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Old 12-28-2006, 06:31 PM
Absolute Fan

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Rory&Jess ♥Literati #211♥ ~ It will happen cos WE SAY SO.

..Let the games begin..

The last thread is situated here.

..Every so often we long to steal, to the land of what-might-have-been..

My Perfect Literati Ending..;
Any ending with Lit in it, would quite honestly be perfect. I don't see Jess as the type that would sweep anyone off their feet - so maybe something more simplistic. I'd love things to end with them reading a book together. I mean literature is the epitome of Literati. I'd love them to admit that they never stopped loving each other and then for them to embrace passionately. Something along those lines would be all kinds of perfect.
Top 3 moments.. ;
Their first kiss in I Cant Get Started:
It was just packed with so much emotion and tension. I know they hardly said anything but I think all that needed to be said was said in that one kiss. I think it explains the Lit relationship perfectly. Its a beautiful moment and a great 'first kiss'
The official first kiss in Let the Games Begin
This scene was perfect because it felt like we could go 'Finally!' They were together and they were in a relationship and from here on everything would be uphill. It was also done very beautifully and there was so much between the two of them. Its just one of those moments that can only be described with a sigh.
"I couldn't of done it without you" talk in LMHBRYO
First of all it was awesome because he was back after so long! Not only that, but he was a different and better person. AND he'd changed because of her. It was proof of how love changes people for the better and how strong their love was. Rory was herself in this scene and she'd been a different person for so long - so it was just great to finally see the real her again; and with Jess at that! It was what all Lit fans needed after a long dissapearance
~ Nicola

Put an old memory out of your mind, but the heart never forgets.

My perfect RJ ending;
It would be Rory and Jess meeting up again when Rory is writing an article on Jess about his new bestseller. It would be when they were, oh, 26 or 27, and Rory would be back to her old Rory-self. Both Rory and Jess would be single and they would still ahave that flame that they've had since day 1. They would stay in contact and eventully, Rory would ask Jess out. They would start dating and after 1 year, he would propose. They would be married, and have 2 kids. They would spend the rest of their life together.

My perfect RJ ending;
Rory showing up at Truncheon again and apologizing for how she treated him before and then jess apologizing for basically everything. Then them becoming very close friends and taking it slow before finally just being together, in love, again.
Top 3 moments.. ;
A-Tisket A-Tasket picnic scene.
Because it shows that jess isnt just the town bad boy, but that he's an intellectual match for Rory. And the chemistry jumps off the screen.
Their official first kiss in Let the Games Begin
Because the kisses were electric and the way jess said c'mere was adorable. i loved it.
The confrontation in Let Me Hear Your Balalakai's Ring Out.
Because jess snapped her back into reality and made her realize that she wasn't being herself. He knows he better than anyone, and she didn't argue with that.
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
Rory and Jess have a certain understanding of one another. "It is what it is" and what it is is unforgettable love, that will never go away. No matter what happens, jess will hold a place in his heart for Rory and vice versa. They have comfortable silences and heated debates, but they are not perfect. jess will leave and rory will criticize him and in the end it wont matter. Because it always comes back to them being in love with each other. They know each other, and that's serious love to me.
~ Kim

Looking back now it's so clear to me, That you were sent to shape my destiny


My perfect RJ ending;
In the future, I hope to see Rory realise that Jess was too big a part of her life to let go of him once and for all. At the very least, I'd like to see them both remain close friends.
Top 3 moments.. ;
Their official first kiss in Let The Games Begin,
Simply because it had been a long time coming and... well... it was HOT!
The look in The Bracebridge Dinner.
No words needed to be said in order to make their feelings apparent.
The bridge scene in They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
It was so adorable, and it was where their relationship began.
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
Jess and Rory are something very unique and very special. Whilst they have so many things in common, there is also an element of complexity in their relationship, which is intriguing. It was evident from the very beginning that they had an instant connection, and the fact that they built a friendship before beginning a relationship is why I believe they are strong enough to go the distance.
~ Jenna

I know you had to go away, I died just a little, and I feel it now You're the one I need


