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Old 12-06-2009, 12:45 AM
Extreme Fan
LuckyRabbit's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2008
Posts: 2,075
Arthur ♥ Guinevere #10: Because "Search your heart. You know who he loves."

Welcome to {#10} Appreciation Thread

l e g e n d a r y.l o v e

By completing a quest, Arthur became Kind of England
& acquired his court, Camelot. ...And he also needed a queen,
Guinevere, the love of his life.

1. perfectlyscrewed (Ley)
2. eiluvial
3. xxstACEyxx
4. Icey_
5. JR Abraxas
6. rachem_chul (Rachel)
7. marybongiovi
8. Pan (Pan)
9. Ashleyt (Ashley)
10. MPGirl (Mia)
11. jules! (Jules)
12. ~lipstick (andrea)
13. pendragonღ (Ash)
14. ~Phoenix~ (Emma)
15. starryeyed15
16. collide
17. hondagirl
18. Natih_Fate (Nat)
19. loveslullaby
20. Melanie Garcia (Melanie)
21. aliaskate18 (Kate)
22. annie_ (Annie)
23. Californiabound (Rella)
24. LuckyRabbit (Kate)
25. Fennep (Jess)
26. ~*blackXS*~ (Sally)
27. LeannaFord
28. redrose13
29. Miss Vienna Jones (Laura)
30. nellygrl
31. nessa1983
32. Miss Fate (Gladys)
33. bexatious (Bex)
34. CloisFan (Laura)

Katie McGrath

(Merlin - 2x10 - Sweet Dreams)
"I think she's very worthy of your love."

"Ha. No, might conflict with your one true love.--I have proof."


(Katie McGrath - Digital Spy interview)
"...Basically the Arthur story with regards to love is Guinevere and everybody knows that. It's not Morgana, it's not anyone else. The true love of his life is Gwen."

(Katie McGrath - Merlin Secrets & Magic: Fit for a King)
"It's so fairytale. It's exactly what you thought it should be and think it should be. It's this beautiful, slow, romantic back-lit fairytale kiss. Well I think it's about time."

made by Ash.lost

That night as Arthur laid back in his bed, he heard a harp
echoing through the castle. Drawn as if by a magnet, he went through the hall
and to the courtyard to find a woman sitting alone in a room. She was the most
woman Arthur has ever seen. He loved her at once.

Bradley James
Bradley James was born in Devon, England on October 11, 1984. He made his television debut in the ITV series Lewis in 2008. He also played the part of Ben Davies in the BBC Three drama Dis/Connected.
When he was young, Bradley either wanted to be a professional footballer or an actor. As it turned out he followed the acting route and Bradley attended the Drama Centre London which is said to have been very tough on its students but worthwhile.

He got a few small jobs after leaving the DCL, but his big break was on Merlin playing the character of Prince Arthur. He, himself, has claimed to love the job he does and the people he works with.


Angel Coulby
Angel Coulby was born in London, England on August 30, 1980

She trained at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh where she studies for a degree in acting.

She is probably the most experienced of the young Merlin cast due to her roles in varies TV spots such as BBC Three sitcom The Visit and Britain’s popular show Doctor Who.

#10 (2x02 - The Once and Future Queen)

#9 (2x01 - The Curse of Cornelius Sigan)

#8 (1x10 - The Moment of Truth)

#7 (1x13 - Le Morte d'Arthur)

#6 (1x13 - Le Morte d'Arthur)

#5 (2x02 - The Once and Future Queen)

#4 (2x04 - Lancelot and Guinevere)

#3 (2x10 - Sweet Dreams)

#2 (2x10 - Sweet Dreams)

#1 (2x02 - The Once and Future Queen)

Merlin, who had followed ever mindful of Arthur touched his shoulder & told Arthur her name.
"That is Guinevere," he said.
"Merlin," Arthur whispered. "That is the woman I shall marry."

Gathered & Edited by Pan & LuckyRabbit.
*Not all the quotes are here. Only the memorable, cute, or helped built to the relationship ones.*


1x03 - The Mark of Nimueh

Arthur: But to save her dying father, that doesn't make her guilty of creating a plague. One's the act of kindness, of love, the other of evil. I don't believe evil is in this girl's heart.


