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Old 03-03-2009, 03:18 PM
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Erica Durance /Lois Lane #36: Because her awesomeness was too much for the SV board so she got a board of her own!

Welcome to the 36th Erica Durance and Lois Lane Appreciation thread

This is an appreciation thread for the character of Lois Lane and the actress that plays her, Erica Durance.

The first banner ever made for the ED/LL thread
(banner by BiCaRdiBrEeZa)

How can you not like Lois Lane? She's a journalist, she doesn't stop until she's got the full story and she's got the best partner. Need I say more? On the outside Lois Lane seems like a normal person, I mean she's got the job she loves, she has her feet on the planted on the ground, sure her love life might be a little complicated right now, but she's taking it very well. But that's really not what I like about Lois Lane, I love what you can't see. The emotional disaster Lois Lane is sometimes. The fact that she hides her real feelings inside and brushes them off. She's such a complex character but in the same way, she's so simple. Lois Lane does the things she does because she wants to be loved.


Banner by simply_bliss

Erica Durance is just amazing. I can not picture another actress portraying Lois than Erica. Erica brings the best out of the character Lois. She can play the comedic side, the emotionally torn side and even the drama side. But she never makes it seem corny. She's incredibly beautiful. Erica seems like the nicest person, even though I've never met her you can tell by all the interviews she does, she's so open and funny, she obviously loves playing Lois and loves being on Smallville.


banner by misslafferty225

I love Lois Lane because she is someone to be inspired by. She is intelligent, hard working, friendly and loyal. She is brave and strong and you know you can always count on her in a crisis. Her family is so very important to her and I love how her interaction with her family (especially Chloe) help to shape her into an even more 3 dimensional character. She is a character that never ages and never gets boring. Because no matter what the year Lois Lane is always ahead on her time.
Alex (Pink77)

Erica Durance is simpley awesome. She is warm and friendly. She seems approachable and is always going out of her way for her fans. She has this aura about her that draws people too. She is funny; having a sense of homour that never fails to make me laugh everytime. But she is also an amazing actress. She can do comedy, romance and drama. She sucks you in to her character and makes you feel everything that they are feeling. Which is part of what makes her the perfect Lois Lane.

Alex (Pink77)

Banner by simply_bliss

Lois Lane? Isn't she the world-class-reporter from the Superman comics which falls in love with the hero?
Right.... Anything else? YES! She has way more to offer. Want some examples? How about: witty, smart, friendly, independent, confident, strong but also vulnerable. She's a great role-model for every (young) woman and a character we all can look up to. Nevertheless each of us can find parts of Lois' identity in her/his own hence her appearance as a down to earth personality/character which makes her even more adorable


Erica Durance is my fav. Lois Lane for sure. Even though I really like how Margot Kidder played her, Erica's performance is just perfect. Her facial expressions are one thing that I like most about her because they make me laugh so much e.g when she does this -->
About Erica as a person: Her interviews are intelligent,witty and entertaining to read and I'm sure that goes for her aswell. She seems so natural and down-to-earth that you can't help liking her Another thing which is important for me: You don't see anything about her in the tabloids!! I prefer celebrities who try to keep their lives private. Of course you can read interviews with Erica but those offer a lot more than "People" quality.


Lois Lane is one of those characters that I have loved since childhood. She was strong, feisty, independent but loyal, friendly and beautiful. All at the same time. She was some one to look up to and to admire. Whether she was played by Margot Kidder, Terri Hatcher or one of the other great actress who have played her. But this Lois is also amazing but in a whole new way. Because we get to see why she became the amazing woman she became. Yes she makes mistakes but she picks herself up and keeps going. She admits the wrong things she does and takes responsibility for her actions. She learns and moves forward. And I really respect that.

Titch22 (Fay)

Erica Durance is one of those actress that pull people in with her warm, funny and friendly personality. She is someone that feels approachable. That fans could talk to and spend time with. She is a strong actress who always makes me feel what she wants me to. One moment she can have me in stitches of laughter. But then the next she can have me crying my eyes out. She has been a real asset to the Smallville cast.