My Perfect RJ ending;
I want them to settle things down by the end of the show. At everytime Jess came back in the last seasons, things were confused. I've been hoping for them to get back together, but now I just want them to get an honnest and real friendship. And we've got the perfect occasion for that : LL's wedding ! I have a thousand of scenarios for a RJ scene then.. I truly think they can bring each other even more now that they're adults...
Top 3 moments.. ;
"As you Wish" from Teach Me Tonight
For me, it was the beginning of real and strong feelings. You can feel the tension between Rory and Jess, there are these special looks that say it all. Of course, there's their usual banter, and it's the first time that we see them pushing each other, making each other growing up and changing..
22.8 miles from Happy Birthday, Baby
Because the 1st time I watched season 2 and 3, I wasn't much a literati fan, but I loved that particular scene, I don't know, it just got me... I love to see them making plans for their future, and this scene is perfect because it's simple... just a touch, a smile, a kiss on the head, and that's it... it's enough...
Their official first kiss in Let The Games Begin
It was the perfect beginning, the scene that everyone was waiting for... That's what makes it so special. Plus, I love the fact that Jess didn't ask more when Rory left. He already trusted her enough.
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
Jess was the first one who challenged Rory, he made her growing up. And she made him trusting in himself, it was a turning point for both of them. For me, this relationship represents the kind of relationship that make people discovering themselves.
~ Pauline

I look at you and see a friend, I hope that's what you wanna be
Are we back now where it all began, Have you finally forgiven me?


My Perfect RJ ending;
I want them to settle things down by the end of the show. At everytime Jess came back in the last seasons, things were confused. I've been hoping for them to get back together, but now I just want them to get an honnest and real friendship. And we've got the perfect occasion for that : LL's wedding ! I have a thousand of scenarios for a RJ scene then.. I truly think they can bring each other even more now that they're adults...
Top 3 moments.. ;
Their official first kiss in Let The Games Begin
Oh wow. Where do I start with why I love this scene.... oh yeah! The chemistry! This kiss is the reason why we all know that "that part works". I love how much they both wanted that kiss. The connection between the 2 of them really showed through in this scene as well. It was one hell of a hot kiss too!!! You know what? After all the time since that first kiss, that part "still works".
22.8 miles from Happy Birthday, Baby
Everything about this scene was amazing! I love that Jess looked up how far Yale was from Stars Hallows and I love Rory's reaction. Their reactions to each other were just so perfect in this scene. Jess wrapping his arms around Rory and kissing the top of her head at the end of the scene just made it even more amazing. This scene makes me giddy happy! I can't help but smile when I watch this scene.
Their first kiss in I Cant Get Started:
This kiss!! Oh my gosh! Where do I start? Everything about this kiss was "eee" worthy. Rory lunging at Jess, Jess's reaction. *sigh* It was perfect. Jess saying he was moving back because he just "wanted to" was great too. This kiss started everything and it was a beautiful and hot beginning!
~ Kim

This time, This place. Misused, Mistakes. Too long, Too late. Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance, Just one breath. Just in case there's just one left


My perfect RJ ending;
I would want them to build their relationship back up again, become friends and for Rory to begin to trust Jess again. I would want Jess to tell her that it has always been her for him and always will be. And I want Rory to finally say I love you.
Top 3 moments.. ;
"I couldn't of done it without you" talk in LMHBRYO
This was the point that I realised that everything they have been through happened for a reason. Jess needed it, he needed Rory to help change his future. She was his reason for changing, she was his reason for living. And he said it with absouloute truth and feeling. And you could tell that Rory was touched and incredibly proud of him
"It is what it is.. You.. Me" from The Real Paul Anka
Okay, I know this isn't the best Literati moment of all time BUT I thought it was another great example of how much Jess had grown. He put Rory and her feelings first. He didn't push her. However painful it was for hear her say she loved Logan, he put it aside to make her feel better. And even if it ends with a totally heartbroken Jess, I still believe that Rory will make it right someday.
The phonecall from Those are Strings Pinocchio
Again, another scene that isn't high on peoples lists but I think that this scene shows that Jess wasn't some evil man who ran away for no good reason. He did it because it was what was best for both Jess and Rory. Maybe it was apparent to either of them at this point. This scene still shows that both characters missed each other and I never knew that a one sided conversation could say so much.
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
Those that know me well could tell you could probably tell you that I love this ship. Those that know me could also tell you how much a part of my life this ship is. However, I don't think anybody knows my reasons why this ship takesd priority over my many others. I find it very hard to explain why I have such a connection with the Rory/Jess ship, I think it's mostly to do with the fact that they aren't the perfect fluff couple and they have had very few "fluffy" moments. Their relationship has been real, developed. The friendship, the first signs of something more, the flirting, the smiles and I could go on with this list forever. But the fact is, whatever state their relationship is in, their connection can never be broken. I sometimes think that sometimes it was there before she met Jess. They can fit into any category; friends, lovers, enemies and soulmates. Because thats what they are; Soulmates. The timing has never been right for them. At first it was Jess that needed to sort out his emotional baggage and now it's Rory. But no matter how many steps the other is behind, I always have faith that the other will catch up. And even if they don't end up together on the show; everybody knows that they are the couple that SHOULD have ended up together. Always&Forever baby.
~ Kay