1x10 - The Moment of Truth

Gwen: Food is scarces for these people, you shouldn't turn you nose up at it. ...Oh, no, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I'm sorry.
Arthur: Gwen...
Gwen: I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking. It won't happen again.
Arthur: GUINEVERE. ...Thank you. You're right. And you're right to speak up. I should of listen to you and Morgana. We gonna need all the help we can get.
Gwen: We'll be fine.
Arthur: How can you be so sure?
Gwen: Because I have faith in you. ...I mean, we all do.
Arthur: Thank you.


1x12 - To Kill the King

Gwen: Sire...
Arthur: Guinevere, I ... want you to know that your job is safe. And that your home is yours for life. I guarantee you that. ... I know that under the circumstances, it's not much, but, erm ... anything you want,
anything you need, all you have to do is ask. ... I'm sorry.
Gwen: Thank you, Sire.


1x13 - Le Morte d'Arthur

Gwen: You're not going to die Arthur. ... I'm telling you. ... Because I know that one day, you will be King--a greater king than your father could ever be. ... It's what keeps me going. ... You are going to live to be the man I've seen inside you, Arthur. ... I can see a Camelot that is fair and just. I can see a king that the people will love and be proud to call their sovereign. For the love of have to live.


Gwen: I knew it. I said you'd be all right.
Arthur: I can remember you talking to me.
Gwen: You can?
Arthur: You stroked my forehead.
Gwen: I was tending to your fever.
Arthur: "Never lost faith."
Gwen: I was just talking.
Arthur: Tell me again what you said.
Gwen: I don't remember.
Arthur: Yes, you do.
Gwen: No, I don't.
Arthur: Come on. Something about...the man I am inside.
Gwen: No, I never said that.
Arthur: GuineVERREE.
Gwen: I have to get these washed, Sire.


2x01 - The Curse of Cornelius Sigan

Arthur: Guinevere?
Gwen: Sire.
Arthur: That thing could have killed you.
Gwen: And it still might! *knock him to the ground for protection*
Arthur: Aargh.
Gwen: Sorry sire.
Arthur: No, my pleasure.


Gwen: I'll get you something to stop the bleeding.
Arthur: Guinevere. I wanted to say...just, always surprise me.
Gwen: ...Is that it, Sire?
Arthur: That's it. ... Oh, and, err...thank you.


2x02 - The Once and Future Queen

Gwen: Why are you doing this?
Arthur: ...I fear that people respect me just because of my title.
Gwen: I don't believe that's true of everyone.
Arthur: Would you tell me if it were?
Gwen: No.
Arthur: When I'm competing as William, my title doesn't matter, nobody gives me any special treatment. So, when I win this tournament, IF, I win this tournament, it will be because I deserve it. Not because I am...Prince Arthur. ... I think I'll take a bath.
Gwen: That might be difficult, seeing as I don't have a bathtub.
Arthur: Really? Er, perhaps you could prepare me a bowl of hot water. I take it you have a bowl.
Gwen: I think I can manage a bowl. ...Just walk all the way down to the well and fetch some water then, shall I?


Arthur: Guinevere?
Gwen: Just a minute.
Arthur: You got a needle and thread? My shirt needs mending.
Gwen: Um...
Arthur: Is this where you sleep? Where's your bed?
Gwen: You're sleeping in it.
Arthur: Why didn't you say something?
Gwen: How could I? You're Prince Arthur. Besides, you didn't give me the chance. You just assumed the bed was yours.
Arthur: How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me?
Gwen: You shouldn't need to be told to think of someone other than yourself. You're not a child.
Arthur: ...Is there anything else you'd like to say to me? Please...I'd like to hear it. If there's something you want to say to me, don't let me stop you.
Gwen: You don't have any idea, do you?
Arthur: About what?
Gwen: About how rude and arrogant you can be. This is my home and you are my guest in it. I know you are used to more luxurious quarters, but that is not an excuse to be so rude. You claim titles don't matter to you, but you behave like a prince and expect me to wait on you like a servant. Saying it means nothing if your actions betray you. Would it kill you to say please and thank you once in a while? ... My Lord.
Arthur: ...Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Gwen: No, I think that's it.
Arthur: ...You're right. ...You have invited me into your home and I have behaved appallingly.
Gwen: I didn't mean to make you feel bad.
Arthur: Oh, really?
Gwen: Well, perhaps a little.
Arthur: There's no excuse. I'll make it up to you. Tonight, I'll make dinner foryou.
Gwen: You're going to cook me dinner?
Arthur: I most certainly am. Now go for a walk or do whatever it is that girls do at this time of the evening.
Gwen: A walk would be nice.
Arthur: Your dinner will be ready when you return.