Titch22 (Fay)

banner by simply_bliss

I've watched Smallville since the beginning, on and off, but back in s4, when they introduced the character of Lois Lane, I became a faithful devotee. LL has always been my favourite character and to finally see her make her appearance in Smallville was a dream come true. Erica brings such a fresh and truly phenomenal edge to this iconic persona. Lois has always been so brash and aggressive, a woman with a tough exterior, who underneath really is fragile, yet strong. A steel butterfly is what I like to call her. She possesses a complex vulnerability, which makes her one of the most human-like fictional characters, in my opinion. Erica demonstrates these traits perfectly. She brings an overt sexiness and humor to her, that can only be attributed to her wonderful acting skills. She channels Lois Lane and all her flaws and virtues marvelously. She doesn't pretend to be Lois Lane. She is Lois Lane. Because it's not about pretending, but about portraying nature to the best of your abilites. I for one am grateful that my generation's LL is portrayed by someone as talented as Erica Durance.


Every journey begins taking one step at a time, staying the course, not focusing on the end but embracing the challenge. Such is the case with the Erica Durance/Lois Lane Appreciation thread. When we started this thread before S4, there were a few dedicated posters determined to make it a success no matter what. At the time, we didn't know Erica would be on for more than a handful of episdes but that didn't stop us from doing our best and falling in love with Erica/Lois. Here we are 4 and half years later, with many more fans, posters, making this thread/project more than successful! I'm proud to be the very 1st thread starter and keeper of the Erica/Lois thread, and I'm glad to pass on the torch to the next wave of fans who will continue to make this thread the best it can possibly be. Thank you everyone, and thanks to Erica Durance, a beautiful & talanted up and coming actress for giving us something to talk about! As an art banner once said: Lois Lane: Made of Awesome...enough said!


Lois, to me, has always been the example of what a journalist should be. Brave, ballsy and extremely curious. She has also been the "first wife" in all of comic books. In that role she has been extremely loyal and very supportive to a T. In Smallville we're currently seeing her come into that woman. Like a wise man once said "It's about the journey".


Reasons that we love her

Because we have hair envy
Because she is brave
Because she faces her fears
Because we are loving all the new insights in to her character.
B/c she is our Lois Lane
B/C she makes the cutest whale calls.
B/c she's beautiful, smart and tough. Great combination
B/c she makes the best facial expressions
B/c she can make us laugh or cry with a single look or word
B/c she gives the best interviews
B/c she's both "Smallville's siren" and "Smallville's sweetheart"
B/c she's gorgeous inside and out
B/c we can't stop talking about her
B/c she's no damsel in distress
B/c she's not afraid to make mistakes
B/c her flaws make her that much more lovable and relatable
B/c she loves the fans
B/c she loves playing Lois Lane

banner by misslafferty225

B/c she's intelligent and strong
B/c she has a great sense of humour
B/c she's spicy
B/c she was just what Smallville needed
B/c she has the most gorgeous hair!
B/c she’s The Daily Planet’s top ace reporter
B/c she is always there for her friends.
B/c she is incredibly loyal
B/c Lois will put herself in danger for her family
B/c her Daddy’s proud of her
B/c she has a new mission in life
B/c she has expert tracking skills
B/c she has martial arts trophies
B/c she still owns stuffed animials
B/c she owns numchucks
B/c she likes, Whitesnake, Metallica, Def Leaprd and Motley Crue
B/c There she is, the legendary Lois Lane.

By Leslie

Erica has given one of the best portrayals of Lois Lane in the character's 70+ year history. She had the rare opportunity to play Lois when she was younger, before working at the Daily Planet and knowing Superman, and she did it with a grace that few could match. It has been such a delight to see her grow as an actress these last few years. And Lois grew with her. She stepped up to the challenge of playing Lois before she was Iconic Lois Lane and she has done a wonderful job. One of the things I love most about Erica is her love of Lois. She is dedicated to playing her and is enthusiastic about her portrayal. She loves the fans and always makes time for them. Erica is one of the most beautiful, talented and passionate actresses to ever play Lois and I will always be grateful for the new sides she given the character.