A hundred different ways I could say I'm sorry, And every other day I try something new
I'd write it out in blood if I thought you'd change but It's not enough for you


My perfect RJ ending;
At her graduation and have it be a cliffhange for the season 7 finale and have 8 start with him proposing and have them marry during november sweeps and and have rory find out shes preganant when it resumes following christmas. and have her have the baby as the series finale.~ Laura

My perfect RJ ending;
I think my perfect RJ ending, and for the show, would be for Rory and Jess to be single and then reconnecting at Luke and Lorelai’s wedding. Rory, as the maid of honor, would walk down the aisle with her arm linked in Jess’, as Luke’s best man. They wouldn’t be able to keep their eyes off each other during the ceremony and during the reception they would share a dance that would end with a slow, passionate kiss. *fade to black*.
Top 3 moments.. ;
Their official first kiss in Let The Games Begin,
I love this part because it was a very passionate moment. Rory and Jess will always have the most passion out of all their relationships, there’s no denying that. They connect on a completely different level and that makes them special, a one of a kind love. This kiss is also filled with awesome hand actions.
The confrontation in Let me hear your balalakai's ring out
Jess knows Rory, better than anyone. He was able to set her back on the proper road again (mostly) and that’s why I love this moment. Rory and Jess will always share a bond and this moment shows that..
22.8 miles from Happy Birthday, Baby.
I love this scene because it funny and really cute. Jess looked up the distance between where he’d be and Rory because he thought the relationship would still be going strong. I also love how he wraps his arm around her and kisses her head. ~ Lisa

And never knowing, What could've been. And not seeing that loving you, Is what I was tryin' to do

My Perfect RJ ending;
Hmmm.... Jess will come back for good. Rory will realize just how perfect Jess and her are for each other. That he is the man, she always wanted him to be, they would get married, have kids and live in a beautiful house, where Rory would be a journalist and Jess an author. They would have the perfect family and live happily ever after.
Top 3 moments.. ;
22.8 Miles from Happy Birthday, Baby.
I loved that scene because it was just so cute and it showed a different side of Jess, the one that can do cute things like looking up how far Yale is from SH just for Rory
The Spinny Kiss from That'll Do Pig
I loved that scene because again the cuteness that is Lit and how all Jess wanted to do was kiss her and not listen to what she had to say
Their official first kiss in Let the Games Begin
because that was the beginning of their relationship, the first real kiss as a couple, and the build up that lead to that moment as a Lit fan, always makes me go awww they kissed and it was a real one as boyfriend/girlfriend and they kissed again, it was one of those scenes where you've waited for that moment as a Lit fan and it acutually played out the way you wanted it too
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
RJ was one of the first Gilmore Girls couples I've shipped on that show. LL being the first. And one of the only couples, I'm devoted too, they are my number one couple, a couple I've stuck with through their ups and downs and will continue to love them, long after the show is gone. They showed me what real love is, they might not have said I love you (well Jess did, but Rory hasn't yet), but it wasn't about saying it, it was about the way they looked at each other, it was there without them having to say it, you could see they loved each other and they still do. I believe Jess is Rory's soul mate and she will realize it.
~ Gracie

