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Old 07-25-2019, 06:26 AM
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4th Annual Fantasy Draft [36] Wheel Wednesday \| Day 21|

Fantasy Draft

eternal◘fate (Tia)

[RCR1] 3 Add/Drop's [LL0]
Clark Kent [Smallville]
Lois Lane [Smallville]
Phoebe Halliwell [Charmed]
Oliver Queen [Smallville]
Mick Rory [Legends of Tomorrow]
Peter Petrelli [Heroes]
Bonnie Bennett [TVD]
John Jones [Smallville
Darla [BTVS/Angel]
Buffy Summers [BTVS]

Johnnie - Johnnie
[RCR3] 2 Add/Drop's [LL2]
Quake (Agents of SHIELD)
Phil Coulson (Agents of SHIELD)
Fitz (Agents of SHIELD)
Brett Parker (Power Play)
Deke Shaw (Agents of SHIELD)
Nick Fury (Agents of SHIELD)
Scarlet Witch (MCU)
Cat Grant (Supergirl)
Kyra Hart (Reba)
Josh Matthews (Girl Meets World)

wickedrum - Rita[LL1]
[RCR3] 3 Add/Drop's
Oliver (Arrow)
Daenerys Targaryen (GoT tv series)
Lucifer (the show)
Lauren Strucker (The Gifted)
Jack Sparrow
Spike [BTVS]
Captain America [MCU]

PhoenixRising - Alex [LL2]
[RCR3] 5 Add/Drop's
Batman/Bruce Wayne - Gotham/The Dark Knight trilogy
Black Canary/Laurel Lance - Arrow
Catwoman/Selina Kyle - Gotham/The Dark Knight trilogy
Cyclops/Scott Summers - X-Men films
Wolverine/James Logan Howlett - X-Men films
Jean Grey - X-Men films
Indiana Jones
Mystique/Raven Darkholme - X-Men films
Luke Skywalker(Star Wars)

Make Them Laugh - Dave[LL2]
[RCR2] 5 Add/Drop's
Sara Lance / White Canary [Legends of Tomorrow]
Superman [Christopher Reeve version]
Leonard Snart - LoT/Flash
Wonder Woman [DCEU Movies]
Aquaman [DCEU Movies]
Ava Sharpe
Harley Quinn [Suicide Squad DCEU Movie]
Batman [DCEU Movies]
Lois Lane (DCEU)
Captain Marvel

free agents to consider

Firestorm | Gypsy | Kara Danvers (Supergirl) | Jimmy Olsen | Damien Darhk | Iron Fist/Danny Rand | Rogue | Cat Grant
Joe West | Deathstroke | Miss Martian | Lena Luthor (Tess Mercer) | Gideon | Thea Queen | Brainiac | Martian Manhunter
Hourman | Stargirl | George Washington | Obsidian | Jay Garrick | Black Widow | Nate Heywood | Jonah Hex
| The Riddler | Wally West | Doomsday | Mr. Freeze | Darla | Alex Danvers | Charlie (LoT) | Lex Luthor
| Jessica Jones | Luke Cage | Captain Marvel | Bart Allen (Impulse) | Dinah Drake | Cyclops | Rip Hunter | Hawkgirl
| Vandal Savage | Penguin | Henry Allen | Roy Harper | Cupid | Moira Queen | Quentin Lance | Lana Lang
| Pete Ross | Hank Henshaw (Cyborg Superman) | General Zod | Winn Schott | Damien Wayne
Green Lantern | John Constantine | Barbara Gordon | Mari McCabe (Vixen) | Cyborg | Felicity Smoak |
Zari Tomaz | Ray Palmer (LoT) | Nate Heywood | Clark Kent (Arrowverse) |

+ -Challenges = [CH]

