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A. B. Normal 07-04-2004 09:57 PM

Read this on Fanbolt


Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 2 "Proof" again!


Well, last night I went again to see "Proof." My best friend (who could not attend opening night since she was in a show of her own) wanted to go, and I wanted to go again anyway.

Liza was again wonderful on the role. The show could have been boring (math being a major theme), but superb writng and amazing acting made it as good the second time around as the first! After the show we were able to hang around and chat to her for a while. I know the director, so that helped! Liza seemed happy to be home, and enjoyed working with her father. The cast were on their way to a cast party after the show. Production on GG is starting again at the end of July, but Liza is not in the first couple of episodes, so she only has to report in August. Liza seems very nice (and she is tiny - I am 5'3" and I had a couple inches on her). There was a young aspiring actress there, and Liza was kind and patiently answered several questions.

Talented and nice. Great combination. :) SUCKS that she's not in the first couple of episodes.

curlyhead 07-04-2004 10:04 PM

I keep reading about all of these fans who see the GG stars in person. I'm not jealous one bit. No, not at all. Not even a little bit.

It does kind of suck that Liza won't be in the first couple of episodes, but maybe that means that the fifth season will pick up very, very soon after the finale. I want to see something of the summer in SH with the aftermath of you know what.

Nate the Lizaphile 07-04-2004 10:47 PM


Originally posted by curlyhead
I keep reading about all of these fans who see the GG stars in person. I'm not jealous one bit. No, not at all. Not even a little bit.
Me either curly, honest. None of these experiences make me want to be green with jealousy that these people get to talk to her and ask such great questions from a kind and awesome actress willing to go back home and act in a very small venue with her father. Not at all :look:.

Actually I'm like Incredible Hulk Green at this new experience :lol:.

ILJS - I've added your little tattoo tidbit to Liza's TV Tome page (I'm the editor) and credited it to you :).

Still can't believe she's shorter than 5'3" though.

Steph - I've always loved that particular episode of SVU with Liza in it, I can't believe I missed it last night :pout:. If you haven't ever seen it, I won't spoil it for anyone, but it's just so good and she's so dead on to her character.

Still Reeka 07-05-2004 03:50 PM

Nate I kept hopping online during the show hoping to find you and IM you, but alas...

Nate the Lizaphile 07-05-2004 05:12 PM


Originally posted by Still Reeka
Nate I kept hopping online during the show hoping to find you and IM you, but alas...
I would've missed it anyways though, it was on at 10 my time here, while for you it was on at midnight my time :pout:, so I only would've known after the fact. Thanks for thinking of me though :lol:. I have it on tape so if I ever want to watch it, it's there :).

Jade Hunter 07-06-2004 09:46 PM

Nate - I am very disappointed in you. Yes, I haven't posted with you in over a year, probably, and this is the first thing I have to say to you because I just saw that there has been no post on the Dipper thread for nearly a month! What is this travesty? And you call yourself a shipper, man?

I'm very cross, but I also owe you, so I'll post this anyway.

I couldn't remember if you said you wanted a Paris/Liza art or a Dipper art the last time we talked, so I made one of each. I posted the Dipper art at the thread already. Get that going again, and I'll make you another.

Nate the Lizaphile 07-06-2004 11:31 PM

Jade - :slap: I'm so sorry, I never meant to exclude the Dipper love, I promise! I've just been so busy lately with other stuff like my R/P slash fic and other things like that. Add the fact that Jamie was gone most of the last two months there really wasn't much inititave to post on the thread. Rest assured I'm still a Dipper fan though :).

BTW, very, very lovely fanarts, they both rock so much :D!

I got my copy of Liza's Lansdale Reporter and it did come with two of the three photos from the online gallery. Enjoy :)!

Link to scan of the actual article

Cherié £u£u 07-07-2004 07:45 AM

I don't think I'm going to be able to go to the play after all. :(

A. B. Normal 07-07-2004 10:30 PM

Nate, great scans! Have you been able to find anyone with the Playbill? I'm interested to see that, especially since it's usually a portrait of Catherine on the cover.

