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Old 05-28-2004, 09:56 AM
Master Fan

-Genevieve-'s Avatar
Joined: May 2000
Posts: 10,114
'Cause she wasn't taken, but now she is. ~Java Junkies~ 128 Sexy Stares

^Look at our pretty new banner made by Kristi!

Welcome Java Junkies!

Welcome to the 128th Java Junkie thread! All you lurkers and newbies come join us for the celebration of the 4 years in the making ESKs (end of season kisses)!

Title by Cheryl. It refers to the scene in the season finale (Raincoats and Recipes) where Luke is ranting about Lorelai being taken and she proclaims, "I'm not taken!" . Well she is now! *giggle*
There may be a transcript somewhere around here. If I can find it or type one up I'll post it.

If you missed it or just want to watch it over and over and can download the kisses here

Other ESK sources

If you want something added to the intro or have a request, please PM Genevieve

Come visit our thread website: Guilty Pleasure

Don't forget to go sign the Java Junkie Guest Map! This JJ disease has infected the whole world.


L/L Moments...from the beginning [List by: Kay ]

Season One

The Pilot
-L/L's first exchange. "Junkie." "Angel. You've got wings, baby."
-The first "you look good" between L/L.

The Lorelais First Day at Chilton
-Our first glimpse at JealousLuke.

Rory's Birthday Parties
-"Will you marry me?" "What?" "Just looking for something to shut you up" Aw, how sweet.
-We get out first L/L hug. Bow chicka bow wow!

Forgiveness and Stuff
-Luke comes to the rescue when Richard ends up in the hospital.
-The second "you look good", this time, from Lorelai to Luke.
-Our second L/L hug.
-Third "you look good" from Luke to Lorelai at the end of the episode.

Double Date
-Luke almost asks out Lorelai, but Mrs. Kim barges into the diner, ruining the moment.
-Sweet "is there something more here?" look from Lorelai to Luke at the end of the episode.

Concert Interruptus
-Cute L/L scene at the end, where Luke apologizes to Lorelai for yelling at her about wearing Rachel's sweatshirt.

That Damn Donna Reed
-AlmostKiss between Luke and Lorelai.
-Invitation to come over her house and "look for a chick"

Christopher Returns
-Lorelai paints the diner for Luke.

Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers
-Lorelai and Luke share a moment at the Firelight Festival, talking about Rachel. "Is she staying?" "I don't know" "Do you want her to?" "I don't know"

Emily in Wonderland
-Rachel asks Luke if Lorelai's eyes are beautiful, and he says they're very symmetrical. Cue awkward moment.
-Luke gets clumsy around Lorelai, and overfills her coffee cup.
-Lorelai asks Luke to take a risk and go for what's "right in front of him". "Unless there's some other reason" "Like what?" "Like, I don't know" "There's no other reason" "Ok, well, fine, then, there's no other reason" ...AND THE REASON IS YOU
-Our first glimpse at JealousLorelai, who watches Luke and Rachel laugh and smile at the end of the episode.

P.S., I Lo..
-Lorelai buys clothes for Luke.
-Luke parades around in the clothes Lorelai bought him, and she is pleasantly surprised with how hot he looks.
-L/L are caught by Rachel with Lorelai adjusting Luke's belt. Cue awkward moment.

Love, Daisies, and Troubadours
-Luke is fixing Lorelai's porch rail at 630 in the morning, and she's not too happy.
-Lorelai talks with Luke about avoiding Rachel.
-Lorelai gives Luke a flower at the end of the episode.

Season Two
Sadie, Sadie
-Lorelai is upset when Luke doesn't seem more upset that she's getting married to Max.

Hammers and Veils
-Luke shows up at Lorelai's engagement party, and they share a sweet smile, where he winks at her. There's cute little flower girls sitting next to Luke. Foreshadowing?

Red Light on the Wedding Night
-Luke builds Lorelai a chuppah for her wedding.
-L/L have a talk about "finding that one person".
-They end up standing underneath the chuppah together.
-Lorelai decides to not marry Max at the end of the episode, not too long after talking to Luke.

Like Mother, Like Daughter
-Our second glimpse of JealousLorelai, when a woman at the DAR fashion show is flirting with him.
-Lorelai tells Luke not to date the DAR woman, to which he responds that it's none of her business. He also says that he was just giving the woman directions.

Run Away, Little Boy
-Lorelai makes it clear to Luke that he is one of the few people that will always be there for her, and who she will always be there for.

A Tisket, a Tasket
-Luke bids on Lorelai's basket, and they end up having a picnic together. Luke admits that it's nice, just as Dean comes up to talk to Lorelai, ruining the moment.

Lost and Found
-Lorelai pretends to be Luke's girlfriend, and is really flirty with him as they're looking at an apartment for Luke. The realtor says, "if my husband and I looked anything like the two of you, we’d never get dressed"

Dead Uncles and Vegetables
-Lorelai helps Luke out when his uncle dies.
-Lorelai lets Luke know that he isn't a loner, and that he's a great guy.

Teach Me Tonight
-L/L get in a huge fight about Jess. It ends with them both telling each other to go to hell.

Season Three
Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days
-Lorelai dreams that she's married to Luke, and that they kiss, and she's having twins.
-L/L make up at the end of the episode.

They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
-Luke fixes Lorelai's shoe for her, and they share a moment, where they talk about kids, and Luke says, "if I ever happen to meet the right person. . .well, it would be a discussion" Lorelai says, "if I ever happen to meet the right person, another kid might be nice" They stare at each other.

A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving
-Lorelai brings Luke flowers for Thanksgiving, and they bicker like an old married couple.

Lorelai Out of Water
-Luke teaches Lorelai how to fish. They share a moment when she tells him about Alex.

Dear Emily and Richard
-Lorelai meets Nicole for the first time, and gets to see Luke all dressed up and sexy for his date with Nicole.
-Lorelai and Luke have some sort of weird handfight.

A Tale of Poes and Fire
-Lorelai sleeps over Luke's when the inn catches fire, and there's no room at her house to sleep.
-Luke reveals that he talked about Lorelai on a date with Nicole.
-Lorelai tells Luke about the dream she had.