0 [333 of 354] / Alex 20 RP ►5 SD | 11/20 Active Streak | 10/20 WK POST |
[WK 1: [3CH] 6 of 9 /[4CH] 11 of 12 / [3CH] 5 of 6 / [3CH] 9 of 9 / [4CH] 11 of 12 / [3CH] 8 of 9 /
[WK 2: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [3CH] 8 of 9 /[+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [5CH] 15 of 15 / [20+/2] [4CH] 11 of 12 / [3CH] 7 of 9 /
[WK 3: [4CH] 10.5 of 12 / [4CH] 11.5 of 12 /[4CH] 11 of 12/[+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/2] [4CH] 11.5 of 12 / [20+/3]
[WK 4: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [3CH] 7 of 9 / [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/1] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [3CH] 9 of 9 DBP+/ [20+/2] [4CH] 11 of 12 TBP+/


0 [331.5 of 354] / Dave 20 RP ►5 SD | 2.5/20 Active Streak | 20/20 WK POST |
[WK 1: [4CH] 11 of 12 / [3CH] 7 of 9 / [3CH] 7 of 9 /[3CH] 8 of 9 / [3CH] 7.5 of 9 / [3CH] 8 of 9 /
[WK 2: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [3CH] 12 of 12 /[+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [6CH] 17 of 18 [20+/2] [4CH] 11 of 12 / [3CH] 8 of 9/
[WK 3: [4CH] 11 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 /[4CH] 12 of 12 /[20+/2] [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/3] [4CH] 12 of 12 /
[WK 4: [4CH] 11 of 12 / [20+/1] [3CH] 7 of 9 / [6CH] 17.5 of 18 / [20+/2] [4CH] 11 of 12 / [5CH] 10.5 of 15 DBP+ / [4CH] 0 of 0 didn't answer/only graded!


0 [387.5 of 390] / Johnnie 20 RP ►5 SD | 5.5/20 Active Streak | 20/20 WK POST |
[WK 1: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] / [4CH] 12 of 12 / 12 of 12 / [20+/2] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/3] / [4CH] 12 of 12 /
[WK 2: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 [20+/2] / [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/3] [4CH] 10 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12
[WK 3: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 /[4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/2][4CH] 12 of 12 /[6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/3] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/4]
[WK 4: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [4CH] 11.5 of 12 / [20+/1] [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/2] [4CH] 12 of 12 /[6CH] 18 of 18 DBP+] [20+/3] 12 of 12 TBP+ / [20+4]


0 [340.5 of 357] / Rita 20 RP►5 SD |2/20 Active Streak | 15/20 WK POST |
[WK 1: [3CH] 9 of 9 / [2CH] 5 of 6 /] [3CH] 8 of 9/ [2CH] 5.5 of 6 / [2.5] [3CH] 7 of 9 [3CH] 9 of 9 / STR 12
[WK 2: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 10.5 of 12 / [4CH] 10.5 of 12 / [5CH] 15 of 15 /[4CH] 10 of 12/ [20+/2] [3CH] 9 of 9 /
[WK 3: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 11 of 12 /[4CH] 11 of 12 /[4CH] 12 of 12 /[20+/2] [6CH] 18 of 18 / [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/3]
[WK 4: [4CH] 12 of 12/ [4CH] 11 of 12 / [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/1] [4CH] 11 of 12/ [5CH] 15 of 15 DBP+] [4CH] 11 of 12 TBP+ / [20+/2]


0 [382.5 of 390] / Tia 20 RP ►5 SD | 20.5/20 Active Streak | 20/20 WK POST |
[WK 1: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 [20+/2] /[4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/3] 12 of 12/
[WK 2: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/1] [4CH] 11 of 12 / [4CH] 11.5 of 12 / [6CH] 17.5 of 18 / [20+/2] [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/3] [4CH] 11 of 12 /
[WK 3: [4CH] 12 of 12 / [4CH] 11.5 of 12 / [+20] [4CH] 11 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/2] [6CH] 18 of 18 / [20+/3] [4CH] 12 of 12 /
[WK 4: [4CH] 11 of 12 / [4CH] 12 of 12 / [20+/1] [6CH] 18 of 18 / [4CH] 12 of 12/ [20+/2] [6CH] 17.5 of 18 DBP+/ [20+/3] [4CH] 12 of 12 TBP+ / [20+/4]



Contest Duration: July 8th - August 2nd
SUNDAYS ARE CLOSED for rest period!
The challenge limit will be 4 challenges per day.