Lois is my favorite female character in comics and is my favorite fictional female character ever. She's smart, stubborn, tenacious, a go-getter, compassionate, jumps in without thinking, never backs down, intelligent, beautiful, inspiration, loyal and utterly perfect for Clark Kent/Superman. She keeps you on your toes, speaks her mind no matter the consequences, she has a quick temper and ambition but also a dorky, vulnerable and lovable side that is endearing if she shows it to you.


Supporters/Fan List

1) Philosophist
2) kutu
3) Clash181
4) SpySyd
5) antisocial
6) LaneKent
7) Fred Pryce
8) Spike it up
9) KaLiPinAy23
10) DreamerHeart
11) LuckyStar23
12) Nautica7mk
13) DHCgirl
14) tigger&tutorgurl
15) HurricaneDeLuca
16) Excalibur
17) xextremex
18) cabot007
19) Erin
20) OTH_Mexican_FAN
21) PiCkLeS4dAwSoN
22) tru-calling4eva
23) Sammi
24) Raja
25) bryangreenbergfan
26) My_Completeness
27) Sweet_Honeycomb
28) missingOTH
29) mjgchick
30) *~World on Fire~*
31) Roswell 10/2/00
32) Jay
33) Gina Potter
34) LaBelleVie
35) Sark and Draco Lover
36) valiy5
37) senoritalena
38) Pink-Diamond-Princess
39) ~Brady~
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106) Mad-About-OTH
107) J3nn1f3r
108) chase the memories
109) FN-Lovage
110) Violagirl
111) Sweetgirl465
112) manu_r/hr

If you'd like to be added, post a reply in the thread or PM the current thread starter.

Previous Thread Titles

1) Because We Always Knew She'd Come.
2) She's the Spark Smallville Needed
3) Because she makes Clark smile!
4) B/C she's the best thing to hit SV since the meteor shower!
5) Because she is Perry White's future favorite reporter
6) B/C she's on the S4 DVD cover and in the opening credits
9) Because she is not a Damsel in Distress
10)B/c even Tom says she's entertaining and fun to watch
11)The FOS is Lois' Heaven
12)B/c "she has journalistic integrity."
13)B/c it is "so weird to see her acting like a girl"
14)B/c we love her, we cherish her
15)B/c in her own way, she is just as heroic as Clark Kent
16) 'Big Cool Title Here'
17) B/c come on already TPTB, give this girl a full season!
18) B/c she's becoming the world class reporter we know & love
19) B/c she's the goddess of journalism
20) B/c she's "a little less sweet vanilla and a little more wild cherry"
21)B/c she's both "Smallville's siren" and "Smallville's sweetheart" and we love her for it
22)Because we're loving all her new layers
23)Because she is one tough chick
24) Because she's Lois, hel-lo!
25) B/c "Erica Durance is the best Lois Lane in history"-Slavkin
26) Because she goes out of her way for us fans
27) Because her favourite superhero is Superman!
28) B/c when we saw her on the stairs our jaws dropped too.
29) B/c us girls all have hair envy her luscious locks
30) B/c we're anxiously awaiting her return
31) b/c Lois is so ...Lois
32) Because she ain't no hollaback girl.
33) She fell off the awesome-tree and hit every branch on the way down.
34) "It shows how human Lois is - the best side of her." ~ Erica
35) Because she has several streets named after her.