LORELAI: It's the alarm clock. I had a dream once that you set eighteen alarm clocks to get me up, which is not a bad way to get me up.
LUKE: Where were we?
LORELAI: We were, um, at my house. I got up, I went downstairs for coffee, and you talked to my stomach.
LUKE: Why on earth I do that?
LORELAI: Well, because I was pregnant. Twins.
LUKE: Mine?
LORELAI: What am I, dream tramp? Of course yours.
LUKE: We were married?
LORELAI: Um, yeah. Did I not mention that?
LUKE: No. You know, you shouldn't drink coffee when you're pregnant.
LORELAI: Uh, true.
LUKE: It's probably why Rory's a caffeine addict.
LORELAI: Right, you're right.
LUKE: Dream go beyond that?
LORELAI: No. Um, you talked to my stomach and then you ki. . .well, no.
LUKE: Oh, okay. Well. . .night.
LORELAI: Yeah, night.

Those are Strings, Pinocchio
-L/L talk about Luke going on the cruise with Nicole. She tells him to go, and he asks, "Really? You think that's okay considering. . .I don't know. . .everything?"
-Luke dreams that Lorelai tells him not to go on the cruise.

Season Four
Ballrooms and Biscotti
-Luke tells Lorelai that he got married to Nicole while on the cruise. He also tells her that they're planning on getting a divorce.

The Fundamental Things Apply
-Lorelai invites Luke over to watch a movie at her house.
-Luke falls asleep, and, in the morning, Rory says that he looks good there, and Lorelai responds with, "yeah, he does"

In the Clamor and the Clanger
-Lorelai gets mad at Luke for not telling her that he moved to Litchfield with Nicole.
-L/L break the bells in the church together, and Lorelai admits that she doesn't want Luke to move, because she cares.

Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels
-Lorelai finds Luke drunk in her house, fixing her broken window, so, she helps him out.
-Luke gives Lorelai earrings that Liz made, even though Liz told him to give them to his wife, or Lorelai.

The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais
-Luke comforts Lorelai when she has a meltdown.
-Luke offers to loan Lorelai a huge amount of money for the inn.

Luke Can See Her Face
-Luke asks Lorelai to go to Liz's wedding with him, and she says yes.

Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
-L/L share a sweet dance at Liz's wedding.
-Lorelai admits that her favorite part of the night was the dance.
-Luke asks Lorelai out, and she says yes.

Raincoats and Recipes
-Lorelai gets all clumsy around Luke.
-Luke brings Lorelai flowers for the opening of the Dragonfly.
-L/L kiss. Twice. And, it's gooooooood.


Also By Kay:
Number of times someone has questioned whether or not L/L are just friends-9

1-Emily to Lorelai in "Rory's Birthday Parties"

EMILY: And this man with the ice.
EMILY: How long have you been seeing him?
LORELAI: Luke? I'm not seeing Luke. He's just a friend.
EMILY: Mm-hmm.
LORELAI: Mom, I swear. Luke keeps me in coffee, nothing else.
EMILY: He seems to like you.
LORELAI: And you're judging this by what?
EMILY: By they way he looked at you.
LORELAI: Which is how?
EMILY: Like you were about to give him a lap dance.
LORELAI: Mom, he did not look at me like that.
EMILY: You're pleased.
EMILY: You smiled. You're pleased that the ice man looked at you like a Porterhouse steak.
LORELAI: I'm smiling because you're crazy and that's what you do to crazy people to keep them calm.

2-Emily to Luke in "Forgiveness and Stuff"

EMILY: So what exactly is going on between the two of you?
LUKE: Nothing. Really. We’re friends, that’s it.
EMILY: You’re idiots, the both of you.

3-Sookie to Lorelai in "Concert Interruptus"

LORELAI: I never pictured Luke with an Elle MacPherson kind of pretty.
SOOKIE: No? Pictured him more with a Lorelai Gilmore kind of pretty?
LORELAI: Oh, the air up here must be very thin because you’re delirious.
SOOKIE: And you’re jealous.
SOOKIE: You’re jealous of Rachel.
LORELAI: You’re accusing me of being jealous of a woman who dumped a man I’m not even interested in five years ago?
LORELAI: And you don’t think that’s crazy?
SOOKIE: Oh I do think that’s crazy?
LORELAI: Right, I’m not jealous.
SOOKIE: Yeah you are.

4-Sookie to Lorelai in "That Damn Donna Reed"

LORELAI: What is your point?
SOOKIE: My point is that you called Luke. Out of all the people in town that you could have called that would have come over and dropped what they were doing, you called Luke.
LORELAI: Because I had just been with him. We were picking out paint samples. He was on my mind. It was purely a timing thing.
SOOKIE: Picking out samples.
SOOKIE: For Luke's place.
SOOKIE: So you could paint together.
LORELAI: Once again, yes!
SOOKIE: Mm-hmm. Which I believe was your idea.
LORELAI: OK, so now the fact that I suggested painting Luke's diner also means that I wanted to get him in bed. All of a sudden I'm trying to get any poor, unsuspecting person in bed with me. I'm like -- I'm Michael Douglas!
SOOKIE: Lorelai. This --
LORELAI: Just -- thanks for the omelette.
SOOKIE: No, honey, I'm sorry. I don't want you to be mad. Don't be mad at me.
LORELAI: I'm not mad, I'm not mad. I'm tired.
SOOKIE: OK. You know, Luke is a really nice man.
LORELAI: Bye, Sookie.

5-Emily to Lorelai in "That Damn Donna Reed"

EMILY: This man was at Rory's birthday party, he came to the hospital with you, he's the male lead in every story you tell, you go to the diner every single day. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. I'm not a fool.
LORELAI: Mom, please.
EMILY: Why do you treat me like I don't have a clue in the world as to what is going on in your life? Now I'm asking you, as a favor, if you have any respect for me at all as your mother, just tell me. Do you have feelings for this man?
LORELAI: I don't know. Maybe I do. I haven't given it much thought. Maybe I do.
EMILY: Thank you. I'm glad you were finally honest with me. Now we can discuss what on earth you could possibly be thinking. Don't forget the ice.

