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Old 12-29-2010, 05:53 PM
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- just stand still -'s Avatar
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Sidekicks {Ron ღ Hermione} ~ Hermione Granger Weasley. Preach it.

w e l c o m e t o
W o n d e r f u l W o r l d

Credit to Oº°‘¨Laura¨‘°ºO

the official sidekick quote

"But she was in no way a damsel in distress;
if you wanted to put a label on her position in
the drama that was Harry Potter, she was a sidekick,
thank you very much. So by definition, she should not
end up with Harry. But sidekicks should end up with
other sidekicks."

[Hermione Granger and the Order of the Phoenix
by Ann Margaret]

The Sidekicks Thread
in proud association with


Countdown Deathly hallows PART 2

their story

The very first meeting and the beginning of the friendship between our two lovely sidekicks. An obvious
perfect match from the very first time she told him to wipe the smudge dirt off of his nose.
Ron initially considers Hermione arrogant, teasing her, mocking her, and continuously making fun
of her at school. (In love much?) His behavior towards her changes however, when she lies to protect them
from punishment after they save her life from a troll, and thus the trio is born. The arguing and
bickering ensues, however things seem much more friendlier between the two.

During a confrontation between the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams,
a brawl nearly ensues after Draco Malfoy has the audacity to call Hermione a "mudblood", and an
angry Ron attempts to hex Draco into oblivion. Unfortunately, the condition of his wand after crashing
in to the Whomping Willow, leaves him throwing up slugs for the next few months. But the
point was taken, insult his girl, and Ron will kick your ass.

Throughout the school year, Ron immediately notices that something is up with Hermione.
He constantly wonders why Hermione seems to disappear from classes with the drop of a hat,
and is concerned about her insane class schedule, and the affect it is seeming to have on her.
Not only that, but now, Crookshanks is thrown in to the mix, Hermione's new cat who Ron vehemently
disapproves of because of his behavior towards Scabbers, his old pet rat. More bickering follows.

A huge turning point between the two lovebirds! Ron finally seems to realize that our Hermine
is in fact a girl. A revelation made too late it seems, as a certain international quidditch star has already
invited Hermione to the Yule Ball. This turns out to be a good thing however,
as it served as a wake-up call for our dear friend, Ron, who seethes with anger.
The sexual tension and flirty bickering is as obvious as ever now.

This is only the beginning of the blossoming relationship between
the two. Ron actually manages to control his temper, whilst Hermione grows more frustrated with
the fact that Ron is still clueless about his feelings. Of course, there's no denying the sweetheart he is,
his Christmas present to Hermione? Perfume! ♥ And there are even more kicky moments, now that
Ron and Hermione are both school prefects, and Harry seems to spending a lot more of his time in detention.

Ron and Hermione's relationship progresses even further as both
of them are seemingly more open to the idea of a relationship with each other. But just when they
reach their breaking point, the secret that Hermione kissed Viktor Krum in their fourth year, reaches
Ron's ears, so he decides to get revenge, and kisses Lavender Brown. Again, and again, and again,
until Hermione sends a flock of yellow canaries after him in outrage. Though, by the end of the book,
with a terrified Hermione finding out Ron has been poisoned on his birthday and Ron uttering her name
in his sleep, it seems everything is alright again, hence Ron's breaking up with Lavender, and Hermione
crying into Ron's shoulder at Dumbledore’s funeral, flinging the door wide open for the anticipated
relationship to begin in the seventh and final book.

Luckily for us, by this point, both Ron and Hermione have finally accepted
the fact that they have feelings for one another. Which is why this book is such a sidekicker‘s dream!
Both are now fully aware of how the other feels, and at this point, it is just a matter of who decides
to make the first move and when. Right from the beginning of the book you can notice the changes in Ron,
at the end of his rope, Ron does something truly worthy of the name Mr. Hermione Jean Granger,
he reads!! Thanks to the godsend "Twelve Fail-safe Ways To Charm Witches", Ron begins to put the
moves on Hermione! Dancing with her at Bill and Fleur’s wedding, holding her hand while she was sleeping,
giving her comfort when she was upset, and complementing her incessantly throughout the book,
-Ron is for lack of a better term, effin’ hot! Not only Ron but Hermione’s feelings are clearer then ever as well.
Her broken heart after he abandons the horcrux quest, and her being alternately overjoyed and furious
when he finally returns to her-Ron’s anguished sobs as Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange,
and his fear of her not loving him but Harry instead. Heart-wrenching angst that is truly Kleenex
worthy all of which eventually leads up to that long-awaited and epic snog: Hermione flinging
herself into Ron’s arms and kissing the daylights out of him right in the middle of the final battle!
About friggin’ time! So, after years of bickering, teasing, jealousy, and disappointment,
we are overjoyed to say that our two sidekicks are finally together and happily married with two
beautiful young children of their own named Rose and Hugo.

Meant to be is right. ♥
Credit to Sanum ( Leo-4-Life!)

the honorary sidekicks

J.K. Rowling .1
Emma Watson .2
Chris Columbus .3
Daniel Radcliffe .4
Rupert Grint .5
Bonnie Wright .6
David Yates .7
Evanna Lynch .8
Matthew Lewis .9
David Heyman (Hey man!) .10
Tom Felton .11

the supporters

[The List
691. little_monster♫
692. Cedric Wood
692. guilty ones
693. LoveMeSomeJelliot

whenever we have ten new supporters, they'll be added to this lovely list (created by the awesome Laura).

the sidekick pledge of allegiance
I pledge my obsession to the sidekicks:
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
And to the Sidekickerliciousness which we all love,
One couple, made by JK Rowling,
With sugar quills and sexual tension for all.

