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Old 07-14-2010, 02:21 PM
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Literati (R♥J)#238 ~ Because we know they had to meet at L&L's wedding and the bond was still there.

Welcome to the #238 Literati Appreciation Thread
Rory Gilmore Jess Mariano

+ T h e i r Story...

She is his book tease; his fast-talking, optimistic, coffee addicted, town princess. The love of his life. She’s everything he isn’t but everything he wants.
He’s her monosyllabic, ice cream is better in cones, Hemingway wannabe, Metallica listening bad boy. The love of her life.
She can’t help herself around him. No matter how much she wants to believe it isn’t true, she needs him.
Words, old dead white guys, margin writing, late night flirting over coffee and literature brought them together. But, at eighteen, they stood worlds apart.
Star crossed lovers, maybe. Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, probably. Rick and Ilsa, of course.
They weren’t supposed to be together. She wanted nothing more to hate him, and as fate would have it, something always kept them apart.
Rory and Jess are that long, over-arching love story, where everything is perfect and new for about as long as it takes Jess to finish a cigarette.
But as soon as those embers hit the ground, something happens to pull them apart.
There is that saying, if you love something, let it go, but people seem to forget the second part, the important part to the saying which is for if they return, they were ALWAYS yours.
If you are meant to be together, the story is never over, for it will resume when you’re ready, when time is finally on your side.
The course of true love isn’t allowed to run smooth because love is madness, blindness, confusion, desire;
it’s so many complicated emotions that make it the most joyous and painful experience you’ll ever have.
He made her cry, he left her waiting by the phone, never said goodbye. He said ‘I love you’ and ran away.
She ran away after kissing him, played with his emotions, stole his heart without giving hers, said ‘no,’ kissed him and ran away, again.
They hurt each other. And they do it again. And again. But ‘it is what it is’ because even when they disappoint each other, it’s worth it, because you only have this kind of love once.
Before everything, they are friends, always. He knows her better than anyone else, stiffens when he thinks it’s her, hated himself for hurting her. Hated himself for losing her.
She just wants to be around him, to lie on the bridge and tease him about Hemingway, to smell the mixture of smoke and leather that is his signature scent.
More than anything, they just want to be around each other.
It’s hard to understand that concept until you feel it, the jerking in your stomach, the brightening of your eyes, the ridiculous way you only smile for them.
It’s hard to grasp that when someone lies about bringing you a care package, it’s the most romantic thing in the world.
It’s hard to believe in love until you meet someone who knows what you mean when you say Dodger.
It’s hard to fall in love until you meet that person who can name The Guns of Brixton just by the lyrics. It’s hard to realize what is perfect until he says 22.8 miles.
But when you find that, it’s like having a stroke. Everything changes. All colors pale in comparison to that person.

Rory and Jess: 228 threads of being so freaking epic it hurts all other couples.

+ S o u l m a t e s? Star-crossed lovers? Why do we l o v e Literati?

I love R/J because they're r e a l
they tried to overcome their problems,
they were always honest with each other about the important things,
as I said they challenged each other,
Rory taught him he could do more, that he could be whoever he wanted,
they always were t h e m s e l v e s around each other,
and I felt like she was more 'a l i v e' when she was around him,
they were different but somehow the s a m e,
I mean they were totally opposites when it comes to personality,
but they shared their love for books, music and movies,
they always bring out the B E S T of each other.

+F e r

I love Rory/Jess for many reasons
but mostly it was their overwhelming chemistry that drew me to them.
Their chemistry was truly o u t s t a n d i n g and disbelieving
and that's the main reason.
I also love them for their passion and desire,
It was always there, in every scene and that's why I l o v e them!

+S a r a

I am a strong believer in the fact that Rory and Jess are each other's soulmates.
I don't really love the word, but the idea fits them so well.
It was as if they were a part of each other, a l w a y s coming back to each other.
I mean Rory's relationship with Jess never ended and I don't ever think it will.
There is a reason they kept finding their way back to each other.
Rory and Jess helped each other so much; they made each other feel a l i v e.
Rory was Jess's inspiration, and he changed for himself and for h e r.
And Jess knew Rory better than anyone else, and he challenged her.
They fit together perfectly, and I have faith they will find their way back to each other.
Remember, it a l w a y s comes back to them.
And for major bonus points, Alexis and Milo have amazing chemistry and are completely gorgeous.

+C o u r t n e y

'You know, Jess and Rory have a,
you know, a very strong connection.'
+A S P

Rory and Jess are one of those rare couples that you can say are true s o u l m a t e s.
They fit each other perfectly; they are just undeniable.
The connection was obvious straight away.
I absolutely love how they both love b o o k s,
it's one of their 'things' that no one else will understand but them.
I think the best couples come from those who have a deep friendship foremost,
they actually get along and have common interests,
RJ fit this description a m a z i n g l y.
I feel that their story was left unfinished and that their final scene didn't have closure,
I feel had things not changed on the show,
they would have ended up together without a shadow of a doubt.
They belong together.