Merlin: Soo, you're not cooking.
Arthur: No, Gwen doesn't need to know that. As far as she's concerned, dinner will be prepared and cooked by me.
Merlin: You're trying to impress her?
Arthur: Don't be ridiculous Merlin. And get me a decent shirt will you? Your clothes are making me itch all over, it's like having fleas.


Arthur: So, do I have any more annoying habits you wish to tell me about?
Gwen: No. None.
Arthur: There's something else, isn't there? What is it?
Gwen: Well, the truth is, you snore.
Arthur: I do not snore.
Gwen: You do.
Gwen: The first night you were here, I thought a pig had got into the house.
Arthur: So now I'm a pig. Thank you, Guinevere.
Gwen: I just meant you sound like a pig. ...I think I'd better stop talking.
Arthur: *picking up plates* I'll do that.
Gwen: Where did you get those plates?
Arthur: From the cupboard.
Gwen: They have the royal seal. They're from the palace kitchens. I've washed enough of them to know. I take it that's where our food also came from.
Arthur: Look, I can kill a chicken from a thousand paces,just don't ask me to cook it. That's what servants are for-- ...I didn't mean it like that.
Gwen: I'm not ashamed to be a servant. At least I'm not a liar.
Arthur: We had a nice meal together. What does it matter where it came from?
Gwen: Because I thought you'd shown some humility. You've done something kind for me even though I'm just a servant. A good king should respect his people no matter who they are.
Arthur: *Stopped her from walking away.* Guinevere. ... I know I have much to learn. There are some things that I'm terrible at, cooking being one of them, but also...knowing what to say to someone I care about.


Arthur: One more match, tournament will be over.
Gwen: You can go back to being Prince Arthur. ... Umm...I thought you might wear it--for luck. *hands him her scarf/wraps*
Arthur: Thank you.
Arthur: I must go.


Arthur: His lance, pierced my armour.
Gwen: You're losing too much blood.
Arthur: Do what you can. I have to be back on the course within five minutes or I forfeit the match.
Gwen: You can't possibly joust, you're too badly injured.
Arthur: I have never withdrawn from a match. I do not intend to start now.
Gwen: You would risk your life to protect your pride? You have nothing to prove, least of all to me.
Arthur: ... I have everything to prove--to myself.


Merlin: People are waiting for their champion. It's time to reveal yourself.
Arthur (to “Sir” William): You must go and collect the trophy.
Gwen: I thought this was going to be your moment of glory.

...Perhaps this, is a time for humility.


Arthur: Guinevere. ... What happened while I was staying with you...I'm afraid my father would never understand.
Gwen: You don't have to explain. ...Perhaps when you are King...things will be different.


2x03 - The Nightmare Begins

Arthur: This has to stop. ... The King would have you head if he found out. There's no point in denying it.
Merlin: Denying what?
Arthur: Your affection for Lady Morgana.
Merlin: ...Right.
Arthur: Take a bit of advice from someone who...knows about women.
Merlin: Perhaps if such person existed I would.
Arthur: Stick to girls, who are can I put it...on your level.
Merlin: Thanks.
Arthur: She can't be your friend...or anything else.


2x04 - Lancelot and Guinevere

Merlin: Did you get some rest?
Arthur: Couldn't sleep.
Merlin: I've never seen you like this...about anyone.
Arthur: What are you talking about?
Merlin: Gwen. ... You really care about her, don't you?
Arthur: What I care about, is not wasting any more time talking. Let's get moving.


