.
The Doctor: Oh, no, I'd love you to come!
Rose: Okay!

The Doctor: Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York, which makes it New New New New New New...New New New New New New...New New New York.
[Rose Laughs]
The Doctor: What?
Rose: You're so different.
The Doctor: New New Doctor.

The Doctor: [in a squeeky voice after being kissed by Rose/Cassandra] Yup, still got it.

Rose: Get out of him!
The Doctor/Cassandra: Oooh, he's slim. And a little bit foxy. [speaks suggestively to Rose] You thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been looking... you like it!

Rose: I want her to say "we are not amused". I bet you five quid I can make her say it.
The Doctor: Well, if I gambled on that, it would be an abuse of my privilege as a traveler in time.
Rose: Ten quid?
The Doctor: Done.

Rose: I thought you and me were... Well obviously I got it wrong. I've been to the year 5 billion but this, this is really seeing the future, you just leave us behind. Is that what you are gonna do to me?
The Doctor: NO. Not to you.
The Doctor: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone who you...
Rose: what, Doctor?
The Doctor: You can spend the rest of your life with me... But I can't spend the rest of mine with you.

The Doctor: [American drawl] You goin' my way, doll?
Rose: [mimicking American accent] Is there any other way to go daddy-o? Straight from the fridge man!

[Upon seeing the faceless Rose]
The Doctor:Rose...
Detective-Inspector Bishop: you know her?
The Doctor: KNOW her? She's...
The Doctor: The did what? They just took her face and left her in the street. And as a result, that makes things simple, very, very simple. You know why? Because now, Detective-Inspector Bishop, THERE IS NO POWER ON THIS EARTH THAT CAN STOP ME! Come on!

The Doctor: I'll have to get a house! With - with doors and carpets, can you imagine? Me, living in a house?
Rose: [singsong voice] You'll have to get a mortgage!
The Doctor: No.
Rose: Oh yes.
The Doctor: No. That's it, I'm dying, it is all over.
Rose: What about me? I'll have to get one too. Or - it could be the same one. We could...I don't know...share. (The Doctor stares at her) Or not, whatever.
The Doctor: Anyway.
Rose: Yeah, we'll see.
The Doctor: I promised Jackie I would always take you back home.
Rose: Everyone leaves home in the end.
The Doctor: Not to end up stuck here!
Rose: Yeah, well stuck with you, that's not so bad.
The Doctor: Yeah?
Rose: Yes.

The Doctor: If you talk to Rose... Tell her I..... oh, she knows.

The Doctor: I’ve seen fake gods and bad gods and demigods and would-be gods. And out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing, just one thing… I believe in HER.

Rose: [seeing cat] Oh! Aren't you a beautiful boy?
The Doctor: Thanks. I've been experimenting with back-combing.. [seeing cat] Oh.

The Doctor: You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.

Rose: Who's gonna hold his hand now?

Rose: You know what - they keep trying to split us up, but they never ever will.
The Doctor: Never say never ever.
Rose: Nah, we'll always be alright, you and me. [pause] Don't you think? Doctor?
The Doctor: Something in the air. Something's coming. [Beat] A storm's approaching...

The Doctor: How long are you going to stay with me?
Rose: Forever.

The Doctor: Once the breach is closed, that's it! You will never be able to see her again, your own mother!
Rose: I made my decision a long time ago, and I'm never going to leave you. So, what can I do to help?

Rose: Am I ever going to see you again?
The Doctor: You can't.
Rose: What are you going to do?
The Doctor: Back to the TARDIS. Same old life.
Rose: On your own?
The Doctor: Yeah.
Rose: I-....I love you.
The Doctor: Quite right too. [pause] And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it... Rose Tyler... [transmission cuts, and the Doctor fades away]

The Doctor: Trust me
Donna: Is that what you said to her? Your friend, the one you lost? Did she trust you?
The Doctor: Yes, she did. And she is not dead, she is so alive. Now jump!