There is a non negotiable 36 Hours notice, because it makes it easier for grading and more competitive.

Only way to not get in trouble with the 36 Hour Notice is to take a sick day, and since this draft only last a month, there will only be 5 sick days, non negotiable.

THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UP DAYS! 4 challenges per day, and THAT'S IT! Non negotiable.

Extra Points on Questions? No. However. 0.5 can still happen. Just not 1.5 on a question because it wouldn't be fair to everyone involved but if you get a question partly correct than you can get a 0.5 rating.


Not allowed, we all love different characters and pairings. The game should be for fun for EVERYONE, no need to get on character or ship wars.

Please don't do that, because it gets complicated for the person grading.

re-try/ replace/ rephrase [the second chance category]

If you feel the question is too difficult, you can ask for a replace question OR ask for help from one of your opponents that you trust. however you can only do that THREE TIMES in the competition... so choose those 3 times wisely. You can use it ONE time after a grade has been submitted.

= Random Posts.
You can get extra points for random posting on the 3 following boards during a 5-day week basis.
10+ posts on Legends = 5 points.
10+ posts on Star Trek = 5 points.
10+ posts on X-Men = 5 points
10+ posts on Tyler Hoechlin = 5 points
= 20 total points for the week.
The 5 day week period will be considered 12am Monday = Friday 12am est time.

If you can 20 consecutive questions correct than that's a +20 added to your score and than it restarts again until you get another 20 consecutive correct and than it's another +20 added again.

Rechallenge rule officially effective for Week 3! The rechallenge rule is if someone gives you a challenge and you might be confused with the character they selected, you have to ask the challenger to give you another opponet from their list because they are the challengers.

Example: Tia challenges Dave to a Darla vs Captain Marvel challenge; Dave than comes out and ask for a rechallenge because of his lack of information about Darla's character ... I will than have to replace Darla with another character.


So, let's say that I change up the challenge to Buffy vs Captain Marvel; and Dave AGAIN asks for another rechallenge... that's rechallenge #2!

Everyone has a limit of 3 rechallenges for the duration of the competition!

+4 if you show up for 5 consecutive days, -2 if you miss 3 consecutive days.

3 day of FILL IN DAYS, meaning if you are really desperate and don't have the time, you can trust in someone with trivia knowledge to play for you on a certain day.

THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UP DAYS! 4 challenges per day, and THAT'S IT! Non negotiable.

If a person fails to appear in 3 consecutive day, that is an instant -1 and a person who appears for 5 consecutive days gets an instant +4 In less they are on fill in or sick leave.

At least ONE DC character, and the rest is all up to you!

July 7, 2019 5:00PM EST TIME

You can draft up to 8 characters, at least ONE Arrowverse character.

Challenges will be determined by the wheel on Wednesdays!
5 icons, 25 posts! Tia serving as MST for any board for a week and a GREAT surprise for First place Up to 30 Posts on any board you want for Second - All Prizes are determined by number of Participants... and other surprise rewards that will get revealed soon.

Vote for Tia to be in the front cover of Health & Fitness every 24 hours!
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Last edited by eternalfate; 08-07-2019 at 05:31 PM
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Old 07-25-2019, 06:26 AM
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Will be opened 24 hours for anyone who needs to copy and paste.
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Old 07-25-2019, 06:46 AM
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DAY 16 Q&A

Laurel Lance vs Peter Petrelli [Heroes]
1. Laurel hoped that Oliver would riot a whole lot longer than how many years?
2. Who wasn't she a fan of hiding their face under a hood?
3. She wore something horrible in Halloween 2005 what was the horrible thing that she wore?