Merlin: You're trying to get us both killed?
Arthur: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of risked your life like that.
Merlin: Well, they do say "love" makes you do strange things.
Arthur: What are you talking about?
Merlin: Why can't you just admit your feelings for Gwen?
Arthur: ...Urrgh.
Merlin: It's so obvious. A blind man can see it. Is it really that hard to admit you like her? Just say it!
Arthur: I can't! How can I admit that...I think about her all the time? Or that...I care about her more than anyone? How can I admit that...I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to her?
Merlin: Why can't you?
Arthur: Because nothing can ever happen between us. ...To admit my feelings, knowing that...hurts, too much.
Merlin: Who's to say nothing can happen?
Arthur: My father won't let me rescue a servant. Do you honestly believe he'd let me marry one?
Merlin: You want to marry Gwen?!
Arthur: No! No, I...I don't know. ...It's all talk, and that's all it can ever be.
Merlin: When you're King, you can change that.
Arthur: I can't expect Guinevere to wait for me.
Merlin: If she feels as you do, she'll wait for you.
Arthur: ...We don't even know if she's still alive.
Merlin: No, she is. We will find her.
Arthur: Come on, we've got a long track ahead.
Arthur: Oh, and Merlin...if you dare tell anyone about this, I promise I will make your life a living hell.
Merlin: You mean more than you already do?
Arthur: Yeah.
Merlin: We could talk about your feelings while you walk?
Arthur: Shut up, Merlin


2x06 - Beauty and the Beast (Part Two)

*Knock @ the Door*
Arthur: Come in. ... Guinevere.
Gwen: I saw what you did, earlier. The people owe you a debt of gratitude.
Arthur: The people owe me nothing. My father is still going to impose the tax.
Gwen: Will he not be persuaded?
Arthur: Not by me. He can't stand the sight of me.
Gwen: That's not true.
Arthur: The King loves you. You should have heard the way he spoke to me.
Gwen: I'm sure he was angry but you're still his son. Everyone appreciates what you did. They know you tried and they won't forget that.
Arthur: Maybe he's right. One day I will be the King of Camelot. I cannot be a friend to the people as well as their ruler.
Gwen: That's not true and you will prove it when you become King. ... You've a kind heart, Arthur. Don't ever change. Not for anyone.

2x07 - The Witchfinder

Gwen: Arthur! Arthur, Arthur, you've got to stop this.
Arthur: I can't, Gwen. You know I can't.
Gwen: Merlin has proof that Gaius is innocent.
Arthur: My father has already passed sentence. There’s nothing I can do.
Gwen: You can do the right thing, Arthur Pendragon. You can show some faith in a loyal friend or you can stand by and watch an innocent man die.
Arthur: Guinevere...
Gwen: You did it once before to my father. Are you really willing to let it happen again? And you can stop looking at me like that. I know I'm only a servant. I thought you were a prince. So start behaving like one.


2x10 - Sweet Dreams

Arthur: Well, may I present Guinevere. She'll be looking after you for the directions of your stay. You're one for nothing. She is truly one of Camelot's finest.


Arthur: Besides, she's not my type. She may be beautiful, but she's incredible rude; you should of heard what she said to Gwen.
Merlin: And anyone insulting Gwen should do so with extreme peril.
Arthur: What?
Merlin: Nothing. ...I just know how you feel about her, that's all. ...That is, if you feelings haven't changed. As i presumed they haven't.
Arthur: I do have my own vat of hot oil, ya know.
Merlin: You're blushing.
Arthur: No, I'm not
Merlin: What's wrong with Gwen?
Arthur: Nothing
Merlin: I think she's very worthy of your love.
Arthur: Indeed...were it so.
Merlin: Whhich, it is.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: Yes, Arthur.
Arthur: Get out!
Merlin: Yes, sir.


Gwen: What is it Arthur? You look like you have something on your mind.
Arthur: You read me like a book. ... I made a fool of myself, that's all. That's...everything.
Gwen: Sure this is not true.
Arthur: You have a good heart, Guinevere, but I'm afraid it is. I have made...a gesture, but it was not well received.
Gwen: You sure?
Arthur: Pretty sure.
Gwen: Then you are wrong.
Arthur: ... You are very close to the lady in questioned.
Gwen: Your token was much appreciated. But the situation is delicate is not always easy to express what is really in one's heart.
Arthur: You think there's hope.
Gwen: There is always hope.
Arthur: Only I have some way of knowing
Gwen: Indeed, my lord.


Merlin: I can not let Arthur die.
Dragon: Patience young warlock. The solution lies in the force greater than you or I can understand. A force that has puzzled many minds.
Merlin: Please, I have very little time.
Dragon: A force...
Merlin: Just tell me!
Dragon: Why it is the greatest force of all--love.
Merlin: Love?
Dragon: You must find the person Arthur truly loves.
Merlin: And then what?
Dragon: One kiss from her will break the enchantment and he will desire Vivianne no more.