The Doctor: I spent Christmas day right over there, the Powell Estate. With this... family. My friend, she had this family. Well, they were m... Still. Gone now.

Donna: This friend of yours, what was her name?
The Doctor: [Tears in his eyes] Her name was Rose.

The Doctor: I had.. it was recently. A friend of mine. Rose, her name was. Rose. And... we were together. Anyway...
Martha: Where is she now?
The Doctor: With her family. Happy. She's fine. She's... NOT that you're replacing her!

The Doctor: Rose'd know. A friend of mine, Rose, right now she'd say exactly the right thing.

Carrionite: But your heart grows cold. The north wind blows, it carries down the distant... Rose!
The Doctor: Ohh big mistake! Cause that name keeps me fighting.

John Smith (aka human, amnesiac Doctor) dreams and writes in his Journal of Impossible Things:
"Perfect Rose" (repeated several times)

Jack: Just gotta ask. The Battle of Canary Wharf. I saw the list of the dead. It said Rose Tyler.
The Doctor: Oh no, sorry! She’s alive!
Jack: You’re kidding!
The Doctor: Parallel world. Safe and sound. And Mickey. And her mother.
Jack: Yes! [they hug]

Martha: Is that what happens, though? Seriously? You just get bored of us one day and disappear?
Jack: Not if you’re blonde.

Jack: What happened?
The Doctor: Rose.
Jack: I thought you sent her back home.
The Doctor: She came back. Opened the heart of the TARDIS and absorbed the time vortex itself.
Jack: What does that mean exactly?
The Doctor: No one’s ever meant to have that power.
The Doctor: If a Time Lord did that, he’d become a god. A vengeful god. But she was human. Everything she did was so human. She brought you back to life. But she couldn’t control it. She brought you back forever. That’s something I suppose. The final act of the Time War was life.
Jack: Think she can change me back?
The Doctor: I took the power out of her. She’s gone, Jack. She's not just living on a parallel world, she’s trapped there. The walls have closed.
Jack: I’m sorry.
The Doctor: Yep.
Jack: I went back to her estate. In the 90s. Just once or twice. Watched her growing up. Never said hello. Timelines and all that.

Quotes about the Doctor and Rose

Season One

Christopher Eccleston: It's a love story.

CE, on being asked on a quiz show if the Doctor fancies Rose: Oh, absolutely.

Russell T Davies: From the moment they meet, the Doctor and Rose are soul mates. They understand and complement each other.

Billie Piper: She's quite in love with him.

Steven Moffat: Obviously and quite overtly, really, the subtext of this show is that the Doctor is hopelessly in love with Rose.

John Barrowman: When he kisses her, it’s not only the thing that he’s wanted to do throughout the entire series, but it gives him peace because he’s letting go of the burden of the Time Lords being destroyed and he’s saving the one that he—he loved the Time Lords, they were his people—but he loves this girl. - audio commentary, The Parting of the Ways

Season Two

DT: The Doctor and Rose is, at its heart, a love story without the shagging. - the official Doctor Who News Feed

DT: They are a couple in every way, except for the shagging. Like John Steed and Emma Peel.

DT on 'Tooth and Claw': I love the Doctor and Rose's relationship in that because they start to fall in love with each other again, as Rose begins to trust the new bloke, and I love the way that Russell pushes that so that they're almost enjoying themselves too much. - from page 198 of Doctor Who: The Unfolding Story

BP: ...the love of her life is still trapped in a drawing... - Fear Her confidential

Euros Lyn (director of several eps last year, and TRB this year: The Doctor and Rose love each other. I think it's that simple.