Sara vs Mick Rory
1. Which younger version legend was she flirting with in the Pilot, Part 2?
2. Who called her out at being a animal?
HINT: She told that person that they should be the last person on the ship to judge anyone.
3. How many men did she take out when Leonard and Rip couldn't take out 1?

Originally Posted by wickedrum (View Post)
TIA- Phoebe vs Daenerys

1. What powers does her daughter PJ have?
2. What book did she write?
3. Why were her powers bound as a child?

Phoebe Halliwell Answers
1. Remote Beaming and Beaming transportation.
2. "Finding Love"
3. Protect her and the future Charmed ones from a warlock named, Nicholas.

Daenerys Questions
1. Who was she referring to here, ""I asked him to be my hand because he was good and intelligent and ruthless..."
2. In 3x08, she had no ships, no siege weapons or________
A) Army
B) cavalry
C) dragons
D) coverage
E) All thee above

3. Who asked her if she was a queen or fish bait?
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Old 07-25-2019, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Make Them Laugh (View Post)
DAVE- Superman vs. Daenerys

1. What chemical did he use in the third film?
2. What injured him in the fourth movie?
3. Who's the editor of Daily Planet in this movie?

1. I'm gonna say Acid
2. injured by the radioactive nails of Nuclear Man
3. Perry White

who are her parents
where did she move to after her husband and brother both died?
how old is she in the last season?
In Superman 4, The Daily Planet goes bankrupt and they have a new editor Lacy Warfield. But Perry was editor at the beginning. So 3/3

1. Aerys ll and Rhaella
2. across the Red Waste to Quarth
3. 23

Originally Posted by eternalfate (View Post)
DAY 16 Q&A

[B]Phoebe Halliwell Answers
1. Remote Beaming and Beaming transportation.
2. "Finding Love"
3. Protect her and the future Charmed ones from a warlock named, Nicholas.

Daenerys Questions
1. Who was she referring to here, ""I asked him to be my hand because he was good and intelligent and ruthless..."
2. In 3x08, she had no ships, no siege weapons or________
A) Army
B) cavalry
C) dragons
D) coverage
E) All thee above

3. Who asked her if she was a queen or fish bait?


1. Tyrion
2. cavalry
3. Daario

Author of ISBN

Last edited by wickedrum; 07-25-2019 at 07:08 AM
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Old 07-25-2019, 07:20 AM
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^ Rita, 3 of 3 for Daenerys!

Originally Posted by Johnnie (View Post)
Brett Parker (Power Play) vs. Buffy Summers

1. What did Buffy catch with her eyes closed?
2. What did Buffy do to provoke the mayor into chasing her through the High School?
3. What weapon did Buffy use to defeat the judge?

Brett Parker Questions
1. He only walks away when he's what?
2. Who has to take a cab because he forgot to drive he/she to the airport?
3. What kind of music does he hate?

Buffy Summers Answers
1. The sword which Angelus attempted to kill her with!
2. Stabbed Faith with a knife which lead to her being in the coma so she bragged about it to the Mayor.
3. Rocket Launcher
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Old 07-25-2019, 09:27 AM
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Rita...3/3 if that is near Essos or crosses it.... for question 3

Tia vs Dave;
Sara vs Mick Rory

1. Which younger version legend was she flirting with in the Pilot, Part 2?
2. Who called her out at being a animal?
HINT: She told that person that they should be the last person on the ship to judge anyone.
3. How many men did she take out when Leonard and Rip couldn't take out 1?

1. Martin Stein
2 no idea...I'm gonna say Rip because that's who she disliked most on the team in season 1
3 can you at least give me the episode...otherwise I'll take the loss....

1. who tortured and tired to brainwash Mick after he was captured ?
2. What did Mick warn the team who was coming to kill their younger selves
3. what episode did we learn Mick was an author?
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Old 07-25-2019, 11:32 AM
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Essos is a huge area Dave, I was more specific

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Old 07-25-2019, 11:51 AM
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OK worries 3/3
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Old 07-25-2019, 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by eternalfate (View Post)
Buffy Summers Answers
1. The sword which Angelus attempted to kill her with!
2. Stabbed Faith with a knife which lead to her being in the coma so she bragged about it to the Mayor.
3. Rocket Launcher
Tia - 3/3

Will see about answering yours in a bit, that first one...
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Old 07-25-2019, 01:17 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Tia. I don't think I'll be changing my characters, though. Do I have to?