Erica's first ever Cover

Why do I love Lois Lane? Lois, especially Erica’s version of Lois, is my favourite female character ever. She’s gutsy, she’s tough, she’s no damsel in distress. I love how we saw from the very first episode she was in that she can take care of herself, since her father raised her to be “independent and self-sufficient”. Yes, of course she has her flaws, but I think they make her all the more lovable and relatable. She cures the relationship blues with chocolate, has a love affair with the spell-check function on her computer, has a hard time letting people get to close to her, and usually keeps her emotions under lock and key. Glimpses into her softer and more vulnerable side are so rarely seen, that when we are shown her softer side I’m always amazed by it and fall deeper in love with her character. Lois also has the curiosity of a cat, and the tenacity of a pit bull when it comes to tracking down stories, which are two very good reasons why she becomes a world-renowned reporter. She’s fiercely loyal and devoted to her family and friends, as seen in her relationships with Lucy, Chloe, and Clark, and she often makes mistakes and can seem overbearing and bossy, but she’ll apologize when she knows she’s wrong. She’s no saint, that’s for sure, but I think George Wade in Two Weeks Notice once said it best, “No one wants to live with a saint! Saints are boring!” and Lois is many things, but boring is definitely not one of them. Lois keeps us, as well as Clark, on our toes. She’s keeps us guessing and keeps things interesting, which is why I always tend to love the episodes she’s in just a little bit more than the ones without her. Lois has come a long way over the past five years and I’ve greatly enjoyed watching her transformation from a drifting college student to the “goddess of journalism” she is today. She gets better and better with every episode she’s in and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her in the rest of season eight.

Rachel (missingOTH)


Why do I love Erica Durance? There are so many reasons, but I’ll try to narrow them down for you. Erica is an incredibly versatile actress and can do action scenes, comedic scenes, and dramatic scenes all with equal ease. Whether she’s kicking butt, delivering a classic line of hers that makes me crack up, or showing the softer side of Lois, she’s amazing in all of these scenes. Also, I love her because of her easy-going, down-to-earth nature. She’s always friendly, funny, and charming in her interviews and she’s just so natural. There’s no artifice or pretence about her, whether it’s going whale watching and making whale calls or talking about her experiences growing up on a turkey farm. Another thing that’s wonderful about Erica is how devoted she is to her fans and to her character. She’s aware of how invested her fans are in the relationship between Lois and Clark, so she wants it to be handled with care and given the respect their relationship deserves. Regarding Lois, she really enjoys playing her and wants the best for her character. She understands and knows Lois inside and out and her dedication to maintaining the integrity of this iconic character just makes her all the more lovable to me. Erica has come such a long way with her acting over the past five years, and I can’t wait to see how far she’ll go and other roles she’ll take on once Smallville is over.

Rachel (missingOTH)

Future Thread Title Suggestions

Because she is The fearless reporter we all love!
Because she goes out of her way for us SV fans.
Because she is the future Mrs. Kent
Because she makes the cutest whale sounds
Because she has such a warm and friendly personality

Thread designed by Fay (Titch22)
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:19 PM
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Operation: Wild Cherry is launching a brand new email & letter campaign, targeting everyone associated with the Smallville series that can help us get Erica Durance to star in all 22 episodes of Smallville's Season 9. Our campaign will be starting exactly one week from today on Monday, February 23, 2009 and will continue throughout the month of March and possibly the month of April (or until we receive confirmation of a Season 9).


Letter Details:
For those of you who desire to send a letter, Becca designed a beautiful set of postcards. You can see them below. Make sure you print them out in sturdy white stock paper. If you need any help on how to print these postcards, please send helio an e-mail at




These postcards will be sent to the following address:

LA Office (Souders&Peterson)
Smallville Prod. Office
3400 West Riverside Dr., Suite 200
Burbank CA 91505

Note: Letters can be sent in a similar fashion. We had discussed mailing them in in red envelopes, but whether red or white, any envelope will do just fine.