Merlin: Um...I, I need you help. Arthur, needs your help.
Gwen: I do not think that Arthur needs me.
Merlin: Gwen, don't worry. ...I know.
Gwen: You know what?
Merlin: Everything. Anyone who spends 5 mins with you can see how you feel about each other. Look, I do not have a lot of time to explain so you're going have to trust me. Arthur does love you.
Gwen: No, he doesn't.
Merlin: If you don't trust me, trust your feelings.
Gwen: Psst, I'm never trusting my feelings again.
Merlin: He's enchanted!
Gwen: Yes, with Lady Vivianne I can see that!
Merlin: No, I mean literally enchanted with...magic, potions, love juice; none of his feelings are genuine.
Gwen: How can you be sure? When I saw him his feelings seemed real enough.
Merlin: Gwen, none of his feelings for Vivianne are real. But if you do not break the spell his death will be. anyone who spends 5 mins with you can see how you feel about each other.


Arthur: Ah, you finally come to wish me good luck? Cause I really don't think I need it anymore.
Gwen: No Arthur, I have not come to wish you luck.
Arthur: Honestly that's rather rude.
Gwen: Then let me make amends.
*She goes to kiss him! Yyyeeeaaa. Kiss & Dip! Bye bye enchantment!*
Arthur: Wwhat am I doing?
Gwen: You're in a fight--to the death. You're losing.
Arthur: But...
Gwen: There's no time to explain. for me Arthur. ... That's all I ask right now.


Arthur: Merlin, if anything should happened to me, look after Gwen. The world may think she is just a servant, dispensable, but...she's not dispensable to me.


*Gwen walks in to find a note & a rose.*
Arthur: Thought I'd better delivered it myself this time. ... I'm sorry...for...what I put you through.
Gwen: No, you have nothing to apologize for. I, too, have caused my fair share of hurt.
Arthur: You must believe that my feelings for...Vivianne...were not real. ... I've never loved another.
Gwen: But one day you will. One day you will find your real princess. One day you will be King of Camelot and I cannot be your Queen.
Arthur: don't know that.
Gwen: I am sure of that as you are.
Arthur: ...things may changed.
Gwen: Well, until they do...My Lord. *she bows*


Merlin: Ha. No, might conflict with your one true love.
Arthur: My what?
Merlin: You heard me. I have proof.
Arthur: Proof?
Merlin: You kissed her--in the tent.
Arthur: Merlin?
Merlin: Yes?
Arthur: What happened in the tent.
Merlin: Uh-huh
Arthur: Speak of it again and I'll kill you.
Merlin: Ok.

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KT Tunstall – Suddenly I See
Her face is a map of the world
You can see she's a beautiful girl
And everything around her is a silver pool of light
The people who surround her feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm

Suddenly I see
Boys Like Girls – Hero/Heroine
I never thought that you could break me apart
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine
I won't try to philosophize
You caught me off guard
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine
Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?
And I feel a weakness coming on
Never felt so good to be so wrong
OneRepublic – All We Are
And all along, you were shaded with patience, your strokes of everything that I need just to make it
I walked a minute in your shoes, they never would've fit
I figured there's nothing to lose
Time can tear you apart,
But it won't break, anything that we are,
Every single day that I can breathe, you changed my philosophy
I'm never gonna let you pass me by
So don't say your goodbyes you know it’s better that way
We won't break, we won't die
Taylor Swift – Love Story
See the lights, See the party, the ball gowns
see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Acceptance – So Contagious
Oh no, this couldn't be more unexpected
Could this be out of line?
To say you're the only one breaking me down like this
You're the only one I would take a shot on
Keep me hanging on so contagiously
Oh you're everything I'm wanting
Come to think of it, I'm aching
On account of my transgression..
Will you welcome this confession?
The Fray – Never Say Never
Picture you're the queen of everything
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand

Don't let me go

We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again
Roxette – Listen to Your Heart
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
Evermore – Never Let You Go
I don't know which way
Leads me back to you
You took so long for me to find
Suddenly our worlds collide
Yesterday never seemed so far away
All this time you've been
Right in front of me
Suddenly our lives intertwine
When you go just let me know
And I'll be there
I found you and now I know
That I will never let you go
Nickelback – I’d Come for You
By now you'd know that I'd come for you
No one but you, yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you