RTD: What Rose brings to the Doctor’s life is completion, it’s completing a circle – he’s male, he’s alien, he’s a traveler. Between the two of them together they complement each other and discover each other. And are in love with each other, absolutely, unashamedly, unreservedly. - Doomsday Confidential

BP: Having experienced this crazy supernatural stuff, it’s just heartbreaking, the thought of not having the chance to do that again with the man that she loves. - DD Confidential

DT: It's great because the Doctor and Rose are just so in tune there. They couldn't be more perfectly together (said as the Doctor explains his plan to "pull 'em all in"). - DD commentary

Post Season Two

In TV Times, DT says: "So the Doctor is literally thrown into this bizarre new circumstance before he's properly gotten himself together after saying farewell to Rose, who was the love of his life."

In TV and Satellite Week, DT says about Donna and the Doctor: "She's not too pleased about having her wedding interrupted and he's just lost the love of his life so there's a bit of an odd couple vibe there."

DT: "Martha was never quite accepted by the Doctor because he couldn't quite accept that Rose had gone. He certainly couldn't accept that he needed somebody else."

"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:23 AM
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Yay for the 10th thread

I really LOVE that line because for him to say that out loud, it really means a lot. He's not one to talk about the past but Rose... well, she was everything to him and they were TOGETHER! Hee.
Sookie: No matter how furious I got with Eric, I was happier when I was with him.
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:52 AM
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(Can you tell I'm bored? )

I really LOVE that line because for him to say that out loud, it really means a lot. He's not one to talk about the past but Rose... well, she was everything to him and they were TOGETHER! Hee.
Exactly! I love how he just came out and said that. Because that's the most perfect way of describing them, I think. It's in a way a lot more powerful than if he had said 'She was my girlfriend.' that wouldn't have been them. But saying they were together? Sums them up perfectly.
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 06-27-2007, 12:45 PM
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Awww that little banner is awesome! You should post it in the opening post.

It's in a way a lot more powerful than if he had said 'She was my girlfriend.' that wouldn't have been them. But saying they were together? Sums them up perfectly.
Couldn't agree more Describing them as boyfriend and girlfriend would be pretty ridiculous... they were way beyond that. And it's not like the almighty Doctor has girlfriends Using terms like these would undermine what the Doctor is and what they both meant to each other.
Sookie: No matter how furious I got with Eric, I was happier when I was with him.
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Old 06-27-2007, 01:03 PM
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W00t! 10th thread.

It's so cool you guys have carried this on for this long!

Also love the banner. Strokes of genius are usually the results of boredom IMO. ^^
Icon by Puppet Paluza
Not all who wander are lost.
-The Doctor, Love and Monsters
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Old 06-27-2007, 03:15 PM
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I love banner hehe so cute.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 06-27-2007, 05:28 PM
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lol, the look on my brother's face when Martha smacked him in Human Nature was priceless (like what the hell was that supposed to do?).

He brought up an interesting perspective about Utopia though. He was angry that Martha even mentioned opening the watch like it was a stupid idea. Do you think if Martha never mentioned opening it that Yana still would have?

So yeah, Sound of Drums: Blew. My. Mind. John Simm is too cool for words to describe.
No Rose mention, but that's okay, good even. I think any more would have overdone it. I did think of her when he mentioned "I want to save him." I thought 'That's what Rose would've done!' I was so afraid with all of his angst and vengefullness that he'd choose Martha's way *glares at Martha*. I was really surprised at his choice (in a pleasant way).
Icon by Puppet Paluza
Not all who wander are lost.
-The Doctor, Love and Monsters

Last edited by One Winged Angel; 06-27-2007 at 09:27 PM Reason: Just watched Sound of Drums
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Old 06-28-2007, 12:38 AM
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Do you think if Martha never mentioned opening it that Yana still would have?
Not her brightest moment if you ask me... I don't think he would've thought of opening the watch. He didn't even know it was more than a watch before she "suggested" it.

The chips and the Doctor's anger at Jack for working for Torchwood were subtle references to Rose, IMO... I just really hope we'll get something in the finale. But the more I think about it, the less I believe this will happen
Sookie: No matter how furious I got with Eric, I was happier when I was with him.
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Old 06-28-2007, 05:12 AM
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Yeah, if Martha hadn't mentioned it, the thought of opening the watch wouldn't even have occured to him. Way to go, Martha! sure, it was a mistake anyone could've made, but I'm pretty sure Rose would've thought twice before saying something to him, she would've at least told the Doctor about it first.