E-Mail Details:
Furthering our letter campaign, we'd also like to make make an impact and spread news about our mission to media outlets by sending an email to each of the following:

Online Columnists:

Matt Mitovitch @

Watch with Kristin (Click on Email Kristin link on main page)
Watch with Kristin - Television News, Gossip & Spoilers | E! Online

Michael Ausiello (Click on the “Got a Question or Hot Tip”)
Exclusive TV News and Scoop | Ausiello Files |

CW Feedback
CW Feedback

While every individual person will decide the content of both their letters and email, at the end of this email you will see a list of guidelines for sending letters that was constructed by myself and Becca that should guide you in making your letters and emails as effective as possible. Please take a minute to read those carefully!

Sending 150-300 letters translates roughly to $4-8 in postage stamps for US citizens. International members can not only participate too, but they would actually compliment our efforts extremely well. We would adjust the delivery time for you (just send me your shipping location) and the cost for postage may vary, but if you need help in figuring that out, just send me a private message.

Remember, everyone is welcome to help in this US or International members!

Letter and E-Mail Guidelines
When sending out a letter or an email, to ensure we have the greatest impact, please follow these guidelines:

1. State that you are a part of Operation: Wild Cherry, a campaign dedicated to obtain a full set contract of 22 episodes

for Erica Durance in Season 9, at the very beginning of your letter or email.

2. Keep your letter and email as brief as possible. While sporadic lengthy letters are welcomed, the average letter should be kept as brief as possible and in the vicinity of half a page. You may write more or less, but keep in mind that we will be sending quite a bit of letters and we want our main message to be read quickly and not get lost between pages and pages of a lengthy letter.

3. Mention that you are a long time viewer of the show and that you are optimistic about the show's future in Season 9.

4. Explain as clearly as possible why having Erica Durance in 22 episodes is beneficial to the show and something you desire to see.

5. Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

6. Do not:
- Make your letter too complicated or wordy
- Insult anyone or mention ships (Clois, Clana, Chlark, etc)
- Come off as angry, upset, or disinterested in Smallville
- Dictate story ideas or possible future scenarios
- Mention anything that distracts our main objective

If you need any type of assistance in writing your letter or email, please let helio know.

ETA: Here are some of the postcard designs made by Wiggy @ DI.

Two possible fronts:

The Back:
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:27 PM
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This love will take my everything
One breath, one touch will be the end of me

Snow Charming
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:30 PM
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TFTNT! Title rocks!
"You didn't say goodbye."

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Old 03-03-2009, 03:30 PM
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You won't believe it and strange as it sounds
E x t r a o r d i n a r y m a g i c follows you around...
But I see it, I see it, I swear I do
I see e x t r a o r d i n a r y m a g i c in you
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:39 PM
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You're welcome

Title credit goes to Rach But we all totally agree it's true
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:52 PM
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I heart the title too.
This love will take my everything
One breath, one touch will be the end of me

Snow Charming
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:16 PM
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Hee glad you guys like it. I thought it was rather appropriate.
You won't believe it and strange as it sounds
E x t r a o r d i n a r y m a g i c follows you around...
But I see it, I see it, I swear I do
I see e x t r a o r d i n a r y m a g i c in you
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:17 PM
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It so is

I heart her laugh here

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Old 03-03-2009, 04:23 PM
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She looks so pretty-ful.
This love will take my everything
One breath, one touch will be the end of me

Snow Charming
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:36 PM
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Awww. I think that was one of our first, "OMG the hair!" moments this season.
You won't believe it and strange as it sounds
E x t r a o r d i n a r y m a g i c follows you around...
But I see it, I see it, I swear I do
I see e x t r a o r d i n a r y m a g i c in you
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:37 PM
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^ Now I'm never going to miss big moments like those!

I love those big earrings she wears. They look so flattering on her
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:39 PM
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Yeah. She rocks them.
This love will take my everything
One breath, one touch will be the end of me

Snow Charming
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:45 PM
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Love the title!
Jeff&Annie Clark&Lois Chuck&Sarah Snow&Charming Shawn&Juliet Castle&Beckett

"You go near Lois again and I will destroy you all".
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Old 03-03-2009, 04:48 PM
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The title is perfect! Go Erica!
avi: x-x-kayumite-x-x @ lj
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