I was blindfolded, but now I'm seeing
My mind was closing, now I'm believing
I finally know what just what it means to let someone in
To see the side of me that no one does or ever will
So if your ever lost and find yourself all alone
I'd search forever just to bring you home,
Here and now this I vow

No matter what gets in my way
As long as there's still life in me
No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you
I'd crawl across this world for you
Do anything you want me to
Sara Bareilles - Gravity
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone
Josh Groban – My Confession
I have been wrong about you.
Thought I was strong without you.
For so long nothing could move me.
For so long nothing could change me.
Now I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am captured by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning,
Falling into place.
I can't hide it
Now hear my confession.
Daniel Bedingfield – If You’re Not the One
If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
Leona Lewis – Yesterday
All the broken dreams
Take everything
Just take it away
But they can never have yesterday

I should be thankful for everyday
Heaven knows what the future holds
Or least where the story goes

I know I'll see you again, I'm sure
No, it's not selfish to ask for more
One more night, one more day
One more smile on your face
But they can't take yesterday

I thought our days would last forever
But it wasn't our destiny
'Coz in my mind we had so much time
But I was so wrong
I can still find the strength in the moments we made
I'm looking back on yesterday

Merlin tried to diswayed him.
"Forget her. There are many other fish in the sea," he said.
"Not for me," replied Arthur.

•Futuristic L o v e r s•
L o v e is like a sin, my love.
____________For the one that feels it the most._____
{SimonAlisha | misfits}
Kate | icon
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:46 AM
Extreme Fan
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Joined: Oct 2008
Posts: 2,075

Heartfelt Glances

Epic Kisses

As his Queen, Guinevere gave Arthur every happiness he could wished for.
Camelot flourished as never before. Knights flocked to offer their services to the
King for they were determined to rid the land of evil. They were happy times.

Arthur and Gwen fansite
Camelot Love
Merlin TV

Fan Videos:
Fake Empire (made by TenFan89)
AU Arthur/Gwen (made by TenFen89)
Arthur/Gwen - You Could Be Happy (made by MPGirl)

Any of blondetitch (YouTube) videos.
Arthur and Gwen (Merlin) // Never Say Never
The Beauty and the Tragedy - Arthur/Gwen (Merlin)
Arthur;Gwen // "I can't!"
from the heart (GWEN/ARTHUR)
Merlin: Arthur/Gwen {Signal fire}
Arthur/Gwen - Anywhere but here
Merlin - True Love's Kiss
Arthur//Gwen ;; this years love had better last.
Arthur&Gwen .whatcha say.
Merlin - Arthur&Gwen - It's so obvious ♥

Fan Fictions:
{we are are born as we are} (created by Ley)

Legends Of Camelot - The Dragon's Son
I Am Become A Name Series
Glass Window
She Wasn't There
Fit For a King
Red Roses
Undreaming But Not Unaware
The Only One
An Inappropriately Timed Question
The Rules of Love
More Than Just The Influence of a Servant.
Conflict Resolution
So Near Yet So Far
One Last Day
Pretty Words
Sunrise (oneshot)
A Very Good Feeling
The King, He Waited on My Doorstep
Think I'm Addicted to Your Light
The Secret

#1 ~ Their love is a story already written.
#2 ~ "How can I admit that I think about her all the time?"
#3 ~ B/c When he becomes King, things will be different.
#4 ~ B/c she always surprises him.
#5 ~ "I've never loved another"
#6 ~ Because "There is always hope."
#7 ~ Because "She's not dispensable to me."
#8 ~ Because enchantments got nothing on True Love's kiss.
#9 ~ Because "Anyone who spends five minutes with you can see how you feel about each other."