Credit to: chughes
Ron and Hermione Source
Canon Love//OBHWF
Love Unchained
Ron & Hermione Shrine
Rupert and
RonHermione Live Journal
Honestly Ronald

the future thread titles

Sidekicks {Ron ღ Hermione} ~ Because if Hogwarts had yearbooks, they'd be voted "Cutest Couple" every time.
Sidekicks {RღHr} ~ Because we saw them enter the CHAMBAH OF SNOGGING!! *bowchickabowwoooow* *insert porn music*
Sidekicks {RღHr} ~ Mr.Weasley & Ms.Granger, we are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to Snogwarts.
Sidekicks{Ronald ღ Hermione} ~ B/c she fits right into him. 7 Potters snuggle is ♥
Sidekicks{Ronald ღ Hermione} ~ B/c picking up pebbles never looked so romantic.
Sidekicks {Ron ღ Hermione} ~ "..and I heard it. A voice. Your voice, Hermione." ♥
Sidekicks {Ron ღ Hermione} ~ "..right into my chest and straight through me. Right here." ♥
Sidekicks {Ron ღ Hermione} ~ "And I knew.I knew it was going to take me where I needed to go.♥

official Sidekick Snogwarts song

Snogwarts, Snogwarts, Snoggy Warty Snogwarts,
Kiss already, pleeaaasseeeeeee,
whether it'll be short and quick
or long with some groping
Our heads can do some filling
with some pervy thoughs,
For now they're bare and full of sex,
Scarf dances and bits of fluff,
So show us things worth squeeing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And snog until our brains all rot.

Credit to Oº°‘¨Laura¨‘°ºO

“Hang on a moment!” said Ron sharply. “We’ve forgotten someone!” “Who?” asked Hermione.
“The house-elves, they’ll all be down in the kitchen, won’t they?” “You mean we ought to get them fighting?” asked Harry.
“No,” said Ron seriously, “I mean we should tell them to get out. We don’t want anymore Dobbies, do we? We can’t order them to die for us –“ There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet.
“Is this the moment?” Harry asked weakly, and when nothing happened except that Ron and Hermione gripped each other still more firmly and swayed on the spot, he raised his voice. “Oi! There’s a war going on here!” Ron and Hermione broke apart, their arms still around each other.
“I know, mate,” said Ron, who looked as though he had recently been hit on the back of the head with a Bludger, “so it’s now or never, isn’t it?” “Never mind that, what about the Horcrux?” Harry shouted. “D’you think you could just – just hold it in until we’ve got the diadem?” “Yeah – right – sorry –“ said Ron, and he and Hermione set about gathering up fangs, both pink in the face.

credit to alxndrjosephine


the previous thread

Credit to Oº°‘¨Laura¨‘°ºO
Please remember: NO BASHING OF THE OTHER SHIPS, people are allowed to think differently and I know we're all better than that.


Last edited by - just stand still -; 12-29-2010 at 06:00 PM
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Old 12-29-2010, 05:54 PM
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- just stand still -'s Avatar
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the strike through doesn't work in titles!

and sorry it took so long!
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Old 12-29-2010, 05:56 PM
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Maybe you can put Granger between brackets.

"You can’t polish a t**d, but you can roll one in glitter."
- Rupert Grint
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Old 12-29-2010, 05:59 PM
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- just stand still -'s Avatar
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yea, now i can't edit it!

i hate when that happens!

i'll ask a mod!
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Old 12-29-2010, 05:59 PM
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love this title sfm!
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Old 12-29-2010, 06:09 PM
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This title is amazing guys!♥♥

I bet Hermione wears her Weasley Badge with pride
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Old 12-29-2010, 06:12 PM
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You guys need the deal with it banner in here. LOVE the title.
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Old 12-29-2010, 06:24 PM
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"You can’t polish a t**d, but you can roll one in glitter."
- Rupert Grint
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Old 12-29-2010, 06:26 PM
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Yesss yesss. tftnt!! Hermione Granger Weasley. Get used to it betchess.
it's future rust, it's future dust.

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Old 12-29-2010, 06:30 PM
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Old 12-29-2010, 06:44 PM
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Old 12-29-2010, 07:01 PM
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TFTNT!! "woot"
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Old 12-29-2010, 07:02 PM
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TFTNT! I love the title Hermione Weasley has a good ring to it :love;
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Old 12-29-2010, 08:51 PM
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Love the new title! saw it for the 3rd time tonight . There were def some shippers in the crowd whether they know it or not. I figure most people who see it now are not book fans and there were many awwws at R/Hr moments, especially when she ran and hugged him at the burrow.
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Old 12-29-2010, 10:00 PM
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OMG the banners with Rupert, Emma, and JK =Awesome!!
“I’ve lived on borrowed time. More than any man deserves. I’ve seen wonders beyond my wildest imaginings. Through these centuries, against the impossibility that we’d find each other, we did. And I am most grateful for it."
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