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~DresdenDoll~ 09-04-2006 11:20 AM

Hey Emily! :hug: Go ahead and rant all you want :evil_lol:

Oh come on we have much more serious convos than most of the boards - they usually have games and things like that.

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 11:24 AM

:nod: we do have serious discussions

Aikaterini 09-04-2006 11:36 AM

Of course we do, but I've read that some people complained about too much squeeing on some boards, so I'm really paranoid about this. :goof:

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 11:39 AM

that is :crazy: there can never be enough squeeing :lol:

~DresdenDoll~ 09-04-2006 11:41 AM

Oh please you can't always have serious discussions! I say we're pretty nicely balancing squeeing and convos :nod:

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 11:45 AM


Emily 09-04-2006 11:51 AM

:hug: Hey Do!

Really complaining over too much squeeing?! uh oh :lol:

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 11:55 AM

yeah :lol:

Aikaterini 09-04-2006 12:04 PM

I think it was about the ER board. ;)

Anyways, it's past nine, which means that I'll have to leave you once again. :( I still have to do some homework and go to bed early enough, so that I won't fall asleep tomorrow morning in class. :lol:

:group_hug: :wave:
Nighty night!

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 12:06 PM

good night kate :hug:

Katherine Behr 09-04-2006 01:48 PM

I am still in mourning over Steve Irwin's untimely death.
I mean...I've never met the man, but I've certainly been to his zoo a fair few times...and he was a great Australian icon...

Emily 09-04-2006 02:02 PM

Aww Katherine I heard about that its so sad, his poor family :(

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 02:58 PM

yeah it's sad :(

Katherine Behr 09-04-2006 05:15 PM

I know he was filming the fatal doco for his daughter?

galesgirl645 09-04-2006 05:24 PM


Kaneda 09-05-2006 03:53 AM


Greetings and hugs for you all! I have a great time here (but as we are both addicted - we somehow agreed that today we make a trip to ... I-net cafe) but I miss my Speedy (aka Nora='burrow') and Boy miss his Asterix aka Centauri :lmao: And I miss you!!!!!!!!!

And squeeing is what I do best so... SQUEEEEEE!

teena1013 09-05-2006 05:00 AM

kat, i was shocked when i saw the newspaper article this morning about steve irwin's death. :jaw_drop: i didn't hear anything about it yesterday. i'm sad for his family. although, i think the way he died was the way he wanted to...doing his job.

did anyone watch andre agassi's last match last sunday morning/evening? i was up til 3am manila time watching it. i really wanted him to win cos that's the happy ending. he may have lost but he is truly a winner on and off the court. he brought so much to the world of tennis and outside off it. he's a truly magnificent human being and i'm gonna miss seeing him play. :bawl:


~DresdenDoll~ 09-05-2006 10:00 AM

Nope haven't watched tennis - not really my thing although I played for a few years in high school... But it's a rare thing me watching any sport ;)

I had a looooong day with a highlight of almost falling down the stairs - I still congratulate myself on good reflexes :lol: Oh and I dropped by dvd store on my way home and there are sales on tv shows now and there was this old shmuck checking out the QaF dvd and I totally pimped it to him :lmao: The guy actually bought the box! I so should rethink my career choices :lmao:

Aikaterini 09-05-2006 10:48 AM

It's not even 8 p.m. and I'm already deadtired. Got home around 5:30 and spent about two hours checking updates and my website and my flist and e-mails. Seriously, this was way too much! *is exhausted now*

~DresdenDoll~ 09-05-2006 11:31 AM

Well if you go to sleep now you're gonna be up at 4 a.m. or at least this is what usually happens to me :lol: Just lay down and relax for a bit. A little siesta might do some good :nod:

Aikaterini 09-05-2006 11:40 AM

:lol: I won't go to bed yet. ;) Maybe in about an hour or so. Heh, and I can sleep a lot. ;) Blame my liver disease, since that actually makes me sleep like 12-13 hours if I don't set my alarm clock. :blush:

~DresdenDoll~ 09-05-2006 11:44 AM

Wow I could never sleep that long! I'd be dead tired after...

Aikaterini 09-05-2006 11:53 AM

I couldn't do that before I turned 19 either. But when my doctor diagnosed that one disease, I noticed it all the time and now I'm used to it. ;) Actually, if I sleep for 13 hours, I'm not tired afterwards, since 13 hours is like "normal" for me. During "normal nights", I sleep like 8 hours and am so damn tired in the morning, that I have to be careful to not fall asleep during the day. :lol:

~DresdenDoll~ 09-05-2006 12:13 PM

Oh wow 8 hours is definitely enough for me. I usually sleep less than that anyway. I have so messed up my sleeping pattern when I was studying that I never managed to get back to more healthy one.

Aikaterini 09-05-2006 12:21 PM

I'm always messing with mine during my breaks, but after two weeks and two days, I'm back to my normal sleeping pattern, which could be good - or bad. :lol: Now I'm always tired around 8 or 9. ;)

And I'm leaving now. :( I hope I can be here earlier tomorrow. *crosses fingers* But until then... :hug: :sadwave: See you tomorrow! Nighty night!

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