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baileycat 09-06-2004 05:28 PM

*snort* good one allyru! :lol: I'm all for that thread title. Hope it fits.

Siobhán 09-06-2004 05:30 PM


Originally posted by Sallyna
:bawl: I can´t believe I lost the oldbies reunion!!!!

Can´t you guys just go back at once so we can see you everyday???? :(

NINA!! *glomps*

Eeeeee! :D I'll round up the troops to come say hello, I promise! :) We missed you, we was talkin' 'bout you, did you see?

*glows with happiness*

You should get an LJ. It's where all the Oldbie fun goes down these days.

*runs to fetch Oldbies*

Look, it's the awkward standing-around-by-the-Shrieking-Shack moment. :)

baileycat 09-06-2004 05:35 PM

I love that pic. You can totally tell they're both NOT thinking of the Shieking Shack. So cute!

allyru 09-06-2004 05:49 PM

has anyone noticed how big Hermiones scarf is, that is a big old scarf.

peace out:hippie:

min_martine 09-06-2004 05:49 PM

But the oldbies should be here... Teaching the newbies! :P
We miss the oldbies! :cry:
Aw, I love this pic...

Elviriel 09-06-2004 05:51 PM

I love how cute they look with their little winter outfits... :love:
And allyru :lol: love this idea for a thread title ! Wonderful !

sofreshsidekick 09-06-2004 05:54 PM

now that you mention it allyru mione's scarf is rather jinormous...

diggin the new thread title- lol

Call me Del 09-06-2004 06:13 PM

Neener, you still here?
and of course the pics are great, darling. they're from our site, which unfortunately, gets bandwidth stolen from it everytime someone hotlinks to the images, which is why Ben's had to take down the images before.

am i going to have to bust out the spatulas of doom? hotlinking is the enemy, remember that.

crisTM 09-06-2004 06:28 PM

Now that I think about it...Hermione's scarf IS big enough for two!

I love the new thread title idea :lol:

Elviriel 09-06-2004 06:39 PM

:lol: I didn't think about that but it's true... it is big enough for two !
With her scarf Hermione could warm Ron's .... neck up :look:.

MissCongeniality2003 09-06-2004 06:41 PM

Hey kickies! I'm so disappointed I missed all the oldbies! :( I missed seeing my Del, my Dinny, Lucy, Sarah...everyone. I could bites. They made me go in and it was my off day too. blah but when i came back i kinda read all the posts from the oldbies and it was very nostalgic! I hope it happens again ( ;) hint)... please come back.

hehe Del you saw me lurking... :lol: i was gonna stop by and say hi, but i thought everyone had already left.

Nicole - i requested "Wouldn't It Be Nice" by the Beach Boys ! One of my most favorite songs...and it was used in 50 First Dates...that was a cute movie...I'm gonna buy that movie now that i think of was a very good movie...I love Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Fantastic chemistry.

and about H/Hr...I don't think I have ever given them a thought...Not once has there been any example or hint that would lead to relationship between them two. Harry even says in book 4 that spending time w/ Hermione is boring because it means a lot of time in the library. There just has never been a know some kind of a threat that Harry and Hermione like each other. But with Ron and Hermione...there's just everything....respect, love, protection, fighting, passion, awkwardness, jealousy....there's everything. There's no doubt in my mind that it will be Ron and Hermione who end up together in the end. And THEY WILL STAY TOGETHER FOR ETERNITY...Aurors have this theory that Ron and Hermione will get together in the books but after the books they think Ron/Hermione will break up and Harry/Hermione will get together...but Harry and Hermione have a HUGE LACK of ROMANCE in their VERY PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP. Not one ounce romantic. No offense to anyone but i don't even see them as a threat.

Hell I don't ship anyone else with either Ron or Hermione but I see more chance of Draco/Hermione happening than Harry/Hermione. ;)

I don't know what JKR has in store for Harry, but I do hope he ends up w/ Ginny.

Anywho so I went and saw POA for the 6th time and I noticed more things this time around.

When they get to the top of the hill from where they stand to watch Buckbeak get executed, Ron and Hermione brush hands as they stand next to each other.

I hadn't even noticed the look Ron gives Harry when Hermione is "nuzzling" his neck.

and the part where (stupid movie) Hermione trys to reason w/ werewolf lupin, Ron keeps his hand out the whole time and begs her to come back...when she gets scared and runs backwards, Ron pulls her in and she grabs a hold of his was amazing...I :heart: that part.

Ron looks at Hermione a lot...he throws many glances in her direction. A very subtle one is during the welcoming feast. When she's cheering on Hagrid.

I'm sure you've all noticed but i hadn't and for those of you who hadn't noticed these parts you should all check them out for yourselves and see if you like them as much as i do.

Miss C

Elviriel 09-06-2004 06:45 PM

I hadn't noticed all of that :eek: except the look Ron gave Harry when Hermione hugs him... :love: When I get PoA on Dvd, I'm gonna watch very, very carefully :D

crisTM 09-06-2004 07:43 PM

Waaaa! Miss C, now I want to go see it again.

How come November is so far away? I wish there was a countdown clock on Mugglenet for the DVD like there was for the release of POA.

baileycat 09-06-2004 07:55 PM

OH I completely missed that other hand grab that you spoke of! Wow. We got another hand grab! That's fantastic! I did notice the obsene amount of times Ron was eyeing Hermione throught out the film. He's always stealing glances!

You want a fricken countdown. I'll give you a countdown....

79 fricken long days until the fricken DVD comes out in NA. *grumble grumble*

LoveJackieHyde 09-06-2004 08:21 PM

That picture of that particular's sidekickerlisiousness moments like these that I live for!:in_love::sigh:

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