I'm not holding my breath for another Rose mention in Last of the Timelords, but I am hoping, of course. On one hand it would seem weird to end the season without at least one more reference, because she's been such a big part of the entire season so it would be a nice way to close it off... But on the other hand, I'm really scared they won't and then once the new season starts, we'll never, or hardly ever, hear her mentioned again...
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 06-28-2007, 05:31 AM
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Thanks for the new thread!
I adore the banner, its just what the Doctor and Rose would say.
You should add it to the opening post its beautiful
icon: ifake
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Old 06-28-2007, 07:23 AM
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On one hand it would seem weird to end the season without at least one more reference, because she's been such a big part of the entire season so it would be a nice way to close it off...
Yeah, that's what I think too but...

But on the other hand, I'm really scared they won't and then once the new season starts, we'll never, or hardly ever, hear her mentioned again...
I'm really scared of that. That's why I probably won't watch next season... I miss Rose too much for watching the show with the idea that she's really gone. It would be a tiny bit like torture. Just watching the Cyberwoman episode of Torchwood with all the references to the battle of Canary Wharf.... I got depressed all over again. Me, pathetic? Never...

I'm pretty sure Rose would've thought twice before saying something to him, she would've at least told the Doctor about it first.
Yup. The problem with Martha, and one of the reasons I can hardly stand her, is that she knows she's smart. She thinks her cleverness can be applied to the Doctor's world as well... and she's obviously wrong.
Sookie: No matter how furious I got with Eric, I was happier when I was with him.
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Old 06-28-2007, 10:24 AM
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I'll probably be pathetically hoping for Rose references every episode still, even if there haven't been any all season and I'm sure I'll get good at finding them everywhere. "SEE! HE JUST WALKED BY A SHOP! THAT'S OBVIOUSLY ABOUT ROSE!"

Yeah, I hate how Martha thinks she's a match for him, intellectually. She couldn't be more out of his league. And Rose of course wasn't either, but they were at least on the exact same level emotionally.
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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Old 06-28-2007, 11:04 AM
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I made some wallpapers
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tardis: I'll always be here. But this is when we talked and now even that has come to an end. There is something I did not get to say to you.
doctor: Goodbye.
tardis: No. I just wanted to say: Hello. Hello, Doctor. It is so very, very nice to meet you.
|it's about time

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Old 06-28-2007, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by paintedxlie (View Post)
and I'm sure I'll get good at finding them everywhere. "SEE! HE JUST WALKED BY A SHOP! THAT'S OBVIOUSLY ABOUT ROSE!"
Hee! At the same time, she was such a big part of him that it's normal to see references in pretty much anything...

And Rose of course wasn't either, but they were at least on the exact same level emotionally.
So true. And we know the Doctor thought her very smart nonetheless since he said in one ep this season "Rose would know". She might not have been as smart as Martha, according to human standards, but she had like a sixth sense when it came to this world, this way of living. That was part of why she was so in tune with him.

Originally Posted by Mrs.Almeida (View Post)
Beautiful artwork!

Btw, Val, LOVE your icon. Such a lovely picture
Sookie: No matter how furious I got with Eric, I was happier when I was with him.
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Old 06-28-2007, 11:29 AM
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"Rose would know"
I loved that quote so much, because it showed exactly how much he trusted her, how much she was his partner, part of the team, instead of just a companion who follows him around. And even if she wouldn't have known, she would've gotten him to realize what was going on much sooner. They just worked together so well...

I made some wallpapers
So gorgeous!!

Btw, Val, LOVE your icon. Such a lovely picture
Thanks! Yeah, that picture always makes my heart do happy backflips
"Babes, I found the churros!" x
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