Everybody say baby life goes on, Everybody knows, I’m still waiting


My Perfect RJ ending;
My perfect ending would be Rory and Jess finding each other in their new lives and realizing that the love they once shared never died. It would be great for the two to talk over the issues they faced before and fix their past problems before they continue on with their future. I could picture them eventually getting married and living their life together happily and in love.
Top 3 moments.. ;
Their first kiss in I Cant Get Started
It said a lot that, though Rory was still in a relationship, she initiated the kiss. I love the look of desire she has in her eyes before she lunges towards him and how he puts his hands on her face as they kiss.
Their official first kiss in Let the Games Begin
The playfulness of their tone and the passion in their kiss just showed how much chemistry they had between them and I loved seeing them happy with each other.
22.8 Miles from Happy Birthday, Baby.
The fact that Jess looked up how far away Yale was from Stars Hollow further proved that he wanted the relationship to last beyond their senior year and that he loved her. The cute “ You looked it up” line followed by the forehead kiss also made my heart melt.
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
The relationship that Rory and Jess shared meant that true love could never be broken no matter what difficult times laid ahead. It meant changing for the better to benefit the other person. It meant sharing common interests while still maintaining their differences. It meant being friends as well as having passion and love for each other through every obstacle thrown their way. Without Jess, Rory would not be the person she is now. Without Rory, Jess would not be the man he is today.
~ Jess (Foxybabygirl)

Why do you come here And pretend to be just passing by
When I need to see you, And I need to hold you


My Perfect RJ ending;
The perfect Rory/Jess ending to me, would be them getting everything they both wanted. She would be the journalist and he the author. They would be able to have the "happily-ever-after" that they both need and want. The two of them married, with kids, and jobs that they both want. Even if this doesn't happen, I hope they can atleast stay friends.
Top 3 moments.. ;
A-Tisket A-Tasket picnic scene.
I love the scene in ATAT because it shows the love for books these two share. It was the first scene where Rory truly started to see past Jess's "bad boy" image and really start to like him as more than just a friend. The scene truly showed how much they had in common. It was when Jess showed how he cared for Rory (outbidding Dean, eating the food, etc.) It was one of the scenes that truly made me fall for them.
"As you Wish" from Teach Me Tonight
The scene from TMT is another scene that truly shows us that these two can talk and understand each other. They had such a connection in that scene and it truly showed us that these two had something.
Their official first kiss in Let the Games Begin
My favorite kiss between them was in LTGB, and that scene is amazing and one of my favorites as well. The chemistry is undeniable and they both just seem so happy in the scene. The fact that they both knew the "code" and he was waiting for her, it truly showed how much these two care for each other.
What the RJ relationship means to me ;
To me, the Rory/Jess relationship is one of those relationships that will always last, no matter what. Even if they aren't together in the end, you know that they will always be friends and have a friendship. These two know each other so well and have a connection that will always be there. To me, they will always have something special between them and nothing can take that away from them. Even if they never have their happily ever after, they will always have this connection that can never be matched.
~ Zut

"You know those couples that makes you believe in love, no matter in what circumstances and you wish with your whole being that they will be the ones in the end - that's how I used to feel about Rory&Jess. Unfortunately, my feelings have changed a little since then, as my love isn't as strong as it used to be, but I believe that whatever happens on the show, is what's meant to happen. With or without a ending with thee couple at hand. Their love is so strong that I'm positive that they could wait for each other, or Jess wait for Rory as the time is right now. They will never be able to be real friends, since the love right there under the surface. However, it doesn't mean the road back to joy and happiness for them is easy, more like the opposite. But all in good time, Rory will realize that Jess is and ever shall be her real soulmate. True love overcomes it all, right?" ~ Cami


The Rory&Jess Soundtrack ~ "Back to the Start"

[ MIX 1 ] [ MIX 2 ] [ MIX 3 ] [MIX 4 ]

Please Private Message Kay(alwaysbeenyou) or Lisa(Milo Maniac) if you wanted to be added to the shippers list or a site/fic/reason to contribute and DONT ask in the thread cos chances are you wont be added otherwise. Thank you

Wet!Jess Crewage ~ The Story

The wet!jess!crewage! is a group that was formed in the Lit thread dedicated to the hotness of the wet!jess!. Whenever the wet!jess! cap is posted, we drop to our knees and worship it. Its easy to become a wet!jess! member, stick it in your sig hehe. And make sure you worship W!J! when his cap is posted

The Always&Forever club was created just after news of the Milo/Alexis split emerged. It's a way to show your eternal support of both Rory&Jess and Milo&Alexis. We believe that will always be hope for both of these couples and that hopefully one day we will get our happy ending. If you too have faith as much as we do, please show your support by having "Always&Forever" somewhere in your sig.