6-Rachel to Luke in "Love, Daisies, and Troubadours"

RACHEL: The other girl isn't for me Luke, it's for you.
LUKE: Okay. Now that's crazy.
LUKE: Yeah.
LUKE: You feel you need a different excuse this time to mix things up a little, fine. But you are not leaving because of me.
RACHEL: I'm sure you tried Luke. But admit it, you're heart wasn't in it.
LUKE: My heart was in it. I was here, I didn't leave. . . .I don't get this.
LUKE: And what are you talking about, another girl. What other girl? (Rachel stares at him) Oh Rachel, no, you don't mean. . . She and I are just friends. I told you that a thousand times.
RACHEL: No. You told it to me once. And you could barely get it out then.
LUKE: Okay, this is crazy. You've got it wrong here. It's not. . .She and I are. . .uh. . .
RACHEL: I'm gonna go. I'll miss you (she hugs him goodbye) Stay in touch.
LUKE: Rachel, come on.
(Rachel walks to the door and stops. She turns around to look at Luke.)
RACHEL: So don't wait too long okay.
LUKE: To what?
RACHEL: To tell her. (Rachel leaves.)

7-Rory to Lorelai in "Sadie, Sadie"

LORELAI: This is crazy. Why is everybody making such a big deal about this?
RORY: Because everyone knows that Luke has a thing for you.
LORELAI: Luke does not have a thing for me.

8-Sookie to Lorelai in "Run Away, Little Boy"

LORELAI: Although, I gotta tell ya, I am still pretty peeved by how he acted earlier. I swear, that guy runs so hot and cold on me.
LORELAI: Well, one minute he's all sweet and building me a chuppah, and the next he's being a total jerk for God knows what reason.
SOOKIE: For God knows what reason? Come on Lorelai.
SOOKIE: Don't you understand that Luke is so into you?
LORELAI: Okay, stop.
SOOKIE: He has had to watch you go from one guy to another, and then the engagement, and then the engagement was off, and patiently he's waited. And now in walks this kid and he says, 'My God, will she date anyone else in the world before she'll date me?'
LORELAI: Sookie, that…
SOOKIE: Hey, maybe it's crazy, maybe it's irrational, but it's there. Just look the guy in the eye, it's right there.

9-Jess to Luke in "One's Got Class, and the Other One Dyes"

JESS: Hey, the girls that I like don’t give a damn about me! And unlike some other people I know, I’m not gonna sit around hoping that they change their minds and suddenly notice me.
LUKE: What’s that supposed to mean?
JESS: You fixed any neighbor’s porches lately? Or you go on a picnic or you get rooked into giving a ridiculous speech at a high school?
LUKE: Shut up.
JESS: At least I’ve got a little self-esteem.
LUKE: Shut up.
JESS: I’m not playing Golden Retriever, hoping one day she’ll turn around and fall in my arms. If she doesn’t wanna be with me, then fine.
LUKE: You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Java Junkie Timeline
At the moment, it's not here. I'll be up again soon

The Java Junkie Stamp

The Java Junkie ESK Song

'Cause we're rootin for an ESK
I hope we get one by the end of May
ASP better listen to what we say
Luke and Lorelai all the way

Because four years is too long
we know cause one of us made up a song
and thats just really sad
especially because its so damn bad


ASP why won't / you just give us what we want?
We know their perfect together / so why you gotta flaunt?
We have toolboxes, baby chicks, casablanca and other flicks
A JJ stamp, a JJ song, an offical game, how can you go wrong?

So for the last time we declare
With an evil Java Junkie stare
Please give us our End of the Season Kiss
And fill our JJ hearts with joy and bliss

One last thing before this song is over
MMS needs to come by October
A wedding should come soon there after
Mixed in with a baby's laughter

'Cause we're rootin for an ESK
I hope we get one by the end of May
ASP better listen to what we say
Luke and Lorelai all the way!
By: Emily

The Mad Monkey Sex Song
Also By: Emily

One moan, two moan, three moan, four.
Who's that bang-bangin' on the floor?
It's Luke and Lorelai demonstarting MMS
Putting their backs and their lungs to the test

In, out, up, down, and all around
Taylor's in his soda shop wondering "what the hells that sound?"
Creak, crack, whip, slap, and handcuffs too
MMS the way we want it - till their faces are blue

ASP you gave us the coveted ESK
Now give us some MMS - the JJ Thread way
We don't want the scene to fade to black when things heat up
we wanna see Luke's hot sweaty body right before they !

Dirt on his hands, dirt on her knees
Tearing at clothes and pulling on sleeves
Mad Monkey Sex coming at full speed
And when we say coming, we mean coming indeed!

The Java Junkie song!

"All you newbies, and the lurkers. Grab some coffees, don't be Tay-lers. Step on the daisy, don't be lazy. IV the caffiene, we're not mean. Scream some STELLA!!, it's ok to yell--a!"

"Goodbye lovers of the past, like Jason, Chris, Alex... Oh yes, we've forgotten Max. Don't forget Rachel and Nicole, does anything even rythme with Nicole! Say hello to a new start, Luke and Lorelai...wouldn't an end of season kiss be smart."

"Just grab yer earrings and grab yer chuppas, all you junkies and all you townies, we're wishing for a kiss this!"
By: Elisabeth

The Java Junkie Official Game

Bagel Hockey Positions:
Lorelai - Offense
Rory - Defense
Luke - Goalie

The Java Junkie To-The-Point Thread Rules!

Be sure to check out the GG board rules first! (Thanks to our great mods)

1. No spoilers! Simple as that!
2. Be careful with Max, Christopher, and Jason bashing!
3 Try to stay on topic... we could have used this rule during the corn fiasco! You can be OT, but keep the Luke and Lorelai love in mind!
4. Respect each other! 'Cause all we need is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
5. Drink coffee. Lots and lots of it! (but don't take from the secret stash)

If you have any concerns, don't be afraid to bring it up!

The Java Junkie Theories
JavaSex Theory Luke keeps Lorelai in coffee, nothing else. We all know coffee is Lorelai's biggest pleasure. So possibly when she wasn't "gettin any" of Luke's special "coffee," she turned to life's second greatest Christopher just happened to be the first warm body to be in her vacinity while she going through her Luke's Coffee Deprivation Period. ~credit: Alexis ~name: Kitty

Name Game
In LHCD - Lor defines the whole package as "Love, Comfort & Safety." Look below -Coincidence? I think not.


credit: Gluglug

The Java Junkie Smilies!

The Angel, Luke ---->
The Junkie, Lorelai ---->

The Java Junkie Mascots!


"Goodnight, Bert!"

"It has a hat and everything!"

"No one has ever made me a chuppah before."

'Cause one day it won't be a dream!

Reasons Why We Love Luke and Lorelai!