That's a shame, Cher, it would have been a great experience. I think you would have enjoyed it. Kristi at TWOP did. :)


Just got back from Liza's play. I saw it with my best friend Jocelyn, who went to school with Liza, and Joc's fiance was in Our Town with Liza in high school. All the stories I got were that Liza was "quiet" in high school, which some people thought was shyness, others snobbery. Joc once went to a "really nice party" at Liza's, and her childhood home was a converted barn that was "interesting," i.e. artistic.

Someone had a camera running in the back of the theater, so I wonder if they'll be selling tapes on the theater's website.

I'm dead tired and I have work in the morning, but I wanted to say a few things while they're still in my head. So, in no order, random thoughts:

Oh, SPOILERS, btw. If you're going to see it, don't read this.

- If you're seeing the play this weekend, go early. The entire theater from front to back is no more than 100 feet; the front row is about 6 feet from the stage. Joc and I were lucky to get the last two seats not on the edges.

- Liza amazing, of course. The rest of the cast was phenominal, too. The play wouldn't have been so good if the actors hadn't taken unique expressions of the text and the direction hadn't been a little unconventional (i.e., Catherine leaning against the wall turned away from the audience when she was depressed). Liza's dad, a little less so, but it kinda fit the character that he was a little over-the-top and awkward; mathmaticians are spazzes. :)

- Loved the parallels. I can't remember specifics, just that I loved how the themes seemed to spiral and return bigger and more important.

- LOVED the boyfriend. Get it? He's a drummer with bad timing? Hee! Loved that he was an important character regardless of him being "the boyfriend." Loved the kind of guy he was, like Rory's Marty or Lane's Dave. The whole play, I was thinking, "This guy should be Rory's new boyfriend in S5."

- Loved how she and the boyfriend were complimentary. He talked, she sulked; he expressed his feelings outwardly, she pulled hers inside; he's positive, she's negative; in the end scene, he's wearing a green top and black bottoms, and her clothes are opposite. His timing wasn't bad, just out of synch. At the end, the suggestion is that they'll be perfect as collaborators because they compliment each other.

- SO MAD I forgot a camera!!! I totally could've taken a pic of the set before it started. Loved the set, tho. Since the whole play takes place on a porch, and the set is so simplistic, it would've been easy for the set to be the play's undoing. Instead, it's vibrantly realistic in its drabness, down to the water stains and tread-worn floorboards.

- Loved the twists. When she was talking about Sophie the lady mathmatician, I thought she was thinking "I don't measure up" or something, not that Sophie was sorta her mentor. I think when Catherine was talking about those primes, and said that such-and-such was the "highest one known," she didnt' mean "the highest one I read in a book," but, "the highest one I've figured out."

- Why was 33.3 Catherine's favorite number? It nagged me that it seemed like that was important. 3 members of the family? Doing things only 1/3 of the way? If she was in school for 3 months, that's 1/3 of the school year... <shrug>

- Loved all the math. I've always loved math, the way it has secrets and mystery and can tell a story. I was never good at it, but I always loved learning it. Proofs always amazed me: you can theoreitcally prove anything, if you come up with the right expressions.

- Loved that Catherine, Hal, and Robert talked in proofs, which is why their conversations were so cyclical and difficult, and ultimatly not accurate to complicated things like human beings. Loved towards the end, when Hal starts to refute something Claire said using proof logic, and Claire broke through it by using real-world logic.

- Loved opening the second act with the flashback, and the juxtaposition of snapping back to the real world. Adored the actors for slipping so well into their present-time personalities.

- Loved that the sister wasn't shallow or manipulative, or evil just because she disagreed with the protagonist. Even though Claire was wrong about her Catherine, her feelings were understandable and justified.

-Only nit: sometimes it felt a little over-the-top with the melodrama, but that's a convention of the genra; I'm used to tv, where reactions and feelings are stretched out over 9 months, but a play has 2 hours to say what it wants to say.

- At the end, when Catherine was hurt that Hal doubted that she'd written the proof, I was thinking, "You're asking for blind faith from a scientist?" But that was the point - it was *human* for her to feel that way.