+K i r s t y

I first started shipping Rory and Jess when they kissed in Let The Games Begin.
I had been intrigued by their friendship in Season 2, but it wasn't until their relationship in Season 3
that I realised that they were meant for each other.
They had been able to get to know each other well beforehand through the similar interests that they had,
and I think that this is essentially why they worked so well together as a couple.
Milo and Alexis continued to have great chemistry when they acted alongside each other,
and this made them more b e l i e v a b l e as a couple.
The balance of dramatic and comedic scenes that they both had made them exciting to watch,
and I think that this can only be said for Rory's relationship with Jess, rather than her relationships with Dean and Logan.
Even though Jess didn't always make the right decisions, it was evident that he really cared for Rory,
and he never intentionally meant to hurt her.
Jess had grown alot as a person when he returned in Season 4 and later in Season 6,
which I think is ultimately because of his relationship with Rory, as she taught him alot when they were together,
and inspired him to become a writer.
I liked the fact that the last scene between them both showed that they still had feelings for each other,
because this makes it possible that they could be r e u n i t e d again if there were to be another season or a movie of Gilmore Girls.

+J e n n a

I really had no other choice than to love RJ.
They totally captured my heart.
It's hard to explain why I love them, but I'll try.
First of all, they have off the charts chemistry.
You can feel their c o n n e c t i o n. Secondly, they're soulmates.
That's just the truth of the matter. They fit in every way.
I love that they were friends before being in a romantic relationship,
because that base of friendship will always be there,
keeping them coming back to each other.
They are a u n i q u e, s w e e t, and very i n t e n s e pair.
They aren't a classically romantic couple,
but they are the kind of couple that makes a romantic.

+K a r a

'Well, for a start, I would finally get Luke and Lorelai
to realize they love each other and they're perfect together.
Then I'd have some stuff between Jess and Rory --
Jess is just like Luke in a smaller form.'
+K e i k o

I really l o v e this couple so much because they have such a good connection.
Also, because they weren’t an "obvious" couple.
I know they fell for each other right away but Rory was a perfect well behaving schoolgirl
while Jess was a tough boy (with a hidden c u t e side) who did everything that was forbidden.
You could totally see how they were drawn together.
They would do anything for each other, and that’s how love is supposed
to be in my eyes. P e r f e c t. And Rory & Jess are perfect together.
+D e b b i e

It's their amazing ability to balance each other.
Jess can actually challenge Rory,
which he has continued to do everytime we see him back.
In turn, Rory gave Jess some purpose,
some r e a s o n to hold onto the rails and not fall too far off.

+A n n a

It's always better in c o n e s...

'It is what it is. Y o u. Me.'

+The Top f i v e Scenes

she needed to see him again...

'Doing something completely out of
character for the one you love,
doing a n y t h i n g for them,
just to be near them.'
+K i r s t y

...he wanted to be near her.

'Jess admitting he did something that makes her h a p p y,
Rory being on cloud nine because of it,
Jess going into denying mood, Rory's giddiness
and the head kiss... is it enough reason?'
+B i a

his barriers came crashing down...

'The b r e a t h before he says it,
the way it breaks through her stanch resistance,
and then how he just drives away. All of it.'
+A n n a

...he was only nice to her

'I'll just never get over
the lengths Jess went to just to
be in h e r presence.'
+ A l i s h a

then she appeared...
'The way he was holding her,
like he n e v e r wanted to let her go.'
+F e r

'Jess and Rory have other things in c o m m o n other than the make-out,
other than the sex. You know, the sex is there, which is nice and enjoyable for all those who want to enjoy it,
but they have the books and the music and the reading and the literature
and the intellectual standpoint,
and you can't ignore the fact that there is a meeting of the minds there.'

+A S P

'I know you b e t t e r than anyone.'
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Old 07-14-2010, 02:22 PM
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+The L i t e r a t i Mix...

Download h e r e + L i s t en here

'This isn't Shakespeare, it's the words to a C l a s h song.'
'Ah, but which Clash song?'
'..Guns Of Brixton.'

+ F a n Fiction

Five recommended fanfictions-

+Commas and Ampersands
+Blue Magnets
+Orange Striped Sheets
+Ever After
+The Accidental Romantic

'Ernest only has lovely things to say about you...'
'Why are you only nice to me?'