301. 'Cause progress is a bitch!
302. 'Cause they won't have an affair, but they still want each other.
303. 'Cause the sparkle's gone in his eye... and its her fault
304. 'Cause Luke is conversationally committed!
305. 'Cause Luke's committed to one woman... and it's not his wife.
306. 'Cause he's her knight in shining armor.
307. 'Cause she thinks he's The Good One.
308. 'Cause Luke gave Lorelai the earrings -instead of his wife.
309. 'Cause she's all dressed up - just for him.
310. 'Cause you can't help but fall in love with them
311. 'Cause We're starting to get disgruntled.
312. 'Cause she's got his arms around her waist.
313. 'Cause we're patiently waiting for The Dance.
314. 'Cause she's a lot of work, but he loves her anyway.
315. 'Cause they look like they're about to kiss when they dance.
316. 'Cause he finally asked her out...and she has no idea.
317. 'Cause we wanna know what he'll put in her mouth next!
318. 'Cause a dance and a kiss is a good way to start
319. 'Cause he told her she looks beautiful
320. 'Cause Luke and Lorelai spell perfection
321. 'Cause he finally freakin' realized his feelings
322. 'Cause we FINALLY got an ESK!
323. 'Cause Luke and Lorelai finally kissed!
324. 'Cause the kiss was hot!!
325. 'Cause they are both finally standing still
326. 'Cause we know that third kiss would have led to MMS!
327. 'Cause it's not jumping the shark, it's long overdue!
328. 'Cause she wasn't taken, but now she is.

The Java Junkie List of Thread Somethings
Part of Java Junkie tradition, with each new thread #, we have L/L items to go with it!

1 Luke and Lorelai
2 Santa Burgers
3 Blue Hats
4 Lucky Cards
5 Chicks
6 Coffee Mugs/Paintbrushes
7 Pickles
8 Toolboxes
9 Cornstalks
10 Broken Locks
11 Handkerchieves
12 Empty Threats
13 Porterhouse Steaks
14 Lemon Lamps
15 Bags of Ice
16 Longing Looks
17 Cans of Paint
18 Frilly Curtains
19 Black Leather Belts
20 Chuppas
21 Danishes
22 Goats
23 Runways
24 Sleigh Rides
25 Messenger Boys
26 Flirts
27 Popsicles
28 AlmostKisses
29 GutterThoughts
30 Fishnet Stockings
31 Loan Offers
32 Picnic Baskets
33 Brownies
34 Goalies
35 Subtle Glances
36 Non-Denials
37 Pet Names
38 Double Beds
39 Pancakes
40 Falling Ceilings
41 Omelettes
42 Chocolate Brownies
43 Apologies
44 Party Poses
45 Daily Pleasures
46 Heatwaves
47 Horizontal Tangos
48 Long Summers
49 Mental Kicks
50 Parties
51 Reconciliations
52 Cards
53 Soulmates
54 Insinuations
55 Masquerades
56 Realizations
57 Mini Fics
58 Metaphors
59 Dreams
60 Donuts
61 Moments of Silence
62 Packages
63 Things
64 Rubber Ducks
65 Love Songs
66 Propositions
67 Discussions
68 Hands
69 Sexual References
70 Devoted Fans
71 Hammers - Dirty!
72 JJ Cheers
73 Games
74 Sexy Toys
75 Beautiful Dreamers
76 White Dresses
77 Special Spoons
78 Gloves
79 Fishing Rods
80 Reasons
81 Leans
82 Twins
83 Sleepovers
84 Assets
85 Alarm Clocks
86 Futures
87 Touches
88 Dirty!
89 Addictions
90 Jealous Rages
91 Get-On-With-It's
92 Late Night Specials
93 Luke's Married?!
94 Enganches
95 Tornadoes
96 Mattresses
97 Gut Feelings
98 Movie Nights
99 Eat A Burger!
100 Celebrations
101 Rendevous
102 No Names
103 Diner Conversations
104 Earrings
105 Bonnie & Clydes
106 Roses
107 Confessions
108 Gifts
109 Flirtations
110 Parties/Second Chances
111 Still Waitings
112 Not so funny thens
113 Touches
114 Soulmates
115 Compliments
116 Close and Comfortables
117 Chores
118 Wishes
119 Bites
120 Zucchinis
121 Epiphanies
122 Slow Motion Replays
123 Dates and Makeout Sessions
124 Cold Showers
125 Big Things, WOW things
126 Raincoats
127 Kisses
128 Sexy Stares

Future Possible Thread Titles
'Cause who cares if it was just a dream, we got a KISS!
'Cause we know that's how it'll be when they're together
'Cause Rory spoke the truth!
'Cause he'll be *home* early
'Cause we know that's how it'll be when they're together
'Cause we finally got a kiss! And not one, three!
'Cause Chris is no longer in the picture!
'Cause Luke agrees with Kirk's taste in women (strangely enough)
'Cause now that we got a kiss, we want more
'Cause they just look right together. What else do you need
'Cause Rory was right the first time~-- explanations
'Cause she's having his dream babies~-- offspring
'Cause there's more to love! ~-- heads
'Cause if clocks weren't a symbol of love before, he made them one ~-- clocks
'Cause logically, he loves Mimi too~ -- "new" customers