- Loved the musical cues.

- Loved the "broadway... skaters at Rockafeller center... museums" bit. Heee!

- Loved that the last line of the play was "Unless..."

Cherié £u£u 07-08-2004 04:58 PM

Aww, the play sounds so awesome. I really want to go but I don't think I can. We didn't pre-order tickets and it seems like it would be sold out for tomorrow anyway.

Nate the Lizaphile 07-10-2004 10:44 PM

One more Liza article from The Philadelphia Inquirer from last Sunday...

In play, father-daughter day
TV actress Liza Weil has always been around theater, thanks to her dad.
By Cynthia J. McGroarty
Inquirer Suburban Staff

Liza Weil has a hit television show, but when the former Lansdale resident heard about the chance to do a play this summer at Montgomery Theater in Souderton, she happily signed up.

"I love this theater. It represents so many things to me," Weil, who plays Paris Geller on the WB's Gilmore Girls, said last week.

A 1995 graduate of North Penn High School, Weil got her start at the theater when she was about 16. She performed in a number of plays there before getting her diploma and moving to New York.

"I really needed to be doing something" in theater, she said of those teenage years, a time when her studies at school often were overshadowed by visions of being on stage and periodic trips to New York for auditions.

This time around at Montgomery Theater, Weil is playing the role of Catherine in Proof, the Pulitzer Prize- and Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn. Her father, Marc Weil, appears with her in the two-act drama, which explores family dynamics and the nature of madness.

Hope de Frenes, manager at the theater, said the summertime production made it possible to enlist Weil, who is on hiatus from Gilmore Girls. She added that Weil is drawing people who usually would not come to the theater.

Proof, the story of a young woman coping with the death of her brilliant mathematician father, and her own fears, is on stage through Saturday.

Weil, 27, has been around the theater all her life. Born in New Jersey, she was 3 when her parents took her on tour around Great Britain with their comedy troupe. Marc Weil, now employed in business, had spent 10 years on stage, doing stand-up and comedy routines.

"There were always writers and actors and directors around the house," he recalled. "I guess it rubbed off."

At North Penn, Weil proved to be her parents' daughter. She became involved in the theater department and appeared in school productions. Later, in New York, she landed a role in an independent film called Whatever.

"It was probably the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It was a great movie... . It kind of mirrored my own experiences," she said, adding that she identified with her character, a young woman who chooses art school over a more conventional career path.

Whatever earned some attention from major studios, and Weil soon was summoned to Los Angeles for a deal with Warner Brothers. After a part in A Stir of Echoes, which starred Kevin Bacon, she did guest appearances on ER and West Wing. She then auditioned for the lead role of Rory in Gilmore Girls.

She did not get the part, but "they offered to write a role for me," she said.

Paris Geller was born.

The character, Weil said, "is so far from anything I know. Paris is ambitious and driven, extremely academic and brainy... . She quotes The Iliad."

Marc Weil said he could not help but express fatherly pride: "She's a phenomenal actress."

Working with his daughter for the first time has been "a joyful experience that will probably never happen again," he said.

"A huge gift," Liza Weil said about the father-daughter opportunity. "All of us are trying to get as much out of it as we can."

Weil will begin filming the fifth season of Gilmore Girls in late July.

"I am just so thankful to have a job and be able to do good work," she said, noting the unpredictable nature of employment in the entertainment industry.

Television, Weil said, is more fast-paced than films. It also allows for steady character development over time. But there was something about theater that she missed, she said.

On stage, "you are the master of what happens," good or bad, she said. "There's no second chances, no doing it over."

jennarose 07-11-2004 06:20 AM

Thanks for sending me the article Nate. I still have the last one too. I need to get those up.

It's good to read more about Liza.

A. B. Normal 07-11-2004 08:02 AM


Originally posted by jennarose
It's good to read more about Liza.
Amen. Thanks Nate!

Also read this off of TWOP


Her dad took her to plays when she was a little-little kid, and even now says she prefers it to tv acting: "I miss doing theater a lot. I think it's the only place where I can really hone my skills. You're master of your own disaster. [...] In tv and film, you get second chances." Liza moved to NYC soon after high school when she got a job in a play. She planned to live there temporarily, but decided to stay and wait tables and for her next break, which happened two solid years later.