'I got the video for tonight.'
'What did you get?'
'Almost Famous.'
'No, not again.'
'I can't help it. I'm addicted.'

+the a r t s

credit: Debbie89

credit: Conspiracy

credit: weronikasawyer (LJ)

credit: Caris_leogirl

Find m o r e here

+ the i c o n s

credit: anettbianka

Find m o r e here

+ the l i n k s

143 - mesmerized
144 - Fall Out Girl <3
145 - Creamsodaqueen
146 - manu_r/hr
147 - PrettyGirlsMakeGraves
148 - missygurl88
149 - hollowmeadow
150 - CarryYouHome
151 - xkellyx
152 - Talented Roses
153 - Bright Lights
154 - ShineSoBright23
155 - amoRBD
156 - karevluvsstevens85
157 - PermanentCatcher
158 - Ginny_Hermione
159 - FrenchGirl90210
160 - zuisa
161 - sophias
162 - Miakelaka
163 - kasia0504
164 - heimweh
165 - Anck-Su-Namum
166 - LiaRaye
167 - iheartTV
168 - eleonor
169 - HD15

True love stories never have endings...

Credit for the OP art goes to:
anettbianka (Bia)
ginger-noodle (LJ)
22_8miles (LJ)

So it only took three months of blood, sweat and tears
(quite literally when I got a nosebleed doing the OP, now I’m not suggesting that was the cause!)
and now it's finally here!
Now I'm not gonna become all soppy, but me and Alisha agreed to write a little thank you/ back patting of sorts..
I am giving an arm and a leg to Bia and also kissing of feet, you're art well it's bloody awesome,
Alisha and I could not have put this together without you! We love you!
Thanks to everyone who submitted everything to the OP.
Lastly, Alisha, my right arm, my partner in crime, we are the best team ever created,
I think we could give the US government a run for its money!
You have kept me from wanting to jump off a cliff so many times, with your wonderful witty comments.
I love you so effin' much I could squeeze you to death.

+K i r s t y

Kristy is my OP making soul mate.
Ya'll don't even know how many times she kept me from taking an umbrella to my computer.
She also controlled my bitchiness and made sure I didn't kill any Twilight fangirls, cause when you're making an OP,
you don't care about hobos posing as vampires posing as actors. But for serious, without Kristy, there'd be no thread 228.
There'd be an apology that I'd post on you tube where I'd play 'Nothing Compares 2 U' and cry but no OP.
I might have a picture of Milo in my lair but that's just not the same as this. This AWESOMENESS.

And Bia. Oh my god Bia. She is a goddess.
I'd have her art making babies if I could (maybe we could work on biology for that). I just love her so.
Without Bia, there'd be no arts. Bia is my Crayola crayon in human form.
I love her more than a two dollar whore.
Seriously, Bia and Kristy, let's go to Canada, get hitched, then go to Utah and do it up Big Love style.

And, of course, thank you to Rory and Jess, cause without them,
I'd just be eating pie and crying about Pacey and Joey.
Thank god I found Rory and Jess or I'd be fat and wordy.

+A l i s h a

Historic thread 228 is situated here

Last edited by *Lori89*; 08-15-2010 at 02:15 PM
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Old 07-14-2010, 02:31 PM
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Welcome back True Daisy lover What's your name? I'm Lori

I am Tiana

and yeah Missy I always have been
This is me, All of me and I want you in anyway I can. That I love you.
Christian ♥ Anastasia Edward ♥Bella
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Old 07-14-2010, 02:35 PM
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Nice to meet you Tiana

I have to go to bed now, TTYL girls
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Old 07-14-2010, 04:45 PM
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Old 07-14-2010, 07:47 PM
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Before all of this, what did I miss?
Do you ever get homesick?
I can't get used to it
Two boys and a girl
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Old 07-14-2010, 07:53 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Lori!

Welcome to the thread, Mikaela!

Loved the video that you posted in the previous thread, Michelle!

Nice to see you post here, Tiana! It's been awhile.
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:13 PM
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Tfnt Lori

Hope to see you around more, Tiana. More in common!

KJS♥ first American Cesar winner
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:23 PM
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This title is a truth
"I'm not saying goodbye because this is not the end of our story."
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:36 PM
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KJS♥ first American Cesar winner
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Old 07-15-2010, 02:11 AM
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You're welcome, everyone
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Old 07-15-2010, 03:33 AM
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Hi, I'm Kasia
please add me to the list
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Old 07-15-2010, 03:43 AM
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TFTNT and thank you Lindsay.
Thought I'd bring this over.

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Old 07-15-2010, 04:52 AM
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Added you, Kasia! Welcome
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Old 07-15-2010, 05:12 AM
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aww wet Rory and wet Jess... The way they look at each other...
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