Java Junkie Keeperships

Kitty: Luke's hat,
Bert (toolbox),
Luke and Lorelai's first real kiss,
Flowers Lor gives Luke ever Thanksgiving,
Lorelai Gilmore,
Luke's hungry look that he gave Lorelai before the kiss,
The first 'I love you' between Luke and Lorelai.
Di Di: L/L's dreamkiss,
Luke & Lor's honeymoon,
Movie that Luke & Lor go to see on their first date.
CherylS: Luke's hammer
Nutters: Stella,
Rose Lorelai gave to Luke in 'Scene In a Mall',
Luke's plates for the girls' pie in 'Scene in a Mall',
L&L (the L with the & and the L)
Emily: Chuppah,
The first L/L MMS moment,
and Wedding Song;
Luke and Lorelai: The Couple (married and/or boyfriend and girlfriend)
*~Alissa~*: Santa Burger
Cher: Luke's truck,
Luke's fishing rod
LukeLorelai4EVER: Luke & Lorelai's almost kiss in TDDR
Mandy: Lorelai's ice skates that Luke polished for her in 'Cinnamon's Wake',
'Thank You' napkin from Lorelai to Luke in 'Scene in a Mall',
The walk and the 'Moment' from LWFTWT,
The porch of the Dragonfly,
The proposal
Sharla: Luke's Coffee,
Luke's soft "yes" to Lor in 'Ballroom & Biscotti'
and Barbie Bandaids
Genevieve: the earrings Luke gave to Lorelai in NHIWTFTGG, Luke's 'You look Beautiful' to Lorelai,
The to-do lists from LCSHF,
Lucky Room/Door #7 from R&R
ReeMaria: L/L's first dance,
and the song played during the dance,
Luke & Lorelai's leather jackets from Poes and Fire,
The Diner
-Tina- : the L/L look in the promo,
the bed that Luke let Lor sleep in and sleeps in himself,
L/L stare and smiles during the staring-at-my-salad scene
Horizon: Luke's plaid shirt
Valerina: the song playing when L&L finally kiss,
The Danish Luke feeds Loralai in Afterboom;
Luke and Lorelai: The Offspring.,
future MMS in the Dragonfly Van
Kwistina: Luke Danes
The broken toaster and 'no cell phones' sign in the Diner;
suncharm682: The coffee cups Luke gives Lorelai to drink out of.
MsHighStrung: - The Moment When Lorelai Gets a Clue,
Stars Hollow's Reaction to L/L as a Couple
JavaAngel: L/L's first "real" date
i heart jai: The word Dirty!
Janetmaca: the self-help tapes that gave Luke his epiphany
Startstruck: The flowers Luke gives to Loralai in the promo,
the zucchini from LCSHF
Elspeth the Wicked: The alarm clocks DreamLuke set to wake DreamLorelai up.
The birth of the name Java Junkie: when Luke says "Junkie" and Lorelai responds, "Angel. You've got wings, baby."
The dream twins of L/L: Sid/Leopold and Nancy/Loeb
froukje: Lorelai's arms during the ESK
Scubagurl: the smug look Luke's going to give Jason next time he sees him.
Gaelicmaiden: Luke Holding Lorelai in Bed
Arista: the belt that Lorelai bought for Luke in "P.S. I Lo...
Niuxita: Lorelai's crashes against the table at the diner, the door at the inn and the waiter, the initial L/L post-kiss awkwardness

Java Junkie Quotes
.. these are quotes from GG or any other source that we feel are JJ worthy!

**I love you. And not in a friendly way, although I think we're great friends. And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I'm sure that's what you'll call it. And it's not because you're unattainable. I love you. Very simply, very truly. You're the epitome of every attribute and quality I've ever looked for in another person. ~Chasing Amy

**LORELAI: I'm talking about a lady friend.
LORELAI: A red-hot mama.
LUKE: Okay.
LORELAI: A big, pretty dish of lovin' with a spoon made especially for you. ~Lost And Found

**LUKE: ..But we both agreed that there's nothing like some good lovin' to shut a person up, if you know what I mean.

Java Junkie Fanart
Here are some great Java Junkie Fanart! Thanks to Carmen for this great idea!

One Cold Canadian

Java Junkie FanFics
Luke/Lorelai fiction recommended by you and your fellow junkies.
Legend: Expresso (for fics that are not primarily L/L ) , Steaming Cup (for NC-17 or R ones), to Hazelnut Heaven (for primarily L/L fics).

*16 Going On 35 by bachelorgirl aka Elisabeth *HH*
*Jessie by Kasey22 *EX*
*And They Danced & The Long Road Home by daydreamer4 *HH* *Spoiler Warning*
*Scavenger Hunt By Steph5 *EX*
*Any Other Day by LegalBlonde *HH*
*Baby by Sarah9 *HH*
*What the Sock Man Saw by justwords *EX*
*We're Playing Hardball Now by AstaLaila *EX*
*Cheeseburger in Paradise by aliasrose *EX*
*It‘s Right There & It‘s Still There by CoffeeDrinker *HH*
*The Longest Walk of Their Lives by JJ Addict aka Cheryl *HH*
*Togetherness by crazy-dreams *HH*
*A Day in the Life by Anjali Organna *EX*
*See Me by kinofille *HH*
*Emily in Wonderland Part 2 by bachelorgirl aka Elisabeth *HH*
*Three Fairy ’Stars Hollow?Tales by bachelorgirl aka Elisabeth *EX*
*Screw misery, keep ME company! & Finally by Kristi908 aka Kwistina, Kristi, Krizzle... *HH*

AUTHORS (we love everything they write)

*Connecticut Junkie
*Serenity Goddess
*d - nise
*Luke Rules
*Mandy Renay
*Parvulissula aka Jo
*Kristi908 aka Kwistina
*jj addict aka CherylS
*Kaybee aka Kay

Gutter fics inspired by our favorite couple! *Warning: These are primarily Rated R and NC-17*

Heatwave ver. 1
Heatwave ver. 2
Whipped Cream ver. 1
Whipped Cream ver. 2
Pool Party
Under The Mistletoe
Shower 1
Shower 2
How it should have gone
Movie Night
Halloween Ball
Late Night Meeting
Secret Santas
Handcuffs *unfinished*
Pancake Day
Snowball Fight

The Chilton Library
Gilmore Girls Fanfiction Archive
Laura’s GG Fan Fiction
JavaJunkie Index

Java Junkie Songs
Java Junkie Song List
Compiled by the the ever wonderful Mandy! If you have any additions you want to make, just PM or IM her.

Java Junkie Videos

Emily-What Should Have Happened
Cheryl-At the Beginning
Cheryl-When the Lights Go Down
Cheryl-Why Can't They?
Cheryl-Stars Hollow Angel
Black Lake
Cindy-I had the time of my life
Cindy-Eclipse of the heart
Cindy-Thank God I found you
Cindy-Together forever

Java Junkie Websites

Java Obsessions
Off the Wall
Just Friends
Guilty Pleasure (Our Thread Website)

Now retired: The ESK SUPPORTERS List
*ESK: End of Season Kiss*
We got our wish on May 18th, 2004

#1 ~~CherylS~~
#2 Nutters
#3 Mare C
#4 * Genevieve *
#5 sharla
#6 ~Kitty
#7 ESipher
#8 ReeMaria
#9 Mandy Renay
#10 Çherié £u£u
#11 Valerina
#12 Kwistina
#13 - Tina -
#14 *Steffie*
#15 dkimes
#16 MsHighStrung
#17 ~Nicole~
#18 elduccia
#19 jennarose
#20 A. B. Normal
#21 **Maddy**
#22 LukeLorelai4EVER
#23 Startstruck
#24 suncharm682
#25 Janetmaca
#26 Imaginary_Immortal
#27 Lorelai Obsessed
#28 i heart jai
#29 ~-Sarah-~
#30 Elspeth the Wicked
#31 WBFreak
#32 Debbie555
#33 *Arista*
#34 Nanda
#35 *Sarah Marie*

On to bigger and better things....