She says she's glad to take her vacation at home: "It's the only place I can really relax in a way. It become very simple, and [...] it's a comfortable regression. I'm walking my parents' dogs and figuring out when I can use their car."

About working with her dad, she says "IT's interesting to come to rehersal with my dad and see how he does things. My parents are so great. They've given me this support system. It's been amazing to watch him work and talk about things together." The director says, though, that Marc and Liza are so professional during rehersals, you couldn't even tell they were father and daughter.

Marc Weil has done stand-up and drama, as well as directing, and says that he's "only doing" Proof "to work with Liza." While she was living in NYC, Marc says he worried about her, but "couldn't say because we waited tables, too."

Cherié £u£u 07-12-2004 06:01 PM

Thanks for the articles, Nate and Lex.

I didn't have a chance to see the play with my busy schedule but I really would have liked too, damn my busy schedule.

Nate the Lizaphile 07-24-2004 07:03 PM

I recieved the actual copy of the Inquirer Liza's article was in today and made some scans, she looks so ethereal and relaxed in these pictures :).

Scan of the article

A. B. Normal 07-25-2004 10:23 AM

Great scans Nate, I really like those pictures! Thanks! :)

Kelly_mv 07-25-2004 10:36 AM

Thanks Nate- I really like that last pic. It's great to see her getting media attention for being more than just Paris.

In Theaters 08-09-2004 06:02 PM

Nate the Lizaphile 08-31-2004 08:36 PM

Apparently no one at Lions Gate found time to post a press release, but they've re-released Stir of Echoes to DVD with extended features, along with new interviews with the cast, including Liza.

Review of the new Stir of Echoes DVD

Even if it's say, a minute she's in the new features, I'd love to hear her thoughts on the film, hopefully it's current :).

jennarose 08-31-2004 10:53 PM

Thanks for the news Nate. I'll have to rent that for the extras. I saw it on TNT the first time.

Cotton Candy 09-01-2004 04:12 PM

Nate the Lizaphile 09-01-2004 06:27 PM

DCreekFreak - Please boost the thread through normal conversation, not screencaps, this thread is one of the few that thrives on talking about Paris and Liza, and it ruins the flow of conversation when you post caps irrelavant to the topic. I just said something about the Stir of Echoes DVD for example, maybe you have an opinion about it, we'd love to hear it. We all don't have broadband and as I've said before, those caps are pretty big.

Cotton Candy 09-01-2004 07:50 PM

Okay, sorry, I thought caps would be appreciated. Usually they are at appreciation threads, but I guess not here.

I don't understand how posting a picture of the topic at hand is "breaking up the flow" (I don't know what flow, this thread has been MIA for a while). When I start appreciation threads, I love it when people post thoughts, comments, pictures, quotes, etc. But, I guess not everyone does.

ilovetheshins 09-02-2004 05:58 AM


Originally posted by Nate the Lizaphile
they've re-released Stir of Echoes to DVD with extended features, along with new interviews with the cast, including Liza.
Usually, for DVD releases, do they re-interview the actors at the present time, just before release? Or, did they already interview her from the time the movie was originally released onto video? I have yet to see Stir of Echoes, but it does not seem to be of "cult status" (like Donnie Darko), so it is hard to say how much new extra information there will be. Have you gotten the chance to watch it yet, Nate?

Nate the Lizaphile 09-02-2004 06:16 AM


Originally posted by ilovetheshins
Usually, for DVD releases, do they re-interview the actors at the present time, just before release? Or, did they already interview her from the time the movie was originally released onto video? I have yet to see Stir of Echoes, but it does not seem to be of "cult status" (like Donnie Darko), so it is hard to say how much new extra information there will be. Have you gotten the chance to watch it yet, Nate?
I'll probably buy it at the Borders in downtown Milwaukee when I go down there for the Sarah McLachlan concert on Friday. There wasn't orignally an interview with her on the first DVD (I own that one), so this might be new or archived footage.

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