*This color means it has been used for a thread title.*

1. B/c when he becomes King, things will be different.
2. B/c she always surprises him.
3. B/c they're not your typical epic couple. They're THE Epic couple.
4. B/c They're story isn't just epic, but legendary
5. B/c their longing glances give us butterflies.
6. B/c Duh! It's Arthur & Guinevere!
7. B/c he risked his BFF's life to save hers.
8. B/c she taught him humility.
9. B/c he wants to marry her.
10. B/c they're the Once & Future Mr. & Mrs. Pendragon.
11. B/c the writers knew what was good for the show & started season 2 with them.
12. B/c dude, have you heard him called out her name?
13. B/c he can never say "Guinevere", "Guineverree", or "GUINEVERE!" enough in our book.
14. B/c even through retelling & time, their love remains.
15. B/c only true love could survived hundreds upon hundred years of changes.
16. B/c in all the stories through history, there is no Arthur without Guinevere.
17. B/c even with other loves in their lives, they were the pure main and original players.
18. B/c from medieval tales to modern stories, everybody knows Guinevere is Arthur's true love.
19. B/c their story will still live on after our deaths to the end of time.
20. B/c their love was so powerful, the downfall brought down a kingdom.
21. B/c their glory walk hand-in-hand with their doom.
22. B/c his confession of love for her is a must have in their videos on YouTube.
23. B/c his confession of love for her even got Merlin stunned.
24. B/c his confession of love for her was epically beautiful.
25. B/c to admit his feelings knowing nothing can ever happen...hurts too much.
26. B/c only Guinevere can bring him down from his high horse.
27. B/c even Lancelot knew he could never truly come between them.
28. B/c even as he was walking away, his heart & head stayed with her.
29. B/c "I've never loved another."
30. B/c they're talking marriage.
31. B/c their love can break through any enchantments.
32. B/c enchantments got nothing on True Love's kiss.
33. B/c she could reach him where no magic could.
34. B/c she is not dispensable to him.
35. B/c she is his One True Love (w/proof).
36. B/c they didn't just kissed, they DIPPED.
37. B/c she waited all night for him.
38. B/c they're so cute when they laugh together.
39. B/c her voice reached him even when he was sick.
40. B/c "There is always hope."
41. B/c Merlin ships them too & Merlin knows what's good.
42. B/c she can and will be his queen.
43. B/c "Anyone who spends 5 mins with you can see how you feel about each other."
44. B/c "Search your heart. You know who he loves."
45. B/c we ship it like FedEx & we can't wait for the next delivers!
46. B/c an epic fails, but a legend lives on. And they're a legendary love.
47. B/c in the end Guinevere goes back to Camelot, where she belongs.
48. B/c they're pure & she doesn't need to manipulate him to do the right thing.

made by perfectlyscrewed. click for more.

made by eiluvial. click for more.

•Futuristic L o v e r s•
L o v e is like a sin, my love.
____________For the one that feels it the most._____
{SimonAlisha | misfits}
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Last edited by LuckyRabbit; 12-07-2009 at 12:27 AM
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:46 AM
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made by MPGirl. click for more.

made by rachem_chul. click for more.

made by ~Phoenix~

made by Melanie Garcia

made by ~*blackXS*~

made by Melanie Garcia

made by Pan

made by ~*blackXS*~ | Wallpaper (click for full size)

•Futuristic L o v e r s•
L o v e is like a sin, my love.
____________For the one that feels it the most._____
{SimonAlisha | misfits}
Kate | icon

Last edited by LuckyRabbit; 12-06-2009 at 01:48 AM
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:47 AM
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Fortune teller said I'd be free
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:48 AM
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:48 AM
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no problemo Mia, I was wondering if you were gonna start it so i was like oh shiz what should i do? so worry that there was gonna be a duplicate thread.
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L o v e is like a sin, my love.
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:49 AM
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TFTNT! Arwen ftw.
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:50 AM
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This time I WON'T say that I LOVE the OP!!
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:52 AM
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Thanks for the new thread.

Pan, say it, you know you want to.
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:55 AM
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No, I don't want to say that it is the best OP ever!
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:57 AM
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Do it Pan! Get it out! You'll feel better.
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:59 AM
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lol. I'll say i love our OP. it filled with love and A LOT of other things. it's soo full! and yet we can still fit in more love.
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L o v e is like a sin, my love.
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Old 12-06-2009, 02:04 AM
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Hi guys!

This EPIC gif needs to be here:

Credit: LuckyRabbit

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Old 12-06-2009, 02:31 AM
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haha. so sweet. we got our legendary love already. they're adding a fairty tale to it now. Sleeping Beauty
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Old 12-06-2009, 02:39 AM
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Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.
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