Don't worry, guys. I'll answer my questions soon. Let me get caught up.

Originally Posted by Make Them Laugh (View Post)
wow...that was a BatDemon...that is that bonus scene is from the comics??
Yes it is, Dave. It happened to Bruce before the death of his parents, when he accidentally fell down a hole and into the cave underneath Wayne Manor. The Batcave. This happened in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns:

In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 07-25-2019, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (View Post)
Thanks for the new thread, Tia. I don't think I'll be changing my characters, though. Do I have to?
No you don't need to.

Originally Posted by Make Them Laugh (View Post)
Rita...3/3 if that is near Essos or crosses it.... for question 3

Tia vs Dave;
Sara vs Mick Rory

1. Which younger version legend was she flirting with in the Pilot, Part 2?
2. Who called her out at being a animal?
HINT: She told that person that they should be the last person on the ship to judge anyone.
3. How many men did she take out when Leonard and Rip couldn't take out 1?

1. Martin Stein
2 no idea...I'm gonna say Rip because that's who she disliked most on the team in season 1
3 can you at least give me the episode...otherwise I'll take the loss....

1. who tortured and tired to brainwash Mick after he was captured ?
2. What did Mick warn the team who was coming to kill their younger selves
3. what episode did we learn Mick was an author?
Leonard Snart Answers
1. Nicely done!
2. Awww man... you didn't know the answers.... but luckily... you took a guess and you remembered the tone of the episode so YOU GOT IT RIGHT.

3. Aww man I didn't word the answers like that dude... You want way too much information. Giving the episode might give it away but I'll give you a hint.
HINT: It was the Russian Mob. and if you watched one of Tia fanvideos of Sara than you'd know the answer easily.

Mick Rory Answers
1. I assume you are talking about after the Chronos stuff? It was ...Declan... Mick did a good trick by pretending to almost be Chronos again.
2. Mick told the team that Pilgrilm was coming after their younger selves, thanks to his Chronos connections, he knew it. Pilgrim wanted to erase the legends as young ones before they were legends.

3. I believe it was "Here I Go Again" when Zari was in a time loop episode and she figured it out.
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Old 07-25-2019, 02:02 PM
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and 6 Russian Men for sara lance| ● quite the badAss made by Tia 3 years ago

I don't remember the episode...I just remembered how much she disliked Rip... she liked both Mick and Kendra a little bit more...not much...but a little bit
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Old 07-25-2019, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Make Them Laugh (View Post)
and 6 Russian Men for sara lance| ● quite the badAss made by Tia 3 years ago

I don't remember the episode...I just remembered how much she disliked Rip... she liked both Mick and Kendra a little bit more...not much...but a little bit
HAHA! Nicely researched man.
And jeez is that video such a hit. So proud of myself.

Also, 3/3 for Sara Lance, well done.
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Last edited by eternalfate; 07-26-2019 at 07:39 AM
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Old 07-25-2019, 02:25 PM
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Tia Rip and Sara have come a long way since then....

Alex...Captain Marvel vs Laurel Lance/ Black Canary

who was Laurel dating when Oliver got rescued?

Why did Oliver get frustrated with Laurel in her first few weeks as Black Canary?

In Invasion...Laurel was going to marry _____
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Old 07-25-2019, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by eternalfate (View Post)
Brett Parker Questions
1. He only walks away when he's what?
2. Who has to take a cab because he forgot to drive he/she to the airport?
3. What kind of music does he hate?
1. Episode 1x05 - Brett - "I only walk away when I'm insulted." - insulted
2. His daughter Michelle... she was supposed to catch a plane to London for school. (Episode 2x01)
3. He Hates country music (especially Tommy Hunter) 2x02
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