Java Junkie MMS Supporters
*MMS: Mad Monkey Sex*

#1 Esipher
#2 NaturallyNawlins
#3 * Genevieve *
#4 Parvulissula
#5 Nutters
#6 sharla
#7 ~~ CherylS ~~
#8 Çheri?£u£u
#9 under the table and dreaming
#10 ~Kitty
#11 Melinda Marie
#12 *Kay*
#13 Nate the Lizaphile
#14 suncharm682
#15 Mandy Renay
#16 Valerina
#17 Kwistina
#18 - Tina -
#19 *Steffie*
#20 dkimes
#21 MsHighStrung
#22 ~Nicole~
#23 elduccia
#24 jennarose
#25 A. B. Normal
#26 **Maddy**
#27 LukeLorelai4EVER
#28 Startstruck
#29 Janetmaca
#30 ~-Sarah-~
#31 Elspeth the Wicked
#32 WBFreak
#33 Debbie555
#34 *Arista*
#35 Nanda
#36 -Alex-
#37 bballplayer30
#38 hyde&jackie1991
#39 Emma
#40 Jen2003
#41 scubagurl
#42 mimi mojo java
#43 Niuxita

Places where MMS should take place

*the counter in the diner
*the storage room
*Luke's apartment
*Luke's truck
*the bridge
*Lorelai's roof
*under the chuppah
*the gazebo
*the stable at the Inn
*her old room at Emily's (so she would finally have a good memory there)
*Lorelai's jeep
*Luke's shower
*Lorelai's shower
*Lorelai's kitchen
*The roof of the diner/apartment

ILY Supporters
*ILY: I Love You* (when Luke and/or Lorelai says "I love you")

#1. Kwistina
#2. Esipher
#3. -Tina-
#4. Sick And Twisted.
#5. Janetmaca
#6. beccabv
#7. sunnykerr
#8. *Arista*
#9. ~Nicole~
#10. Valerina
#11. Genevieve
#12. Bono's Girl
#13. NutMeg82
#14. *Melissa
#15. aimie_joe
#16. elduccia
#17. froukje
#18. LukeLorelai4EVER
#19. Gaelicmaiden
#20. *Lor*
#21. ~~ CherylS ~~
#22. startstruck
#23. Tajak
#24. ~*~Di Di~*~
#25. OpheliaLane
#26. Lorelai Obsessed
#27. suncharm682
#28. Deranged Pixie
#29. **Maddy**
#30. * Kay *
#31. ~Kitty
#32. Çherié £u£u
#33. Wes&FredFan
#34. unagi901
#35. bballplayer30
#36. Imaginary_Immortal
#37. DobblersGirl
#38. DarkB
#39. gilmoregal
#40. mindy1235
#41. MOTL6
#42. mimi mojo java
#43. hyde&jackie1991
#44. jennarose
#45. ReeMaria
#46. -Alex-
#47. Emma
#48. Jen2003
#49. Luke&Lor4-Ever
#50. Niuxita

Java Junkie AIM/MSN List

1GGFan (Leslie) - (MSN

Ai Kago - Gabrielle7946
alexisfreak2 (Alexis) - Smiles Right
Amanda Catherine (Amanda) - Lilithsternn

Bajo2005 (Jo) - SoFtBaLL GuRL JO (MSN Parvulissula, YAHOO Parvulissula)
Barbara Ann (Barb) - JavaJunkieGG, FuzzyAnimalQueen
BethAnn (Beth Ann) - BethAnn528, SantaBurger
bibleboymary4ever (Joan) - bibleboymary4ever

catkok (Kitty) - ( )
Çheri?£u£u (Cheryl) - nightdreamer5474 (MSN

Dani Wanna Be - StardustDani
DCreekFreak (Ariel) - Mcphee44
Define Silence (Tav) - DefineSilence (MSN
~Di Di~ - SwtKiana77 ( )
d-nise (Denise) - pantalonorange47 (MSN:

Eliii (Eli) - InvaderQueen ( )
~Elodie~ - (MSN
Elspeth the Wicked (Elisabeth) - Wacky Buffy (MSN
~Emma~ -
EmpireGirl (Jo) - EmpireGirl7
ESipher (Emily) -

Froujke -

Genevieve - Genevieve719 (MSN

Hawaiian1902 - Hawaiian1802 (
~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ (Daphne) - Roswellbabe22 or oHollywoodAngelo

Imaginary_Immortal (Alissa) -
Janetmaca - (MSN
javadebater (Megs) - barlowgirl1524 (MSN )
javajunkie16 (Katie) - Kates685
jennarose (Jenna) - jennarose20 ( )

Karen MR (Karen) MbCasper412 (
KatieHolmes1981 (Amanda) - Bookish Hermione
Kaybee28 - javachic5 ( )
Kristin92781 (Kristin) - Kristin92781
Kelsey78 (Kelsey)- dramaqueen892
Kwistina (Kristi)- (MSN
L.Grace (Leah) - (MSN
LiL' BlueDevil22 (Nic) - DukeNM1/
Lor - (MSN
Lorelai Obsessed (Suzie) - (MSN
love21 (Heathyr) - picaboocu
LukeLorelaiEVER (Yvonne) - LaurenGrahamFan1 (MSN

MichaelVartanIsSexy - MelLuvsAlias (MSN
Motylik20 - (MSN )
Mysti (Laura) - ( )

Nanda - (MSN
Nate the Lizaphile (Nathan) - Mantra720 (MSN
Nicole - SunshineRose523 ( )
Nutters - Nabetse83

piper_maru (Carmen) - thankyoudj
PoP NoT SoDa (Dana) - (MSN
Princess Twilite - Princesstwilite2 ( )

rapunzel (Danni) - (MSN
reeka - (MSN
reza (Reza) - sweethunnie031
rockerchick326 (Victoria) - clumsypoet1414 (MSN

*Sarah Marie* - xSarahxMariex510
SchmoopieAlly (Ally) - JavaJunkieGal (MSN <br /> scubagurl - cdmdslg (yahoo</a>)
Sharla - ( )
spacecadet34 (Colleen) - snowqtie23

tanub87 (Tanu) - (MSN
The Christmas Tree Nazi (Gwen) - GumdropSwirl (MSN
Tina - (MSN )

Valerina - (MSN )

WBFreak (Lisa) - Peace0303

Java Junkie Birthday ROLL CALL
Because celebrating is fun! Besides, we get to break out the secret stash for b-day parties!