Onto the next chapter..
If a new thread is needed, here is how you start. You don't have to type eveything out again, don't panic! Click “Reply With Quote” on the bottom of the first post. Make sure to copy all of the information and press “Copy.” Then you go back to the GG forum and click "Post New Thread". Paste the information you copied from the first post into the blank reply box. Don’t forget to erase the “Quote” parts on the top and bottom of the information you copied. Add the title which will always start with "Literati ~.." then the title that was chosen at the end of the last thread.

When you’re all set, press “Submit New Thread”. If you want to double check click "Preview New Thread". Then repeat with the 2nd post. Any questions, there are usually a few Lit's around to help, we don't bite.. much

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Old 12-28-2006, 06:32 PM
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You & Me by Lifehouse

What day is it? And in what month? This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down, I've been losing so much time

Cause it's you and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words, You've got my head spinning, I don't know where to go from here

Cause it's you and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

There's something about you now, I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful, Everything she does is right

Cause it's you and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

You and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

Art of the thread

Literati is all about the literature...
~ Fanfic of the Moment

Learning How to Fall by Francesca Jones
“What does it change? I love you, and you love me. But what changes? You’re still the belle of Stars Hollow, and I’m still the guy who was ruining your life and will continue to ruin your life. Your mom hates me. Your grandparents hate me. Hell, I hate me for what I did to you. I’m just some guy who lives in a shoddy apartment with his best friend, who pretty much supports him.”

True love is a durable fire in the mind ever burning

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Old 12-28-2006, 06:32 PM
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Favourite Season 2 RJ related episode; A-Tisket, A-Tasket
Favourite Season 3 RJ related episode; Let the Games Begin
Favourite Season 4 RJ related episode;Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospel
Favourite Season 6 RJ related episode;Let Me Hear Your Balalakais Ring Out
Favourite Rory/Jess Kiss;The First "Official" Kiss (Let the Games Begin)
Favourite Rory/Jess Couple Touchyness;The Hands in "Let The Games Begin"
Favourite Rory/Jess quote; Jess: 22.8 miles.
Rory: How’d you know that?
Jess: Do you Yahoo?
Rory: You looked it up?
Jess: Yeah.
Rory: You looked it up.
Jess: I just hit a couple buttons on the computer.
Rory: You looked it up.
Jess: I was bored. There was nothing on TV and I was fooling around, it was something to do, that’s it.
Rory: You looked it up.

Favourite Rory/Jess Episode Overall; Let the Games Begin
Favourite Dramatic Scene; End Scene from "Let Me Hear Your Balalakai's Ring Out
Favourite Comical Scene;"She Pushed Me" Scene from "Dead Uncles and Vegetables"
Favourite Squee!ish scene; "You Looked it up" scene from "Happy Birthday, Baby"

Welcome to Wonderland
by Lipton Lee
Rythem and Forever
by FallAway
Watercolors of the Past
by someone5
Being Right is Overrated Nice-one
Defending Bjork by MahliaLily
Ruined in the Rain by Francesca Jones
Not Dreaming by Hallon
A Little Dramatic Irony by Lipton Lee
There´s a first for all of us by LitGG1982
The Smell Before Rain by Angeleyez

Here's a couple of questions for you to have a think about and answer in the thread;

1. How would your fantasy Lit reunion play out?
2. What song would be playing in the background, if any?
3. What’s your favourite Lit video and what song was it too?
4. What was the most talked about Lit kiss that you can remember?
5. How would your dream Lit!kiss play out?
6. Are Lit better getting on each other’s nerves or being cute? Why did you pick the one you did?
7. Which character do you prefer in the relationship?
8. Did you think Lit would ever be as popular as they are now?
9. What do you think would have happened if Lit hadn’t kissed at Suki’s wedding?
10. Which character on the show has been the most supportive of Lit?
11. The least supportive?
12. If Lit were to ship a couple on tv, who would they ship?
13. What do you think Lit’s shared favourite book is?
14. Lit’s shared favourite movie?
15. What is your dream cute-sy Lit scene?
16. What is your dream angst-y Lit scene?
17. How would you like Jess to propose to Rory?
18. What would the perfect Lit wedding to be like?
19. What would their kids be like?
20. Give one word to describe Lit.
21. What is your ultimate reason for shipping Lit?
22. Do you think Lit could have used more music during their scenes?
23. Do you think Lit are a realistic couple or are they just characters from tv-land?
24. Would you still ship Lit had Milo and Alexis not been together?
25. Do you like the 200th thread? Why?
26. What’s your favourite art in the opening posts?
27. What makes the 200th special for you?
28. Which Lit shipper, that you met here, will you never forget? Why?
29. Are you glad that you post here?
30. What do you love most about this thread?

200th Thread
Rory and Jess Kiss Cap Survivor

Rules: Vote for your least favorite cap. Once we have a total of 10 votes, whichever cap has the most votes will be eliminated. Remember to please update the tally every time you vote.




4. Eliminated- Round 1

5. Eliminated- Round 3

6. Eliminated- Round 2




10. Eliminated- Round 4






Well, we're finally here girls. The 200th thread. This is what we've been working towards for what seems like forever. I want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you. I may have organised this but without you, this thread would be a blank page of nothing. Thank you to all those who submitted videos, art, icons, testimonials, everything. We got so much that we couldn't even use everything, thats how supportive you girlies are. You don't need me to tell you how much this thread means to me, I thought the 150th was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done and then along came the 200th and you girls just blew it out of the water. Each and every one of you, I love dearly and you're all like a little family to me. I want to say a huge thank you to Nicola, to who did a lot of the work on this thread and is just amazing. And another huge thank you to Kim because she picked up a lot of the slack for when I was falling behind and has just been my support all the way through... So Congratulations on 200 my Lit Girlies, Congrats on 200 and heres to 200 more!!

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Old 12-28-2006, 07:55 PM
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New thread Thankies hun
"I know y o u. I know you b e t t e r than anyone."
Rory ♥ Jess
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Old 12-28-2006, 08:01 PM
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Thanks for starting the new thread Milo Maniac.

Everything looks great and I love the title.
I’m not letting you go again
I’m not letting this story end
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Old 12-28-2006, 08:02 PM
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new thread! thanks!
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Old 12-28-2006, 08:05 PM
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Why is my timeline purple? :|
"I know y o u. I know you b e t t e r than anyone."
Rory ♥ Jess
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Old 12-28-2006, 08:06 PM
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dear lord the opening is gorgeous.
"Stay with me? Always."

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Old 12-28-2006, 10:34 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Lisa.
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Old 12-28-2006, 10:50 PM
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thank you for the new thread!
" look incredible"
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Old 12-29-2006, 02:37 AM
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Thanks for the new thhread !!
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Old 12-29-2006, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Kon-Artist (View Post)
dear lord the opening is gorgeous.
Man, are YOU late or what!?

THEN, eeeeeiiii! My plover is HERE Says a person who adores you beyond words
I think I'll call you Alec, as in Smart Alec.
I can live with that.

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Old 12-29-2006, 07:46 AM
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Thanks, Lisa!
Jenna (jenna_mariexx) · icon
"I love you. I don't ever want to live without you.
You changed my life." Did you say it?
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Old 12-29-2006, 09:56 AM
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Wow a new thread already! Damn us LITS move fast! I love the opening title for the thread So fitting and So True! Always and Forever!
"Hi I'm Jason nice to meet you"~Jason Behr to me~5/8/07
"It was nice meeting you Erin"~Milo Ventimiglia to me~11/20/06 ~Proud member of The DSC!
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4/18/11~ the day I brushed shoulders with Robert Pattinson!
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Old 12-29-2006, 11:14 AM
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Thanks for the new thread Lisa
I love the title. It definatly caught my eye as I scrolled down the page.
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