1st ~ -Tina-
5th ~ Froukje
7th ~ Janetmaca
21st ~ Niuxita
24th ~ Nate the Lizaphile (Nathan)
24th ~ nanda
28th ~ Kaybee28
28th ~ KatieHolmes1981 (Amanda)

1st ~ oscar-ixander
7th ~ NaturallyNawlins (Carly)
9th ~ ican'tbelieveitsnotbutter/sk8er_chic (Alex)
16th ~ Emma
18th ~ Mysti (Laura)
20th ~ Chelios24 (Lissa)
27th ~ Elspeth the Wicked (Elisabeth)

3rd ~ Snowwhite388
5th ~ MichaelVartanIsSexy
5th ~ love21 (Heathyr)
7th ~ i heart jai (Michelle)
11th ~ Amanda Catherine (Amanda)
14th ~ Sharla
26th ~ rockerchick326 (Victoria)
26th ~ grezzie (Greet)
29th ~ girlchic

5th ~ SchmoopieAlly (Ally)
6th ~ JavaJunkie01 (Piper), Starstruck (Karen)
7th ~ Ai Kago
11th ~ d-nise (Denise)
11th ~ Bajo2005 (Jo)
12th ~ Karen MR (Karen)
14th ~ L.Grace (Leah)
16th ~ LiL' BlueDevil22 (Nic)
25th ~ Gwenster/The Christmas Tree Nazi (Gwen)
26th ~ ~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~ (Daphne)

1st ~ tanub87 (Tanu)
4th ~ bibleboymary4ever (Joan)
10th ~ Sarah Marie
23rd ~ ~Nicole~
26th ~ Stack (Stacy)
28th ~ spacecadet34 (Colleen)
28th ~ BethAnn (Beth Ann)

4th ~ PoP NoT SoDa (Dana)
16th ~ Luke Rules (Sandra)
17th ~ javajunkie16 (Katie)
23rd ~ DawsonsCreekFan9 (Alissa)
26th ~ ~Kitty

4th ~ Çheri?£u£u (Cheryl/Cher)
5th ~ Kwistina (Kristi)
6th ~ suncharm682 (Carla)
12th ~ Mandy Renay (Mandy)
12th ~ Valerina (Val)
13th ~ 1GGfan (Leslie)
16th ~ dkimes (Di Di)
19th ~ Genevieve
23rd ~ AwShucks (Steph)
24th ~ WBFreak (Lisa)

1st ~ gluglug
3rd - Debbie555
7th ~ Define Silence (Tav)
8th ~ Lor
12th ~ lorelailukefan
17th ~ mimi mojo java
21st ~ ReeMaria
22nd ~ Kanes_Sugar (Christy)
25th ~ javadebater (Megs)
31st ~ reza (Reza)
31st ~ Brie (Sabrina)

4th ~ zepposgirl (Teresa)
6th ~ rapunzel (Dannie)
13th ~ reeka (Steph)
15th ~ Eliii (Eli)
21st ~ ~Elodie~
27th ~ Kristin92781 (Kristin)

3rd ~ Lorelai Obsessed (Suzie)
5th ~ Jwkosmicat (Jane)
11th ~ Snowblue (Kate)
19th ~ Barbara Ann (Barb)
22nd ~ EmpireGirl (Jo)
26th ~ enigmatic7777 (Dana)

2nd ~ Cougar (Bea)
10th ~ **Marie** (Marie)
10th ~ alexisfreak2/A.B. Normal (Alexis)
13th ~ Star400 (Sara)
15th ~ Horizon
22nd ~ Dani Wanna Be
24th - **Maddy**

8th ~ Shrty1283
19th ~ bballplayer30 (Katy)
20th ~ SwingKitten
21st ~ Nutters

Random Stuff


In our imaginary worlds.. they're dating in real life too!


We have a Java Junkie Guest Map! Come add your location and spread the JJ love across the world!

The template is still being worked on. We've have lots of things to add. If you have any suggestions or ideas, PM ~Kitty

Read the winning fan fic and all the submissions to the Java Junkie Fanfiction Contest! Happy Reading!

Looking for a Java Junkie avatar? Check out Carmen's site:

If you want to start a new thread, use the awesome Java Junkie Thread Template Nate and Kitty made for us !

If you need help starting a new thread, please ask us. We'll have the 'Starting a new template' notes back up soon.

This poem was written in memory of Kevin, the husband of a dear friend and fellow JJ! We love you Kitty! *Written by: Diana Kimes (~*~Di Di~*~)

Have fun posting!

Thread #127

Last edited by -Genevieve-; 05-31-2004 at 08:06 PM
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Old 05-28-2004, 09:57 AM
Master Fan

-Genevieve-'s Avatar
Joined: May 2000
Posts: 10,114
Saved for some caps if I ever get around to it. I'm sure some fellow JJ's will keep our thread decorated with pretty pics.

Random thought: I think our banner is a little too wide for the new boards. It stretches my screen a little. Is it just me?
-Genevieve- is offline  
Old 05-28-2004, 09:59 AM
Ultimate Fan

~Kitty's Avatar
Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 8,873
Yay! New threat! Great start!

Love the title. 'cause she is sooo taken now!

junkie | LG fanlisting | My babies | Life's a Bitch

The Seeress of the High Desert
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Old 05-28-2004, 10:04 AM
New Fan
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 19
Im luvin the title too!

Episode 4.22..... best GG ep. ever!

ILY Supporter #49 MMS Supporter #44
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Old 05-28-2004, 10:10 AM
Von Trapp Glory
Posts: n/a
I love the title too!

Season 1 moments...

Old 05-28-2004, 10:28 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 140
They're so adorable! Season 2 moments:

Season 3 Moments
(of course...)

Sorry I got kinda carried away...
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Old 05-28-2004, 10:33 AM
Passionate Fan

ESipher's Avatar
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 3,750
csgreeneyes - There's never getting 'to carried away' when posting S1 screencaps.

I can't believe we're already on a new thread. You guys post like mad.
"...with Mardi Gras I kinda have a problem cause you see, I dont like to be topless no dont give it away for free...I guess thats just me. Oh Ellen I don't wanna show my melons just for a string of beads!" - Lauren Graham singing and playing piano on The Ellen Show
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Old 05-28-2004, 10:47 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 140
Originally posted by ESipher
csgreeneyes - There's never getting 'to carried away' when posting S1 screencaps.
That's true!
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Old 05-28-2004, 11:03 AM
Total Fan

~~ CherylS ~~'s Avatar
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,542
Thanks for all those great caps!!! And I love the title....because it's now the truth!!!

It does seem a bit weird that we think/know they are together now. Wonder just how together they will be??

Think Jason is still waiting at the inn to talk to her?? Maybe, Luke will have to take matters into his own hands!! Wonder what Luke would say to him now??

If they start next season where they left off...he could still be there.

Hope everybody has a great holiday weekend. Drive safe....and do everything else safely too!!!
Booth: Alright. What I want you to do is take off your glasses, is shake out your hair, and say "Mr. Booth, do you know what the penalty is for an overdue book?"
Brennan: Why?
Booth: Nevermind.
~~ CherylS ~~ is offline  
Old 05-28-2004, 11:47 AM
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Posts: 1,308
hey..the trojan men jokes stuck ya know...

so, new thread...the caps made me think...I really do like lorelai better with natural curly hair. has anyone veer looked into the "when does she straighten it and when doesn't she?"--it seemse to me that since she's been getting closer to luke, we haven't seen the straightening iron out anymore...

anyway, prolly just my imagination

so how are you jj's tonight? I just had a spot of trouble with a trojan horse spyware programme (and i haven't even seen troy yet) that installed all kinds of stupid toolbars onto my pc...gaaaahhhh! annoying...

at the moment I'm in a amjor hayfever attack phase...sneezing my brains out...and everything itches! my eyes! my nose! the inner-upside of the back of my throat---getting really tired of this...of course, the grass and nettles being two feet high in like my entire street don't help much.....please council! come and mow em!!

okay, off to blow my nose...

talk to ya later gals!
{Sophie }<3{Smitty #666 }<3{Java Junkie }<3{Cerulean #19}

{ILY #17}{LL #12}{Keeper of Lorelai's arms during the ESK}

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Old 05-28-2004, 12:20 PM
Passionate Fan

Gaelicmaiden's Avatar
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Posts: 3,734
I'd like to see Luke meet up with Jason in the lobby. Jason asks where Lorelai is and Luke tells him she had to step out for a bit. Jason says he'll wait because she and him have a lot to discuss. Luke, secure in his relationship with Lorelai, pats Jason on the shoulder, tells him he's right and heads up the stairs with a little smile on his face.

But don't worry, we can have Luke punching Jason on reserve, just in case Jason still doesn't get the hint with Lorelai

"Normal people make a living. The deranged make history"-Chris Titus
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:37 PM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 1,896
I thought you guys might like the scene we got our title from

I've never transcripted before, but I'll give this a shot -

Luke walks out of a room (the lounge?) and sees Lorelai in the hallway.

Lorelai: Hey! You're the last one up.

Luke: No, not the last one.

Lorelai: You okay? I heard Babette was kicking your butt at Yatzhee.

Luke: Actually, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now.

Lorelai: Why?

Luke: I'm not a mysterious man, am I?

Lorelai: Well, the wardrobe's a bit of a head-scratcher.

Luke: I think I've been very very clear with my intentions.

Lorelai: Your-

Luke: Ya know, the wedding, the movie invite, the flowers...

Lorelai: Luke...

Luke: You knew what I was doing.

Lorelai: Well, no, not officially.

Luke: Not officially? Oh, come on. I mean, I didn't have a ref present, but other than that...

Lorelai: Well, you didn't say anything official.

Luke: What was I supposed to say? I did things. I let my actions speak. That's what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to let your actions speak. That's the romantic way to do this, damn it.

Lorelai: Okay, you're right. I'm sorry.

Luke: And you went along with all of it. And so naturally I assumed we were on the same page. And then your boyfriend shows up here, at the inn, that I invested in.

Lorelai: Woah. Woah. What boyfriend? You're talking about Jason?

Luke: No, Tom. Yes, Jason.

Lorelai: You guys were talking? What did he say?

Luke: He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there, listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right - and the whole time I'm thinking what the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken.

Lorelai: I'm not taken. We, we broke up.

Luke: Well, he doesn't know that.

Lorelai: Well, just calm down.

Luke: No, I don't wanna calm down! I did everything right! I did exactly what the book said!

Lorelai: The book?!

Luke: I thought we were on track. And now you're standing there looking at me like I'm crazy.

Lorelai: I'm not looking at you like you're crazy!

Luke: You know the last time I bought flowers for someone? Never. That's when. Very easy stat to remember!

Lorelai: I loved the flowers!

Luke: And then when I walked you home after the wedding, there was a moment. I, I thought there was a moment!

Lorelai: There was! There was a moment!

And then the two 'will you just stand stills' and the two kisses...which have been recapped already...
There was a moment...
...will you just stand still?
Lorelai and Luke of Gilmore Girls
Eternal Flame | MMS #40 ~ ILY #48 ~ WYMM #1
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:41 PM
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Gaelicmaiden's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,734
Thanks, Jen!

One can never get tired of the Classics.

I love this picture, especially the way he's smiling at her. Who else can make Luke smile as much as Lorelai?


"Normal people make a living. The deranged make history"-Chris Titus
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:43 PM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 1,896
Oh, that's so cute! Do you know what episode that pic is from?
There was a moment...
...will you just stand still?
Lorelai and Luke of Gilmore Girls
Eternal Flame | MMS #40 ~ ILY #48 ~ WYMM #1
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:47 PM
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Joined: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,734
It's from Take the Deviled Eggs. Taylor's complaining about birds relieving themselves everywhere and someone makes some comment like, "I'd rather have birds crap on my head." Lorelai says, "There it is, our new town slogan" and she and Rory discuss the ways they can market it, while Luke is amused.

"Normal people make a living. The deranged make history"-Chris Titus
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